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Ome OD) er dpress. cq upcoming, ahie Complete Classnotes by Rakesh Yadawsin Each class & Each Chapter with detailed solitions: Method by Rakesh Yadav Sir Complete Arithmetic & Advanced Two in OnelBoam All the latest questions have been included 6 Help students know the latest pattern of the question Belng asked in different SSC competitive exams: — —" J rary i eee Lp EF fess | Pe CUB CCNA Cee a yicriie RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION -( ARITHMETIC (VOLUME-1) ) S.No. Chapter Page No. i. TIME AND WORK 1-38 2. PIPE AND CISTERN 39-54 3. TIME AND DISTANCE 55-101 4. BOAT AND STREAM 102-109 5. PERCENTAGE 111-140 6. PROFIT AND LOSS 141-167 Te MIXTURE AND ALLEGATION | 169-191 8. RATIO AND PROPORTION 192-201 9. PARTNERSHIP 202-208 10. AVERAGE 209-220 11. COMPOUND INTEREST 221-240 (12. SIMPLE INSTEREST 241-254 ADVANCE MATHS (VOLUME-2) S.No. Chapter Page No. T, | NUMBER SYSTEM AND ALGEBRA| 1-78 2 HCF AND LCM 79-92 3 GEOMETRY 93-146 = CO-ORDINATE GEOMATRY | 147-158 5. 2D-MENSURATION 159-1 70 6 3D- MENSURATION 171-20 7 TRIGONOMETRY 211- IGHT AND DISTANCE 253-262 9 a INTERPRETATION | 269-268) Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. - =f Class at TIME & Work -~@Ore q rome lin & WOK in to and 12 deus saapectively- working Tey and arier 3 qays, A let A 8 we ne | os et ep omy | a a - +6 +8 3x 233 = “ ee = sus « . s. * 2 egy bb wore will be finish Ina 345228 a axe ee > @ Rand @ startd working topthion but aoe Som ay ~ tle Phe work and Ha whele WOK wu compute tn 9 > says Find ables how many day A ut + if Ae B emp the we In 10 815 ~ oe es; ** 8 dow Ap. ee ee Ny 4x2 =18 yo | ae 2 A> + “Ba min aan bud a wall 1n 19 ond 20 how : but they Work topihee Hay use 280 Was bucks per hour and DULL a wal am (2 Hous «Gir the no ok bas in the wall - Scanned by CamScanner " ARB = ¥ Unit nail 2. H 43 sunil Suit —_ 280 - eS Are luni — joo : A oh c ish Total bricks = Goxiyo = $& 2s (Give = 8yoo Bricks mex £8: 25 (ver) oe Baltes py (4) 2 man con build a wall in 9 has and lo hrs Assp. . Buk if Huy work together. than they use 10 uss bricks ber hows and build 4 wall in s hab» find iy fra nd: of bricks in the Wall 7 : “a 8 pe = 19 unk - gh toh - | wnt 1° . pig = 13 unt +0 +5 - Total bricks = Joxlo = 900 png Me= # =e ~~ ~ 1 © Too andes of same height can burn completely i'n ‘hes and 6 has samp. if both stat buining- ak same” Hime ok thslk sapective constant speed » then find after how much time fatio o. . r f that chelght become ai3 A 8 Uh &h laa a oni efnth Book = 3 36-94 = ayeyt Sato 2hr,2y min Scanned by CamScanner <= © Tha men 9, 5 compute He work 105125 15 op 3 “Ff = BF A, 8 and C stants weak together After 2 days A - wt He Lea and nent alee 2 days ¢ abso Uh Then ° find im how many days the whole work wilh complet ~ 2 Dae 8s C starts work together . Aand & Ust the wort 7 adage befeke Hee comblation of the wone , Hun the ~ whole Wowk Ww Finish fn ow many days: ~ “HD EE A Whe the Work 2 clays before the compuetion eb ~ “the warK and @ Ube Hhe work 3 days before the . cormplation. wosk uSLL finish Tn how many Cays 7 8 ° ~ ) A & C Arete Bte ff » lo {2 rs days adios . + Me srk od \sx2 axe S si# . ‘6 _ =30 = 18 . | - wore will finish in = 2 = 65d i- 6° : -1> (A's 2doys) - —16 (cls yaup) . : haw) 2. pecor & works for a - 32 = 4S dep A. ws o me 7 1) prete ¢ @ - sea tt ea (pass 2 dag wlork) -~ 60-8 = Sa ¥ ~ uxr=8 a ~ * se . = sis ey wore wi Finish in = fing ahto = ste dos ~~ Scanned by CamScanner iit) 60 $ID CAS 2 more clays cydrt) +15 coe More days work) | Sts Tes ob Is s Ss days (iv) A, Bsc starts work togethr but A bt the work after two days. and. ® Lebt the Work | day before the completion of the work «by how much Hime the whole work WU be compLetral 2 60 AarC BH = 12 Cpls 2days work) ial et yee % ’ ~ +5 _- (Gs I day? work) 80 26 53 q - ’ a Se days = 28 atk = sh any © Ar Gand c stars work frgtur but after 3 days A lubt Hie work » and Oclubt the work @ day befor the completion of Wolk fm how much fimg the whdle Work be compeied P — \ e AtB+C BC Bg Go ta ad =i ¥ ’ ya us 86 +16 Ss champ “thik mathod fail. 2 concaphially- wong Bec we cont qustiey that © wok for s days . Scanned by CamScanner -~@® pte, ore » c+A can complete a wots jn Vr 125 20 doy ssspectively- « In ovo much they alone 1° -~ the WOK « AB ate HA art eee _ fat - to — . 2 (Arete) = 14 Cn on ArB, BC, CHA con ap OWE IN ods “ Uo doy saspectvely fn how munch Hime they do me WHKe »») - are ere GA Atarc = 1S = 6 — yo ze ° 20 30 cet 3 Be = 200s ° & \: 7 ge E3 Be eH - © e2 Za wee Buy ys ~@ AWB, Bic do a war fn in and 6 days: if A WOK for s days and 8 work for + days and c Complete the sumaining- wok fr 1S doug Then find © woulsl comptes the Work fo howe ream days? »,»2? 70) ) Scanned by CamScanner 8 & mB at ga iad ted AB, wre a SF OF 20 6 = 2 Y8-26 = Se = 2° © C wouloL completo He work = yg _ ae téficiency of * 8 pos Baon = B+Cc = uf ys x 7 t hoe cbiceny Adow = AtB - Ue _ e = Ah aos ‘ } i | Ly Als efficiency « ® Ar8 can doa wok fr 12 days while ate in 65 day © WOIK os complete bY A, B>C by worKing-354 and days . find in how Many days A alone woul Gmplato the while work. Ate BTC 2 i» & pd dF A+B BHC S 6h a x3 ax =15 =4 6o-2y = 26 = @ | Bre q on a=3 | ofc AB as §=2) A alone do Me up = 6° = Bock: Any ee z ae Scanned by CamScanner 7 -@ aman A, e,c complete a work tn such a way thet A works for al the day, @ works for ast g amd doy - And c woes for 384, uth and sth day . if BKC can do as much work in adaye as A alone does in 3 days > hm how many daxa A, @ and c alone do the without WOK If BEC can complete He whole wo%® = tre Jhulp of A in 6 days - ~ & & £& sd oad 3a (Bic) x2 = AX A = 2 a = aa 7 ( Efficieney. aT Rakio) ~ > BLE complete the work fr 6 days and ebtidenty of ate 4s 3 Hone, “Thal work = 6x3 = 18 fe & © sd ad ad dro - A arc & 2 cea v v ¥ — 7 Sxa=| = S ae by }O ox3=H6 [sie = Os ericeny of ¢ * @e=3 os [esi] , [Reo “ Aalone = IB = 9 days 7 Bales IB = 18 days 7 Caleng = bey dag fa Scanned by CamScanner _yoursmahboob. wordpress. com © A wan tas s sons. 38 one and art ont can complete 8. % WOK in 24 days and 36 days saspectively-. ty bow many days the srt son wWUL complete tre work » iF the man could alone complete Hu whole work in 37% days. the man can do double the Worx in game time. my what tme all hin sons together can complcte the watk - . m 8 8 : aid 2yd Be days Brere = . \ * : 22) $ c= “ © complete the work = TE 2 jrdoys- . m (atetd) = . Scanned by CamScanner _ Class ita IChhoker. 9 ae + ~@ imtswtyc dre, a work in 46 ours while amrec an - compluts the same Wolk in Bo Wes. and 2m + 3! can Comput a Hue same wWKK in [20 Hes. find in how Much Hme 7 WUL lomen + 5 woren completo Hie WORK 3 A ™ jw zm +8 wo > Imtuc +3 m zm+3e Ae He Bory Tro HY a NS 4 ° amtsc = 6 Imtyc+ 3W= S amyaw= 4 aA :. tm ycs 3 3 2 a ew= 2 - We 2 3 a Jom + 5 a lot Sx¥2 = Ye zs Zs i Ftomt su complete He work = 82 = tee. = 36 Wa. 8, C Gn wmplute a wk in 30 days by working a together AC ane twice efficient than @ and ATB Ue thaice efficient than ©. find in how many dows 7 A alone Complete tre work «+ Scanned by CamScanner ore GH ome aserc F comyl0 At Bes 8 1 a] ATE (B48+C) @ efficenty samy ~ —— . Bh anit. MB. 3 po © , *% 3 8 c A 4 3 5 Tota) work = 12X30 = 360 uns A alone = 32 = Fe daye. fe WS) Ae Gp compile a wok in half the time of c, while BC can complet: the same work in [aed Hoe than Fe. IF they together complete the Wak in 2odays . ‘how many cleus they abone do He ue . OM | ing ee: ce eo: A . = 8 Mes ke FF i 4 s 3 © f ae ot se Be + ‘Total work = 12%20 A S l 2 = ayo unit s calor = 2U2 = bo days 4 ; Gs “War can completa & work in Moy: Lesser ane While Bre can complete He same WHS tio Han 8. if Hay together con comple tHe whe WOK in 20 dows > than in how many days wi Hg Alone complete the Zame work - Scanned by CamScanner Time ett, 1 - Ate 2 oF _ 5S _ ag - c feos a ay - Bos de® = ss wo A ees 2 16 - & 8B < - 16 19 2I Teta! wok = s6x20 = Io unk * - Matos Hae = Fo days ns te ~ @ f tapes as much Hme as BEC take to finish & dob. HAE ~ finish the dob in lodays , C can alone de +he tame Yoo = in 15 days. Mm how many days & alone can do He werk - = a atc “Time- 1 : ' +B 8. | Ate re isd lode = 1 y “ ak ok Eff. (Ate) = —@ A compute half a> much wor as & I9 equal Hime. . Cc wmplete half as muth Work a> Age together In - equal Hime. 1f C done can comple He WaAK TA go days = Then Jin how many doys they alt toyether. - compa Hie WALK - Scanned by CamScanner A : . . 6 c a 2 Det oe = it 12: Ef ay; = Be acd is Wher = 120 R 4 3 oy Yt. @ Ta Facto | thee are 3 shifts of Duning- the 3 ange WK for a WOKS 4 907. , completa in 60 a the ayy. Working efficieny of Fol; and Soy. Paspectively A work se MP Py the group working in the att shift 61 i an Me WOK is done in aL the shigt then how Wes aw -. me rags to completo the . : = @ = WORK oad E> 8 + Fe: 50 Tota] wAK = 8X 60 = 480 a4 se s if work in alt shifts work will Wmplate in go, = au day - 20 Was ays = 60-24 = 36 doy fry - = . Ge) Two woos A 26 working topetinr can computa @ 4ob (D5 dos «HF A wok twice ar efficiently as -he actuolly | did and & wok + CFFiciently a» he actually diol, than the work would have been completed fn adays.A alpne can completo the work in how many days. - AtB)xs = (2An+H.)x3| EMCAte)= 5 4 MY (A yx 2 >) compl He worrin Ss days Se Total work = SXF = as unit. sAtsB = 6At& Balm = 8S = 6 ry - ii __ Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. 13 - BI) Ate can complete a work in B days but if AaB ~ ook twice gb Of Hhaik swspective efficienty , then the = WOK 4 compLateal in 6 days. In how many dag» A ~ alone can complete He wark ? (8) Ke = (28+ B) xe - ear se = 2A +28 - uf@#= 66 5 ee & oS eo Ye ~ Tetol work = Late) X86 = A along = AO days: Dn gual © wok and UE wowing + ap SRR ~ the Aamaining- WOK in next 18 days Had A Ube the ~ WOK afin waxing for 6 days ten & voautd have ~ Finished the remaining work in next 12 days Then find in how many days A&B alone can completa. the WOK » = a & sta wore . on sei 4 18d bax ee ~ +2 C “4 “ty < m+ a oy ey = 30 1 3 Axa'= BxXe = 30 = od ~ Aidione = 32 = }0 lus _ a = f= 2 Baom> 3 = se dug Scanned by CamScanner a, ‘ ® R ort 3 ypist> worning. simulta ; MUQUELYY coun 14. 216 in 4 Has my OnE We R can ye a mary More thin & as & can tybe mote than p ree How many- Pages anes Much of them type ber hour - Rasim exe P A Rk Set Bx LL SH a 7 7 fexxy= 216 P= Sx3= 15 Page | hour ~\ X=3 Q= 6x3 = 1g page | hour , R= 1K3 = 21 Page [hour . © @) Pe hak woeringy foguhen oH ba ey an a 00 pages in 20 days. The no: of pages typed by A tn 4 Hrs equal to the no: of pages typed by © in Lhe Hew marty page typed by Cin IH if tn a doy 8 “ifs a MANY pages Mowe than A as © typed ab many tages _ Me than B- Axy = xl & g ¢ UY sas A. Ve L coc 4 rs ve + 4 as SX yaxag = Raed “ae x= oe — _ 3 Page | Hx. Ans —_————" Scanned by CamScanner 15 ’ @ are Can Complete a work in 30 Acs - Thay} etek work together and after 234046 & Lt He wok and whole work complete in 33 Aus - find He time Tm wie A atone can complete He WORK - A +8 —? 30 doy ’ : | aang ax3 = BF 23doy ald ~ & 3 - Tota] work = Gt8) X30 = = Ralon = Be dyé ~ @ ate can complete a work In 24 days. mm how mani “ days alone doe the 213 of the toll worK if tte shack working together after ro clays A bt the Werk 5 ~ WK as completed Pr 26 day. ° A+ B = 24 doy | | oye! Axe = BX 20daq y ) Aza meee Se Total wo = (Ha)X24 = Fa unit of total wo = PXE = us wilt ry xy dT 79 2 > in Fok worn compubsl by A alane = YE = 4? deye Scanned by CamScanner / @ BM coo comput a wor tn 12 dogs . & alone wore 40,18 Soo 8 completes fhe remaining work in 1 by aelng stone . In how much Hme & atone does the Complete Work. { A + B = [> days a | aa Axy = 8x8 A. 2 2 a” 7 Tota} Wox= axj2= 3¢unit A done = 36 ™ a le days Sf B abou = 26 = % daxt- @) per Complete a work fn lo doys doing togethar.-i¢ P works, for as dauys and R for 8 clays» Hey Finish but WOK. mm How much time P alone complete Hne Work « - Pp +R— lo days L \ C Huy complet 2-Sdh PKIaS = RKO half wouk in Bsc ep. 2 Sadcyt ) zs Tele] wk = (HSK Io = 120 unit Palone = 122 days. QD A alone would take 23 Has more to comple a work than Ae @ Wak together. 6 takes 3 Hrs mow 9 Compute 2 WOK alone than Aes wax together - bo hewo many days A alone cam ap it. Scanned by CamScanner 17 - xx howe A xtaq - B x+R 2743 =4 - m= qh m Aalone = tat = 36 Hes Boone = 943 = | Has > @A and @ atone complete a wrk in jr days and < days - more doyt Jaspectively than A+B, then find in how mony days A alone does the WORK . ~ = & KH? HA - B ats He - 1x3 = _ r= 6 He a A alone = 6H2= 18 He ~ g wom = 6t3= q thas GD A can complete a. wok in € moe days than B while =~ Adages the Same WORK In 4 more days than c - if PS can complete Me whale work in same time in wle © alone cles He whole WOK. In how many doys A alone, a Could. complete the fame WOK . 8 8 Sc ~ & & as + = (are) (xen) aa tH & Scanned by CamScanner AtB = 1 x ous day 8 dey a Ge+9) day Gis IT ry day X= 6 day A= 6+9 = IS day B= 6+ = Io day ™ c= 6 day. # “piaamig- ea Scab ape ew ee working simutkancnualy FL the bool in the same time as the 3 pipe alone, the and pipe alone Filla the fl S has faster than the Mt pibe 2 Y Has slower than 2d bibe. mm what time ona g atl fide fogethe Fill He pool. “oR 6 cq a ce aq HY wo os aw wk Ate = L u nm Bag a= is AtB es ety = lo He +4 HAs: = 6 4 fe . om Scanned by CamScanner _@ - 19 “ 7 +3) < : ££ 8 Sf ISH lore. CH ° eto= 2° We * 8 “s— - Class ~ 3. a ~@® amen A,B and C working foyether con ce a fob é Hus Lm A fime than A alone did, | He tus Hme than ® alone and half the 7 Hime needed by ©. im now many days wil A finish the WOrK. alone 2 a arerc A 8 c - re xte oH 2% a B+ e+e c a) ~ 1 L a \ cos “+ er. a ‘ a At+@+o =r A uo + ate 2 t A 2% $23 hy mort. than 8) yp Ab 2% i 4 mH =a 5 21 Coe the mou. than ate) 7 a Ae = IG-y(H0 = ae Gaye) = yon Scanned by CamScanner x Pa , — / ye = 6-14 +x* (x2) Us) =? 20- axrttir-~ = 0 wed 4 nN Xe + 22 3 3x2 4¢qx-21x-6 =O 3x(xt3) -2(x+3) zo Ip AwWt finish the war = +6 = 32 days. fiw: ® me 41 2 i> 24H) 2n0|t6) Ax (0046) Oct) or Aer Fartaxt HAL | cextexte = yxr tue MAW 4E = Yee le BX24I1N-—6 20 (sams eqn an above) ; 3 and 4¢.wW can ete i com : i PLE a. Lor, days while Scanned by CamScanner Q - (am+4w) x16 = (Gm +3) x12 21 - UA + 6UW = Ym + 30 : agw = 0 a wis o ? (am + 9) xe = (Um to)x 12 Tew = l6xa = U8 a Im+1W = Fto= # ~ Heng ampqw = AB dows « ~ ® a.e,gc an complite a wWOrk Tn 10, 12 and 15 dys e saspectively. 1F thiy stuck work together HM the whole ~ voorK complete , find tre share of wages of ALBEE : out of the total wages of Rs 750. - A 8 c Te is “ XS A Boe . BxRds Sxfds 4xhd . e244 6:5 3: 4 BR aie Beet awe wa OF a a we A= 6x = os car at & \untk-» $0 B= Sx = 290 B 3 apt aT hati ca UKs = 2oRy AT cttideny ST ako same Bet 2] yar rr vd D Scanned by CamScanner ES) BTC can comps a work fn Sd}* more time than 2) Atere wif thay work together. on a ob FUL He whale WORK Combirtas then & esnns i20 aut ob total earning of RS USO. Then find tn thow many doys they tegethu COmPLeLS the Whole work while AH@ takes 2 more no: of te complet the work than AbB+C B= he - geste Ate+C So * one 7 ate POET fe = 2s 10 T 4803 age AERC Bs IS e 2 3 a 8 c ey $s y 6 Ate Arete —E +3 4s Tims sx: 2x ad axa 2 3 Arete = Sxdauys = 3x =ud 3 P fra, ne N12 and is d the w . us shuns OAK aldernatively for bila wnt yt WOK Fak tn how much Hme Ge} of work sik be completzol. - A 6 | Yole Cad = t= 4 12 1S we dey 36 sda, Nos" fa bop of wows 60X60 _ 86 joo Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. 23 ~ @ 3 man A,B,C can make 18,000 pans in Altra» Gres & 3 Hrd sempectively+ If Hey WOK shal he every time >» 4 - - but Hay do nak work together and A Biasty te WO ‘ © fiat. find in how much time thy car make 18560 fae. a) a ¢ ; L - ah Uh th # i Y goon 1S00 2000 , S 3 e € S s 6 1 qdle (2s) > 6800 pens Cass) aan. ahs —> 12000 —> 2000 th PVD IOD 4 1s00 We ismin) —7> a : 1@s00 Que 1S min eo . GD "8 complete a work in 24 & Go days respectively, Working Jo Arps per doy the work ts Lo -be done in 2 shit te. movnieg- shift ds -pr &hu ond evening is for 4 has .On the sat day Fr wiotks in moxning- and. B works fn evening & thay Mtexchange thax shif te everyday find in Jnow much Hime Gra on anfe day tre Work will be compPletd. - Z > Yr V VDD a A 8 dt wh Chas WH . ast a ‘ log AL) a) NV od doy BL) a) 2 Vyur Caday) ——» 4 (s+4) Scanned by CamScanner / "ele (ad) —-_ q 24 les pag. = Bags % sed We a ooh 2 A= S in— tones Use) in tHe — in oy. 36 26d 6 pry ) WOK Wik finish on 23th day. Gd) 82 Bsc have to supp Qn Order oF 100-pens. A,B,C make a fren ty 2,25 4 Hrs respectively. tn how many. days Hhiy- wll complete the work if each one make a : x a complete pen himself without the help OF others, “ - ~ a 8 ah 3h lah ——> 13 pens z y [xt sys ——> 4 pens q hrs ———> 4 pen a 8 c ———_ — 2h ah uh q Has Pre 100. pen Shy 4p 2pm 2pen C® pen) y Tha pen 3pen — rpey Ca penju+ Pr Boe fi Ped work tn 10 days. Initially thy eel aie © WOK onty ox a day, & in shoe 38H” Boke fag ag ae enh ct fk ot Compe the ve iP a mr ety il Ir A’ 5 devs worn= Bis 4 days WOtK + Scanned by CamScanner — yorrsmahboob. wordpressseem - A+B+c —3e— a9 tual woak= 100 ©6225 - Ave —td_ gs ms = BX4 - ep 24)=49 . 8 s “ (Areyed = &=4 q + aA - gis - = = A 8 7 (prajad = 4X35 24 a 8 - A+6 wad 3 - eye + A= 48e = as ays ass 2 to a - (esd = +3 Be as = 80 das - —fing, C wut do complet: woK = lopxe = 30 dogs a i . @® 4 man can complete a WA tr Sodoys . Thay atest woot : fopethor and afiee evedy 40 days S men Abt the WOK - bn chow much time work wit be completed 7 - Yo men x soday = [200 Yo mon x 10 day = Yoo - 36 men x IOd4y = 350 Bo men x 1oday = 306 asman x 6day = = 36 dou Scanned by CamScanner CLASS By Paxdeep chhoker : a FLDEUY ES IF & 60 men can complete a war fh 40 dongs. They Stact work together but af fer every 10 day. s mon (eave the work = mm how time the Work wlLt be, Completed 7 ~ 60 men x uoday = 2400 \ 6omen x loday = 600 ae Semen x today = $50 Somen x today = Soo = 4so 4smon x loday woman x +5 day 30) ue = The Total deus — yorit = yet days. 33 men can do a 4ob fh dodaype « 1F $4 men stuctal the WOK fogethr & after every day 1 -bexson Leave the wok then What 6 the minimum no: of days xaquired to Complete the whole work - 2100 - 33 men x 3oday = q90 maximum 44 WObipe ya «ese ee. Pet aor eae DL ratty] DR [ast eye] = W BL 81-9] = 240, Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. -4 ae ~ Pek value of nm from options . 27 7 or assume yourself - . neuy . a4 [99-44] Fy armus = 940. min. no: of days fo finish the Work = 44 dase ~ @A pop of man aaciaad do @ gob i q days but Zo man dached aut everyday , the gob was completed at the end of 3th day. find Hae men who are In the WORK indtiaLy 2 Totlwak= mxXY = 4m tt 6a 8 a cbr 4 we yr p> m+ (mac) + ---- E [2m + 6e29)] =um $[2m-10] = 4m Tm-yo = Ym Am= yto 14S 8) 3 wok» haw te make 80 burgess. Thay axe Knowh To Fake 20 po evely minute by WORKING together The 1st = Wok began worucing- alone and made 20 per having Worked for sometime more than 3 min and sot wore completed by andl g aed cook and ik sakes a tual ob & ~ Min 0 Wompuats the whale WOAK. fp hour much time Hu ~ HE WiLL mare 160 bugs. > VIVID } Scanned by CamScanner A> @tx)min — 20 burger A+etC= 20 Y Tote! Him = BMin, A(etf) = a Atake = 3X Min td) > (S-x)min — 60 burger (eid) tars. 82x BICLEH) = _60 =X) min sl F 20 + 60 = 20 att oX Fatume valuos of x } xe. satisfies the equation RCet) = se = S burger / min A —+ I6o burger -» 169 = 32 min Am- in oy dows Jesser than Btc They together complets the Wok fn 5 coup. at oa os Grate Ate are ee ei ee we orc Cis same So 3+ a4 Yn both s 2 pku of NO OS (e’) 71 16 Ave Aasturrevaldy . AY8 CCH) = 5 “Ste4na. mess | C(eH) = 4 Hong s 8 4 Scanned by CamScanner _ 29 Cabne = B= So dos Ban = 30 = ISdys ~ fale = $8 = lodays ~ WP an an do a pea | wa The eap ORES . Woman can comple the same work In 16 days - in hour = Mang days (men + 2wWomen can complete the work - ) Amx~e = awx bo T> mM = 2W met wT DI VIII Tota) woak= UxXrx6 = 4B unt Im+aw voy ay wl axl @ (rm mie) _complety He wore = = = 1B days G9) 2 men can complet a WORK in 3 days, while 3 women Can complete the aime work Tn ¢ days & 4 chuldasn ah complas the same uiork 1m 6 days . hy hour mang. days Iman 2 childagn an complies the same vIOrK - donk = ucx Kf aw = YC " amx gp 1m = FI 7PAVIIIIIV FAI 2999 Scanned by CamScanner joa) wou = 2MX3 = 2XUKS = ant Imtic =uta= 6 (umtac) Completes He work = = ydays Fru: SD) 6 man + Bwomen complete a WOK in to days while 46mEn + ye woman in 2 days. hn how many days Tmant Swomen wil complets the work ? (6m+ sw) xy = Remtuew)x Z Zomt Yow = 26m+ 484% 2 4am = #4 w Mak oT Tw (6xatax!)xlo = 20xl0 = 200 unit ‘ 3 (2m pew)x1e = (amt 8w) x46 Somtqow = IMF jxew Wem = few Tey = Bega [Ge amyen ¥ 1620 Unik Scanned by CamScanner 30 - — w ‘me. -& me QM+30 = xS+3KF = 2 31 60 emt aw) wit finish the wox= = = bo doy 2men can complete a pieo of werk In sdays while 30 - Can comple the same wor in ¢ days and u childssn GN complekt the same work ln 6 days . Than find in = hour many days 1 men + ( women + 2 childaan can Complakt the same work . - denxgx = fuoxt = Meng” Im = aw = 4C 1 ee) Totol work = (2x4)x3 = 24 (Im iw tac) = ytates 8 (ting wae) compiate the WORK = ae = sacgs fe © thaw a sufficient food for Uso sokdion for sb cy Afier 28 days 280 soldieks 4o,t the camp. for how many days wil the awk of the food taste for the Aut of the sudiers- Purep ram rhpx D De lo doyg ry ry VIVVIXVIPVIDD ) Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. ea ——— There is sufficient food for 600 acldioy for so 32> dayg and each peson 4» eat qoogm food ewougday RFK 4o days , don soldien Luft Hx camp. Now for ‘bow mang days will the suck of the onl Aostod for the rust of the saldicns if each Slduex ate 1000 gm food everyday - Fey x Begx ip = Tapp x tgp xD eee eel CE CE ¢ D = 12 days Be D= &o d fos: : A complete #10 of a work th Is days , than Complelss the remaining weak with the -halp ey 8 in 4 day . find in how much hme (A+8) con Complete the Whole voork « @ ‘ree wx wffiient food for wttain ne: of | soldiers for axtain no: of days» Afiee 20 days - e $14 th soldier oft the comp and te mek OF - J the food will last for the game no ef days "4 that ara in stating find, He no: of days - 4 In the pgs - 4 Studi ngé : | Bk (D-20) = Bgno - 4 bas = ae _ q | - 4 4D-80= 3p | Scanned by CamScanner yoursmakbpob. woxgpress.comy A— 7 > Isctays 33 3 yoyo Gey) WOK = Ydays Ate) — Late ‘= @t8)— compl wok = 4X 1S = YO day ~@® Fh dk 20 men sipped de a work In 39 days . ~ AFR 25 days 5 mow men were employe en work ~ dita fo wile Fhe Work ib completed 1 day eatin. How : Many days would LF have been delay if s more men . WOW Nak employed . . DoMeN x 38 doy ~ Bomen xasd = FSO FO = oqdays . asmanx jzd = 420 3e lle 1 doy would duvy - © Smenxj2d = 60 SUR s man ar mtr at d 60 FH a0 mn SAT fe 2 atay wr oF ST days Lay would ovioy - © A contador unductock to finish a wad fn qoday & he employ 100 man - Affex. as dayz she employed (00 more Men 5 the worn finished on Hm. Then find If mere Tren Were nok employed then work will completes tow much Late 7 yy DDD -rPyryrdX ID Scanned by CamScanner loom x asd = 3500 foomx sd = 1000 Tw = YS00 oft BBE SY joo men’ aA use = 4° oes S days wold delay loomenx sd = S00 ST 100 aft at ar RT soo FY GRW Alot 100 ee aT. Be es doys aalny. cfs ONC 6 Has per day, MUI _ Medaka Bn how rman doys can 1am wy) we. PUPAE 16 toy working 8 Hat per clay « a Des day fy . A contractor : 0 aye 4 embod, ys te of ay Z me ee ck Os cmpicing 7 BF tex 200 q Shuuld she employe to oa Many OAK on tite. eH the wh, a Mle Scanned by CamScanner =~ Ns \ =... 10° : HSxX200 _ (mts) x4s0-30-> 35 => bl = m= ss SS men should be employed» & men working | rs per day complete a wok fn 20 days. In hoo many days con tmen WwsrEi Ng- 10 HAS a doy Compote the Same work - 8x9 x20 "= 7xX1EX D p= ew Ly GA contactor employed @o0 man fortecaork- They finish slo of the total work in today, due to rain the work was stepped @ als of the work was dushroyed . Afiex vain Orly iso men LOMe ON WOK + fn how MANY dys the whole WOK will be completed « Prrr rr ray en) vy & ae ~ 200x10 _ ISOxD s—* LOOKS 2s Di, = ~ s 3 Tw ° = saays x a — spatteal . ss | neal “ao Lokt wor = s-2) or 3B men can comple a work by Working 6 Has . Fr ta. days Han caloulate in a mg. ane ell - Can do a double of the OOK by WORKING 8 shes per © MYT IF too men of ust group doing. same WOKR af > treman of and group p Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. D agm x 6x4 = ater xox D —_———_ = am = 7M = 28.13 el ce te Tn he G3) Eman} lowomen can xe2p S|I2. part of 6° cave Lang, es IS days by worKing 6 Hab per day + If now 2 me men € uy women ore employed then the WOK wu be finished tn hour many days by working + He er day. He is also given thet work OF 2m = Swomn OK 2 - (Gm+jow)x bxis (gm +iyw) Xt xD FF N S a are a am =3W a8 mes em+low = 6X3t1OX2= wR im+iyw = 8x3 + IMK2= Sh Scanned by CamScanner , — = Gems Bow + 7SC)KEP _ (aomtase + x)xeF - = ap , srednes 77 (zom+30w+50) = (aoxs +30x3 + 75xa) = SHO Qomtasc +X = QBOxS + ASKS HK = ISO KK * Mews gyox 60 = (sd 4X) KIT ' 3 - = Wy a bay - > woxtexa = (somes It FX - ©) does bof as wo much work a B in SIt4h Hime - 8. Topas, Hy ook, 18 anys fo complete the coke - than how much Hme shall ® fake to do Ue - Scanned by CamScanner : yoursmahbgob. xs @ Af can complsts Sth wok of B in Z Hme *. than @. Uf the whole WAK completes in lo days by- working together. . Than A alone complete the wor. 0 show many days ? AXS 5 8X43 | Total worK= GHo)xlo = Fount 3 ee Ado = 19° lon = 4 7 Al. = ah days. w= 5b q doef ) petras 1 2 iqdays- Scanned by CamScanner 39 TLASS 516 PIPE AND CisTERNS > © Two taps A&B can fl a tank in 4B min and 36min - ig both fake ane obened together after how much time = Jose. : A & aA t+ & Gem sem Ps z = 4 = 102 . > 'Ymin | *® Two fi pipes A&R can fill a dsiem in 18 and 24 min respectively. Both Ful pipes ane obenad. fogethore sbuk | - 6 minute» befou the cisien wilt FLL pipe A i» closed. ~ Im how much time will the cisfem take to fill 7 } - & : ain aymin r on @ bay . Ni sy face wae se s 33 tin + Emin = 134 min. - 13% min Ang ~ © Teo Fal Pies AaB 62 FULL @ ciskern in 18 & 24 min. : ruspectivellt. Both FUL pipes aw. Oened. together but 4 min befor the cisheen i> full , ibe A de closed. > How much tine wilt the ciskean tare ty FLL « Scanned by CamScanner poursmahboob. Ci - NX aaa: 8 \ A & we = @ j 1smin amin Fro (2 & 16 min saspectively Both piped axe openad together for a coxtain time aut being Logged. ondy. || 78 of quantity oF unter flows thwough the forme, - And. oniy. S/6 through the Latter pipe . The obsincie 4m samoved. , the cisten iv filled in 2% min from tht Momant + How long wo it before the full How began. - 4 & Ate are : f2min lemin ~ v - + 3min - HK /s 48-3) + = 1328] . 6 , a . Ag tin AB are Aa and, = a5 = Ys min fs: (_ it %) B= 3x5 i OF *Raa Hane) = Ukts = ak min. “| cots vat th ibs are cba trgether, for a wade fines tuna te ony. Slo of quantity the tater bie. the 9 former and sie though | bstuction « ction samoved » the Scanned by CamScanner ~ cists te Fuad in s min. from that moment . How - Wong war it before the full flow begane : Se Tear . . 53) = agunit sxe 2 younlt - + _ fe XZ & 3 oad «- aq 2 168 min as 7 decreased efficient | - aS pIS = US ete a “© A dstexn can be Ald by two pipes in 30% 36 MIN | ~— saapectively. Both pipes are openad. together for a - — Webain time but being particulanly Clogged. only [6 of the Full quantity of wwatrr Flows through the former = and only Q|io through the Jabter + The obstruction ts samoved. » the cistern ie FUL im isk min from thak ~ Moment- How long was it before full flow began ? - A & Ate A+B ee “ . shmin SONG 4s-@) 180-Fps: t - - (ee) =4s gLxil As KZ as 3 = at = Vos unit ve SH = Os 24min Any he NO 7 ee Scanned by CamScanner @ Two tabs A and ¢ Can LL a tank f'n 30min g ah Min nespectively-. Both apes ano. openad. topether, ba” aut to Rome problim they work S/é and 4jio of. san Fc After some Hme the problem wy : and the whole tank welt UL Ln 16 min. Than afte how Much time the problem Ss semoved « S 8 Clogged EFF. fab eff - 20 36 ~ © LO ee as wh xm) a =* (a5 2 in (2 =x) min asxunit (3B -x)unit qsx+ (38 -x) = 180 s FSx + IBIS 1x = 180 X= Lmin ~ * Problem wes fixel afler 1 min. Ans. - 16£ min : qs : 1st m . WStig a MIN > Full efficiengy 180 Ax 33 5 * i wiséas fe * 3 = Is65 ' min Clogged : effic s = 2 ficken 1s > aes : Sas 1— Fees ist a . Scanned by CamScanner 43 -@ Taps 8 &B Can FLL a Cistern fn 20H & 30 He rus ~ Both the -pipes ae obenad to FLL the tank but when the tamk ib lard full a teak davelobs fn the bottom - OF the tank , through awhith |arl of Water supply by both pipes leak aut - find ip-how Much time the ~ tank wiht full 2? a 2 ¢ . 20 30 2 —texl 280 4o_ x3 +3 es RL > 1 - idkoge = =urin = 12min e= 5 . . a -5 ragys 16 min Ans: age - THene eff = SH = = 3 ~ tha taps axe openad together, when the tank was !|y th Full a teak develop in the bottom of the tank + through whith IIs th of the ware subply by both the pipes Leak aut + find in how many howe tank will RuLL . ro yr? “8 Bg ¢ 48, ae. . A “/@ coe us| Veer wakouk > Gta)eL 2 = ees Bs Tete Himes 48 + 235 = to 5 toa s L Ate = Wa P= Scanned by CamScanner 44 In a tank four tape of equal effidend ane Fite \ on equal -height intewval» » The 1% pipe i> at the . base of the tank and the 4th pipe 4» at Auth of ~ ‘height of the stank. Then calealete tn how much Hme _ the whole tank will empty if He sat pipe can ~ empty the tank fn 12 How: 3 — * =” T9 only J+ pipe 48 warning Zz Pie ean pug Qt I2+18+36 = 3S = 6+ Hes. Pipe TD 1& eee Two taps Az @ can Fill a tank in los & 12 Mae Aupectively - Thea i» an ouki tab c -1F al. the tabs ~ bee inion the tank WL FLL IN ao Hoy hn Many -hours +a c alone can embty- the tank Pp ~ eoOCCELE he ¢ P+ O-C - “ f BD Bee 10 fh 30 Cc wud empty the tang= - $ = +6 & =e chi. - @) " : : Ate-c= a % Scanned by CamScanner oN f i -@™ tie FAB Con AU a cstean in tHe gas mir 45° | ¥ naipectivel There > alko an outlet pipe c -1f alk the } . Haut bibes ars obenai. togethor , the tamk is full in so min. How much time WL be taken by © +o empty the } ~ full tank. { a7 A & AtB-c. f 4 es as so will emphy the tank . s 4 6 tn = 300. = Joomin. ; 7 Gs) 2 } > Ate-c =6 io va ' an) bo | ® Two pipes ant suenning- continuously to ALL He tank . ~The Lst pipe could have Aled Le in s Has by itself & = and one In 20 Has. Buk a ard pibe wor thene to empty ik but the operator did nek noble Lt dus te whith me ir caused dilay db tHe In Filling the tank « find. the time in which the std pipe would empty the ~ Flu bank ? A ~ 8 ” . ¥ . 4 4+ @® ay 4 ° Ge) wu embyy = A= ao. = dot. - = - = yh > Scanned by CamScanner 6 (1 Wo Pipe» can full a cistean In Iu & 16 Hs Nos pechvele ‘ Ba . The pipes axe openso simultaneously and | > found that dye to saakage in the bottoms UF ook 98 min. ¥ mora +o Ful the cistean - When er — what time will the wK empty Le ? - 8 Bath] pye-c = 1 ~ lms 16HY que 4% - a+ ” 2 (Ee ua ~ | a Is-c = q” Re. s-ib= 2e mae ua gle . ce 1 E 4q ~ | = 7 - = yyemin cuit empl = » i Ate-c = Pmin more = Ux 2S 1008 Tuetqas sdomin 23 as 2 | SHO gq His. oo (S The hips AB and ane attached to a cisten-A Can FLL \t im 30 Hrs and 20 Hab rarpectively & 3d pipe © Anke ont USL woadnx poe minube «IF dll the thor pits We opened Simultaneously the tank with ful in is Hr.~ find the Capadty of the tank. ~ - B&B tae] Cuil empty the dane 62= 60H 30 HY 20H IS Hr Xs FF Reieny of ¢ of taking out = US Litre min o Ate-cs Copnty of Tames 60x60K4S ~ +b 7. 23 = \62000 Lire Scanned by CamScanner 47 AEB 8 Ask in the bottom Of the tank canempty it in 6 Hos A tab FLL the tank @ UL/min is tun on. IF both tabs axe obened «then the tank will empty in 8 Hib Find the Capacity of the tank 2 A -6HR A+B YS 8 He B wid ALL the dane= 24 = aus B con Fal 4 Libe/ muin a opacity of Tank = AUXb0 x4 = S60 Litre wv ~@ A 4ak in the bottom of a tank can empty ib in 12 Has. A tap which can added 20L| min is tun on. Both the tabs axe cbenad now, than the tank us emptied Tr 20 Hrs. Find the capadity of the tank - > rrr? A ll < TATE Ye = 20Hr Scanned by CamScanner Bw fl = 60 = 30 Has = 8 can FL 20 ube] min % capacity of Tank= 20x60 x20 = 36000 Lite . came. ( 48 5 (18 @ tabs ae Fite In a tank, some aad Wate taps & ‘ past ae ouklat tab. Each wade tap can FUL the fank_ in Ia Has and each outLt tab can empty IM 36 Hours. ~ Then caluulate the nor of watte taps if He whole tank”, ALL To SHrs. i 7 Ne o x 12H 36H wore so. 3 } (12 Bape one Hed in @ tank, some ana watue Laps & mast ane outlet tops» Each war tap can FUL the tap ” In 6 He and eath outlet tap can empty the tap in - ISHA IF QU the fabs axe oben together then the Tank 4 full tm 4 tas. find the nov of wadse dbs. : ® ° oa 8 « «A a &) @& Tw ( 2.3, as ~at | 4 Sor 3 Wakitap —— Outtet Tap Scanned by CamScanner De sau RCA OAR. WQREPTESS.¢ Mra We truck pipes and sust are outlet pipes + Each of the ~ inlet bie can FL the tank in 6 Hw individually while cach autitt bibe can empty the tank in 6 His Individually, Fa the pipes are kept open when the tank t fault » ik WU Stoke 6 Has for the tank te empty «How many- OF thee axe inlet bibes ? y fi 8 - tan —6H © = = ets a ~S @ S&S - 24) oY le a> 8 . a. oe iad . 1 3 | > ue 4 n 4 4 ine one © P&B can fill a tank in 10 His & 1S Hrs suspectively AN Gurlek tap c can empty & in 20 Hee -Initiely the tb A and tab g ane opened and when the tank was Sbhosed. to be fruad Ur was follnd thak tap c was open Mistakanyy 5 now © 2 closed. « AEE how much time tank will Fil 2 - A B C& |cH-BKXb= -8 oH ISH aH J eeg fuit= 18 lo Pps | Ly i ides. Scanned by CamScanner c by the cold wasttr pipe in io be ® A bath can etn Is minute. minutes and by the pot water pip A pouson Loaves tre bathroom after twuning or both. tines slmultariously and xstuane ak the momar When thy .~ bath should be full - Finding howevers that the waste ibe spas been open she now closed LE ohn Y min more the Y bath us full. In what time would the waste pie empty | a we - aA ow Zxwatepe = At) ™ = os : 10 \ ax uoaste pipe = (ato) KX ~“ > fp : % ax waste pipe= 1° - Are= a= Chm waste fipe= 3 3 ~ ° bs i go = Bex3 ~ wonste pipe wit unply = “To qe =qmin_ - @ A Monkey CLimb a pole of taight 100 mn. 1 cimbs &m above in 1st min and Ym below tn and min. - WW Arour many minutts monkey wi UL i on ~ ‘ha ele ef mbes = 6M ne I J | ody (2min) — amt. ms and. fee feat WY min ——_— Qu mt (cs "min —_ sg mt —. sana FS mi, i 100 m Scanned by CamScanner TGA monkey cimb a pole of aight 6om- st dim 51 a Sm abwe in LE min and q m below in 2M min- hy hows many minutes monkey will cLimb on the ~ pole? “= +8 oy SFT eso rete uit and [ps {ss SA -eK OH - Uo min Tih dk ont ~ . fom? ware) a NLD HW min ~@ As8.C ane pipes attached to a cistern. A&B can = FULL it In 20 min g& aomin Huspectively- while © can - empty Th 15 min. iF As Bec Kept oben successively — ~ © for imin each s hour soon the cisiexun will be ~ Fe 2 . | aye (3h) —— | . ess \kss - 16s ss ° tmin n : Imi +a ~ t6¢ min . 60 Scanned by CamScanner in (OW & 12. Eure © Tab A and Tap 8 can AL a tank [7m 10 2 Ay daspectivly Tap ¢ can empty UF in [2 Hae IF ALL thy” taps axe open alternatively | He each Hen the hog tank will ful tn hour many hours - “aoe S wee { to a KH OS ws re, leyde (3H) 4 = . Jers x3 ~ 2ay sa Ih +e th 2 . Yoh eae Go 2 can File the cisteen in 20 & go HL suspectivly and thr Pie < can empty: Ih 60 Hy . Pipe Rac axe openod for. eh wh oh |Z EE 6) 'UYete Guiry —_ 8 7 ‘* heap lx2e ~ Yo he er 25 - =the Scanned by CamScanner 7 @W what time would a cistan om Filud by 3 pipes 53 . ~ whose diamabtis axe cms isan, 2¢em running together, when the Largest alone Fill it in 61 min. The amount Of wate Flowing- In by each pipe being propor tonal fe the squan of it diameter ? por Hora copcityof Tank= 6x6! Dy 3 : Yo: 6 7 GWletse= 6h ee tte + CR) Cian witt = B6xEE aac min <) SWINGRE Hm would a cstan be Fillnk bye be whose diamatirs axe IcmM>s2¢>mMs Ucm running: together. Whan the Largest alone Fill Ht th iby Howes » the amount OF water Flowing In by each pipe -being- proportional © Fo the square of ite diametnr « “ba 1 4 . 2 4 capacity of Tank= texan oe yr.x>xx FD 0045 CPCI 6 EAS 1 ® Tankwid ful = lone, Weyop “T- ao ta = te. Hace min mow te Ful the tank tan WO pipes ALB obenad together to FULL LE. ond FiuLbie B Jakes ars min moke to ful the tank, than B+8 togethoe, take. When the tank will be fut if. both pipes we ohenosl slmubrancoubly 2 @ A+3 min rai | AHS will filL= 8 min fine : I+UHo= 8 >> FFF IF IHX ddd DD DDD BW eee’ = gmin Scanned by CamScanner por aromenetion + 1b - @ am+ub can exn Rs #56 1a, Aiea ¢ un an it i * even #3008 IG dys, what Hine WUE EERO Et een Ps 2U80.? am+ub)xa- _ (m+ 13b)x& one Ee 408- at sy 184 (am+ Ub) = (Isx4iax) = atX (mtisb)= (ssxt sax) = 14x BtX XP— aoe (0k Me. do 6 1 TM+9C = orig = yg TM+9¢) wi — (mac) wits n= BBO _ 9 aeyg. Scanned by CamScanner 55 reuass Time: Fino DistANcE ——— “DA mn wer a axtaln distance with xEm|HY ge come back usith yem|Hr He takes t tas to go and come back. ~ find the distance 7 = : x km Y km|iir a Henk —— thr - ; + 2 tnt — see - OA ey goes to schoo} at 3 km |Hr. and return ak a specs of Dem|He - Hf che takes S Has in alt find the distance from his village to school ? = Bx xo = 6 KM. fire ® A man tavel a caxtwin diskance by TE 2skmjHr. — and usilk bak @ Y Km|ty . The whole downty tole SHy us min, what distance dil he Travel by train. s pe 2K # = aokm 5 Hy 48 min a =s¢ = 22 s ee ee ee ee Be ee Scanned by CamScanner @ A man go @ axtain distance with x kmLHY and heS§ th a apeed of y km[Hy. IF he takes £ comes back wi ns more fo come back than go. find the ee unit 4 y hy Hr SO xkm|Hr — ykm|He D= SiXS2_ [aiff dw time, esa. é (2-4)und-— + a (unk —_ + xy - © A man cower a axtain disfane from house to oP Free, fhe travel @ goem|tir » then pe t& date by lOmin © buk if he trvel © yo emt then he *eaches hes OFFIC _ Smin earlitr- find tHe destane from home to office - Time aiff = IS min . a. D= Sox ys = go KM Am = Pa © Studing from hie howe one day, q student walks © asm and saaches ‘his school 6 min tate. Next day he his - speed Lk [Hr and szachos the school § min eartion. ~ how far 4 the school from -his house . ; Time FF = jo min 7 Sp= as Km|Hr, Sa= &S4)= a5 km | He O= £x FE = PEs = pm Scanned by CamScanner ~@ Aman wer a axtain ditane bp lo km] Hr ancl becomes IS Min Lcte. But if he travel He same diskanwe with (2 mt then he becomes smin tote fz find. Hre distance P yvorvs yimediff= to min | - p= loxRE de S10 Km. z ae S® Pe man wwe a uxtain distance on Xootm and he in - travel 3 km per hr faster he would have daken 40 7 Wass. But iF ho dovame hir speed 2 em| He Hen ~ he becomes Yo min tate. find the distanc - = srimediff = Yo Can setous) We = Bs ~ p= Exe) 5B Ms x fo &4o Cinand cue) Sank get =e mth - De a2 He “< | Pa wan cowr a certain diakana by is oe MY br tus time « a tor then he take 4 | jeavel 6 em| te Fas than hae Hken CHAS OAL: But IF he drive eEm|Hr Bowe ~ find the distant - : ~ Lr sxCss) xe si x Gt) xe = . os be wox2E x4 = ReKMm a agria= 35-18 eS fu. ai s= 30 Km| HT — Scanned by CamScanner © & man travel a exten distane by his car. if he 58 frewonse nis specs fo km| He then che would take | Her ss Hime. Buk If he feucther inasmse h& speed rocm|s, thon ho takes further ys min tose time- finoL the ~ distance ? . WSS ~ BxSt10) 5 = ACSH2OD x + Sy +e ze a. t Pere 85+80 = 1S +1yO = $= 60 km|Hr D= 60x#ey| = Yao km. +e © Hf @ man had watk 20 em| Hr Fastte he would > Fave save tHe in the distance of 6ooKm: find _ & sal speed 7 - SxXCSH¥0) ~; = 600 a : % SxCetee) =. 12008. Km: Took value of S from options - : lOpx Cloeta0) : bx c beao) S= loo ekm| Hr. ~ ~@® na fught of woonn oe @ ina fuight of © Km an divcraft slow down dug ~ fo bad weather, it ay *Peed for the tip ractucel. by : 2eo km|HY 2 the time, of fii . ght In crsaset, . J Find the original Speed 2 | E Rie. Scanned by CamScanner ' . Se ear - 200 ae “3 SX CS-200) = 600x Yoo 600 - S= 600 km| He -~ CLASS 7 4. ~@ 1f a tein witha Speed of 60 lH ee anee — length of the train P . Distanu= speed x Time. \secx18 = ken] Ha ex sy ae - ee = soo mby: -@ A 100 m tong train with a speed of 20m km| Hr can : cms a man in our much Hme ? fp = WKEKT Ac » rd T= 12%. ~ © A tein cunning ak a speed of 72 km|Hx cossed a 260 io ‘m pplakeform in 2ssec+ find the length OF train ? 260 + Train ungth = Fx §, 623 = Yeo - Train langth= 460-260 = 200 mér. : Scanned by CamScanner : pow OF SAN 8 tangth in 23 eC ae ones HE Total dintant corral bY a platforry = 245 +245 x38 = 60 Km|Hy, So mee = $82 °— = crapsed % 6oKm| He @® A train vunnieg % set find the platform double oF i tangth tength of the platform 7 Length of train = % tangth of platform = a xe Total distance in crossing = aot f _ ans fen ZK = = 1° 6 550 = S ae a ec re 180 Length of twain = (80M i Pack plas form = 1GOKz = 360M. —7 51 Two objects in Same dizechon —7 52 reative speed = (5-52) —7 51 Two objects in obposite disection Relative speed =(S1+S2) 2 Scanned by CamScanner ; 61 - @® A train cates a man with a speed of 9a km|Ha in 5 tec. Find in hour much time it will cams another train z sahtehy Ab Sd} More Long- then tk if the other train standing on blak form 9 - Langth of Train = so/-moe = | | . od | ” Lngth of Teain= 4®x S x15 = 300m | ww j so , 30% =4SOM | 199 Tete! distung to be cowed by Train t in crossing } Train2 = sootyso = #50M 1so 4 = ase = Fax x T we ye 10 = ak ee- 7 + . = ° GP iain one a Rae lh oF fi tants oth « sPs de Fa. Km|He ID + mins ik will crss another tain of double length 2°1¢ thon find Jn hour much time. ab atoning. on platform with oF of ite speed 2 i | T2200 - ‘ 2200, | Train ungth = 2b ==" Tunnel ength= el ing = 240° 5 ah aig ein distana in awseing Gof of apeed = 12 m|sec- L = qo m: . ~ tainy 2 Yeox2= Boom — | aHe0 = 12 X roo sec Ang | i | | - Trina = 2x 800 [600m Scanned by CamScanner 82 : 9 Bec. sudpectively «fy hour much time will they cross each other if thay ae coming from opposite ditction- {pote ———> Fe tt Uungthof train= 63 : Spa B= amier- E ——__—> yee. 7 PD Sa= 63 = 7 msec: - 4 ~ > amis is 3 | petative = 749 3 <£2— ams spe = 16. ~ Time = _126 = se. : of css 16. Ql) ateaing can coos a pale in 4 gec and 6 sec Aaspeckivellf - Find in hour much Hime WiLL Hey Cross each othe if Hoy axe coming: from same direction 4 if +e speed. of the trains ant in 4:4 ratio \ roe oe Gy usec Total distana= s8+Sy= 8am 4p 5 Relative Speed In same div = W1=2 aC. q Time of cous = 82 = Ul dec The speck of two train in the ratio &y. Both cme a fo in 3 see while Coming from Opbusrte cLiapchion. mM oo much Hae thoy will cans each other 7 Scanned by CamScanner J 63 = mis GED gyee THR distance = tine 2 - Relative speed in opposite - sans GRE) sace thin tye a . Timeof aose= 2b = 3 Rec fre - @ A goots vain and passenger tain ae sunning 19 sare direction with a speed in the vatio 1:2 . The driver ~ OF oct train observes that the passenger train coming - from behind overtake and. cessed his train completely Im 60 gec. whoaas a passenger on passenger train Look» ~ that she cass the goods train in go sec. find he vrakio of their langth . : - Goods Train Cu) = Imire ee es Paasenger Taain (P) = aise se x 60 ~ Relate Speed jn same. = 60 mt. - disection = al = imisec |p Pt MOE . pt a= 60 - Gq ———— Im sec vy + > ambec neue . mo a: f a Gy =_ Imfsee x Yo an 3 28 8 W= Yo mir ue) CTime Taken Time Taken to Time Taken to cross cones both tain ~ the goods tratn by >y Paseengur ) Scanned by CamScanner @® The ratio of speed of O good anc parsenger tein is #:q in same diasction . |F the passenger train conases the goods twain in 6o sec While a passenger in the passenger. tein observes that he crossed the goods train in 9s sec. find. the ratio of length of good train to passenger train ? = TmJjsec Length of Gtood Train (4) = length of Passenger Tain(p) = 9 misec Relative speed in samedis0 = 9-1 = 2mJSec. (Pra) = 2x60 = 120 Ta F mec man? aMIsec a . Relative Spee = T= 2 + G= 2x35 = Fo. , . Ang P+G= j20 & 4 * & 4 Pp 35 60-25 35 Cti; , as 2s wos ire Scanned by CamScanner 00. Wo ci a) A train overtakes a man going along tha railuay 65 feck at a speed. of 6km|Hr in to xec if the Lingth OF tha train ds 200m. find the speed of the train ? THR 200 > kml By Pavrdeop Chhoker q2064y 651+ ——> man ¢em|Hr lo sec Sop = (8) KEE X= F8 km|He 26) A gun in Fixad from behind a train the driver oF - rain choos the sound He min tar than guard Find. tha Uungth of train if the speed. of train & - Sound. ak 60 Km|He and |100m|min i I b0,000_ = min. Ti+ 1000 m|min S200. coer = + Io m] m0 sound - ot: . D= seo x 2 = 19D Relative spec ‘in Same ois 2 ; | wall - TE] Frain can couse 2 man geing along the 2 coal . track at y em|Hy & 5 Km|Hr in same diuaction fn jogec & 12 sec* find the Length of train - Scanned by CamScanner rons. tr raps > yemjiy M7 sem \osec J . rain X_5 ‘ . wepagée wonder SX-20 = 6x-30 X= 1OKM| HX. \ | loxy = 40 jaxs = 60 lato= & Speed = 60-40 = Jo KM| He as = © - largth = o-u) x xle = a mabe fl a train ass two -peuon who We rwvalking- in oposite in wie the tain the i moving- @ s mbec & jom|sec- in 6 sec and Saec saapectively « Find the ungth of train. —— i msec ——> x m|sec Smjsece— (0 m|sece— e3ec S sec. (t8)x6 = (Xtb)xs X= 2om)sec- length ef train= (ets)x6@ = (so mb Scanned by CamScanner 5X6 = 30 loxS = 50 $=30 = 20m)Jsec- t length = (@ots)x6 = Isp mtr. TWO trains of Length loom & 80M nuspectively run On parallel Ling. if thay run in same disection they rds each otha in ie sec But if they MS coming. from opposite dixection thoy cre each offer in 9 sec- find the speed of fastar tain. « frit ft aincction WY cms HT distance (\oo+8e) = 180 & Sr ows Be eI Speed of Jat train (x) speed of and train (y) 67 xy = 10 sty = a x= 1s um | BE Gyms a man moving: along the oad. a 30] A Trude Satie The man could 2ee the buick Upto 2 min Find. the speed of truck » ak the time of : ais oe the of truck to man +» - 2 Km ? | Scanned by CamScanner VR YY VDD DX VD av YG yr» , ro L > dustanw travelled by man in 2min = 6Kie = o2Em= 200mt ne Bene diskanee coverod by truck = 00+ 200 = yoo Time> % = She $= D - _[Meo = lyeexso = 4-2 KmjHr T 30 ’ = SxT 2 = -oxe w= x-6 x= 4Yakm|Hr A canriage diving in @ fog passed a man who was walking at the ake of 3 km|Hx Th same direction He could sce the cominge fox y min @ it und visible Whim spt a distance of $OOmM . What uae the PRE Ob the carsiage 9 D= SxT oom = Nay lo Tee ayn d 35 ag 3 “LAE Em. o~,. 0 ae Scanned by CamScanner A train crnases ak ¢ mites = SIh BOING along the vailway track 69 - git. then “The man could see the train subto 2 min oF dine Ind the speed of the-train if at the Hme 2 km SVAN. the distance bw train te man was P& Langth of train is 300 mabe 7 enh, yy Cemn? earat (eo me Ata covered by man in aiin= 2eomér \ distanie Gy train = 2004 [200f.200 = [Foo mtr T= amine ie. min = sk He Ss Le = si km po" 5 = &6)K2 60 x= Si km|Hn- B21 A man could see Yoo m cluxing- fog when he was moving. with 4 Km|He >» he saur a train coming from behind. & ditabpexed in amin. (f the Length of tsain 48200m , Find the speed of the train 7 n= YootYyootsn0= [boom = 1 Km p= sxT [ SRaatail sive Total distane bY tral Ve CDK Si0 Bat ona min Wy dis x= 24 em|He stat 7. Scanned by CamScanner A cae is 120m behind the bub» in -hour MUCH tiny, it will be +60 m ahead of buy if trode speed arg 70 48 km|Hx and. Sokm|\Hx ? pam 4 ox pus 60m cette . Relative Speed = Ye3o = BKm| HY = BK S = smjsec- eB diskance + be coverd by bis = [ret 160 = 880. Sto = [FE seo AM Time = a = fe CLASS By Paxdeep Cnhoker q FG YY 65 (F Ai theft i» seported at 10 pm and pobice sstaxdedL chasiny | the thief ak tooam . calculate at what me the ie UL catch the thief s if peed of thief and Pelia axe Yrkm|br and. 49 Km| Hy. - lo-00 pm - Y2Km| Hr, HORM > pai shave 1 cover, U2X3 km distance toth male Speed = uae emt Times “uex3 18 Hs. ie * Scanned by CamScanner - @ 8 by plant» a bomb at a piace and aids suing ak 20 mise. After se sec the bomb ua» blast . in how much time the sound of blaxk wit be -Lulen “ by the boy ig the speed of Round -i» Uso m|sec Xk —> dom|sec = sound > YsDMIsec . distana travelud by boy in Sé8ec = sox56 ™ —— Relotive apeed of sound wat boy = 4se-9° = ao misc . Times axs64 sec: ee e - . aplen 4 ace. by will hom He sound OF blast ~ Bel A dog chases rabbit - The rabbit 45 125 Lanps ahanc - of itself yumbs from dog-- The rabbit can jumP + “ times in a@ Hma in which the dog can sump 3 - Fimos . The distance covered, by the vabbit 4 deg in 7 ong jump i FFs and 275M" ym how many gumbs . the dog with cokth the rabbit ? . R > Dog = axti= 3BMEEC . aa ar i = 9@ msec a: WW pabit= uXt= 22M) ¥ ‘i at rest distance in one Jump « Refadive apeed oF dog wat . Bp-ase SmMisec - ay, = nn ‘ Onasingy T me = RST Dog Ratoit - = 14s pec Ang: . exod bY Rabit in i dumps = 195 13> SAS dump ANE = laspamp = 12 SX 4 Scanned by CamScanner EB] Qtwains for debhi Leaver galbur at 8204™M % qooam 72 and travel ak 60 km|tue and. #5 Km| He +aspectivelyy Hous many km away from godpwr will the tuo train eM mask P i ‘ ——$s20am Tt ne D | . Soem|Hr Bim | qeoam gs | = goon Askm|hr nl FsKm| Hr | p= 3okm | distance travelled by- Rin gomin = +*° Relodive aperl = 18-0 = IS Em] HY Time of catch = 22 = 2H : | From Talpus. thay with mest 2 FSx2 = (50 EM: - | 25 Km] Hx Waves delhi ak qooems —~ A train travelling oe another train travelling 25 Kr] ak ao pM, same disection. Hour mang teen Ken from dethe will thay mack sogether 7 s|_asxs=bskm yaar - ee | aster 20pm q.00 am . 7 200P™ Relative speed of TYAN B wat A= 10 km| Hr as em|HY a5 py =. AS Time of cxtch= iT ee from ahi thy matt = distance ‘vavellsd by tain 8 = asK2s = yagi km ft ee —. Scanned by CamScanner - fel TWe plaws PRE are 162 Km apart. Two tains swe? = fom Pee towns each offer at same time and. most af 6 Hie. speed OF one ‘min is @km|H fast than Other. find the sbeed of both the Haine r 162 em - e @ - > xkem}Hy Femur ive speed in oppoerts xty = He 2 Relative ape - 3 TC aathen itt be add) . Xtys 23 . xyes 8 x= 2 km] He . g= Semin : Yi] A,B and ¢ stuct from delhi ak joam > lam &1E6S - fou» Goa & thulk speed aa sem|H > UKMH & . Skm|H € AFI meeting on the WAY, B send back - A toc usith a message - At what Hme ¢ wll get - the message ? loco am A > 3km|HYr ~ tkoo am = & > UEMIH 7 200 pm c 7S Emitter Rin ttre 3KM: RsofB= em Hr ~ Timeof cokch = Be oH af & |poveunt BHY= 2:00PM. istanye by fh aHr= 34 = 124M). Scanned by CamScanner a tA FR] Two tains stwets at same time from delhi and. 74 qfaibwr frwardl each other with 2 speed of Bokm|ye and a5 km|Hk- When they meok the farter train cover - 130 Km more distance than the other. find the . distana blur dethi ¢ qaipur - - pe . T geem|Hr “as km|ie Lak they mock afte % We sox go distance travelled ty ast teain in x Ha = distane fravelled by hd train in x HA = qsk se = TSX distane blw dethi e daipur = Sx Now: qsx—-SoX = Iso km Isx = 180 ye ID He so Hy wil mack after 12 He pistana BIW pethi @ Jaipur = vo Hye mack aFfee 2 spiel distana= go4qs = 135 4M ges = sunik — asxig= 210 O FM —_ Ir t + thy mak ater s ([XIr= ed pistance bY Delhi & Jaipur= 145x]2 = 2100 fm fits Scanned by CamScanner 75 “Two traing stad at same time from +wo stations 7 foward» each ofr @ 20km|kr and 25km|He » When - thay meek the faster train cover aokm moe distance than othor - find the distance 2okm|Hr askm |r - — sk - lee they mad afler 1 We . Then dixtane = gox|+asx)= 4S Km - “85-80 = sim junit 7S Thy muck FS 1X16 = 16H distance = l6kys = . a [41 Two stations Rand B ww Ilo km apart. One train 7 starts from A at Foo am and travel tovonnds @ at 20 Kin|Hse + Another. train stads from 8 at 8.00 ann foward 7 OR ak os em] He prt what time will they meet ? 80 16 tm : Laoym—j Wo Km: a oc mam EN “Hien ~ zo km| Hr - Refotive speed= aotas= ys kin| He : Time of mast = £ = ake ° 3 S00am + 2Hy = 10-00 am Ans harem: Scanned by CamScanner The distance blw two stations A and B iA uso km. 18 train stade ak y pm with 60 km| He from Ae Piiothax train alads from Sbtion @ at 320 pm fewae A with a speed Of go Kmjive At what He WL the both train mess. By Bindomin ; —_—— ~ yso Em —_—" Goya / a 3 pm * 3.20 pm foe. - 4pm é = 16 py, coumn|He goer GoKan|Hr oe & Lat meet after LHe then diktane = Get@o= uo KM ~ Yo uge ~ 7 . \untk—— HAH = bos aS Hr= Ahrsomin ante mack after 2Hr sp min % ubm+ aprsomin = Heche Up 320m 6okm|Hr Bre Sehr =\okm- Assume TON starts ot 3.80 . Dial dutancg — ial = Yerys = yo RS = ela = [Yo Time of met = ef if = Sour. 320 \ bmy B30. = 6°50 pr es Scanned by CamScanner - f twain slats from Jaibuk at lores am and. 77 atach L ak 200 pm . Another. train stwet> fom © aBbhi ak tam and seach foibur at 600 bm. - find the macting- time - 3skm - Bee SS S55) D 23um J - jor \eooarn \ jiooam. ge ae 2 lt Aistona = 36 km. (©) - Be Speed of p= KM [HY (Ue *\ fo- Sed of T= Ss Em( Hr eee vathing Time= 28 = attr= atrdomin 18 ie WILL mort Woe + ate 20MIN = [20 pm Bos - TRF] op chain wtaxte
skm|be set . ae nee whe . maniing Time = Se = YH Scanned by CamScanner ' [HB] A train starts from Dethi at sooam seachad aga 8 at loam. Another train staxt> from Agta at 8.00 am & reached pelhi at 000M + find the meaking- Hime? > > tem—- = - ig ~ Seon, B20am aay Sh 3 mn) mocking time = _& se wd TS F be hss 2h 3Hr So0am + }y2 = FHizam Ans ("4 By walking. 6]/3 of -his uuuel sbees a man is ' '2 min SS find. the sual Hime taken Hy-him to covey, . that distance . Seal Time ~ + 2 MMn——§i mt . of Reg once the ratio of MO than 5 = 384 A takes 30 min the time tak, be 6 the destination . ¢, i Scanned by CamScanner - ; speed Time 79 A > 4 luni 5 —20 min 6 4 3 uaual time taken hy A= 4x30 = I20min - & By B = 3x%30= Qomin | - [ELL & person sunning at 3411 of ibe wusl speed weachad a place in 22 Hed. Hour much Hime woul \. Ae save had he vun hin nowmal speed 7 SpeeoL Time _ ae ” al. . tt ~s = PAO Hime a (yar 22 usual Hime = 1M Hb” - sunk —— 2 . : He wold have save 21-1Y= BHHD- Funik 4 Bs BB] A troin stots from Delhi at a0 am. Aft é Hrs ~ there wos a broakdown in the train, dus to which - Uk travels 2J]3 of it» normal speed and hence becomes . Yomins tate . H: the basakdoun would be 200 km - Further. then Ur becomes 20 min take ony. find - the distona from Delhi to Agia ? Scanned by CamScanner aur-20min —~esx) 4 T=3 T2130 6 Hxteomm piv & . go = FH wmin pe Ne 60 fomin Cuil time) original time) From point B to D usual time of train =somin Time from A400 = TH 20min From c to p wual time = 60 min o) Bt c train taxes (80-60) = 20min and this adtana is given 200 tm. T= 202 Sot oh Spee = 200 Pe a = 600 tm | Ha, Distane from Atop = xq Scanned by CamScanner | z 81 I: ST fi Ed runit 26 ain a ug - 20m - T= : 222 Lue - D= 200 Km : $= 2B = Geo emf - CLASS By Parxdoop Chhoker - to Fr06ulosl# A man starts from -his home to -his office with a wetain sped but aftr tHe he meets with an accident & resumes his sourney- afkt LHe anc become LHe 36min tate due to aaducing- hin speed. to 5/6. 1F the accident voowteL ocunest aftr SoKm then he will be Lott by IHr2omin . find the distance from home tn office ? ‘speed Brag & 36 mim ate BHT E Vay at dere eer jc Ae ‘X 180 mn (ual fing) "eo Min (ussuay time) s T aa fH lowe — 16min eatin Scanned by CamScanner 82 D= okm T= 82 = trou 6e 3 S= 9x3 - E emi. 7 Distance blw home fo office = wy = Isdkm. [84] 2 guns weet fired from same plaw at an interval of 2emine - But a man sitting in the train abbroaching- the Place roars the and Fixing 26 mim after tHe it. 'F the sheed of sound is as m|sec, find tre Speed of train 2 » 4 Bmin Tar 26min l200 = nan Weage agg topm ~ ami a ae Time Speed Tein 8413 | se ass - Sound 13 x . Bas “Speed of Train = as m[s ms @ s a man} Re ' aay ~~ Preteen” PaNEBE Send Tg gmat gata Ted mann Te oy Scanned by CamScanner Py 83 (| - BS] Two guns wee fired from same place at an Infeanat ‘} 7 oF 28 ming Buk a man sitting in the tealn obprecdht ‘ 2 BING away From the place hears the 2nd fudng- x go min after the 1st if Hae speed of train » poke” find the Speed of sound 7 Time Speed yo. em JH 28 | Trin 20-15 .— 2 vv ay 20 Sound 2-1 is aookm | Hi fu man going away from the bus dapat afer everg- aU min get the buses. find the abeed of buses Hf the Sheed of man in 30 km|HR- »yy VV yx ya - same = Tr s onpt - 0 man BG $——> 204ml Sun: - i) ve ay oe X30 - ‘* 180 kml Hr Bing “| 7 EE] Two paws Age axeaso km obaxt » 2dStM ee state - e from city A ak 8184 am and an howe Lada Rohit “foo> Stacks fiom ty Fe after travelling for one hour 4re reaches ak dty © that mohit -hacl passed Yo min eariien . City * © falls on the woy- from @ to 8 - iF thay roaches city - & ok same time ,find ter sbeed . Scanned by CamScanner _ aayam a K-48 sae Roh qayam 8° jo.syam Mohit Baygm> - grin Mohd = 3x25 = 5 km] Hr Rohit = Yaa [00 km |Ha [21 try ated from his home ek a uxtain Hime wth a” Curtain speed fo pick up shin gistfriend from office at =~ Seem. One day hus gizifriend lebt the office at soopm . and stat wang to home with @ speed of Yd km ~ and. mit the boy In the Woy who Uke is home en tae They seached home qo min eartin : Me- Finck the speed of boy - = Jeomin ebm 4Yo Beye aon 5:00bm . aaa gz, |S OT OYA Ado te OW g ahumaT ” L Ree god wad y ue f MaNe they mark min #T (20420) * of Un an dhe uo, Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. wordpress. com ~ wat“ fN & ~ ——_ i] : G& ww. ° 85 : +005 1 MD Yorm|tty ° 8B er s. 40 ~~ 200 pm] Hy Ab | | | | - [54] 2 Places A and B axe 60 km abut 2 mon P& @ Stevi | from A at same time | mact ast Hme at a place es '2km from Bg they have to suach at A afier | immediate setuen from B» If the speed of Slower | ~ Peon Ib us mje. find the aiff of thar Apeed 2 “| ae IF two or mow obyects stay at game Do time for a txtain tme then thoy ~ travel the distance in the vatio of their . Speed> and vice-versa . ic Fy: a 8 . Sem|kr = ykm|ty “ Same vatio of a [owe |p Speed & distance - ° 45km EM S : 4 Scanned by CamScanner P> 86 |. 48 A S44, Qs Pp & “Hem + taKm J D K z 3 ‘ s a 3 48km) #2 km | Hr : age : . i Pu thei abeed = ay km | He. : Rohit and mohit storty at sa, u they meet 1st Hime ak. oF the diFE bw thai speed is 60 kmibin j Apeed Of fasty if pen, Se ct ect é « i i Rc: c ie ‘—— 2x0 ge km | te 150 ken) Har “og. gga Bre Scanned by CamScanner = yoursmahbeob. wondpress.cpm-- ~ [EL] A train obbyoaches a tunnel AG s tneide the tunne 87 1 8 at ie Located at a point fe afs the distance AS - measure from the entrance . When the train whistle then ° Gab YUN If the cat decicws to wun founds @ side the - ‘rain coithes the cat exact of A+ iF Phe cok ctacictas 4 > Mun Towards 6 side, the train catches the cak exactiyct 8. Find ratio of speed of teutn € cot 2 , stm # cok iy ok point D+» Train & ics * a8 dhe HI asters am E. ae ae 8 © crvaliry a poink re TigRaY at cae oF cu us ar. ate Pay me train a asm coer wah 2 sak time ¥ cat CH wim. + same time Te E, same mee upt # . 90 at diskone ‘rove! Bot sneft speed FT yx. xx yyy rd D [2] As8.c travels a diatance of t200 km From Delhi to Mumbai Bte take a Cae 2 A Stat with tonga and after a uatain ~ distance c throws @ frm cur. @ takes a cue and c aku to taxen A and finally thay aoach mumbai at ~ dame time - IF tre abeed of car ta So Km| Hy and. of - “ye Henge Js tokm|h each find the total time of PET mH c (try) distone Cer RUT ET time A CUBE 2 OTAY ar distona coven RA at apeed 3 vatio ) Scanned by CamScanner Dis Speed or 8 aT : © ayy é Same case C ae * 2 © oes Time taken = x & i 1 Bod. 4 _4od 1 = \ zu 1 10 sO (hat = y—> I200 km = us Hea. Ans lunit—> 300 Km. & iF \ met a> —+t t2. A&B studs walking fowords each other After Madting- A cover his distance in tt ti ME aM B aver his distance in te Hime Rokio of thine abe up Scanned by CamScanner = As [2 _ hee Ls & la Wa os 16 a : A. ois . = (unit 2Y2. Yo Km Ba - A = Isxyo = 600 km| He - B= 16KYo= 640 km | Hoe A distance of Gookm is Ap be covered. fn 2-parte: In Wt phase 120 km da trivelled. by train and sask PY- © ae and it t00k total of @ Hue » but If 200 KM ss - wveual by train and sutk by car ik toes 20 mun Mow. find tre avg speed of cae ano ~ gratn 2 T dao pf Weg x T c pur ind) 1 S a 200g Yoo = Bt wo 4, HF _ g = +s e+e Muatiply G) by © and (li) by 3 600, we + 2400 = 40 by 1200 = 25 — Scanned by CamScanner > T poor / (4 / +80 Km 600k +} @ | +reoem iy I G \Higo km 7 7 {20 km 60 = lth CLAss 11: Scanned by CamScanner woe ee c go km . C \ -goKm > +20mIn | aH — \ ~leorEm C J 1OHAS. —Ugokm > + 2 Hee -> +o min | Speed of Teain = 608 = Gokm| Hr- ip 480 km Hy 80 km| Hr - + Car shee, [2 By PurdosP Choker, PRoeuyesig Se ww 7s . I 91 ~ DA man tokercwias in walking ty a Uanbain distane and riding back on horse. If he aude beth bidad on . ee he would have saved 2Ha lo min How Muth hima dees hy taye on walking both wide» - wt RK +. Se i RtR = Yao n + 4+ 7 aie a6 se wre 630 + - 210 = we 4.20 wewe Y2etyze = Bye Hes Aine ~ EE] without any stoppage a pesen travel: a curtain distance : ak an ayy spect of y2 km | HX and with stoppage it = travel the same distance with 28 km|He avg abet, . find tour mang min per hour doe he atop ? “ 4A-38 x60 Fa ssh ) = Faste shes . 4 Hy $e 20 min] - He = i - = 20 ari. Scanned by CamScanner cal Excluding stepbege the seed of bus is surmi|in 92 Including- Stoppoge Le is 4S km [He . Hour many- MUN does the buy Stops per howe. SY-4S go nae x excels to min}. Ans: “— A train covers a distance of 36 Km with Speed OF 12 KmIHL, FP it Stops 12 min after eveup 1 KM find the folal 4i . me coved in distance bi train p + the SE = hk He alfa 1a min apie every we . * He stobs as times. . exe : Gee ERIS che alps Pel time = SHE = 10 Hy £9} Ain exbscons tyes bn Sprwas rat, cbravellod. ak ise ise amin Hb) stopbi Seong Pili eu 35 kn and q ae 25 kin 4 5° km}ive Slobing- for a pn. LL bran , F both jooin Stody, fepethoe MUN after avy tRay Ao: ‘ us many Scanned by CamScanner Express Train SE = EMR ee y3 Stoblnge Time = 680 = 5 times (ath fume ar ousti nation GT oath) Ttmex 3min= al min Total time taken by Express train = 6HA2I1 min SlowerWedin —Boem| te gates & min in evry Hr - 6 Wx + 6x2 (\2min) Bookm Cin 6H 12min) Tim bet = qmin 3 spxts 2 a.sem. # Total digtance covered by slower tim tain = 30F-5 kM Th] Speed of a steam engine is ay km |Hy withouk any wagon The decroase in speed of engine is dixactly proportional zo the aquaxe soot of noe of wagons attached - iF 4 wagons aw attached with erging speed becomes ro km| Har: fine He max. no. of wagons which axe attached with engine so that engine can Com. Devwse x JO d= 2W vay, wxgon apeca| pe Ko pein speed roo | wD BTR mans IT a WT ay vee | Train \yx wagon abaos KVY at a Lye Kee ay. elo an watt 14a wagon flag fez] = we MY Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahhoab. “ CH) The distance Yur 2 stations Kandy is ex em. i OF mins stuck together at Bame Hme from beth station, < teucnrds each oben, and megt afer 10 Wen but if Ong in 2. uly is studs Yuu 20 min after the fiext then they mack AFR 8 Heb find the speed of: trains, 650 k Xk lt <¥ kmjHr a Rsa xty = 10 _ a e (+ ay)= I> = 10 ee ie, 2 pay = 18 = ty =! 2g = 8 B= Y¥ km|[He x= 6 km|Hr Xe loys 6. as] Fe man Havel from A te B at 20 Em|Hr- and Come bak from Bf A a 30 kml He + find the Ov: epee of the whole yournsy—, Avg speed = Total distance _ Total time - \—— a 1 2gln|ur = Zante @e) ase @ Scanned by CamScanner 97 - TER man trad Sere ptt at acer He ond ne come otk fom 3 agen trond firm A +e eof ee We ag Sheed cf the une, voueray 7 Be er . es - dorm 7-9 (CHe) eer or! a) - youn Hr ( 312) bor & - stuse - Arde te aida Of Hu quart 4s 100 EM 1o & were oman travel from Ae at coMmiHr, BAO . = Cte DG seumky and DA yckmHr: Find he avy speed of the whole qowuiy Aq: aed - 0 LE See, re - ee ; 3 -& 1 @ - 20KY 8 a [taesmier eS = SE ene o tonne : Gr, TE] bp mon tel fom Ate B 2 39 Kindistang with a . syeed of 15 Km HA and fa travel from Binc sa km - distor, witha sped of WEM| He. fod He ay Sed of hele gouunsy 7 Scanned by CamScanner Sa ‘ . U4 . 8 344m “seers: TE si distence at t —1 awa 2 aud 1S tan] iskm|he> yatio tame apy ATES distance ap | ‘ 6) 1s 18 ab axqo &®) , sso 1sem|iv> anoles (18 Fe) fivg Abeed = 2404360 = 630. pm/ He 16420 38 [4] A man travel from A 408 at a speed OF 24 Kmliy , in 2q min. and he travel a distance from B fo C : ) with a Speed of 3q km in 2q min- find the | ' %Y Speed of whole fourney - : A i, 84¢m|h> 39 km] Hy . AE a time 2omiTh . ving ' ; BOP gut oni - | hr he time ar ar ' ratio ® ah eer 6 Pa oer are % A i ‘Bthed = antag a rT Scanned by CamScanner ® 4 ~ Bp give B al stat of § sec sn joo m race gut 99 ° poth finish the race at same Hme. find the time soren by A tO finish the raw -if speed of B & sm)sec B= 1902 = 00 sec yr >> 19S sec. [I A a 1% times fastee than B- A gives 60m stat TB = im a vente - find the Length of race if both Finish } > the vaca at same time. 4 A : & J > $49 5x 2 8X B-----~_ - \—som— | ] | diswce sy ae _ Se ic mw —> 6° X =30 7 Rue tacks sx= isomt: - &] In @ L000 m vate A give a staxt of 100m 180m tC. Hour much stat B Can give + © in c aya of Loco m. Lx1oo— ~ a a8 oy Scanned by CamScanner 199. 5 6 & if goo mt race BIC @ Saat of — 50 me 87 1000. goo: 850 r “ « — 7 YN om Foo 2 (000 mt n 4 = _SDx 10pp app = ssim fre ~ ey A can finish a raw in Smin>losec- While B ~ can finish the same race In amin aosec: BY wohak ~ diskone A Wl defest B in a yace of L000 M- A ‘ B = ma Hime + Time 19g 2og a _ a ~ Seed do. 1G ence . 10. Jy came Time UE aerate . : 4000 450 same time Fe Ay ear. Se Sheet dr ratio W distune wee ~ Smt Ans: we > . . “THT in a loom wae A rane oF a speed of GkmiHe- _ He given a stack of 10m to B and SKU defeat him Y to vec. find speed of B. - Fenl xe = F m)s B aver qomt in so sec. Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. wordpress. com Ces ee ees = 101 . f= SxS a 25 ys 10 : 4 ge “ABE eyaser - * ae > B wl cover gam in gosec ~ s= mrs 23. 2536 zo MSc. Ans Scanned by CamScanner y cLass “2 BOAT4 STREAM = TWWH_——_ > Boat (B) 102 ——> Boa vwaleg —— Relative Speed = Btw Relative Speal = B-W > wats (Ww) Downstream = (atw) Upstream = = (ew) @ A beat road down a aiver ak 21 Km|H. and. weed “SP He vier at qQemiHe. Whak th Hue velodty of the stream. BtW = 2 B-W= q 28 = 30 B= 15 km] He wattk= al-is = 6 Km] he. Ans. T2) A swimmer can awim downstream at ju Km|He and. upstream (us) at 6 Km|He. find the speed of swimmer in sahil wattr 2 Stwe= 14 . { 6- ws 6 ST 26 8 do S = 10 EmiKA Any Scanned by CamScanner The heed of a boatman in the direction of stream 103 4 15 km|He. while the speed of alam is 15 Emii e Whok 4% fhe speed of boatmen against the sheum « i Btw = (§ . + 15 ” B = 13:5 km|Kr Upstream» = B-W - > ies-ps = 12 em|he - [I A swimmec swims a distanu of 6 Km in 6 We downstream. and a distana of 40 Km upstream - in @ foe. find the apeed of swimmer in shu - wake ? a Btw = 6 - ge o5 mht fia tw se rem ie rn bour 21 Km aewn si a susimmer ~ El in ashe in same Hime. find . and 1s km agains the ™ re stream ? the speed of * a4 i: prwe Ws - % 2 cr g- w= ‘ a7 Ne - aa & Kelle re Scanned by CamScanner 1 [TE] Two places axe 108 Km apaxt . TWO boaby starts 04, from both plaus of same Hme towards each oth, Hrorone ty ~ if one boat is going downstream than o} : qoing to ubsheam . Afrex hour muth Hime WH Hy Meat each othr if trex speedy art trem [hk og 2 15 km|He * > 108 Km * e \2km|ar aaa 5 > Catu)eniir (s-h) Km] He = meting fime= _duitance “ Relate speed - Relotve speed = jatwtis-w = 29 - mat tme = 18-4 tas, at 7 TE] A boat taker double oF Hme taken by ib tp go downstream while Coming in upstream If speed OF watt skmitue. find the Speed of boat . By. 2 D B+ ~ oy TS ae L XQ WWE = BHR Scanned by CamScanner Z 5. JF xg es D'S Relative speed = al? - (shew) (28 aw - & Gy UP Relative apeed= 28. - = 4 . we St km [Ha Te : OS = LHe s vps 3h: - (4+4) KI 28 b=sr - » *& w)ra ET distance Br equate tr & 1 * w= IY é . IL km [he - 1 A boakman can bow caxtain disjane Ds in 2H and . Up the same distance in 3 Res. IF the stream Plows - ak the rate of 4 km|He - find the speed of boot . in su, wottr 2 DS shed = BtY oP sped = 8-4 Ds = 2He op = 3h. (Bry) x2 = (8-4) 2 2e+8 = 3-12 re EM _______——___- Upsbeam ancl back again to boatman 6 Km Els sad If the speed of wate ee { ; oc op boat 7 Asstt a luc. find the speed | - eH kml é TD 8) +s Kenly 4 6 22 . oH ee ‘Lornike : eLthur solve oF PIA from options - Chester: - optionc statis 9 aem|ir Any: Scanned by CamScanner 106 Te boat sravels sin ate P and downstream P te & th 3 He . The distana bw P to & db Ukm, the speed cf wate is Lem|Hx- find tHe Speed ef boat Ih GRU uxt 7? fh) 4s Km|H “¢ Yo, Haak ®) 5 2 kmjH i et et © 85 kmlH option © satishes PT 2 EMH “ B= 3km|Hr. = 17] Briyanxa was travelling in tux boat . Suddenly g a wind blows her hat of fF g siaxbd Hoang + ~ back downstream - The boat continued +o travel Upsteam for 12 moxe minutes before priyanka S sualised shox hak had fallen off. She funned DUK downstream. and she caught up Me hat as soon - O it reached the starting point . IF hen hak fluo off emcttf SKM from Where she startad - find the shed of watur ? ee efx am. OZ ew S— = apaneie Opsamin is Relative speed of erat < cap = ety = @ é PSST Bete ae Scanned by CamScanner Ps Time of catch = © . s* ae ta min 107 ° Total - me Faken by cab te flow bacee latins 24min . D= 3km : = 2222 . 6D = : S= Bel 3 2 qhkm|ie Ane - T Us i for] Boak a shes! : eR ae aac 1, = = 3km Time= double F ay = rx1e= 2wmin = Zur a ‘og se phen tne . re AL boatman goes 34 km DS and 25km US & ‘ faves ® We. While ik takes to Hes to go 54 Km DS and 3okm U'S* finol the speed of book ? . puk @rw=13 in UD) : 21 + = FM) ay as 28 - Btw aw as, w | Bre * . 2 200 = 19 on oY ewes] : =! i iiyby © BtW = - — mauntiply W) by 6 and di) Py ormis 7 ae oh “e = qem|nr - om sD we wemIHY . VOU 7 ew : pais GB youcan pie from :> aptions or assume a: isfy He eo 7 em bo satisfy Brw= 3) Scanned by CamScanner iC) a4 km Us find the sp 2g y 36x35 4x3 7 Brn BH Bory 2M 2 Mee Btw B-wW 2 Put (@w)= 6 ineq@) Ain outlet tank can though he * OW. find at what speed if Shout move such whan ik begins to sink a ABUL Ahab moves with Scanned by CamScanner eco. of boat P = 7 > 4 4B 7 teow aw 66 BW Bw=6 Brw-=3 B-w=6 Be + km [Ke we ft Km |Ha- Resume valuos to shisty the een . A ship & 44 Km fiom the doe, springs a Apex whith admits 24 ton of wat ce Fa + 108 = 29 cary In weg st min. 10 A boatman goes 2YU KM O-S and 36km Us In ve Hed. While it takes st We sm go 36 km Dis ang “ “ oococees “ out (2 fons of webu Ww of Hee ship if 69 F 109 i 1 ————. - tm Lien ° yo ee - ymin a T= Lin B Wye i 1 yee ° Gormin s* 3 Be Aja) > outlet pipe ly 240-132 nm = 138 fon] he filling in ship ber hour - W Now 69 = SRK AL py > ship wil sinkin ~~ vee) “Hea a dL He = pn ed ee = ScKem| Hr 6ian|ty + toe (rx) x gene x= 8 gm|Hr- fie By Paxdgep Chhokur FIL06UY6SIE Scanned by CamScanner zat] as 12 ol... 5% 33] eat ao = OT 3 = T3t t= uty Lean. ET Wt 14h if t= 4: Le 62 as 2 is > Sst 1 zl ee re =} w= out . es 7 a= 3! is 8 I. Le: st se gat 7 aoe | £,. . atl: = = sat te sty “he se yet , teser lao" Ly 4 u test 1a Sa ab xs S= ok Scanned by CamScanner po S yor. ( Bxy ae Gr — ro] z Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. wordpress. com e w L 300- + 2113 -9 1 - 7 _ 2 200-6 $F = s0- 1at = 23 ty Lv +. > _ 7A = yet yt 2 oF ob Scanned by CamScanner 4 @ iF 1624. of q no i» adsl wrth itself then Aenury t~ becomes yase . fina He original TO": = $7 4456 . 162). eT EL 6 3 a |e . Somalis, 69 exe = 4ayE ovigindk nov = Yas As ~ @ if $4. cf no & sub. from itself then Mesut devomes $640. find He original no- 68y.ca7 LL \4 —> $670 * 2 Cc a (— Yos ong \ ou. Kyos: a, (es 6045 An Oiginay = nos rg u oF Smo: ab addad with itself then Auwt _ becomes dBSs . Find the oxiginal no», lo —— Joo Wee I— 4o : Nege 7 . @ % 61 & added in a moe Hun : Tlf Find the number Isity 2 mo: bevomes 1544 5. of eb yuey I> 16 fi % Ma Any % added in : © me MAES fod the euginad — ne Resor aM gh Scanned by CamScanner ae wag) = —— 31 —9q 30 Wak 115 30 ! Ly. a Yolk Wg fee 27 Ans. Gr tt. = WD eH © 4 16 a addad in a no then salt becomes 116 £7- OF itself. find the nos . neice a? eee 16 - He 6 tw ~ @ lai & addsd in a nor ten nau beome (9457 a a nor. find the mo: isz$t = IL) 3—al 3 \——# - x" Ue as @ iF the Length of a rectonple 9 t by 344) and Ib - bundth bb by Soy. Find the ft Champ tn I ana. - Lox Bo Oe Ae | Stay otk a ori 7 & == * aoe ok - ewe 4 = 8 5 - sh xlop = [oy “a + change in Ata = ww Othe Price eb agar tb p by 16-31 ant the consumphcn of afamuy 4 4 by 204. find the sh change in his expendi twee . . | = ~ Prien One exp: | ot z - , Ss z fe ope oh : oy - 6 ‘) ope : w= E yoo: a = 4, 5 _ = 631 Scanned by CamScanner 116 | @ The sae ok a cinuma tak 2 * PY cil and pial . tiaaek 4 by 165). Find the te change in fas sanentit - sale x pie = RURAL . = we = oie 7 ‘6 = 4 #5 suo + = L Fas 00 Le wey - oa 6 3 ~ r hey, ~ -E-n(00 = aoe $= wat @ if the sides of a square ts + by Uo: . Find the + change in ite argo ~ sida. fren, co ora g as Jesu SL xtoo = 46+]. \ New? 4q a ‘ © ge Poulain of a tun 4 1584000. FoF Hem axe. males D & sast females. sol mase ane mrmnied. ) find tne yr oF momaded i) Fin te} of madd female ih ayy. \ wh WM Fe 5 sf xloo = aye - « ;_ : Nn bg time oH @ © wr woes Go Hee per were and he exam Re ayo0 . Os waged Ip hia per howe wager > oy Yo! and duration _ Or work, waded bY 16S. Find the 4 Change im hub tniome ° fly * hon = eg | wre $ s@lW x 6h z do +s aye ch Tile shoe wp) uty Erm 2 ky. Scanned by CamScanner ' CLASS 117 - AA A$ ‘ a Aman muttiply a nov by f Inetead ob Find the J : ie change 7 his remenug t 7 BK. = ° ; o-7 8 ay 22 m0 me nea® a 12 CLemof 49S) 3s i x20 = = w | 2G A shidont muttipiid @ nor by inatad eG. find = f Ov in the colautation i 2 ol = = = 8s ea = exe = 64. as ~~ oes = 4 Gated leg ty 2 inetead 1a cad aatotion 4 = 3 - fe ) tries = ye] “sere 4 sn) i by 6+ - SE true invome x in ® by IAT site ocmns, a Ye te rake of income Tax. ee ert a nek inworrs. Invome Tax Net income i - '9 Tax xl4 2 NIX & a ‘ we Joo * —& xloo = ay} aS S| 9 Thiom= wR 6Hqz 5. ~ ® shuome Tax stinome - 100 ao 40) x +5( js ~ Ito a5. 15 ~ sax Sot » Gor yaaa Hy we F aot ¢ verve, Scanned by CamScanner ig the income fax 2s > by [Ft then nek income a rduud o 4 . vyokt of Invome tax. W8- | uy ats. fd the .! toxx IL = nrx3 Ineme Tax Net income es ve ie 20 3 ro . mm. os x Nr + “Bxjoo = IS . 20 ~ 4 5 ona sy thee Ore & many ~ Shas) X 113] = 2! ay Hunt ane 0° ee 3 Sx£ = 255 tents in excy wagons hn One se 35 ch He wagon comeing AS wagon = 35 spouons is filud with S/F ~ Tory shack = [22S 1b capacity. Frnd Hae maximum ro ~ yt th pusenpos that com be accompa Me Haas min aor porte auwngs vara bo © A ram can bype 20 hinas in 10 wiinclak bu te doaven Of spin \ meek Lint. my how mace Hoe she wi type 23 PAR vite HO Lun on each page om le In Lats 25): mone margin Hoon 1 (225x 32 = qe. i Imin + 2 Line SF margin > 92). Ne | ‘Hiceng (Iie) = ecil ~ a; 5 ag 2 £xH00 I Kishan salary Js 2 163% 88 than, Redhars s ¥M Ratha. . By how much 1» 0€s ct B mone than Kirshen Siig 2 Bre ae), = oy, # ped a ¥ Scanned by CamScanner gs) fe Ue sarge ae se i wn shih “84 how much perentoge 1 e e ofa = gem. gp ns a @ if 60%: oF He students i a achool axe BOYS and the no r Or gi 478. How many bo One there 4 schools. dm the ¢ ¢ 7 3 = 2— = . ss — ee abd -~ No WH= saa a Wee s ~ ot mys Fa Shading ° ® . a ROR 257. mous then de us failed bp 2/0 MAARE. Gut if he sen SS}. » . Marks thon bu is pared with 240 MONS» find Hoe passing = 7 Max. mane =e @ asy. = -2le RSX + 20 = SSTX— 2140 557. = var ee - X= 1500 oh ySo 7 C Pilemenks = 25 xime + 2)0 = s9s vw — 15 , S00 cfs} = 58S x we >| ve! * fc 1seo- zy 24es 44> - is ; yee st as passe ash Hil = - @ ite student scone 364+ MOAKS than Auer failed ty 32 maAKS. ~ OU hen Ine Beda YET roaRKe he ak pated BH CY moaKe > Find passing vo me gy 38h Bet Y no eeY ? Parrcaop Cnhokker. ee TV passe = 34 Fr bUY 6ST ~ Rh 7 46 2 uo “ay 8 > © wnon wo shan aA vor mont thon she, fades by SO Marks . guck when se Stowe Sot Mek, then Ae 4s paksesl With Yo marks. Find passing-']>. Scanned by CamScanner fet 68 so = set 120 - Sof +40 q < 90> 107 pos] = Yor SF . Lr 2 usdt . @ Whan a Adank sore 207 marks then he falls by 5 mong” But when he scows Yor marks he gat lo more marks than _ pusing {Find WD Maximum monks Cit) Passing . & thee ake two types ob animals in a won some are cathe” ome arr dogs. each cat takes 7 biscuits and each do tres 9 bimuits iF x65 bacuits ane enlern by US animals. fred the nor _ - of cote & a oan = Sie en A = als + 4 1 cat g coat dog- 4o as as 1 V2 We 20 dogs sy Bes Gis Sxs2a5 ~ a 5 ~ dp= Seta ~ Mex al cota = 25 6: oe IN a 00, Wert ane aborts ond bigeons, ji . igeons,. If the Ardads ang corti an 3 UP ona courted thaw are Bao, Dw mary . Oe thee. ° R 2 Uys Lupe Scanned by CamScanner ° oy. nee 121 % ™ F 200 - gy Spt Uys . u—— PxH = doo] hs > 50 s x6009 = 300 vee} -» 5000 ™ =So00 7B Pulbion ea vitage unr 4600 TF Whe males & formals fal tee ae The obulahon Wil become lozza after (year - Tp: Malls ak parent. >) 612 > . - Fe Qbo0 m = -640o . S| SI-+ 3). 3200 uo vb ae es GookS = so Hh — 64 joe males = 6yoo ~ CLASS my Is Bt Ffamuyp consumes 25 be Ae and ¢. eq wheat dper month pends 0s 350. The price of Sick 4b 207 of He pric of whast. ig the price of wheat Je + by ey Hun trad Hee fe reductis ~ tm vorsumphen of vice, if ik hes Ht same amount to spent. ~ tht pria ek ute B content, a 7 Aske qe Ria whesk a Rice wheat ony Sealey a5 wl eg TaebsL OL oe {constant ure - 3 ase + USE = 350 Neots Stal kg 30 pa | Ky . 350 4oxq= AF0 - =110 ; A haat = 25 1 ¥6 go 6s for wnsumplunrt ia - ae = FAIS Des lb 5 faduction m ick consumbhon= aS-i6= . 42 ae Sep Scanned by CamScanner =x ots declare, ~ GD) Tn am elickion a wenudatt ene wai Trvalis and te winner gets Th ob 122 - ind. wen vy goo wad «fn Hae 00" oF . 1) voting wut tl) velit vote . voting ist —((09) xxdn2 = Yoo & Vaal Qo) x2 30/000 . qeol: 3e'}* ~~ \@ Gat Me wo] ee ; x= voting Tarany 40: witty © , ate HO? s @— ree S— total 1— 300 vol = ~ f) Voting Mat = [00x300= 80000 | won dy Yo! = 2 \ li) Valid vos = eoxsvo= &YD00 - TN an eleekion two cancuidtates porh'etpatral 20 votes dual nut vote. aby voter decor Snvatio and winnor get bot of the valid vate and won dy seco votes. frnd the no: of votr Lut. aa xxtxg re = 5600 votine van X= Yo,000 : Go. Qof = fowl ont vote : ‘ voting = : teh = a . wait = Voting ist = Looxyge = Bot = LC win manein) : Yeore x Scanned by CamScanner 7 X= Soco “7 Th an elootion OU or . GB an election wr candidates Pokal wr wz - mot veto, aut ab sohich jo}. vatus trvalit arth ° te winner, get Fo: of the . oe = oy = THRO vats Than fn the voting tik 27 vohng sat— ©) ji xi x 2 =7290 - voting — @ ax 4, 4x a ‘ me R 307 = PGOKIOXIOXS : af c qx aKD . lwonby yoy. : = 22500 . 8x2 5 1290 x : 045 ° 17 FBHOXS) 2 as HK ~ voting Lut = gas x1oo = 22600 ° Votany dit nok cat thar otter» aut ob ale 60° Votes declamud invalid. amd the winna qe ast ob > Vabidd votns and wine wy 1600 volts Find the nov Ob voting, isk. Scanned by CamScanner x = (= pt -soo x4 = 1800 124. VHS . Vasid vot valid volt = 1500K2= 3000 . voting (x XZ) = s000+600 = 3600 . - oo ~ Voting List (x)= eons = yso0 @ 7 Y Vales) — (J00) valusl votes = 20x]oo = 00 a “ voting = val +invalcy son by Soy. = et 600 = akon @— iso y— voting s \ 30 “So - — SS totes 4-9 2600 . 1-7 qo Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. Tolal tol = x 425 - ae IS000] S000 + _ @mmission = xx T - - a Wy Pons = (X-15000) x loo wre at sole H sy dt 74 tec (x 3 2X + (-15000)x 100 ‘7650 -? “eo suman . e “ pan BF (ise t [-) BT lax +X ~is0e Fae Ie 'SO= T6s0 tre vent OO | - Bx ISveext. = isp st = 7t00 co pe. Now hig earerung = T6HISD= F400 - = 60,000 Ts oT 13h = FOO 7 Teta salis= 60100 nooe Txt = ahoo 108 Dar manman b diovad hp wamicsen on fe TORT as ~@ f satan bs aloued Bey commission on the . vraag him ard a bonus ab Lit on th aabss over tareee : ie. the folal exunirg of the Salman 41 fa S800. frock - the tofal sale. rowTotal earning = 6hotden = Fooo T4x I = ooo 100 T3 = #1000 : L ; jesion. on. the 40 - A salman 4s allowed Sxi comm | - wong im ands = wus & Ht on the MCU | lo:000. if this tote canning, i> 4 1990 » find the . Sales. > torooex d= 5° rsx b = doy ~ 200 jer ps2 $4000 B&B. Iqqo4so = 204° Scanned by CamScanner for co @ #-@ @ oe @ ee OP consum 6 Ngrg. J-10 F 1BB ao row exp sof neh Pris SPilyg tPA] Eg ae a | SIP = ody. brtoo= e244 2 * . RET GA cap. BER ig - Bat ot Tr cons, the price Or Bugar 46 | @ The peice ob BUBAr * “by & bY s0% then by ow go}. By how muh 1s the MUCh | the consumbhon 1 i Stipe Wa teen consumption t& + 80 that ® OC COC OCTECOOCOCE SE, same. ependitoe silt not fnowase. SB exp9 (65) now exp em Taar & 4 2 x100 = Yast y. ~ The pri . - © stim plan Agar 4b dy doy. By how much +> He _ . ®™ £0 ab the expenditure wilt b by - to}. only. - @ L G0 = leo » 7 = vet } - Gre ep bee Consumption I 4 36 ay cet ae much ig oe only When he chiginatiy Nea WU D by SH . Scanned by CamScanner “? AS yioo a ee consuampreh RO > Im sere 127. 44 I> 3s 28 kg fm Ans -@ % pie ah aga BT ay my dus to he a family use Yo Kg less sugar so as expendi tue wilt - * by lot only. Find original, consumptior- =20 -_2_—— dec-wns = 20 - 12 — oviginat 2G) the price af Bugee BY Uy sof aus pucchase 2 Kg more sugar so os the exp: wih + by [ef ody. find the covert consumption. fing. a : e (ey) ei upount cons = - ~ Se 2+ 160 ZL ag 3 . HH = = 19a, > Ge) Te price nig & ® by oT dus td p 12 Hq ws auger for Re 0° Find ~ 1D criginal consumption ili) ouginal price fy) Geant prio {f) Guount consumption Scanned by CamScanner © oe = TG Bg - es eel § Opie = a8 bay, Onc KL -T2 eg Cos 6okg pres 300 = 5 lag The pale ob sce by Joy dus te which a” Family used so gm more suice in Pet . Fina @dginal consumption. es 9 O-c= ys0gm 4 hao x0 '450 9M CLASS 16 @ I an eluhon 4© 8 candidaios participa VOL: doo uote declared ny , fred no: ok- vai vais Votes Noting Luk = loox +300 = Goo i voting = qox x= go ‘ Yau = — (q0x-200) \voring tak = gcoo . /~\ voting = Ifo . ed . ~~ 360% (80-320) Wald votes = Iso9 win margin = 60~ (204-300) = 20% +300 Scanned by CamScanner NOt WOgtcad (aS Ans FaleiT vohng Luk — [00 z mh > 499 - voting —- Fo * - a 4 | ver = Woxae= ane | . vals] —- qo (lt) | vail - qox20= 10-306 . SS | 2 : L™ | . = 15b0 L voting — o = \8ro . és to 9 - qoxe 1 - Meet 30 ———~» 400-300 = 600 - I 20 . Foy vous = @ En an election. 1 candidate parapets - not duty & 120 vols cecareg invalid + HPO F ~ spe mone—vetee—thanhis—epbonent winner wind &AH gm vols and winner get ui] of He votr Sink . ~ Ftd the voting iat 7 f voting Lukk — 100 ee 7 l0oxyo = Yoo - voting eo voting 7 SOKYO= 3200 : vasa —— #° Ck) : wo I 34 : Me 7 200-130 280 CFR om gy]. commission on He total artes ~ fo hin saloamen and a pons, ob d/o He salen or . if the salusman diporitd 63200 in Hae Re 80,000 - : ~ Ompary ager daduchy is enrung on the . s Pek je bokd made ry the Sulaman. Scanned by CamScanner e Total sa, = » serove 130 commisene <4, Bonus = (q-anvoe) aL if company VVe Joy. commission ‘“ + Bore Earning 2 camm on all Bale (company ar a = AX + (x-t01000)xL_ goooo F [- ay Let) By). Joo {oo L 20) 008% = 200 7 = 4 4X -200 joo [00 company gs = 63200-2090 = x ~a00 = 623000 —— Faxing Ts -Eaung = 63,200 lof = = to X= (+f ~200) = 63,200 tal sate IX = 63000 apuit= 10-1 = q —» 63,000 Io 1 tooo ace e700 TS = loxJooo= 4:000 Any GD) A wmpany give i2j- commission te his salesman on fis total salts and above galls of IS000 + 1f bonus. If the sausman doposited SR3ISS in the tam pang ati ceducting- his commission from toted satis. find total satis. a— Gone 'S:000% = [Sd 100, { oe # “ts a] | 100x600 4350 = ISD = . ~ S800 | asposit = 97 saaoo | = 670% A wm 600 eal, - en SY mmission t hh Zaluman upto nian 7000 and. a baree® commission of YI: tine 000. the aetna B BL100 in the S fh Find deel age tte atuluchng ania commissln Scanned by CamScanner 1 = joo lo,00e% 7S = I aL as (90) Ts = 1300%25 131 = Blloo+100 Saas Deperite = 24 —— 2 }200 I-— i200 - = 2100 AsB2c and D purchese a flat>S€ lakhs. The shane ° BterD 48 Y6o7: Of Ay the aha ck AtcHD 4B 3662] OF B and clp share te Yoy oF AYBTD - “gid the shaw of D. u6eor =utZ = BR @ The price of ugar & by dof dee fe TS * a vy ps yoo « fma ity puriase a0 1g mou gt f : 1) odginal consumption lip) original price > it) exvant wnsumption. ty) tauount pov ee ° (9) se _—20KF on = 8k . +28 | a Op = Med = 5 As |kg > & Sa = * Tce a 100 kg 3 ee = CS = MRS . Diacion FEE wae 6 vim te ce Wig more sugar fox RA 16+ Find onginal price . I 9) 3 Rlky c) 5 Ral kE ’ 8) 4 Ralieg D) 6 Ro| KE Scanned by CamScanner Or pai@g = 2c Ra/ Kp Copia = (X-2) Raley we ely x-a ~ x option a fms-8 (4 RSIKQ) 132 ® A saduction of So paise|doren in the price OF eye @ person buy | deren mont e995 for Re 64 peice A) SelKg 8) 6 Rslkg O- Price — 2 REIKG cpria — x-So 6 aes SO wt, 2-05 aa ERs pee dor G) A man spenas Gof of his income «If hun income tb > by IST and. hiv expenditura Ls T by ISY-- Find He oP chamge sin dug saving. 6+ Find OFi9i nal, c) + Palkg pb) dRalky Inuome = EXP Saving— 60}. = 500 300 200 —~z Ins pus $30 30 xfoo = 1S]: 3 228 St! 345 230 man spinds +5}. of his Income «if hin income a OY ADL BO int Oy Lor. And the 4 saving. - Inwome xp Sani Yoo 300 rece | 80 |t20 |. so —_— Scanned by CamScanner as} = c) Teo * ¥* change am the | a EMP 4 \ wr man spends Ra S00 Out Ob hus income eb asso. de ha Invome and. exp: th > oy iq, ond 134. find He f+ chang, in saving- 133 x= exp s FQ js? | . be Bb xtee = 3k Dane ~ CLASS Paxdaop chhokKee * it F20 6465 F @m population eb a town is 7 by 1ey- in Ist yeaes v by 3tE4 In and year, bY Sth). in 3¥d year. Then find the present population if afitr 3 yearns He population wit become 1165:000 () We @ ¢ x ~ EE ke STF 2 s +L “3 oon xr tl ‘ . v aooe Ja ssa? 165000 rxExE x= 1 3000 yg Y8x3000 = 1Yyooo 1441080 ~@ a man spends sf: ed his tual income in Eravellirg= ; and aol oe the, A0xk spend un foul and. thon she donate Ro and he shit WEE with Moo Rs - fd has Inwnne . ok yo =| SE T FE , xx 2 120° | 20 ae \ 8 «1 - 4 a | 2 ef— —t A Ss 5 x= 2080 WO 76-9 S20 ae Ao 0 PS Ang Scanned by CamScanner © fim electronic contractor” has coxtatn tength of aire 134- lyk we haw stolen and Fol: of the sumaining: was = sotoh aut» Ping the ouginal Longty of WU If Blo Mitr wine Je atiLL tent. - xx x 3 = gio 10 jo coee X= 3000 mir - EOIN @ Ubray ro}. of the books are in Hinds »So7 of tho amatning- fn English and so} of the Aumaining- - OnR 4 Faench and pest 6300 books ant in Regional ~ ABNURIE - Thon Find the mo! of books fn Library. - “AM eB fg I go]: S0/. 30). a 8. = +. 10 . use “F, =eee. a xxx Lx = = 6300" x= YSox2x2s = 4ooxaS = 48500 @* manufactur sol his goods to wholeselltr at asf fpofit and the wholesellrr sells it to aobriler ak dof ~ pofit and the nckailer adbl it to custom at 284. baoftt . . Then find. tre cork brite ob goods for manufacturer if the - customer purchase it at Re g600 , . OX Ex E x SEs Foee - = S000 @P sherds S01: of shi income on howehold ema and of We umainen§= Sol: on transport, 4S|- on entertainment sjof ore shorts and ‘remaining amount OF G00 is ged . What is - Mr. A’ monthly tncome, - Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. xx bx te = gee > 190 00 135 = 12000 | * = © 0 TB oP "S vd = be | 2 ase Se} 35) 101 S17 oF, - ¥ asy of Remaining 5OxIS = goo loo | = wed = sy I Ire _ | « 195-9. 12: ° @ me Mov spent es eos a ‘ Anvome on fool ana. 1S/° on ° childans education , Fl oF the remaining he spent on tai - ie hie + & transport together and 20}: on meslical . ~ edheni swith an amount of Re ens afte all thee Othenditures. What & Me Maxis monthly income. - @ . - BEXW sans : too - 6s. poe See - RE gS) aa - 38 rom ny 1a 480 sor 30) 207- too 7 4S - ~ xx 65 x 30 = 8771 « Too yoo ee ad HF on 3] ~ Gime class of 60 childaan , 301° chuldin peak ony , andi pott othe childion con - English, a0} only Hind and Speak both the languages» HOW th oh an Kindl ? Scanned by CamScanner @ On exam, 65) of He student» prea tn maths , yay Fused in brupiog and ao) posed tn doth « How much, OF Shutinds failad in both the. aubjerb» 136 ~ ms6st Sy cn pay = acy FO) FIA] Ray Fail VF] ®t Qn exam, as of the students foiled im maths, and 254. In English» HF 10}: failed In BOHH math & English — then how much |- passed fh boHh He subjerts m=ast £225) . Fal} = aS/ +10 + sy = S07 Ga)Tn 2 village each oF the 60} of families has a, cow s each, of the go} families -has buffalow and each of the IST: OF the Families -has both a cow and a buffalow- Mm all thew ae 96 families fn the village. How mang farivies do mot fave a wow ora buffalow. Cor B orboth= YSHISHS= 754. Ba oe i = AY Foaming Scanned by CamScanner 4 137 ig the numerator of a fraction & incsased by : Boo] and the denominator i> incrsased by 250/-, © tha sesubtant fraction is {what wos the - aiginal fraction tat the otiginal fraction be 2 e ~ AGL — xx Cloo+200) ° YX Cioot3se) 7: x 300% . s ‘YSD gy 1a - XS 2 Sx 5 FP FR See ob “@® A solution eb salt ancl water contaln sy salt » He pot of wadeh, is evaporatd then salt becomes I5‘]* - ° find tre Initial solution. = seat : suk wb alt istame 1. ig Pitty ty + T) yon —o aot. | MONO wy a ~Nwy 3° LF: tb on frital soluhon= Gott = sol Ane . ‘ doe 4 watt eontain 807; add. . How “© pe Sf le ghoul be withdrawn to make tmuth 4 Pe add Yor: (GH) =e BE . Acid watt i— 4-3 © hitey “3e2 © Fea se stone vitnewume 2x8 2 31 my as® 3x3@ - Scanned by CamScanner é 1 @® whan imioma of a man i by 6000 Re» tax was8 wedued from i6t HIS]. while in beth the sthunton, 85]. of the income i» tax fee. frod tus inital income,” AF he paid eqyal foxes in both uch: + - vos Pe ete. XX HB = (eteo0e Ie ae 18 IS} 0 ee 0 er z - = Jorvo: ware | xx% = 6000xte o 6L = Sut 30000) TPF coo teo- ioe . X= 30,000 L= 320,000 . 31 tax swing » 6000% 19} 5 ;s equa 21. G8) A man saves a uxtain pat a his monthly Anome 80 thak he can purchase a car wn i6 months. Fino ~- the {+ ® tm tus saving go that he can purchase ~ the game cor in |X months only - t Tp, + x00 ay t porte ez 5 a WS tT \ 16 month, lUmonths, eee PE wok i @® : ene ennine fet Wot. AFI sometime it - contains ony 124 watur, if now ite weight is Soke calculate the Guginal aueighe. - Subp wattr Frans |, Pulb Br we. 2 tome Tey 2 Bry 2: 3 Fr ay 4 OH8)= 25 5 soy | 2g We oF Fre Gatigyx 2 % = Cl] Scanned by CamScanner @ 7 Kay Aaah VADAMULON. Contains q6J> WAIL at HA Zone A fiee war Atmaine a1. Find Hy covighs of - waktemelon, . 2 @ 139 “pp bY 19 prt wt of fr melon C1tay)= asunit —> Roky lund —9 beg ~ wat oF Day meton (i419) = Bo 3 aK = 16k fim ©) Fasth fruit contains 607. water and dy Fru wn me ™ apt wabr - Hous many Ky of dny- fruity can be + from 45 Ke of Peesh fruits a = ore wort “OP Ww “be 8 # Parh (8+11)= 25 unit > 35 kg - I ag “ba QD i. i = oa) Dry fruit Gt2)> Io Jox3 = 30 kG Bw -@A company allow +|- commission on total salos to the - salosman. But if the salisman is appointed en a fix ° tolany of Rs sooo) Yt commission on the sales saluman sive Ae ¥o MOL ~ mow thar As 103000, than ~ on He onde comin . find. the Fon acl. Aboot HX = TE +300 wt xxts sy 100 ~ joo eo ad 4 3000+ (x-10009) 4, m= 60,000 * YL, _ yoo S000 5 ~ + Yooor 4A 100 Scanned by CamScanner i ancl Kats -parcicipateal 440) In an election Karcena ; Se of the votre promused. to vote for Kaxwena and. Aust promise to vote for Kats NS im He tatita o - 16). of the vows went back on there promise —_ Karna and asi: of the vote went back Or thoi brome — . obs, if . to vote for Katwina - find the foal nov of - Katatona win by $50 vote: : : “4 * 2 Kee “x0 = \ 200 hy ~ -30 , 3 - zoo 0 | Ito +15 - aus - “ Te Totel volts = soox 75 x H = 3500 SD Ram ‘Puchae 6 Blk and x white balls. the pee OP blak ball i S]2 of the price of the white ball. At the _ Fime of making the BILL clk m ade, . . change the mo: of balls a mixtake anol tnter- rdue $0 Wik the bill amount — ~ Inugaed by Ys. Fino x, : ~ Black white : ° = xs - * B= wre, Z Sas aes 4. ” 2 SOHAL ( Right bit) BoHaK oe : Set Choong vin) besx ve . ie Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. wordpresecon KOSS 141 se= MP (100-1 yy Joo | P= _spx ico | “Coot pd” | mfity = PL xo cg MIE | sr = CPx ClootP)! - Loss = ~xIco id - ry * Distount = MP—se ae MP loos+ PY: - Of = By ico tect ~ OF MP. —_—— ~@ Find the Cort pare cb an arhile which & sobs at > Re 630 at a profit of 12-5} as} = ic? sp = 4 —— 630 3. | —a Fo - “ye S (P= 8xjo= Sto Rs Fird the cP of an aatide ue w sold at R& INFO at 2 @ £ . Poort of 1657 spa 1y70 ~ bsp = E 1——> alo = Te a —P= 6 = 6xdJo = 1240 Ry — SNS Kaeper acs his ontiole ot 16S 4. Pony Sp. cing 4us actual pwfit /: P . i” sho Achal-}-P — 1_x100 7 edb = Poa Ss 2 sp s ao ~ YA ahopKacper sells tus goods ak 844 P on sp. Gnd actual Pf. e sp=i2 Pp = Lox joe eh) = Ac @=3 " 8 a 2 qty. a eee 2 4 Scanned by CamScanner © A man wells his goods oF asife AORs On. F Find hu 149 os} an pas i-x108 ae EX, ah = EMS = 207 cok pia of 16 was & CUA tO SP of 14 anticles- . Find prot or oss ~ Bexcp = 4uxsP => Jf = Lo = Ep ee | P= ate wha g man Finds that (Pp af Ars articles 44 eal tp op a of asvo axhues - fmd P orl}: to = OF _ = 10 ye = + - See Seen aims | P= eo me © cat pode ob in ants w eytal to sp of 4 atid unin - He discount on Lo article is equal to Hu profit earn on ~ S axticles - find the diphercnce Bw Py & OF iaxep = qxsP loxp= sxp SPP eas aa SH Cf Sf 4 Pas So Eo os PP = -XxI00 = 33.337 DI = Se, joo ~ S 2 P= DP = 33:33) — Il} = 22.224. fing = sbi ~ sone Guat 4 SP.of 4 axiles while te Dent . -. eal * iF on € artis Find the ib oo F, «0 - > iE =p Oxe'= pxed esp MP . TP= 4x10 Rae oy Mey 14 2 2 xy 3 . = 33.334 By = S.yx100 = 15-99 ay 19 TOY = ag, a . Scanned by CamScanner moe ee “ min tees $f of q anhicles . Find Lh . Prtide = . Spe heel ds Bi 143 Wb = FPS ~ SPs 7a RS By - pe t= 8 Re Paxdorp Chhokker 7 ath = gExi00 20644 6S . utd OMe wit ha on - axticlos. Find profit y. - spoof 1 Astide = 4 Re : - Py = = x I90 Prt = 9 ps 63 . sP = FR RS = yet @ CP = 184 = 63 “DW Afts suling- 78 fides a man earns. bafit of cB oF 9 WEI. Find. pooFit 1. -~ Po iPrticte = L Re . P= q f& 5 & oF 48 Actidu= Fa RS » abe 7B After selling To candls a man enn a profit of the sp oF > S pene. While selling lo pers a man Losses sP of Y cand\as : The numerical value of Py and Lf qual and the ~ Pot cande is snolf of te cP of the ben. Find the ~ Yakio of sp of candle & pin. 2) be 20 = Py a P720L ; “oo 9 ‘ oss UA as + Ans * ae + x 100 b — ~ PF 10x e7 5 3 ei a 4 3b z, ~ He Kr Phy 3b x00 Bb xpos Se JO ws - Scanned by CamScanner @ m profit eaxned when artide 4B nelvest atch for Kid 800 43 Bo timos the Lods Inewad when it 48 Sold 4, Reaas. find at shat proce he sold his goods MF he wants > ean so-/> P =e SED ® roo GS) ae SE] @ = 300 =z 5 Sy bens Prot, S probit P= sex 20 <6 BO-gox = ast X ie. oes oe P SP= Jo0t60=%q | xoas “a Beo- as = sas wr or so as - “ ¥ —L L @® Proie afte selling an prticle for ATIF A sy ok ta - ete aa han Th is al of Re SAH. What would _ Selling pice if he wants 4 exun @ phe of lol. Oe O+@ uet = - P= bly TM-sat = 190 bP = 61-4 . Is q SP = GIF 6)-4 = 618-7 B joo qo ni + + Scanned by CamScanner © fi Shepkecper elle at 4) Loss ya moe then he word gain Fy. ¢ © Ad it RISD nitiah wat price ~~ —-@ 145 CY ue a aes OH" . 2 re - Inthal cp loox ast ne p le 1 ~@ A Shopracper sells res goods at yp jad he sed it RE Yas mere ten he would Poin 134P> find inthal cP - ll uz \—— > Fo - CP = joox 108 = 10400 “WF shoprasper sella hin goods at 4e7 P Had he purchawe ~ it for jot ots and sold Ht Re 18 wats then he woutd - gatn soy a e a(S Wx3¢ 2 53 - Ton - 7 —r1 . we Fo) +84 1-7 6 fritiel cP = Ca = 600 fe - A man wll nia gous ot 10 P Had he puxhee i fer dol and sold Tt for Ro do mete thin he would gain ~ Yt: Fmd inital cP. Box 4. _ 9 a (16) toe - & ®, - @imy~ i » 0 2 Ipeo RS Fnttal p= [oor Scanned by CamScanner CLASS 146 14 @® A man sells his good» a SB) profit Had he purchase i for qoo ss ans s0ld Lt fer Joo less than he woul _ Fin Sy. more profit. Find the inital gost puce of Yes 5x3 ~ 2( spare a 8 Ae ez 3* 1 Ys0 Peasy = 1 rcp SP _to ner i 19 Is yx. sx qoo | 100 = S400 py ~ zol= - Nop Yx- Goo _ to 1S NSP 5x 400 13 - he, . $&X-IIF00 = sp -4ooo se-x Jor c = 2x= aF00 = S400 Re- X= 1350 TPR= 4xXRs = suo R. ~ een Me i pt at Bey prfit. Had We purchase it - ‘ Gen las and self Ue for RS Yop aks then he Loduld - FM lo} mars profit. find ba Initial cot pala. saa zsp ~ Bx aobed Sx-600_ _ 10 = doo 3 SX> 3800 rm Tf = 3800 Rs, - '@ Ai man purchae we OR Ee si dt ots @ ke @l oxide for Re jo and PrHole Piee efor PI ind phon Ly” Neyo 1D ye (2) 2 Ren Ney @ 1 tbe" te ) aye Scanned by CamScanner ~ preter leas | - “ee a 147 . 6xs sx @ - Sxe 6x Jt the = 444 p . Fr man purchase some orange @) a OVaNE TF . theme, Wee © 8 orange for Re and he sells abl . © W oranges for tea. find, profit or 088 - Aictida. pelea, poi “" dm = ayys 8 = 1 7? a rR ” sp 4 3 Rs = oe - acticle price 7 @ lye ARS KD mn & a 1 ps = ps 2d x |e0 % ——s = - ‘ 27> = Yoru 3 he a8 the vate OF S for a 2 Oe ed forest i sal ato tur 4 for fr . bury oe spramanchion he Inara & Lass ob 0 RS. Ainge > the o> of axbicles tha he purchase. . Artin Pia couse Se ls r 7 ge = [0,800 os ae 3 pa ae ( Sr 4 ° B60 prity cpr St > es 50 a cova) 7k g as anne =e Scanned by CamScanner mia to Aell his goo» at bs Cp fi dishonest’ shopkesper 0" a oe ‘he uses dor uss weight - Pinal the profit) 148 . Cee SEY Zee x Joo = gS “fe . oe sP ee Tee) , 1008 #350 ; _ DP awhowst snaprasbor promue to set tas goods at ib cp. ‘ but he uses geo 9m wt. instead of key. fink Py - ogg - 7 fe xin = Ub P x P= 960 % Fis. @DA shobrerpor promise tp ell Aus goods at YA} LORS but he uses Go}. loss weight. Final actual 108s 7- < =< \ HE xjo0 ~ PF Sp sto as 3 = ope 7 -lyo ~ Fr shopkasber promise to sell hus goods af lop pet but he uses do}: ls weight. Find the profit + tooo Scanned by CamScanner lieve gm 1900 ps 4149 oN ws = + 100 12 x 100 = evo sp= loo wl = lof - adh = at) - a Ps — il 2 ep ~ @]) Ai ahopkacher promise tp sell hu goods at x7 WSs - he wes aot use weight this gain aoy-. find 2 . gt)-yo = 4b . P= bro SP= geo pa 7 dhe Pa e aos sP 6 . —e? free jpse ‘q60 4 ge “Bn ahophaspex promise fo sell is goals oF =P UE Bar ho uses 257: uss weight ths gain ov Find x. ~ isco a) -100 = loy - P= 150 SP= qoo 5—— 780 ~ Mp s a? sp= 6 [—_ 15d A sa 6 — 4oo “@rahmat BropKaper mays 2 cheating eb Bot ak the = time ab buying the goods ond uot chasting a the time & ~ adling- the goods. He promise te sell tus Goetls at lov Lass Find the profit {- . Scanned by CamScanner oursmahbooh, ino —— P= 00h, ee 150 lace qrm——— cp = 1000 ooqm—— sp = 00 AE Cioyt) a sp= 1800 Ps \200 9M Pp = BK op = BT ——___es —______________, BD) A shobkasba. marks Ais goods Yor: above the P and Gi asi diswount to customer At the time ab selling. the goats he uses Bor gm weight Lnstead of IKg-- find Jus pwofit 7: - we sP MP — we = Yooo 4x00 Grn @ = [000 Raxy rs oo} 140 sy Ts = Sago ——$P = oso Paxs= 5x 8D OT sP= | Lee gh , “eer = 31as]- None GS) A Bhobkasber manta hia Goods So7% above the CP and gives lof discount to the custom. At the time of selling the goods ‘he ues Qoo gin weight Instead of Ik and at the time of buying. he ames loo gm Inctead of | KE. Find Unis peotit: 1. Joo dm —cPp = joo0 ps All Gm — cP = 1000 Rex = Geno we sp ow X11 400 gm — SP = +00 = AWBO Re xay = 11880 Scanned by CamScanner loc FM ——q@e jocks 4x 110 3 —— cp = loo Rang = qoo i W690 TA — SP =O Abey = jjo9 77? Oe ssc TST fra at) amar ey Jot1o+ JoxIo oo = 21 -@sA man purchase some no oF ovangas OF HL aE ~ oranges for Ra 2. How many for a Ry dist sre sell TF “gain 107: To Pe 00 No fo : re © ws mrs og - Quantity 4, 7 = 1 & Pre 4 (2Bal orange =) Ra eepe Norange 0 orange ° @)A Tran plachenes Rome no of oranges @ as omanges tor aE How many for a As did he set to gain asy- Scanned by CamScanner @ ey adhing (2 oranges for a Re a man WMH Bor. many for a Rb dict ha acl te earn sof 152 Paco bo 120 2 : 3 fuonity 2 *y, lev a2 oranges, Borenges A @ ey seuiing- us oranges for Bs do a) man AO 307. How Many did ne aell for Re ay to earn do/ Pri 9, j Lo a 2 3 YoPs__- 5P = 30 coanges = 1Py—sp2 30 ae be 3 4 " Wiy—> 30 ° Fx tY = eevangas CLASS 2o Fired thy selling price such that if ONY Coo ordi . he woul ave made profit of yoy. a he anit thin pri@- find his actual Profit 7 ob Hh be Out Abaaming that the Unsaid antsy Contage of total P= 9x oy Teo = 450 py P= 4K YO Sy £ ‘a0 Scanned by CamScanner By S ee Bhuvnash makes 1S cttidas ot a Cat @ & pln OHNE 600 Prticlex—_ sp = 630 Ry 153 lPrticte —-sp= 630 2 gy ke 600 ao” SP of 680 anti = 41 gn ae — = 6615 Rs - P= 6615 -Yso = Alls Re Pr= 85 Kise = ° Usee- = 4h : oe aprx amount ae - P= [00 Re > Prfit ae - % ath opry -~ e00A—sP= 14d wey | Pl ae 1@——SP = Woe 2 2 Asal cae , Goo 30 vuod Te & | 2 * bap = com poudisjon RYT > ~ 680 Aehcle —sP = ah oF - Poft 7 = YF/- “@a man purchase some Mo: ab artider a Rs sYoo and te sells - Bred of them at sy: profit . A+ what profit /- diol he sell > the samainuing- to gain 137+ overall. ~ 7 a x Sp = IOP 1 xaqh = art aa} Ans eo oes eee 3 x 1s} 3qd: ‘Or man purchase some no’ of article ot | Rs 189000 and he alls g of thm ak 187: profit. pttttasy: did -he sell the somaining- to gain y{-overall . Scanned by CamScanner 3X jay = +36) 154 sx dy 2-47 ex 4) +827 TARGA eatimads tak on inspection 127: oF The OAH CLES he parduces With be Ayeotel He accepts vn order bo abhy 22,000 antides at Rs Tso each: Ha eatimates the profit On his outloy- including the manufactwung- of Aepecteal artily JB be 207 Find coat of eranurfactuxing each article . SP = Q&000x 88 x #56 100 = et del = sp= 6 ep Ew aaooox 8 x50 loo Pe 5 —_, Cities) 22000% && X TSO XS \ 6 xloo L SP (exes, ftida) = aeowx tex TSrYS oe Ris @leiscounr | 6x lox 22ee0 Buy Ss get y free Buy 3 gek 3 fae MP of | Petia = Lo Rs MPofg = 60m MP of G = Qo Re Sots = 5 a SPof S = sop, J OF = 20 4 oe OF = Yo x100 bo Scanned by CamScanner . @ Buy 5 get 4 fue + 204. mone discount 155 “ MP= Qo - L 2 So -5 Oy = 52 _x joo - ro ( qe : Yo = 55S}: discount -@ Buy 4 get S fee + Boy mone discount aE A ciples allow asy- diswunt on mark a Ont profit of he gab Re qo a» profit . find the amo ~ of the discount. > io s oP sP mP whe We i Beat Hav ses 3 - e xa: _ 1343 — ee 3m “ gotta 34 52 ar Io ep a oY sez 13 2 P29 p=! - \xie : Jeo ay BL “Dey ao much « anpaatee ome TA HR SE : ie © w ao by gvinge der: discount he meg gain 307+ Scanned by CamScanner cr se mp 2 iooy--01) (icone +9156 Yen 2 Ben cr MP Vey stew Bo Wo 40 44 ss =“ ~ 32 x {00 = ayy, a #0 ™ 15 Go kloo = anhy. By how much 4 a shopkeeper mark his goods above |S P 80 a» by giving to7: discount he may g2ln oy. oP MP = Fase ~ ~fxtoc = wat y. i “© A shopeaapec mark Aa goods ak Buch a prdte Hab aL allowing @ discount of 1&s7 on the mark price hean ~ CAN a pOHt of re7 96 the artide cost tim ps lYoo then P > Find. its mark peice . - Mp. -t ne 2 a § fel, e 3 = Ss ey 35: 48 358 —> Iyoo . 1—> YorRs . YB — Yoxu® = Veops : (@) A shopkeeper Five 25h discount te nl . US cuntome but he - sells it sea Gets and ar a bribe hy pays 10/ = = Pale. Find what showed 4, theme if he an kt & Pit FATT ond the + dye . adicle is QsD0 Rs. pre Scanned by CamScanner fordsep chhokker| 157 Frey éslF . vase pose pe OS ~ 27890 Yous 25004 250= 2750 RS “& ¥ wling on arhdy for bb Io a Wan alow TOT ~ diswount anal esun zoey pifit . if Hie cuticle -& setol at Of discarmt what shawd be the profit 7 Mr leo! if od sae We NW € 16 ro mp . 1° 130 7 Sf sold at of discount then u is add at MP meane - sP= 130 - Pr = 4e woo = Wg = . ; ‘i S600 Rs a man allen 7 - 52 By sell an arte for 19600 cle Js sald at ~ — digeounk and 1067 prot Te the arti - 7 of- discon what ahowld be the pref . oe me - aa iAeé aré yloo = Joys - Ts - 7A\_ dor NK 9 ao man alinod LOT diner - ae an oxticle for Ps I | = ty aig on oe and enum sof promt wohat ghoul be He sprotte f file & sed at 57: discount: - r mp 43-52 x 100 = 21> } qo 130 qo 1 \ + 6-5 Rd (-54-) é ) Scanned by CamScanner F shopkeeper give axticles fee on purchase of 15g Wdicles- He also allour etter a discount of 20/- 4 . SHU eaen asy. profit . find te vatio of cost Price and. mark price. Buy S get a free + 207. MP = 8 + So L207. SP=4o asy= 1 P Yep = 5 De or MP os las 3s ae. Ss lo as 2 5 of Pk Me o Mp aS \3s 6, Bs WT ° 1s a 4 a: 4 Scanned by CamScanner S—> 4o Pe: I 3H 3A: #0 P= uxe a: S Ans = saps of CP MP og the webtele « ° ce me de. 159 : Bo jee : (fe 120 16 12 5 lo 2 L z © Gi bah mand codes laden ae ~ 3)50,000 Re at CP, he give Soo books fra t» Some book Shobs> he dso allowed a discount of as7: en the mark ~ Pu and give 2 book -frea for eveup purchase of 29 = beoKS. find the amount of brofit ox lass TF He made price of each book 18 160 Rs “P= 3,50:000 29 Books — 1frue : SP= 2qooxi2o = 32482000 if 30 books s0ld-,money er kon (Wie = 2000 000 books Hen monty wil be of 2400 books : oxs€ = yo “ I6o-yo = (20 Rs @ At alceahaw dale buys oo alashaws for Rs unas. oF : these 6 ana fu sens on the set ne eure ENA AE es whak price must re 2elL the four seakvrs 2° thot Tf pri, he makes a > Ub the two sets ak aly th oF the © BBE of doz on dis oxtloy- Scanned by CamScanner a Fowe seater Monee 169 AO» a aa Yo = 2—--e Srey sP yx 3x 66x POS —> Ws aaa '—> aus Baxtéex = 6615 POF 7 VMEXIS Gey x= 6615 \ x= 67 approx 4x = 6IXY = 268 = 270 KE 30'/ Book + 4or-Pen = t Mer Book + Soh Fen = pe \ alofB + le/P = —Bo0 ~ AgCLB-P) = 4800 soexso - F =e B-P = 8e00 00 lof = Good er? ca 6% F man sald a beok ak 41: Profit ands a pen ak BE P. Of he SAL the book ak 18y: Profit ancl He pen ak 44 Profit , he gal R> Bo more. find, Hie Cast baler ok book : BEL burchue both at Qs 80,000 , al aa se we gers a BtP = 20,000 4B + ITP = T+ goes BP = a-00° GP = 82 X lov = r009 8 = ||,000 ’ P= ovo Scanned by CamScanner ‘ b oer a TE anal ben ok rei Pat ig head the back. ot : Vet probit and pen at By. it he 1 thu Antividuol cost baie. a Be ie: Gt ~ BtP = Asicoo 0 . BE x J00 = 2000 ae . B-P = 2000 - B= 13s00 - P= Ibsoo - shop keeper. bought two Celeb tm Rs léoo. TF he sold SF eye! 2 Of pafit and 2nd at 20). profit, he earns a curtain profit ~ if Ae sold, ISt at 2p P & 2nd at 10/.P, he gat RST MOL ~The prices of both the oydus tb 2 . T) + Ta = 600 SxloJ =50 1e x T- T = 50 a T= 885 s Tas 5 = @ he total cask ob @ books and 5 pens in gd.thenfind the * cast ek 3 books, and. & Fens If the cast ob S books ¢ pers - SH. a ae¢5P = subtract - sarap = TT aa-3P> 1S = Add y3@risP = 169 oPr=5 arp = 13 ep 5 3e+2P . @=9 a4+8 P= 4+ = 35 RR Scanned by CamScanner HOUAEEAE RIOR WORE GPE, _— the Ist bat » the fenan yrtay has 2 bebe one! sea SUD the bat long the vat OPN na bok Buk If suuid wil be twice tre valas a necaivad sikh re sells the ball with the ahd bat, He are Te je us than the value OF He Js bak by R> SOS the value Ge Hu sat bat 2 CeCe EEE p 8 eal= 96 « « arae = 268 | ards = A-a08 ae ge 20-96-306-96 9a6- Jeo 62) Ruyah yadav sels a pen at sy: lass and a book ot IS7 P, hy _ yes 7 as proit HE he sells the pen at SH Profit & He book ak Lo]: profit, he gets RbE MOK. The prices Ob hOOk & pen ane -syp + sta = #—- put value of B Ind) FPP Fiore = I-41) SPE art =F L 25 ye 2 7otp = tre 45 ~ joo [B=8 re = # [e=@] . ae tite te Pel In eaciiy AIT ~ bles ~40 165 T ~ 16 x4o0e" = —Yo Re 20 ate Zee ie Ss joo T = ~Yoreyo = og beh a [*= 4200) 7, Scanned by CamScanner perenne sou, OF IS) prom amg a uuu ee 47: Ub GHoRs a PFE IE he sell the table ak 12y.lase ¢ chair of sy Wom PrFE than he beans nobrofit no 10s. ind the Paice > gk table 4 chair. 63 re pr T + ISTO DO ne T « 0x22 Jie = 22+ 00) Yoo Toble= loo 100 | | = [0000 : Sot qs — yg chair = Uooee . rT = 8000 ° 3% wunik— Syo | 7 5 5 I— do —______——_—_ | man Sells A book and gq table at 134. 1@1- PORT. Huspectively & earns In6o Re ab prfit. Bub if he sells the book at 165 P and Table at (Gf Wass then bears Mo profit no los. find ther cp ? It - tt Book Table. = Yooo ~ Lee = 20¥200 = a a ay 200 300 Book = 20% |. | Tabe= 6000 | Bet 26 + at 7 rs kes BF man sul two akidts fast ab low % ond ak 14+) Profit, . iF dung the anhole trankaction. he bears a £048 abr do Re ~ if he seth both adil ak ame pele then find the tot spdee a ond arti. I | wsse—7% ° ce aoye 100 \— 45 ~ = 4500 Ps. fle —_ OP of and _ ysxtoo “fl 3h ” asd ~ 8p yg ug |, ———___———————————————essSsSsSsSs—esa—e |. Scanned by CamScanner _—— ED A ran seit two adidas first on 22/ ods and and. on 60y.164. Los profit - Find thelr selling pace iF the dite bw Hae - Ch is sroops if the selling price of both the artices a> same. cr © | yg 5? 320° Pox SF i> eye coe PIL -ian 43 sp UB sP= » ; tan sal 6 ante ak game puice. 1st on 207 profit, ~ and on 107 lors Sd on QS} lors. Diwung thre whole transaction he bears a 108s Of Rs iro find the selli eyoxe = SILO RS . Ua ~ Puce ob each article ? : ee = IE lws= 43-2-6= 5 - P Sea vax S no : PL Ha -Ixa yor an alee SP 68 Gea axe @ AP tran sells two oxkides tat pe etn Find. the amount of overall profit: / : wa a Pate Me Ur nba is equal to tu aling - Puie d- ond antic . . x x eile 4x ple sho The ws © *Hing- baler dA @Q Ont Re leo each A Glande hu : Ph om SP whils @ on ep + fing A * . bah dane aot pee THY tha oF it sP=qtle= 19 —> |z10 |— Jo PIL= 42 =+1 —» qo Re Profit - Scanned by CamScanner

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