Roof Top Entertinment Centre 2

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Date of Submission:

December 9, 2015
Table of Contents

Introduction 2
Business Overview MGT368.6 Group Report
Blueprint of Above the Top 4
Statement Of Financials Required 5
Statement Of Confidentiality Of Report 5
Business Model Canvas 6
Pricing Model
Financial Sustainability 8
Sustainability 9
Business Environment Analysis 10
Description Of Venture 16
Mission Statement 16
Vision Statement 16
Products/Services 17
Office And Personnel 17
Business Strategy 20
Keys To Sustain This Strategy 20
Employee Training 21
Salary Review 21
Annual Leaves 21
Submitted to:
Sick Leave 21
Mr. Muhammad Maruf Ibne Wali (MFW)
Bonuses 22
Lecturer, School of Business and Economics
Service Plan 22
North South University
Operational Plan 23
Marketing Plan (7Ps) 28
Submitted by:
Organizational Plan 33
Tamzid Alam Khan (1230046030)
Assessment of Risk 37
Md. Samid Razzak (1310325030)
Weakness Of Business 39
Contingency Plans Arafat Khan () 40
Financial Plan Akif Chowdhury (1310422030)

2 Omar Bin Alam ()

Appendix: Questionnaire With Condensed Results 45


Name of business: Above the Top

Location: 74/B, Dhanmondi 7/A, Dhaka.

Nature of business: Roof top entertainment centre

Business Overview

The business that we shall be operating is ‘a rooftop entertainment centre with a terrace café’

called ‘Above the top’. The physical location that we chose is a specific address in 7/A

Dhanmondi, Dhaka. The roof is situated on top of a restaurant called OROI which comprises

of empty 6000sqft of space left unused. This shall also benefit the business by giving the

whole business a new set of customers as the restaurant itself is suffering from lack of

customers and is already looking for ways to increase customer base. The terrace café shall

be an extension of the OROI restaurant itself so they get their share of the profit. The

business is going to be a partnership company formed of 5 partners –Tamzid Khan, Samid

Razzak, Akif Chowdhury, Omar Bin Alam and Arafat Khan. The entertainmentcenter

consists of the following entertainment and sports units:

● Air Hockey

● Mini Bowling

● Mini Golf

● Pool/Billiard

● Arcade games

Since managing a golf ground itself is a painstaking job, theowners have decided to outsource

the café to the OROI Restaurant located downstairs. The total number of employees of the

business is only 10, which consists of waiters, janitors and technicians; apart from the owners

who form both the positions of managers and entrepreneurs. Furthermore,this reduced

number of employees shall also benefit the business by reducing its costs and salaryexpenses.

The target customers of the business shall be people aged from 14 and above. We will mainly

be focusing on attracting a large segment of the youth population. We are especially

confident about the success of this project because of the large number of schools and

coaching centers in this particular geographic location which comprises of our target market.

Blueprint of Above the Top

Statement Of Financials Required

Item Amount (BDT)

Advance Rental Payment 1,600,000
Rental Expense 400,000
Decorations and Renovations 300,000
Purchase of equipment and 1,200,000
entertainment units
Installation and construction 50,000
Miscellaneous Expenses (e.g 200,000
initial food cost, utility
expenses, refrigerators and air
conditionars etc)
Salaries and Wages 140,000
Total Initial Investment 3,990,000 BDT

Statement Of Confidentiality Of Report

Information, data and drawings embodied in this business plan are strictly confidential and

are supplied on the understanding that they will be held confidentially and not disclosed to

third parties without the prior written consent of the owners of ‘Above the Top.’

Business Model Canvas

Key Partners


• Asian Entertainment co.Ltd

• Raha engineering workshop

• Electrofun

• Islam overseas consulting & construction

Key Activities

• Maintenance and repair of entertainment units

• Keeping updated with recent trends in entertainment.

• Providing addictive games to ensure revenue

Value Proposition

• A place where customers can make the best of their leisure hours

• Eat, play and relax- all at the same place

• Rooftop location with a very nice view

• Convenient location- Can visit in between classes

Customer Relationships

• Loyalty rewards

• Friendly behavior

• Co Creation

Customer Segments

• Demographic- Students with age 14 and above

• Psychographic- The outgoing youth who like to have fun with their friends

Key Resources

• Entertainment equipment’s

• Graphic Designs

• Creative talent

• Rooftop location


• TV/Cable

• Print Advertisement

• Social Media

• Theatres

Cost Structure

• Salaries

• Repair and maintenance

• Rent

• Sponsorships

Revenue Streams

• Ticket Sales (Usage of entertainment unit)

• Subscription

• Product/Merchandise sales

• Café

Pricing Model

We will be using dynamic pricing model.

Dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy in which businesses set flexible prices for products or

services based on current market demands. Business are able to change prices based on

algorithms that take into account competitor pricing, supply and demand, and other external

factors in the market. Dynamic pricing is a common practice in several industries such as

hospitality, travel, entertainment, and retail. Each industry takes a slightly different approach

to repricing based on its needs and the demand for the product.

Financial Sustainability

Financial sustainability is achieved when our business is able to deliver products and services

to the market at a price that covers our expenses and generates a profit. In financially

sustainable businesses, long term profitability takes priority over any short term gains.

Therefore, to operate a financially sustainable business, we need to develop long term goals

that outline where you want our business to stand financially in the future. The profit we want

to make, our level of debt and cash flow requirements all need to be taken into consideration.

We will develop a plan that will help to arrive at this position within a specified time frame.

When making decisions that will affect the financial situation our business, our focus should

be on achieving your long term goals. Avoid making decisions that will give us a short term

financial gain but have a negative impact on your ability to achieve long term goals.

Maintaining cash flow requirements is another crucial part of operating a financially

sustainable business. We need to ensure that have enough cash coming into the business to

cover our outgoing expenses. If our business allows people to purchase on credit, we have to

ensure that the conditions clear and follow up on any late payments.Maintaining accurate and

clear financial records will help us to manage our financial sustainability.


The goal of sustainability requires a more extended timeline for return on investment (ROI)

but once initial investments are made, they can actually lead to increased profitability. We

will ensure this sustainability by properly managing and coordination of environmental,

social and financial demands and concerns to ensure responsible, ethical and ongoing

success. In the entertainment industry one cannot have enough fun. One may grow tired of

seeking entertainment in the same thing but hey will not stop seeking pleasure. Therefore we

will maintain sustainability by tending recent trends among youth and constantly updating

our entertainment units and merchandises.

Business Environment Analysis

PESTEL Analysis

The PESTEL analysis has been used to analyze the political, economic, social, technological,

environmental, and legal factors which may affect the business.

Political – The political environment is not so stable in Bangladesh. Over the last few years,

it has been seen how different groups threw strikes which often ended in chaos and violence,

and damaged people. Strikes, which are often declared on a very short notice, can drive away

customers for safety reasons, and disrupt our supplies which can damage our business for the

day. The business plan has been designed with the assumption that the current tax rates will

not change, in case they do, it will hurt our profitability.

Economic – The inflation rate has been stable in recent years, which indicates that prices of

goods in general are not expected to rise sharply any time soon. This means that chances of a

falling demand is low. The GDP per capita in terms of purchasing power parity for

Bangladesh rose as well. Despite the issue of income inequality, we can fairly assume that

our customers, due to their socioeconomic class, enjoyed the growth in GDP per capita as

well. Rate of unemployment is also at a steady decline as well since 2010 and with a steady

personal income tax, which ultimately bolster the argument that chances of losing a growing

market is very low. However, the real interest rate of Bangladesh rose steadily since 2012,

which means that people may be more willing to save rather than consume.

Social – It is a trend for our target market to go for hangouts with their friends after the day’s

work, although the proportion varies between age groups. We believe the trend is sustainable

as this culture of hanging out among these people has been observed for a few years. The

business is expected to be stagnant in the calendar year middle and end, as the schools and

universities have their examinations. However, right after their examinations, business is

expected to boom as vacation for the target market starts.

Technological – Although the field of technology is rapidly progressing, we believe that it

does not have a profound impact on our business. One possible advantage may be the advent

of new, improved versions of our existing machines which could be exchanged for our old

ones. A possible disadvantage may be the invention of certain modes of entertainment which

can keep the consumers busy and deter them from visiting us. Moreover, if internet becomes

more developed and accessible for our target customers, they may spend more of their leisure

time online, which may hurt our business.

Legal – These can affect the business internally, especially compliance with the employment

law. The rules and procedures of reporting financial data to the government has not changed

in recent years, so costs regarding this are not expected to change either. The existing law of

closing business after 11 pm limits our capability to serve the maximum possible customers

in 24 hours. The lead time between getting/renewing the necessary licenses and actually

starting operations may take some time which is expensive due to the fixed costs.

Environmental – Care will be taken regarding the disposal of the waste, so that it does not

adversely affect the environment. The weather in Bangladesh is generally humid and there

may be occasional rain, so some people like to stay indoors, which adversely affects us due to

the business nature.

Porter's Five Forces

The Porter’s five forces tool is used to assess where the power of the business lies within the

market landscape.

Threat of new entry – It requires a huge amount of time and money to open up a business

similar to ours. Plus, hiring and training the employees is also costly. Moreover, we have an

advantage in outsourcing food as it takes as little time as possible for the food to be delivered.

All these add to the barriers to entry for potential competitors, making threat of new entry to

be low.

Competitive rivalry – The number of competitors is low in the geographic vicinity of the

business. However, competition may come from a little distance such Jamuna Future Park,

which offers gaming services like ours. However, we differentiated ourselves by providing an

outdoor area, which adds to the customer loyalty. Plus, switching cost is high as well as the

competitors are far away and cost of travel is high in terms of time/money. The cost of

leaving the market is very high as it may be tough to find buyers of the machines, which can

deter competitors from leaving the market easily.

Buyer power – The number of customers is very high, thanks to the number of schools,

universities, houses and other institutes which holds a huge chunk of the target population.

The USP of offering an outdoor environment may hook the customers and ultimately help to

retain them. However, the customers are somewhat price sensitive, so a slight rise in price

may reduce some customers. Overall, buyer power is low.

Supplier power – Number of suppliers is very low, particularly for foodstuff. This essentially

provides a lot of power to the supplier, which they may use to raise their prices. With that

said, it is fairly easy to switch suppliers as there are a lot of similar suppliers in the area,

which acts as a check and balance mechanism.

Threat of substitutes – This is very high as consumers can easily spend their leisure time

elsewhere, even at their homes. There are a lot of food shops in the area where customers can

easily go to.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths –

● Differentiated offerings – The provision of different types of games is very unique

and customers are unlikely to find such services elsewhere (at least not close by).

● Effective customer service – The training of employees will enable them to cater to

the customers better.

● Highly qualified management team – The diversity of education and experience by

each member of the management team is helpful for the business to ensure all areas

are running smoothly.

Weaknesses –

● High fixed costs – This is a disadvantage as at times of low sales turnover, these costs,

particularly the depreciation of machines and salaries of employees will continue.

● Dependency on supplier – Since food is outsourced, we are dependent on the supplier

for quality. If the quality of food is bad by any chance, the blame is going to be on us

and we are the ones to lose customers.

Opportunities –

● Corporate clients – They could be catered, particularly for office parties, etc.

● Advertising the benefits of outdoor activities – These could motivate the target market

and their guardians into coming over to us for recreation which involves physical

activities, something which lacks for many of the target market in Dhaka.

Threats –

● Retaliation by competitors – The competitors, as they are well-informed, may add

more to their current offerings in order to enhance their customer experience and deter

them to switch to us.

● Changing technology – Any advancement in technology which customers can use in

their leisure effectively is a threat, as this will reduce the time a customer spends with

us for leisure.

Stakeholders Analysis

Investors – The ones who provided the money, having a high power and immense interest in

how the business operates, are managed closely, as they are the managers themselves.

Customers – Their power is high but interests lie somewhere between low in how the

business operates, thus the strategy to take is to keep them satisfied so that they do not switch

to other competitors.

Government – Their power is high and interests in how the business operates within the legal

boundaries are high as well. So we are going to manage them closely by following the rules

and procedures for conducting business properly.

Suppliers – Their power is high but interest is low, thus we are going to keep them satisfied

so that they do not do anything like cutting down supplies or charging higher which can harm

the business.

Employees – Their power is somewhat high and interest is high as well. Thus we are going to

manage them closely as they are the ones who will be in direct contact with our customers

and work in the best interests of the business.

Media – Their power is low, but interest is high. They are going to be well informed about

the product offerings from time to time so that they can provide a favorable review to us.

Description Of Venture

The business that we shall be operating is ‘a rooftop entertainment centre with a terrace café’

called ‘Above the Top’. The physical location that we chose is a specific address in 7/A

Dhanmondi, Dhaka. The roof is situated on top of a restaurant called OROI which comprises

of empty 6000sqft of space left unused. This shall also benefit the business by giving the

whole business a new set of customers as the restaurant itself is suffering from lack of

customers and is already looking for ways to increase customer base. The terrace café shall

be an extension of the OROI restaurant itself so they get their share of the profit. This will be

a moderate size business but capable of generating large amount of funds if utilized properly.

The business is going to be a partnership company formed of 5 partners – Tamzid, Samid,

Akif, Omar and Arafat.

Mission Statement

We are committed to providing safe, fun, relaxing, wholesome and affordable entertainment

to the local youth community through superior customer service and cutting edge

entertainment facilities where customers can make the best out of their leisure hours. We

strive to bring the latest upgrades to the entertainment units and attend to the dynamic trends

of the youth.

Vision Statement

Above the Top is to be the number one preference for entertainment center in Dhaka city and

a significant part of the local community while achieving profitability through new

expansion, planning and marketing.


● Air Hockey

● Mini Bowling

● Mini Golf

● Pool/Billiard

● Arcade games

● Mini Games

● Merchandises

● Cafeteria

Office And Personnel

The management team of our firm will be of 5 members since it is a small business. Two

main personnel working in two shifts will monitor the whole outlet and will give command to

all the employees. An external sourcing officer would suffice to keep track of Above the

top’s resources and supplies as per specification and would be responsible for catering to the

operational auxiliaries and support services of the business. There will be two accountants

working in two shifts will keep track of all the transactions and at the end of the day, checks

the accounts. Total of 2 persons working in two shifts will be involved in taking the bills.

There will be 3 waiters working in four shifts. There will 1 head and 2 sue chefs working in

two shifts. There will be 5 cleaner working in two different shifts. The Justification of a small

scale human resource is due to our prospect of establishment depending on which, a greater

sized operations would demand a greater sized human resources.

Position Task/Responsibilities

● Complete management

responsibilities in ensuring the

company objective and mission can

be achieved according to plan.

● Supports motivation of employees’ in


Manager ● products or programs and operations.

● Looks to the future for change


● Analyze monthly report of every

● Update and maintain database with

accurate clientinformation.

● Controlling the financial expenses

foradministration department.

● Identify and inform the duties every

Admin Manager

● Management of staff’s salary

payment, bonuses andincentive.

● Manage the quality of products and

ensure problems

● are handled efficiently.

● To set a rules and procedures for staff

to follow in order for department run

Operation Manager

● Manage and determine the operation

cost adequate with the company

● To set a strategic marketing plan for

the company and identify new

marketing opportunities.
Marketing Manager
● Promoting the products and services

of the business to the customers.

● Manage and control the overall

budget, expenses

● and profits of the company.

● Prepare monthly and annual cash flow

and income

● statement.

● Researching and reporting on factors

Financial Manager
influencing the

● business performance

● Managing a company's financial


● monitoring and reporting systems.

Business Strategy

“Strategy” means a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Strategy is the

direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the

organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet

the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations. So for making our business

successful, we have an overall business strategy. We will focus on differential strategy for

making our business successful. Differential strategy is in use for making a business

differentiate from other business. This kind of strategy also talks about how you can

differentiate your business.

Reasons for differential strategies

➢ Our strategic target is value conscious customer. Our customer will be those people who

are outdoorsy and love to play games.

➢ Our marketing emphasizing in delivering better service at a reasonable cost. There are

somany rivals in our entertainment industries. So for grabbing this market, we need to offer

reasonable price.

➢Above the top target market is big enough to be profitable and to offer good

growthpotential. In future we can easily expand to Dhaka’s important location and grabbing

ourtarget market form those locations can be easily possible.

Keys To Sustain This Strategy

• Stay committed to serving the target market better than rivals. As we have entertainment
business, we have so many rivals. They are offering so many facilities. So we have toserve

them better facilities than our rivals. Thus we can stay in our strategy.

• We will not enter in other market segment or adding other service unless we fulfill

thedemand of our current market segment.

• We will try to move in new facilities and segments after fulfilling our current

marketsegment. After fulfilling our current market need, we will provide extra facilities to

ourmarket segment according to our customer demand.

Employee Training

The employees of the organization, particularly the operational staffs, are trained in on-the-

job training to gain and improve their skills in the matters cooking foods, customer service

and the work-flow systems. Other than that, a more experience workers can be the leader.

Salary Review

Salary review will be made once a year for the services of the confirmed staff. The basic

salaries will be paid once a month on the 5th of every month. It is the basic salaries that are

paid in cash payable for the work done. Any increase in the salary shall depend on the

decision of the top management.

Annual Leaves

Application of the leaves must be made a week before the commencement date of leave

requested. The authority to approve annual leaves applications are given to the General

Manager of Above the Top.

Sick Leave
The staffs are allowed to take a sick leave if they get sick or injuries occurred. Sick leave can

be taken if there are medical certificate from any doctors in private or government medical



The top management will give bonuses to all employees if the targeted profits are achieved in

the particular year. The bonuses will be given according to amount of contribution from the

top management according to the profit of the year.

Service Plan

Most of the merchandise will be purchased from a store in Bangabandhu National Stadium,

as they are our known supplier. Previously, we have purchased a lot of things from them and

we have a good relation with them. Mostly, we trust them and they will be core suppliers of

our materials which will be delivered to our customers in form of service.

As it is mainly a service, there will be no inventory in terms of goods. However, there should

be appropriate service recovery materials like extra games CDs, golf sticks and balls in case

of service failure. The services cape will be uniquely designed to avoid service failure.

The service will flow directly to the customers in form of games. They will take part in

games and enjoy to avail the service.

The billing process will be simple, in terms of cash or credit card. The bills will be clearly

explained with details so that the customers do not have any confusions regarding the bills.

As for technologies, the arcade games will contain the latest and the most popular games

which will be delivered to customers in form of our service.

Fig: Service delivery

Operational Plan

Operation Objective

The operation management need to be planned very properly as it is the main component in

any business proposal. Our business also had identified some of the objective of our

operation plan. Our operation objectives are:

● To optimized our customer’s satisfaction

● To accomplish consistency in the services offered

● To resolve any of operation problem and make all the operation process run


● To ensure that all of the operation process in our business is functioning well to meet

the demand of our customers

Position Task & Responsibilities

● Manage the quality of products and

ensure problems are handled


● To set a rules and procedures for staff

to follow in order for department run

Operation Manger smoothly

● Manage and determine the operation

cost adequate with the company

● Developing and introducing new

training plan to the group.

● Make sure that member of team

follow organization’s rules and

● Setting performance standards for

task project and roles of employees of

the group

● Preparing foods for sale

Chef ● Create new recipe and design

● Ordering of necessary cooking

● Closely follow daily list and see


● Responsible for cleaning cooking

equipment by
Head Chef
● closely following daily and weekly

cleaning list

● Responsible for organizing product in


● for cooking
Worker 1 ● Welcome customers

● Ensure cleanliness
Worker 2 ● Repair and maintenance of games
Waiter ● Take order
Cashier ● Keep records and token sales

Internal sources would govern how Above the Top would presume it’s the first batch of its

employees and develop them to specification. The first batch would obviously be from an

external sourcing but their developmental stage would address an internal basis and properly

implemented opportunities to develop that would create a sense of competition and

collectively improve the motivation of employees which would directly bring a positive

effect in improving the business standard. Internal sourcing would come at a higher price

since training and development efforts will take a toll on Abo e the Top’s scarce financial

resources and may be considered redundant in the first view. But generic 3 rd level

employees can be made superiorly effective to govern Above the Top to the future. This

would also revolve around creating both the attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of the existing

employees granting them a system that would specify a clear way to performance based

rewards for exceptional services and efforts; a factor that most entertainment industry in the

industry failed to capitalize on hence they faced extensive turnover in consideration.

Collecting manpower outside of the organizational perspective is the most lucrative option

since Above the Top has yet to start. Considering how the current manpower market, it is on

a declining state with the export of manpower to foreign nations nearly cut to half due to the

notoriety of a few miscreants from our proud nation. Hence, it can be deemed as an

advantage for Above the Top to articulate and attract an adequate measure of manpower

ranging from both educated and uneducated manpower generation. Educated manpower

would include students those are interested in part-timing on a shift basis but would charge a

relatively higher pay scale than that of generic uneducated manpower which can be anyone

with a solvent mind. The advantages on hiring educated manpower would be their potential

in upholding the image of Above the Top and their enthusiasm in consideration which is

seldom demonstrated by students; full to the brim with new ideas and untouched by the harsh

realities of livelihood but they have a rapidly declining loyalty factor. Uneducated manpower

tend to be more loyal but at the cost of lesser performance and extensive training costs which

is frankly annoying since it can be repetitive.


Here the cashier will take the bill from the customer and give them the token to play games.

Two washrooms will be available behind counter for male and female.

Internal Decoration

Internal Decoration plays a vital role for customer satisfaction Because of Above the Top is

fun themed café the shop will maintain colorful theme. We can also make contact with

insignia studio to do the internal design.


The lighting should be bright as there might be many corporate official will be there and

people in that age do not like dull lighting. There will also stair lights available to avoid any

kind of accident. On the roof top Above the Top will set a very bright lighting that can be

noticed from the road.

Sound System

BOSE sound system will be available for playing the best uplifting soundtracks which

matches the ambience.

Marketing Plan (7Ps)


Our core service is miniature indoor golf. We, atAbove the Top, intend to develop facility

that will feature a mini golf course, pool and other arcade games.

Here are the products/services we will have available:

1. Arcade games

2. Mini Bowling

3. Pool

4. Mini Golf

5. Rooftop Cafe

6. Merchandises


We will be open from 10.00 AM to 10.00 PM every day except for Tuesday which is the

zonal holiday for Dhanmondi. Above the top will be located on 6 th floor of a 6000 square

feet restaurant called OROI at 7/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka which is a very convenient one for

our target customers. The area is surrounded by private universities, schools and offices.


We will be using dynamic pricing model

Dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy in which businesses set flexible prices for products or

services based on current market demands. Business are able to change prices based on

algorithms that take into account competitor pricing, supply and demand, and other external

factors in the market. Dynamic pricing is a common practice in several industries such as

hospitality, travel, entertainment, and retail. Each industry takes a slightly different approach

to repricing based on its needs and the demand for the product.

Therefore the following prices are susceptible to change:

Item Price (in BDT)
Pool 80
Arcade games 50
Mini Bowling 100
Golf 80
Merchandises 100/500 (Minimum/Maximum)
Cafe 40/ 300 (Minimum/Maximum)


Above the Top will use different Medias in promoting the business to capture the market. We

will be using facebook fan page, banners, leaflets, etc. The initial and future promotional

strategies are discussed in the next segment- “Marketing Strategies”.


We are using a very simple process. The customers will have to enter their name and time of

entry in a register, pay the fee and start playing. In case of our management process, it is

simple too. It does not have a lot of level in its organization structure. We also do not require

daily transactions since our assets are fixed ones and the café is outsourced.

Physical Environment

The physical environment Above the Top provides is very pleasing for the customers. It helps

the management in providing the services efficiently. Our décor will be done with the

assistance of professionals. We will have open air space with skyline view which will give a

soothing and real gaming like experience. Our golf course and bowling will also have a LCD

TV and Wi-Fi for our customers.


For providing premium service we need the right kind of people. People from our firm’s

perspective are as follow:

Front stage: Our firm is a people processing service. The customers are present in the service

factor, in our case the golf course. Front stage employees are the contact points for the

customers. It includes our operator (assists the customers during the game) and manager. The

operators will be constantly briefed by the manager and the recruitment will be also done


Back stage: They are the core service provider. Our technician and curator are our backstage

people. They will be efficient and qualified.

Organizational Plan

Forms of ownership

It will be a partnership business, comprising of five partners, Md, Samid Razzak, Akif

Chowdhury, Omar Bin Alam, Tamzid Khan and Arafat Khan.

Principle shareholders

We ourselves are going to invest in this business and become the principle shareholders.

Authority of the principals

As each of us are spending equal amount in the business and as it is a partnership business,

the authority of the principles will be equal and distributed. No one will have the authority to

overpower another partner. This will ensure equal dominance of every partner in the


Each one of us will oversee departments:

1) Md. Samid Razzak: Operations Head

2) Tamzid Khan: Management Head

3) Omar Bin Alam: Finance Head

4) Akif Chowdhury: Marketing Head

5) Arafat Khan Arko: Logistics Head

Under us, there will be certain employees like cleaning staff, security, and others working to

help us.

Management team background:

As business students, we think we will have an advantage over the business because we are

acquainted with the overall process. The details of the management team are given below:

Md. Samid Razzak

Samid is a business student of North South University, currently in his third year. He is

majoring in Marketing and Finance with strong basics in both because of participating in over

20 competitions and winning many of them like Ad Maker Bangladesh (Marketing

competition), Socio Camp 2015 (Awareness Competition) and many others. He is also a

Certified Supply Chain Analyst who knows ins and outs about the supply chain process of a

business. He has over three years’ experience in club activities and had been working in

famous clubs like NSU YES!, NSU Finance Club and NSU SS.

Samid is also one of the founding member of 10 Minute School, a web based learning system

to revolutionize education system in Bangladesh and initiated different projects under 10

Minute School, including the university section.

All these experience will help him to make this business efficient and profitable.

Tamzid Khan

Doing a concentration major in Marketing from North South University. His vast coverage of

relevant and rare marketing topics including service marketing, international marketing, B2B

marketing and direct marketing will help in strengthening the marketing department of our

service firm. He is also very well connected with a number of law and ad agencies in

Bangladesh. Besides academics his experience in graphic design will further add value to the

marketing department as our services cape will be very graphic intensive and he will save

cost in hiring a separate graphic designer.

Arafat Khan

Arafat is doing major in Marketing from North South University. Currently, he is in 2nd last

semester. He has a vast knowledge about service marketing, brand management, B2B

marketing, international business those will help him to develop the ideas and also help to

increase awareness among people about this firm. He has over two years working experience

in club activities and had been working business club of NSU named NSU YES! (Young

Entrepreneur Society)

Besides academics, he is also well connected with digital marketing agency like Magnito

Digital. He has vast knowledge about online retail business as he is a managing partner of

cloudy shop bd. He has knowledge about computer programming (HTML/CSS/PHP). Good

knowledge about graphics designing, Adobe Photoshop and web designing. He is a

professional photographer at Chromatic frames.

All these experience will help him to reach this business more active and profitable.

Omar Bin Alam

Omar is currently a student at North South University in his 9th semester doing a double

major in Finance and Marketing. He is also a member of NSU Finance Club that deals with

holding financial programs and events and was also a member of NSU YES!. He is also a O

and A level course instructor in one of the renowned GCE institutions in Old Town. He is

also actively engaged in a voluntary non-profit organization called 'Reaching Out' that works

to help and promulgate for disabled children.

Akif Chowdhury

Akif is an undergrad senior, currently pursuing a dual major in Finance and Economics. His

skills lie in negotiation and strategizing marketing activities. He is the Deputy of Marketing

in NSU Communication Club, where he is also one of the top debaters who represented

Bangladesh in several international tournaments. Furthermore, he was a contributor at

SHOUT magazine of The Daily Star, the leading national newspaper in Bangladesh. His past
involvements with NSU Finance Club and NSU English Club horned his skills for

management and organizing.

Roles Of Each Partners:

Some of our activities may be outsourced, so the logistics head will make sure everything is

available on time and managed. He will also be responsible to ensure the supply chain


The marketing head will oversee the overall offline and online marketing. He will be

responsible to maintain awareness, knowledge and reinforcement programs. He will see

that the marketing objectives are met and the sales figures are increasing exponentially. In

short, he will generate demand and fulfill sales.

The finance head will maintain the cash flows: Cash inflow and cash outflow. He will also

prepare the income statements, the balance sheet and the projections of financials. He will

evaluate the assets and liabilities of our business and maintain clear records of every


The management head will be responsible for the overall management of the employees and

the team members. He will motivate the employees and give them incentives when needed.

He will evaluate their performance and also handle recruitment, training and development.

The operations head will be the in charge of all the operations of the business. He will see if

the day to day operations are done in the most efficient manner. He will also ensure the

outcomes of each and every department meets the objectives.

The salaries will be the revenues generated in the business which will be shared equally

among each partners.

The check signing authority will be done by only two people: Samid and Tamzid as they are

aware about the overall process than any of the partners. Besides, it will reduce the hassle by

engaging only two people for this activity.

Assessment of Risk

Assessment of risk is very important for our business. Hence, we will evaluate the risks and

adopt contingency and mitigation plans to avoid or minimize the risk.

Risk Probability Mitigation Contingency

1. New 90% Increase frequency of Adopt BTL activities,

competitors marketing activities to engage buzz agents to

with same create more brand promote our brand

marketing awareness.

Give value for money to

2. Hostile 30% Ensure proper contracts Maintain a transparent

takeover of and documents, maintain record to be showed to the

our business close contact with legal legal body is something

bodies like this happens

3. Expert 60% Ensure proper facilities to Keep an employee

Employee employees, empower them database of all the

turn over and involve them in employees submitting

decision making process CVs at the first place, both

accepted and rejected.

Weakness Of Business

Lack of experience:

Since we all are students and it is our first business, we lack in experience of the actual

business. This might be risky for us but with proper strategies, this can easily be overcome.

New idea:

As the idea is new, it might take some time to be accepted among our target consumers.

Besides, there are other alternatives which customers might like before hand


Since there are alternative to sources of entertainment like doing music (jamming pads),

bowling, pool billiards zones etc., they might not make consumers switch to our business. It

will be a weakness for our business.

Lack of enough capital:

As students, we have limited capital for the business. Besides, our parents would not fund us

totally, we are going to use our own money mostly. This might be a risky factor as we are

capable of investing such a limited amount compared to the big players in the market.

Recruiting expert staff:

Recruiting expert staff to run our activities will be a challenge for us. There is a risk of their

performance failure which will tarnish the image of our brand.

Hostile takeover by big players:

If our business gets bigger and profitable, there might be a chance of hostile takeover by big

players in the market. This is a huge risk for us.

Materials for games:

Materials required for our games might not be readily available in Bangladesh hence it will

be a challenge for us to collect them frequently.

New technology:

As we are mainly focused on service and our service materials are readily available, at

current condition technology will not be a risk for us. However, in future if new activities

with new technologies come as a threat, we will incorporate it in our business.

Contingency Plans

Plan A:

If our plan fails and we cannot sell our service, we will follow market development

strategy. We will enter into a different area for example Uttara. As we will be using same

equipment, it would not be much of a hassle for us. The market is huge in Uttara for

entertainment service.

In the long run if the business gets successful, we might expand it to other countries as well.

Plan B:

If any activity is not generating enough sales, we will stop it immediately. We will then base on our

research, develop a new activity aligned with the trend. For example, if the air hockey fails to

generate profit, we will close it and adopt a new activity based on our research.

Financial Plan

Cost Structure:

Below is a detailed description of the initial investment and expenditures required to start up

our business.

Item Amount (BDT)

Advance Rental Payment 1,600,000
Rental Expense 400,000
Decorations and Renovations 300,000
Purchase of equipment and 1,200,000

entertainment units
Installation and construction 50,000
Miscellaneous Expenses (e.g 200,000

initial food cost, utility

expenses, refrigerators and air

conditioners etc)
Salaries and Wages 140,000
Total Initial Investment 3,990,000 BDT


1) Advance Rental Payments: Rental has to be paid for 4 months in advance.

Rent expense for months: 400,000 X 4 = 1,600,000 BDT

2) Rental Expense: Cost per square feet in Bashundhara is usually 110 BDT. Since we

are using the rooftop which has been laid dormant as of yet and is in a stagnant

condition, the authorities has agreed to keep 80 taka per square feet. The rooftop to be

used by us is 5000 square feet.

Thus, Total rental cost: 5000 X 80 = 400,000 BDT

3) Decorations and Renovations: As the rooftop has not been of much use and has been

very messy, we have to invest a significant amount on painting and putting tiles. We

also have to spend on setting up the Mini Golf Course.

Cost on Painting and decoration: 150,000 BDT

Cost on attaching tiles: 1 sq foot needs 9 tiles to be filled in. Thus 5000 sq feet will

require: 5000 X 9 = 45,000 tiles.

Thus, total cost on tiles: 45,000 X 35 = 157,500 BDT

Total Cost on decoration and renovations = 307,500 BDT

4) Purchase of equipments and entertainment units:

● Cost of Mini Golf Course: 250,000 BDT (including the cost of carpeting,

purchasing golf bats, gloves and balls).

● Cost of setting up the cafeteria: 50,000 BDT

● Cost of setting up various arcade games (includes installations of computers

and gaming devices): 200,000

● Cost of setting up the bowling alley and air hockey : 200,000 BDT

● Cost of billiards: (10 boards will be purchased initially): 50,000 X 10 =

500,000 BDT

Total Cost: 1,200,000 BDT

5) Salaries and Wages: We have to hire 2 managers, 2 chefs, 5 waiters and 5 attendants;

● Salaries of managers: 15,000 X 2 = 30,000 BDT

● Salaries of waiters: 8000 X 5 = 40,000 BDT

● Salaries of chefs: 15,000 X 2 = 30,000 BDT

● Salaries of attendants: 8000 X5 = 40,000 BDT

Total salaries and wages: 140,000 BDT

Revenue Streams:

1) Revenue from mini golf course:

Charge per game of golf per person: 300 taka

Total number of games to be played per day: 50

Total revenue from golf: 15,000 BDT

2) Revenue from air hockey:

Charge per game of air hockey: 50 taka

Total number of games to be played per day: 200

Total revenue from golf: 10,000 BDT

3) Revenue from arcade games:

Charge per arcade game: 50 taka

Total number of games to be played per day: 200

Total revenue from golf: 10,000 BDT

4) Revenue from bowling games:

Charge per game of bowling: 50 taka

Total number of games to be played per day: 150

Total revenue from golf: 7,500 BDT

5) Revenue from billiard:

Charge per game of billiard: 40 taka

Total number of games to be played per day: 125

Total revenue from golf: 5000 BDT

6) Revenue from foods : 10,000 BDT

7) Revenue from entry tickets: 500 X 30 = 15,000 BDT

Thus, Total Revenue per day: 62,500 BDT


● All revenue streams are estimated.

● Revenue is subjected to fluctuation due to weekends, holidays, economic

downturns and political turmoil.

● The revenue streams are shown for daily basis.

Appendix: Questionnaire With Condensed Results

A survey was taken to assess the market demand.

1. How many days a week do you go out for leisure?

a. 0

b. Less than 3

c. 3 - 4 days

d. More than 4

e. Everyday

2. What do you usually do for your leisure time?

a. Go online/use the computer for entertainment

b. Go outside for hanging out

c. Go to friend’s house

d. Others (please specify): ____________________________

3. If you go out for leisure, where do you usually go to?

a. I don’t go out for leisure

b. Restaurants

c. Playgrounds

d. Indoor gaming arcades

e. Shopping malls

f. Others (please specify): ________________________________

4. What is your age?

a. Below 14

b. 14-16

c. 17-19

d. 20-22

e. 23-24

f. Over 25

5. What is your gender?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Others

6. How much are you willing to spend at max per hangout?

a. Below Tk. 100

b. Tk. 100-200

c. Tk. 200-400

d. Tk. 500-800

e. Over Tk. 1000

7. How often do you go out for leisure with companions?

a. Never

b. Sometimes

c. Often

d. A lot

8. If your did not answer ‘a’ in the previous question, state how many companions you

go out with on average per hangout:

a. Below 3

b. 3-5

c. Above 5


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