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1. Antonio : Hello, my name is Antonio, what is your name?

Gilang : My name is Gilang,nice to meet you...

Antonio : .......

a. Nice to meet you

b. Nice to meet you too

c. I'am fine

d. How are you

e. How do you do

2. Marchel : Hello, Let........ Introduce myself.My name is marchel.

a. I'am

b. Me

c. He

d. Your

e. my

3. Fitri : Happy birthday, Sendy

Sendy : Thank's

Fitri : It's a gift for you

Sendy : .....

a. Of course

b. Congratulations

c. Never mind

d. Wow, now nice it is

e. It's ok

4. Regit : may I see your dress?

Misel : Of course,here it is.

Regit : what a nice dress

Misel : .......

a. Thank's

b. I'm sorry

c. You're welcome

d. Never mind

e. Not at all

Questions number 5 refer to the following report

Dolphins have a simple language.They are able to talk to one another.It may be possible for man to learn
how to talk to dolphins.But,this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sound man
can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins.Therefore,he will have to make a third language which both
he and the dolphins can be understand.

Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. The often follow ships. There are many stories about
dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.

5. Why talking to dolphins is not easy?

a. Dolphins cannot hear the kind of man's sounds

b. Dolphins cannot think as human

c. Dolphins like playing with

d. Dolphins feel annoyed by man

e. Dolphins wants to talk to dolphins

Questions number 6-7 refer to the following recount

On Saturday night,we went to the Town Hall.It's was the last day of the year and I large crowd of people
had gathered under the Town Hall would strike twelve in twenty minutes time. Fifteen minutes
passed and then, at five to twelve,the clock stopped.The big minutes hand did not move.we waited and
waited,but nothing happened.suddenly someone shouted "it's two minutes past twelve! The clock has
stopped! ".

I looked at my watch.It was true,the big clock refused to welcome the new year.At that
moment,everybody began to laugh and sing.
6. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?

a. To strike the laughting people

b. To stop people who shouted

c. To welcome the new year

d. To see the newly bought clock

e. To looked at the clock

7." The big clock refused to welcome the new year"

What is the synonym of the word....

a. Reject

b. Accept

c. Admit

d. Hate

e. Large

Questions number 8 refer to the following text.

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C.

It's a huge house where the president of the United States of America stay and woeks during his term.

People firts recognized the building as the presidential palace and Theodere roosevelt gave the name
White House in 1901.

8. What is the name of the site and where is it located?

Answer :

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