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Revision worksheet

Name __________________________________________ No. ______ Class ________ Date ________________

1. Read the following text about teenage self-esteem. The three phrases below have been
removed. Put them in the right place.

a source of negative feelings and low self-esteem

almost two-thirds of girls in the UK
a team or club if they aren’t happy with the way they look

17-year-old girls in the UK have low self-esteem

New research by Dove has found a.___________________________________________________ do not

have high body esteem. And what’s worse, it’s making them miss out on key opportunities.
According to the 2017 Dove Global Girls Beauty and Confidence report, 9 out of 10 girls in the
UK will not spend time with family and friends, participate in activities outside the house, or try out
for b.___________________________________________________. The report gives evidence to the increasing
beauty standards young girls seem to face in modern times, particularly with the proliferation of
social media within young people’s lives. And although many parents may see social media as
c.____________________________ ____________________________________, many girls in the UK see social
media as an outlet to confidently express their individuality.
(abridged and adapted; accessed in August 2019)

2. Match each word in column A with its synonym in column B. Two options do not apply.

Column A Column B
1. support
a. miss out (line 2)
2. admired
b. evidence (line 5) 3. let go
c. proliferation (line 6) 4. show
5. trust
d. express (line 9)
6. increase

3. Find evidence in the text for the following sentences.

a. Teenage girls’ low self-esteem is having a negative impact on their lives.
_________________________________________________________________________________ .
b. There are role models girls look up to.
_________________________________________________________________________________ .

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4. Complete the text by choosing the most suitable option (1, 2 or 3) from the table.
Teenagers are forming an online community. It will allow them to talk about the issues that matter
most to their physical and a._____________________ well-being.
Dove b._____________________ interviewed over 5,000 girls aged 10-17 and they found that higher
levels of self-esteem have a lasting impact c._____________________ a girl’s confidence, resilience and
general d._____________________.
(abridged and adapted; accessed in August 2019)

a. 1. emotional 2. financial 3. family

b. 1. designers 2. experts 3. critics
c. 1. of 2. in 3. on
d. 1. satisfaction 2. opportunities 3. expectancy

5. Complete the second sentence in a suitable way, using the word in brackets. You must use
between 3 and 5 words, including the word given. The meaning of the sentence may be slightly
a. Dove experts are conducting a study on girls’ self-esteem.
Dove experts _______________________________________________ a study on girls’ self-esteem.
b. We usually study at the school library.
At the moment _______________________________________________ at the school library. (we)
c. I have seen this advertisement on TV recently.
_______________________________________________ advertisement on TV. (yesterday)
d. I have booked a house for New Year’s Eve. We are going to spend it in Nazaré.
I think _______________________________________________ Year’s Eve in Nazaré. (will)

6. Fill in the gaps with a suitable prefix or suffix.

a. What Michael is doing is _______legal.
b. Our friend_______ will last forever.
c. The English teach_______ is very nice!
d. It is _______possible to read all these papers for tomorrow!

7. Complete with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

a. Mary thinks she’s short, but her little brother is even ____________________ (short) than her.
b. This is simply the ____________________ (good) article on anorexia that I’ve ever read.
c. The ____________________ (interesting) advertisement about this topic is Dove’s.
d. Thomas is ____________________ (curious) about these issues than his friends.

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Revision worksheet
Answer key
a. almost two-thirds of girls in the UK
b. a team or club if they aren’t happy with the way they look
c. a source of negative feelings and low self-esteem

2. a. 3 b. 1 c. 6 d. 4

a. “… it’s making them miss out on key opportunities.”
b. “… beauty standards young girls seem to face …”

4. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1

a. have already conducted
b. we are studying
c. Yesterday I saw this
d. we will spend New

a. il-
b. -ship
c. -er
d. im-

a. shorter
b. best
c. most interesting
d. more curious

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