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Essay-Social media does more harm than good

Nana Tatarashvili

As people are different they have different views. Some of them think social media is
harmful, but others disagree with this opinion. I personally agree with the idea that social
media does more harm than good. I consider that it has negative effects on our mental
health. It is addictive and reduces productivity. Let me bring up some supporting arguments
to justify the reasons why I think so.

To begin with, it does more harm on our mental health than good. Nowadays most people
and especially children spend their time with phones or computers and using social media.
They prefer to contact with others by social media rather than face-to-face. As a result they
lose ability and desire of it and spend their most time at home addicted on social media. This
contribute to rise of stress level, depression, anxiety and disturb personal life.

Moreover, social media create unrealistic expectations about life. In the era of social media
influencers, its difficult to understand what is reality. People show their faces under masks
and no one knows if they have such kind of life or not. They seem perfect and always talking
about their adventurous life, how happy they are, but the reality is different sometimes. It
contributes to unrealistic expectations of people about life.

On the other hand I can’t deny that social media do also some good. For instance, if we have
friends/relatives who live a long way off, we can keep in touch with them with the help of a
social media. Young children can explore and learn new things, share ideas with groups, find
people with same interests and develop their interests. However, to my mind children can
develop these skills without social media. There is no doubt they will use positive sides of
social media but it also has more harmful things.

Finally, to sum up all above stated facts I can say that social media does more harm than

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