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When you say human flourishing according to Wikipedia it means an effort to

achieve self-actualization and fulfilment within the context of larger community of
individuals, each with the right to pursue his or her own such efforts. Human
flourishing, however, consist in a much broad range, it includes mental and physical
health, but encompassing the happiness and life satisfaction, purpose of life. In this
generation usually you can found happiness through science and technology.

Technology and Science greatly contributes to people’s development, if used

in ways that improve the way they live. Technology and science brings many good
things to the people. It helps make people work easier and give convenience in life.
With the development of science and technology, many changes have taken place in
people’s lives. In the progress of science and technology our lifestyle also progress.

People tend to live more comfortably, explore, develops more product in short
making better and productive living. It eases our labor, cures diseases, provide
abundant food and clean water. As our world is more likely becoming populated in
order to survive you also need to go with the flow of the advancement of the technology
by taking advantages of it, that is why people becomes more likely to evolve or flourish.
Like in the factory manufacturing of our food the equipment used in the factory, they
can supply us enough and clean food. Because technology as I was saying technology
helps lessen our work and more efficient.

In conclusion, flourishing itself might be understood as a state in which all

aspects of a person’s life are good and not only the way human live but also what is
in their economy. Human flourishing is cause by the evolution of science and
technology. The progress of science and technology is the product of the state of mind
of the people, eagerness to achieve satisfaction and to have sustainability in their life

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