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George Coșbuc

Early life[edit]
His father Sebastian Coșbuc, a Greek Catholic priest looked up to by his parish, drew from a line
reputed to have yielded fourteen consecutive generations of priests. George attended primary
school and graduated to secondary classes in the neighboring village of Telcs (now: Telciu). He
happily took to the scholarly bent encouraged by his father, earning the praise of instructors and
being chosen among the few who were to sign up for advanced courses at Liceul
Românesc (Romanian Lyceum), a higher learning academy in the town of Naszód (now: Năsăud).
He soon found himself doubling as teacher.
He began tearing through the library of the institution, impressing colleagues with his encyclopedic
inclinations, and joined a local literary club, the Virtus Romana Rediviva, an association his father
frowned upon as a deviation for a prospective career as clergyman. In 1884, already a well-loved
teacher at the age of 24, he published his very first poems in the yearly almanac of the literary club.

First works[edit]
Coşbuc began attending courses at the University of Cluj-Napoca in 1884, while collecting fairy tales
and popular stories, which he rewrote and published to local success. He became so popular that
three years later, he was asked to become editor in chief of the main Kolozsvár Romanian
newspaper, Tribuna.
He soon published what widely became known as his first masterpiece, Nunta Zamfirei ("Zamfira's
Wedding") to enthusiastic praise in Romanian literary circles. He moved to Romania, Bucharest, the
capital, and the center of cultural discourse. His contributes to the periodical Convorbiri Literare to
consistent acclaim. In collaboration with other former educators, he pieced together a
praised Romanian language textbook: Carte românească de citire (the "Romanian Book of


George Coșbuc on a 2014 Romanian stamp

In 1893, he published Balade și idile ("Ballads and Pastorals") a volume which cemented his

reputation. He began dabbling in poetry with political subtext, penning the emphatic Noi vrem
pământ ("We Demand Land"), Lupta vieții ("Life's struggle"), and overviewes the debut of yet another
literary magazine, Vatra. In 1895, he married Elena Sfetea.
He completed the first Romanian translation of Virgil's Aeneid in 1896, and also published a
collection of various poems and short stories, Versuri și proză ("Verses and Prose"). His output as a
translator is astonishing: within the span of three years, he published large portions
of Kalidassa's Sanskrit Abhignānashākuntala (a part of them through German translations), and a
new Romanian translation of Homer's Odyssey. Coşbuc also undertook the translation of various
works by Friedrich Schiller. The Romanian Academy deemed him an "outstanding member" in 1898.
He further contributed to literature by completing, a decade later, the epic effort of translating Dante
Aligheri's Divine Comedy in its entirety.

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