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1) Irregular verbs – Please write the Past Simple and Past Participle for each verb






















2) Prepositions – Complete the sentences with the right preposition

He didn’t go to work __________ Monday.

My daughter is always super excited __________ Christmas day.

She is afraid __________ the dark.

The lessons are __________ the afternoon.

I agree __________ you.

Letters and postcards were popular __________ the 20th century.

My birthday is __________ February.

She was born __________ the 12th June 2000.

I’m on my way, I am going to reach there __________ an hour.

The thief had no intention __________ hurting anybody.

You can always count __________ your family.

Do you have nightmares __________ night?

She is addicted __________ chocolate.

What are you doing __________ the afternoon?

What do you like doing __________ Friday evenings?

Hurry up! My sister is going to be here __________ 5 minutes.

We drove to New York __________ January 15th.

Morocco is too hot __________ the summer.

We lived in Canada __________ the ‘80s.

There is a party __________ the 4th of July.

The shop closes __________ 4:00.

What are you waiting __________?

He is not interested __________ art.

Why are you shouting __________ me?

He works __________ an important project.

Are you good __________ drawing?

Can I pay __________ card?

I’m worried __________ the machine in the factory.

I’m allergic __________ peanuts.

I’m going to have a long holiday __________ Easter.

3) Write 3 things that a baby can do, and write 3 things that he/she can’t!

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.
4) What did you do last weekend? (10 sentences)

5) Vocabulary

English to Hungarian Hungarian to English

Always Ügyvéd

Key Vers

Above Küld

Succeed Ebédlő

Annoyed Gyerekkor

Fortunately Éjfél

Fog Veszélyes

Umbrella Óriási

Stamp Hozzáad

Gold Nedves

Loud Nyomtatni

Storm Kelet

Sneeze Váza

Trip Üjra

Scissors Zseb

Sunset Nevetni

Glasses Szőnyeg

6) Describe your house/apartment in 10 sentences

7) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous

Anne _______________ (live) in Los Angeles, but now she _______________ (stay) at her
grandmother’s house in New Orleans.

It often _______________ (rain) in London and it _______________ (rain) there now too.

David _______________ (work) in a restaurant, but today he _______________ (enjoy) his holiday.

I never _______________ (relax) at work but today I _______________ (relax) on the beach.

We _______________ (come) from Germany but now we _______________ (live) in Sweden.

I usually _______________ (wear) a suit but today I _______________ (wear) shorts and a T-shirt.

The children _______________ (study) hard at school but today they _______________ (swim) in
the pool.

Peter _______________ (not like) wearing a suit and a tie but today he _______________ (wear)
them because of an important meeting.

Barbara usually _______________ (drink) coffee in the morning but today she _______________
(have) a tea.

8) Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect

She _______________ (do) her homework on the bus.

Where _______________ he _______________ (buy) his new suit?

You _______________ (not clean) the house last weekend.

What _______________ you _______________ (do) last night?

_______________ you ever _______________ (be) to Venice?

I _______________ (go) out and I _______________ (meet) my friends.

Pauline _______________ (not visit) China in her life.

Where _______________ you _______________ (play) tennis last weekend?

I _______________ (be) at the restaurant at 7 o’clock but you _______________ (not be) there.

They _______________ (be) at home. They _______________ (not go) to the cinema.

Who _______________ you _______________ (see) at the party?

I _______________ never _______________ (be) to a party.

Yesterday we _______________ (have) lunch in the park.

9) Make questions with “ever” in Present Perfect. Then answer the questions







See/a famous singer






10) Write at least 5 sentences about your plans for this summer – Use Present Continuous
and/or “going to”

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