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Glossary of command terms

Students should be familiar with the following key terms and phrases used in syllabus content and in
examination questions, which are to be understood as described below. Although these terms will be used
frequently in examination questions, other terms may be used to direct students to present an argument in
a specific way.

Command term Assessment Definition Business management

objective level example

Analyse AO2 Break down in order to bring Analyse the impact of external
out the essential elements or opportunities and threats
structure. on the business strategy of
company A.

Annotate AO4 Add brief notes to a diagram Copy and annotate the
or graph. product life cycle.

Apply AO2 Use an idea, equation, Apply the concept of

principle, theory or law in diseconomies of scale to
relation to a given problem company X in 2014 compared
or issue. to 2012.

Calculate AO4 Obtain a numerical answer Calculate the acid test ratio for
showing the relevant stages company X in 2013.
in the working.

Comment AO2 Give a judgment based on a Comment on the profitability,

given statement or result of liquidity and efficiency ratios
a calculation. of company X.

Compare AO3 Give an account of the Compare the leadership style

similarities between two (or of manager A with that of
more) items or situations, manager B.
referring to both (all) of them

Compare and AO3 Give an account of Compare and contrast how

contrast similarities and differences managers use different
between two (or more) planning tools to make
items or situations, referring changes to their strategies.
to both (all) of them

Complete AO4 Add missing information/ Copy and complete the profit
data. and loss account provided

92 Business management guide

Glossary of command terms

Command term Assessment Definition Business management

objective level example

Construct AO4 Display information in a Based on the information

diagrammatic or logical given, construct a break-even
form. chart for company X.

Contrast AO3 Give an account of the Contrast the marketing

differences between two (or objectives of for-profit
more) items or situations, organization X and non-profit
referring to both (all) of them organization Y.

Define AO1 Give the precise meaning of Define the term economies of
a word, phrase, concept or scale.
physical quantity.

Demonstrate AO2 Make clear by reasoning Demonstrate why company

or evidence, illustrating X has decided to offshore to
with examples or practical country Y.

Describe AO1 Give a detailed account. Describe one method

of primary research that
company X could use.

Determine AO4 Obtain the only possible Determine the break-even

answer. point for product X.

Discuss AO3 Offer a considered and Discuss how company X can

balanced review that differentiate itself from its
includes a range of main competitor.
arguments, factors or
hypotheses. Opinions or
conclusions should be
presented clearly and
supported by appropriate

Distinguish AO2 Make clear the differences Distinguish between

between two or more leadership and management.
concepts or items.

Draw AO4 Represent by means of a Draw a break-even chart for

labelled, accurate diagram company X.
or graph, using a pencil. A
ruler (straight edge) should
be used for straight lines.
Diagrams should be drawn
to scale. Graphs should have
points correctly plotted (if
appropriate) and joined in
a straight line or smooth

Business management guide 93

Glossary of command terms

Command term Assessment Definition Business management

objective level example

Evaluate AO3 Make an appraisal by Evaluate the investment

weighing up the strengths opportunities using net
and limitations. present value (NPV).

Examine AO3 Consider an argument Examine the importance of

or concept in a way that branding for company X.
uncovers the assumptions
and interrelationships of the

Explain AO2 Give a detailed account Explain why company X has

including reasons or causes. changed its pricing strategy.

Identify AO4 Provide an answer from a Identify two reasons why the
number of possibilities. owner has chosen a particular
method of investment

Justify AO3 Give valid reasons or Justify the reason(s) why

evidence to support an company X has decided to
answer or conclusion. merge with company Y.

Label AO4 Add labels to a diagram. Label the margin of safety on

the break-even chart that you
have constructed.

Outline AO1 Give a brief account or Outline two advantages and

summary. two disadvantages of working
from home.

Recommend AO3 Present an advisable course Recommend a suitable growth

of action with appropriate strategy for company X.
supporting evidence/
reason in relation to a given
situation, problem or issue.

Plot AO4 Mark the position of points Plot the position of company
on a diagram. X on the position map drawn
in your answer to part (b).

Prepare AO4 Put given data or Prepare a cash flow forecast

information from a stimulus/ for company X for January,
source into a suitable format. February and March 2015.

State AO1 Give a specific name, State one reason why

value or other brief answer company X has decided to
without explanation or outsource the production of Y
calculation. to country Z.

Suggest AO2 Propose a solution, Suggest a suitable method of

hypothesis or other possible appraisal for employee group
answer. Y in company Z.

94 Business management guide

Glossary of command terms

Command term Assessment Definition Business management

objective level example

To what extent AO3 Consider the merits or To what extent has

otherwise of an argument outsourcing the production
or concept. Opinions of X been unsuccessful for
and conclusions should company Y?
be presented clearly and
supported with appropriate
evidence and sound

Business management guide 95

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