Bossa Nova Guitar Arrangements (Arr Marshall) (Chitarra) PDF

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AUTHENTIC BRAZILIAN BOSSA NOVA GUITAR ARRANGEMENTS ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM LAURINDO ALMEIDA JOAO GILBERTO LUIZ BONFA Arranged by JACK MARSHALL MCA MUSIC MC: Meh ine, P Ne lew “Yo vk 1746 INTRODUCTION In recent years the Bossa Nova has become much more than just a passing fancy on the American musical scene. The guitar is a very important part of the Bossa Nova style and the great Brazilian composers responsible for many of our “standards” are ali guitarists: Antonio Carlos Jobim, Luiz Bonfa, Laurindo Almeida, Baden Powell and Joao Gilberto. ‘The basic rhythm pattern for guitar accompaniment is as follows: cw Wt TY TFT t rt ce 0. ' A EXPLANATION OF FINGERINGS Encircled numbers @ — © indicate the string to be used. Roman numerals indicate the fret position. ‘Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) indicate the proper left-hand fingering. For example: The “G” chord in the third position (III) may look like this: (Notation) (Diagram) a same as © conyih G6 by MOA Mot, in FCA Ye, 3 Pak eee, He Yok BEE Ineroatoan Copa Seceed ‘ae in USA Tate Reed AUTHENTIC BRAZILIAN BOSSA NOVA GUITAR ARRANGEMENTS Arranged by JACK MARSHALL CONTENTS THLE COMPOSER PAGE BiM-BOM Giiberte 15 CORCOVADO (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars) Sonia 1 DEXA (Let Me) Baden Powell 4 DESTINO ‘Almeida 10 GAROTA DE IPANEMA (The Girt From Ipanema) Jobim-De Moraes 2 HERE LIES LOVE Marshall-Masher 18 HO-BALALA Gilberto n INSENSATEZ (How Insensitive) Jobim-De Moraes 3 JOURNEY TO RECIFE Richard Evans a LUCIANA Jobim-De Moraes 18 ‘MEDITACAD (Meditation) Jobim-Mendonca "a MENINA FLOR Bonfa-Toleda 2 0 BARQUINHO (tittle Boat) Boscali-Menescal n REZA Lobo-Guerra ia SAMBA DE UMA HOTA SO (One Hote Samba) Jobim-Mendonca 5 ‘SAMBALERO- (With Love) Bonfa a SOZIKHA NAO Chico 2 THESE ARE THE WAYS OF LOVE Marshatl-Mosher 8 TRISTEZA EM MIM Tavares-Guimaries at UM ABRACO NO BONFA Gilberto 6 0022 1 CopyiHte 1965 6 WEA Mink, + eon of HER In, 449 Pa Aver, He Arran: Copy sects owe a Usa . GAROTA DE IPANEMA (The Girl From Ipanema) Arranged by JACK MARSHALL VINICIUS DE MORAFS Moderate ° S 7+ atl a ma 1 11 ror pO a © copyright MCMLXIIL, MCMLXVI by Antonto Catlos Jehim and Vinicius De Moraes, Be] SORES Nisic CORPORATION, New York, N.Y. for AU! English Speakiog Countsies Sole Selling Agere MCA MUSIC, 3 division of MCA, Ine. Imemational Copyright Secured Ait Rights Reserved ‘ DEIXA (Let Me) Arranged by BADEN POWELL JACK MARSHALL Moderate 1X ‘2 —<— — re seres-o48 on” © Copyright MCMEXI, MCMLXVI by Baden Powell, Brazil DUCHESS MUSIC PORPORATION, New Yarky N.7. for All English Speaking Countries Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, 2 division of MCA, ince International Copyright Secures! [AIL Rights Reserved SAMBA DE UMA NOTA SO ‘ Arranged by (One Note Samba) SACK MARSHALL Moderate @ ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM NEWTON MENDONCA. @ @ 2 aid 41 ail - = Og por o o Td W &® , dT ddd tad. pepe mie ee + a ae vis Ths oF one DS at® © Copyright MCMLKI, MCMLXVI by Antonio Carlos Job BUCHIESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York N.Y. i Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, a divi Ingernational Copyright Secured Ind Mrs. Newtou Mendonca , Writ Il English Speaking Conatsies OF MCA, Me. AL Righes Reserved . UM ABRACO NO BONFA Arranged by JACK MARSHALL Moderate ST JOAO GILBERTO od "Sa 2 ° 1 2 * nf pw Re ee WM ge—gp— Ji 4 fl - O14, ro oad dd 3 ud pd ids # epi remrrrrs 4° —, — 2 FTTdnd dl dd D.S, at OK Ta 1 oy ©Copyright MEMLXIL, MCMLXVE by Fal DUCHESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York ‘ole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC , Internatfoval Copyright Secured SACHA s.a.tele Patis, Aoki Ebest Speaton Counties vision of MCA, Inc. [AML Rights Reserved CORCOVADO 7 (Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars) Arranged by JACK MARSHALL ANTONIO CARLOS JORDI Moderate oe —— vi gs k se708-088 ©Copyright MCMLXH, MCMLXVI by Antonio Carlos Jobim, teasil DUCHESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New Yorky N.Y. for All English Speaking Countries ‘Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, 2 division of MCA, Inc, Ioternational Copyright Secured ‘AID Rights Reserved 5 SAMBALERO (With Love) Arranged by LUIZ BONFA JACK MARSHALL, Moderate = sures-o48 © Copyright MMII, MCMIXVI by Eatcoes Eaenpe Tl DUCHESS Music CORPORATION, New Yerk, N.Y, for U.S.A. Ca Sedde‘and Auwtrasa Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, 3 division of MCA, Inc. International Copyright Secured Alt Rights Reverved THESE ARE THE WAYS OF LOVE ° Arranged by JACK MARSHALL JACK MARSHALL BOR MOSHEK Moderate 1 @ e, ete the a td i eet =| =a re se7at-onb Music Company, Ines, U.S.A. “agent MCA MUSIC, a division of MCA, Inc a ‘All Rights Reserved @copyiahe MEMEXY, MCHA! ty Navas 7 elling 7 le 5 ight taternations * DESTINO Arranged by. JACK MARSHALL Moderate e edad dd. LAURINDO ALMEIDA es 2 "D1 3 tg ® Coda om seret 068 ©copyright MCMLKHIL, MCMIXVI by MCA MUSIC, a division of MCA, Ine. New York, N.Y. LEEDS MUSIC COMPANY, New York, N.Y. International Copyright Secured NL Rights Reserved HO-BA-LA-LA ‘ Arranged by JACK MARSHALL Moderate n 1 in } +. ©Copyright MEMLXIL, MCMIXVI by Editions SACHA s,a,e,1. Paris, France DUCITESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New Yooh, N.Y, for All English Speaking Counties ‘Sole Selling Agent NEA MUSIC, # division of NCA, Inc. International Copyright Secured AIL Rights Reserved " 0 BARQUINHO (Little Boat) Arranged by RONALDO BOSCOLT JACK MARSHALL. ROBERTO MENESCAL Moderate 4 di); aaa aes = jt qe | eagctoty opt of " rP " repse-088 “7 @xcopyright MEMLXSI, MCMEXVI ty Ealtions SAC sturdy Paris, France Duce UEE Cenrona riot, New York, NY; for AM ESgt CR Speaking Countries oo M ing Agent MCA MUSIC, 8 diviston of MCA, Inc+ tuvemational Copyright Secured [AIL Rights Reserved 13 INSENSATEZ (How Insensitive) . VINICIUS DE MORAES Arranged by JACK MARSHALL ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIN ‘Tempo ad lib. tn of sa2a8- 068 ©Copyright MCMLXILE, MCMEXVI by Antonio Carlos Joblin and Vinicius De Moraes, Brazil DULTHSS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York, N-Y. for All Fnglish Speaking Countries Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, @ division of MCA, Inc. locernational Copyright Secures! ANT Rights Reserved “ MEDITACAO (Meditation) NTONIO CARLOS JOH Arranged by. TON MENDONCA JACK MARSHALL Moderate, FF al re neree-pas MEMIXVE by Axtonio Carlos Jobin» and Mis, Newton Meruionc:, Bras Wy tor All English Speslcing Countries division of MCA, Ine. AML Rights Reserved © Copyright MEML Buches MUS SORPORATION , New ¥. Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC Ibeornational Copyright Secures! 15 BIM-BOM Arranged by JOAO GILDEKTO JACK MARSHALL Moderate gion oS god 7 foe oe +) aig ié a4 = 2 ; (2. Geveat ad tidy r ror 8 RTT Dp -opyright MCMLXIL, MCMLXVI by Editions SACHA, 3, DUCHESS HUIBE CONFORATION, New fork Ne i Sole Selling Agent NCA MUSIC, 2 divisi . Imermational Copyright Secured ‘All Rights Reserved » Paris, France king Countries . HERE LIES LOVE Arranged by JACK MARSHALL Moderate TT ee ~ PoP JACK MARSHALL BOB MOSHER tnnae-008 ©Copyright MCMLXVI by Hawall Music Company, Inca, U.S.A. Sele Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, a division of MCA, Inc, International Copyright Secured AIl'Rights Reserved JOURNEY TO RECIFE " Arranged by RICHARD EVANS JACK MARSHALL Moderate @ Copyright MCMLXIL, MCMXIIT, MCMLXVI by DUCHESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York, NV, le Selling Agen MCA MUSIC, a division of MCA, luc. Inernationat Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved * LUCIANA Arranged by VINICIUS DE MORAES JACK MARSHALL ANTONIO CARLOS JORIM Moderately slow iF RF OTOP enree-ons oF DF fot © Copyrighy MCMUX, MCMLAVE by Eitors Mosieal Arspedy Bat DUCTIESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York, N.Y, for U.S.A. and Canada Be Saitiog Agest MCA MUSIC, 2 vision of MCA, Toe. International Copyright Seeuted (AL Righes Reserved REZA EDU 1.0 : Arranged by JACK MARSHALL RUY GuBItA vo @ 6 ~—_ Rubato J © 4 7 aly In tempo -Moderately slow Pr ore dad ny F mnnaee | vie © Conyeigt MEMEXY, MEALSYI Uy Ha 0 DUCHESS MUSIC CORPORATION Ste Selling age MCA MUSIC Joteroational Copyright Secured ” SOZINHA NAO Arranged by JACK MARSHALL cHico Moderate x vi, Vv rapen-ons CoCopptighe MCN}, MCMLXUI ty Termata Do Revi, Bast Tor LEEDS MIJSIC COMPANY. New York, ‘A, apd Canada See eer nica MUSIC, a divsion f MCA, Ine International Copyright Secized ‘AIL Rights Reserved TRISTEZA EM MIM “ MAURO TAVARES ranged v Oi esestie JOSE GUIMAR JACK MARSHALL Moderate re VEE VIE vu rit 2782-048 ©Copyright MCMLXV, MCMIXVI by Mauro Tavares and Jose Guimaraes, Braet] DUCHESS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York, N.Y. fer All English Speahtag Countrles ‘Sole Selling Agent MCA MUSIC, 2 uivision of MCA, Ine, luxernational Copyright Secured ALL Rights Keservedt

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