I Am Sorry Excusame

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I am sorry

1.who always backs you up when you 1.que siempre te respalda cuando
have a new projet or plans tienes un nuevo proyecto o planes

2.do you now anyone whose house 2.haces ahora a alguien cuya casa ha
has been broken into sido forzada

3. do you remember any important 3. ¿Recuerdas algún evento

event for you that was called of for importante para ti que fue llamado
any reason por alguna razón?

4. have you ever been asked out by 4. ¿Alguna vez alguien que no te
someone you didn´t like at all ? how gustó te invitó a salir? como
did you react? reaccionaste

5.have you ever broken up with 5. ¿Alguna vez has roto con alguien?
6. ¿Qué haces cuando se rompen los
6. what do yo do when any domestic electrodomésticos? ¿Intentas
appliaces break down? do you try to arreglarlos tú mismo?
fix them up yourself
7. ¿Conoces a alguien que no haya
7.do you know someone who hastn´t sido criado por sus padres?
been brought up by his parents?

1.when was the last time you bumped

 .cuando fue la última vez que chocaste con
The last time I collided with alguien
someone was last year when a
classmate did not want to do the

2. you would like to cut down on

 If I would like to cut down on eating
3. when was the last lime you had to look
after somebody
the last month when my brother got sick I cuando fue la última lima que tuviste que
took care of him I gave him his pills and told cuidar a alguien
him to rest
4. when was the last time you had to drees
up for a party? 4.
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que tuviste que
prepararte para una fiesta?

5. is there anything old or useles you want to 5.

throw away? ¿Hay algo viejo o inútil que quieras tirar?

a year ago for the marriage of my cousin I

had to buy a dress and shoes I also went to
the beauty salon

6.¿Alguna vez has terminado de hacer algo y

luego te dijeron que lo volvieras a hacer?
6. Have you ever fineshed doing something
and then were told to do it over
yes the teacher said that the prototype of do you remember the last time you had to
the work should be done again because it give up doing something
was wrong
7 do you remember the last time you had to
give up doing something

if the last time I gave up a trip was a year

ago because I needed the money to buy a

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