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Microbial levan, an ideal prebiotic

and immunonutrient in aquaculture

S. K. Gupta, Pronob Das1*, S. K. Singh, M. S. Akhtar, D. K. Meena and S. C. Mandal

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing agriculture gosaccharides and polysaccharides, which can be considered
sectors in the world, providing food and nutritional secu- derivatives of sucrose.
rity to millions of people. However, disease outbreaks are a Although the structure of levan is represented by a
constraint to aquaculture production, thereby affecting the straight chain of ß (2→6) linkages, many bacterial levans
socio-economic status of people in many countries. For in- are branched through ß (2→1) bonds. The branch chains
stance, disease is now considered to be the limiting factor in are usually short and sometimes consist of one fructose resi-
the shrimp farming industry. Disease control in the aquacul- due. In general, levans produced by different organisms have
ture industry has been achieved using variou methods, in- similar structures. The difference may be a varying degree
cluding traditional means, synthetic chemicals and antibiot- of polymerization and branching of the repeating unit. Le-
ics. However, the use of such expensive chemotherapeutants vans are one of the few natural polymers in which the car-
for controlling diseases has been widely criticized for their bohydrate exists in the furanose form. This feature plays an
negative effects, including accumulation of residues, devel- important role in the final confirmation of the molecules in
opment of drug resistance, immunosuppression and reduced the solution.
consumer preference for products treated with antibiotics.
Traditional methods are ineffective against controlling new Properties of Levan
diseases in large aquaculture systems. Therefore, alternative Levan is a white crystalline powder having properties like
methods need to be developed to maintain a healthy micro- a strong adhesive. The particles are spherical shape, densely
bial environment in aquaculture systems, thereby maintain- packed, 75-200nm in diameter and do not swell in water,
ing the health of the cultured organisms. The use of prebiot- which differs from other polysaccharides. The composition
ics, probiotics and immunonutrients is growing as means of and properties of levan depend upon the environment in
producing healthy organisms (Panigrahi and Azad 2007). which the microorganisms are grown. The general properties
Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that benefi- of levans resemble those of dextrans. Levans are levorota-
cially affect the host by stimulating growth activity and/or tory, amorphous or microcrystalline, of varying solubility in
activity of a limited number of beneficial bacteria in the gas- cold water. They are very soluble in hot water and insoluble
trointestinal tract (Gibson and Roberfroid 1995). According in absolute ethyl alcohol. Levans are generally more soluble
to Panigrahi and Azad (2007), prebiotics are basically food than inulin, which is almost insoluble (<0.5 percent) in wa-
for probiotics. In the case of terrestrial animals, the use of ter at room temperature. The high solubility of levan may
prebiotics has been progressing. Health-promoting bacteria be a characteristic of the ß (2→6) linkage compared to the
commonly augmented by prebiotics include those of the ge- ß (2→1) linkage. Branching may be only a support factor.
nus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in terrestrial animals Levans are non-reducing, not hydrolyzed by yeast invertase
(Manning and Gibson 2004). The use of prebiotics in aqua- and amylase action, but very susceptible to hydrolysis by
culture is a fairly recent development. Levan was reported acid. They are not colored by iodine, but hydrogen chloride
by Lippmann as early as 1881 and the name “Levulan” was imparts a purple color that distinguishes them from other
proposed for the compound. Microbial levan is used as a polysaccharides not containing fructose. The molecular
prebiotic and immunonutrient in aquaculture. weight and viscosity in aqueous solution increases sharply
when various salts are present, but it decreases with a small
The Chemical Structure of Microbial Levan increase in temperature (Kang and Cottrell 1979).
Levans are fructans, natural polymers of fructose. The Certain biological properties of levan, such as tumor in-
two main types of fructans are the levans with mostly ß hibition and stimulation and increase in cell permeability for
(2→6) linkages and the inulins with ß (2→1) linkages (Han a cytotoxic agent (Leibovici and Stark 1984) have attracted
1990). Branched fructans with both types of linkages also attention. These effects are partly caused by suppression of
exist. Levan is the common name for a fructan in which a normal inflammatory response. Only levan with Molecular
most fructose has ß (2→6) linkages. A more descriptive weight 107 promotes infection; the effect is lost when poly-
name would be (2→6)-ß-D fructans. Lavans are homopoly- mers degrade. Levan, given intravenously to mice, greatly
saccharides composed of monomers of D-fructose attached increases the virulence of intraperitonially injected bacteria.
by ß (2→6) linkages that carry a D-glucosyl residue at the This is partly caused by permeability and the prevention of
end of the chain. They constitute a series of homologus oli- the escape of blood constituents into the peritoneal cavity.

World Aquaculture 61
The endothelial sealing of levan may have practical impor- lymerization varying between 2-20 (oligofructose) and 20-60
tance. Natural levans are serologically active and elicit an- (inulin). Levan is composed of d-fructofuranosyl residues of
tibody production, but purified levan preparations are not which molecular weights that reach several million Daltons,
antigenic. with multiple branches.
The physiological effects of levan are dependent on its
Sources of Levan size and linkage type and the fermentability of levan is,
Levan is a diversely distributed component, particularly therefore, an important issue. In vitro studies testing the
in plants, yeasts, fungi and bacteria (Jang et al. 2002). Bac- abilities of various genera to ferment levan and levan oli-
terial species, such as Zymomonas mobilis, Bacillus subtilis, gosaccharides have been performed on pure cultures that
Bacillus polymyxa and Acetobacter xylinum produce extra- include Bifidobacterium adolescentis, B. longum, B. breve,
cellular levan (Dina et al. 2007). Levans produced in grasses Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus (Marx
(Dactylis glomerata, Poa secunda and Agropyron cristatum) et al. 2000). The in vitro fermentation properties of levan,
are present as storage carbohydrates in the stem and leaf originating from Erwinia herbicola as the control, and levan
sheaths and are degraded in the latter stages of the growing type exopolysaccharides originating from Lactobacillus san-
season to provide plants with carbohydrates for grain fill- franciscensis, were studied using human feces as an inoculate
ing (Ploolock and Cairns 1991). Levan is also contained in (Bello et al. 2001). An enrichment of Bifidobacterium sp. was
wheat and barley (Hordeum vulgare), fungi (Aspergillus sy- found with the levan-type exopolysaccharides, but not for
dawi and A. versicolor) and in trace amounts in yeasts (Han levan. The problem with this approach is that levan can be
1990). Levan is naturally present in various food products hydrolyzed by gastric acids.
and thus, is regularly consumed in very small amounts by A possible explanation for the fermentation of levan
humans. However, it has been ignored as a functional food could be that its acid hydrolysis in the stomach produces
ingredient until now. It has been argued that unlike inulin, smaller sized levan or levan-oligosaccharides, which are sub-
the high molecular weight and branched structure of levan sequently fully utilized by lumen bacteria. It is well known
might cause it not be useful as a carbon source for animals that dietary fiber reaches the large intestine and is ferment-
and humans (Marx et al. 2000). ed by the colonic microflora, producing SCFAs, hydrogen,
carbon dioxide and biomass (Topping et al. 2001). This
Biosynthesis (Levansucrase) fermentative process dominates human large bowel func-
The biosynthesis of levan requires the extracellular en- tion and provides a means whereby energy is obtained from
zyme levansucrase (sucrose-6-fructosyltransferase), which the carbohydrates not digested in the small bowel through
shows specificity for sucrose. Most methods for the bio- the absorption of SCFAs. These SCFAs limit the growth of
synthesis of levan have been used enzymes from B.subtilis, harmful lumen bacteria and are an important energy source
Aerobacter levanicum and S. salivarius. Those enzymes have for the host (Topping et al. 2001).
been extensively purified and the mode of action explored. The ingestion of levanheptaose was shown to increase the
Levansucrase of B.subtitis is inducible and exocellular, fecal counts of endogenous Bifidobacteria, without affecting
whereas that of A. levanicum is constitutive and endocellu- Lactobacillus sp. (Kang et al. 2000). The amount of butyrate
lar (Dedonder 1966). It is uncertain whether levansucrase as well as β-fructosidase activity were increased, whereas to-
is one enzyme or a complex of multiple enzymes that syn- tal aerobes and pH were reduced in rats fed levanheptaose
thesize the main ß (2→6) and the branch beta (2→1) link- diets as compared to those on a control diet. Although the
ages. Chains of levan, like dextran and starch, grow in steps identity of the bacteria responsible for levan fermentation
by repeated transfer of a hexosyl group from the donor to remains unclear, the above concepts suggest that levan might
growing the acceptor molecule (Hehre 1955) be degraded and then fully fermented by lumen bacteria in
the ceacum and colon.
Application of Microbial Levan
Levan as an immunonutrient in aquaculture
Prebiotic effect of levan and its applications High yields in aquaculture involve intensive management
Levan has numerous demonstrated uses in foods (Han systems, where antibiotics, drugs and chemicals are used to
1990). Levan is non-toxic, non-mutagenic, odorless, taste- prevent fish diseases caused by environmental stress and oth-
less, and a soluble dietary fiber. Its hydrolysates help improve er factors. However, these are found to be effective only for a
gut function. Gibson and Roberfroid (1995) defined a prebi- short time, in addition to enhancing the risk of their bioac-
otic as a non-digestible and non-absorbable food ingredient cumulation in the environment. On the other hand, the use
in the upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract that benefi- of immunostimulants in aqua-feed is considered to be safe
cially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and effective against various pathogens. Immunostimulants
and/or activity of one, or a limited number, of bacteria in quickly activate non-specific defense mechanisms to protect
the colon, which can improve the host’s health. Therefore, fish against pathogens (Siwicki 1994). Dietary manipulation
non-digestible carbohydrates, especially inulin oligosaccha- is the ideal approach to enhance the non-specific immunity
rides, are classified as authentic prebiotics. Both inulin and of fish along with good management practices. However,
inulin oligosaccharides are utilized by Bifidobacterium sp. in limited studies have been undertaken to assess the influence
vivo (Gibson and Roberfroid 1995). Generally, fructo-oligo- of dietary factors and the immune system. In recent years,
saccharides indicate β-2,1-d-fructans, with degrees of po- increasing consideration has been given to dietary immu-

62 March 2011
nostimulants or immunonutrients, which augment the im- col/levan aqueous two-phase system for the partitioning of
mune system of cultured aquatic animals. Immunomodula- proteins. However, there are some limitations for the indus-
tion by dietary manipulation may, therefore, offer a novel trial applications of levan as a result of its weak chemical
alternative to reduce the use of antibiotics and other drugs stability in solution and the complex process required for its
in aquaculture, which in turn decreases the residual load of purification. Once those limitations are resolved, the market
those compounds in the food chain as well as in the aquatic for levan will gradually increase.
environment. Some researchers have reported increased fish
survival by using immunonutrients (Kawakami et al. 1998). Future Prospects
There are several polymers of carbohydrate and their To date, only a meager amount of information is avail-
derivatives are being used as immunostimulants. Among able about the immunostimulatory efficacy of levan in the
the most popular and effective immunostimulants is diet. Further feeding trials are necessary before advocat-
β-glucan, found in the cell walls of plants, fungi and bac- ing the use of levan under immunosuppressive or stressful
teria. Fructose-based polymers are also categorized as conditions associated with intensive culture practices. The
the bioactive polysaccharides. Microbial levan is shown immunostimulating effect of levan in L. rohita fingerlings
to have immunostimulating properties. Dina et al. (2007) was found to be higher at the 1.25 percent dietary level but
studied the effects of dietary levan on the survival of Cy- the optimum was 0.5 percent for Cyprinus carpio juveniles.
prinus carpio juveniles fed a feed containing levan at con- However, the effect of a higher inclusion level on immunity
centrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 percent. One hundred is not known and needs further study. The route of admin-
percent survival was obtained with 0.5 percent levan in the istration of levan may also affect immunity as reported in
feed. Increasing the concentration to 1 percent probably several studies in the case of glucan. Hence, both route of
increased the antigenic load, leading to immunosuppres- administration along with dosage may boost the immune
sion and thus, reducing the protection efficiency. This is system. It appears that microbial levan is a potential immu-
in agreement with Anderson (1992) who proposed that an nostimulant in aqua-feed but the dose depends on the spe-
inadequate amount of immunostimulant will result in no cies and the type of management practices.
protection, whereas too much may cause immunosuppres-
sion. Levan activates the non-specific phagocytes, which is Conclusion
important for reducing mortality in fish. The research on prebiotics and immunonutrients is
Recently, Gupta et al. (2008) reported that levan at 1.25 mounting with the ever-increasing need for environmentally
percent can be used as a dietary immunostimulant for friendly aquaculture. Even though some information on the
Labeo rohita juveniles. According to him, hemoglobin con- use of microbial levan as a prebiotic and immnonutrient has
tent and total leucocyte count were increased with dietary been documented, it is limited to a few species. More precise
supplementation of levan at 1 percent or more. An increas- research information on the application of microbial levan
ing trend for total erythrocyte count was observed with in- could provide an eye opening direction for betterment of
creasing levels of dietary levan. Lower levan-supplemented the aquaculture industry. In this article, we have tried to in-
groups showed a higher albumin/globulin ratio. As levan corporate some valuable information on the present status
supplementation was increased, there was a gradual increase and future prospects of microbial levan and its use in aqua-
in serum lysozyme activity and respiratory burst activity culture.
[nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay] reduction values. The
highest lysozyme activity and NBT were observed in the diet Notes
supplemented with 1.25 percent levan. No significant histo- 1
Central Institute of fisheries Education, Seven Bungalow, Versova,
architectural changes were associated with dietary levan lev- Mumbai-61, India
els. The relative survival percentage of juveniles after chal- *Corresponding author: Phone:
lenge with Aermonas hydrophila was the highest in the 1.25 +919769733660, Fax: +912226361573
percent fed group. These studies have been the only reports References
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66 March 2011

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