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4/30/2020 Bhrigu bindu in Astrology – Astrolight08

So the question is still there in our mind, what does Bhrigu bindu signifies to understand the bhrigu
bindu we will have to understand the karma cycle which are our Prarabdh and Kriyamana karma out
of Sanchita karna so what do they mean

Prarabdh Karma are those karma out of Sanchita Karma which we can’t escape in this life, These are
karmik backlog from previous life which is left to be fulfilled in this life.

Sanchit Karma or accumulated karma is Store house of our Pending karmas from so many previous

Kriyamana karma are very important type of karma which is nothing but a freewill that is to be added
up in this life by person desires.

Bhrigu bindu is all about mixture of the above karma cycle.

Bhrigu bindu significance – The bhrigu bindu signifies our fortune point around which our whole
destiny is to be revolved, now add more layer to destiny what are things that revolve around our
destiny obviously Career, but it’s not limited upto the career it can be any auspicious event, ceremony
or important thing and in other words this can be other way round too it can be malefic too as per
malefic house or transit of malefic planet over bhrigu bindu.
Bhrigu bindu in kendra(quadrant) houses(1,4,7,10)indicates early success in life with less efforts.
Bhrigu bindu in Trikone(trinal) house indicates huge amount of luck, B. B. in trine house comes from
a lot of practice, knowledge and intelligence.
Bhrigu bindu in dusthana houses (6,8,12) indicates Late success with huge amount of efforts in life.
B.B in 1st house indicates luck after self efforts.
B. B. in 2nd house indicates luck associate with family, wealth, education,singing banking and finance.
B. B. in 3rd house indicates luck through friends, network and circle, commerce, short travelling,
siblings, painting, skills, travel, media, IT, computer, media and writing.
B. B in 4th house says luck is linked with home, mother, property, vehicle, education.
B. B in 5th house tells luck via creativity, intelligence, practice, learning, Astrology, mathematics, govt.
,natural ability, politics, script writing and spirituality.
B. B in 6th house come with efforts, Hardwork, job, day to day activities,service legal profession,
servants, relative of maternal side, court, litigation and medical.
B. B. in 7th house indicates luck through spouse, relation, joint venture, business, marriage, promotion
and union.
B. B in 8th house indicates Hard luck with extreme efforts,insurance, industry, politics, stress, medical,
other wealth, moksha, unearned money occult, astrology, dowry.
B. B in 9th house having luck through higher learning, teaching, preaching, spirituality, dharma,
politics, law, justice,long travelling, destiny, elderly figure.
B. B in 10th house says luck via Job, fame, politics Govt., father.
B. B in 11th house indicates luck with Friends circle, hopes and wishes, desires, money, earning, elder
sibling, internet, science, space, technology, industry.
B. B in 12th indicates luck through MNcs, foreign, isolation, moksha, serving others, donations.

Activation of Bhrigu bindu – 1/4
4/30/2020 Bhrigu bindu in Astrology – Astrolight08

Whenever we are going through mahadasha or antardasha of the lord of the sign in which bhrigu
bindu falls it activates.
Transit of slow moving planet which are Rahu, ketu, Saturn, Jupiter over bhrigu bindu.

When Rahu transit over bhrigu bindu or aspect bhrigu bindu person have huge pending(prarabdh)
karma vis a vis the house it transits person can feel huge transformation and changed in this span of

When Saturn transit over Bhrigu bindu or aspect person feel responsible to his duty towards life and
gradually person start feeling his responsibilities and adding kriyamana karma to his life.

Ketu transit over B.B, person feel detached and go into isolation, face illusion and spirituality, kind-of
detached from the world as a result person face prarabdh karma.

Jupitar transit over B. B indicates person will receive huge amount of will power, optimism person get
ability to focus on things by which person add ups kriyamana karma to his life.

Bhrigu bindu according to Nakshatra –

If Bhrigu bindu falls in ketu nakshatra(ashwini, magha, moola) person destiny will be less of material
oriented and hard work and more of a spiritual oriented like Serving to the humanity, moksha, daan,
NGOs, healing, Astrology, tantra, mantra, meditation,doctor, surgeon,spiritual leader, saint, monk. 2/4
4/30/2020 Bhrigu bindu in Astrology – Astrolight08


Bhrigu bindu comes under Venus nakshatra(Bharini, P. phalguni, P. ashada) then person destiny will
be associated with materialism, wealth, acting, cinema, dance, happiness, romance marriage, spouse,
union, relationship and business,property, house, luxury, vehicle,singing and dancing.,jewellery
designing, fashion designing.

Bhrigu bindu in Sun nakshatra (Kritika, U ar phalguni, U. ashada) person destiny will come from
govt., authority, independence, royalty, talent confidence,grain, gold, father, judge,lawyer,politics,
politician, medicines, surgeon , creativity.

Bhrigu bindu in Moon nakshatra (Rohini, shravana, Hast) person receives his destiny through skills,
business, acting, creativity, hobbies, mother, arts, singing, navy, grocery, liquid, rice, General
departmental store,cloths, hotel,silver,sailor.

Bhrigu bindu in Mars nakshatra (Mrigashirsha, Chitra, Dhanishtha) person will have fate through
Engineering, defense, service, fire, construction, electrical engg., Police, dancing, modeling, designing,
acting, music, artist, soldier warrior, surgeon, fire, fighting,oil, minning,Hardware sportsman and

Bhigu bindu in Rahu nakshatra (Ardra, swati, shatabhisha) person will get his destiny through
electronic, communication, space, Internet, technology, Science, radio waves, quantum physics,
microwave, quantum mechanics, ethical hacking, cheating, frauds, theft, politics, marketing,
communication, Healing, crude oil, butcher, astronomy, computer and IT, programming, coding,
networking, criminal.

Bhrigu bindu in Jupiter nakshatra (Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapad) person receives his luck
via Knowledge, wisdom, classical music, folks, teaching, preaching, Spiritual healer, priest, brahaman,
education, study, law, Judge, barrister.

Bhrigu bindu in Saturn nakshatra (Pushya, Anuradha, U ara bhadrapada) person will have luck via
Hardwork, Job , effort, karma, foreign, inheritance, friends, property, Engineering, machines,
mechanical engg., automobile industry, minning, oil. 3/4
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Bhrugu bindu in Mercury’s nakshatra (Aslesha, jyestha, revati) person receives luck through media,
IT, software, journalism, commerce, accounts, psychology, spirituality, business, trade, import-export,
ta oo artist, writer, banking, medical and medicines, Internet, documents.

Bhrigu bindu is imaginary point between rahu and moon so it is fully on subconscious and
psychological level manifesting at physical level at time of activation.
At last we can say activation B. B indicates huge changes and transformation to person life, this can be
both positive or negative totally depend on the house, sign, nakshatra, planetery relation.
These are very general points regarding Bhrigu bindu specific result can vary as per individual chart,
planetery placement and a lot of things. which can be analyzed after full fledged horoscope reading.

Hope now all the doubt as regards Bhrigu bindu are clear. 4/4

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