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Journal of Consumer Behaviour, J. Consumer Behav.

10: 356–364 (2011)

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/cb.376

Consumer activity in social media: Managerial approaches to consumers’

social media behavior
Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (CERS), Hanken School of Economics, Department of Marketing, Helsinki, Finland


Today, consumers are involved in a variety of activities, ranging from consuming content to participating in discussions, sharing knowledge with
other consumers, and contributing to other consumers’ activities. With the enormous interest in social media sites, such as YouTube, MySpace,
Facebook, and Wikipedia, consumers are assumed to be actively contributing to marketing content. However, despite the rich opportunities for
contributing, recent academic research indicates that consumers are not necessarily as active online as has been believed. The aim of this paper is
to conceptualize consumers’ activities in social media by examining the motivations behind the activities. By offering a more detailed
description of the differences in consumer use of social media, the study extends existing research on consumer activities related to user-created
content. Based on consumer narratives of their social media activity, we identified 15 activities grouped under three themes. The conceptual
framework is used to suggest managerial strategies related to different levels of consumer activity. Thus, it provides a tool for uncovering
managerial challenges and for planning responses to consumer activities.
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION ment can be challenging and confusing (Davies and Elliot,

2006). As a result, social media activity is not necessarily
In marketing, there is currently a growing interest in digital as prevalent as expected and desired by researchers and
interactivity, especially in consumer activity in social media. practitioners. Therefore, more research is needed to identify
Information technology is empowering consumers, and their the different levels of activity and the bases of such activities.
role is shifting from being passive recipients of information Recent research on consumer activity in social media and
to becoming active generators of information (Stewart and on user-generated content has examined the motivations for
Pavlou, 2002). As consumers are increasingly performing using or not using social media (e.g. Park et al., 2009;
activities previously controlled by companies, the entire Raacke and Bonds-Raacke, 2008; Baker and White, 2010;
marketing landscape is changing. Therefore, companies need Shao, 2009). It has been proposed that consumers are either
to better understand the changing behavior of consumers, in active as posters or contributors or passive as lurkers or consu-
order to create mutual benefits from the use of social media. mers of content (e.g. Schlosser, 2005; Shang et al., 2006; Shao,
Consumers’ online behavior is developing at a fast rate. 2009). In an online brand community context, practice-
Consumers are taking part in a variety of activities ranging oriented research has focused on describing the practices re-
from consuming content, participating in discussions, and lated to brand communities (Schau et al., 2009). However,
sharing knowledge with other consumers to contributing to what is lacking in existing research is a detailed investigation
other consumers’ activities. This active consumer behavior of the different levels of activities consumers engage in.
is changing the media and marketing landscape as consumers What are consumers doing on social media? What are the
are invading companies’ marketing sphere (Berthon et al., motives that drive these social media activities? While recent
2008). With the enormous interest in social media and research is assuming different levels of consumer activity,
user-generated content (UGC) on sites, such as YouTube, these questions highlight some of the key challenges in social
MySpace, Facebook, and Wikipedia, consumers are seen to media research. Therefore, we investigated consumers’
be actively contributing to the marketing content. activities in social media by focusing on the motivations
At the same time, although the opportunities for active behind the activities. The term social media here refers to
involvement are good, some academic studies on the topic in- user-created services, such as blogs, online review/rating sites,
dicate that consumers are not necessarily as active online as it social networking sites, and online communities. The term
has been believed (Jones et al., 2004; Joyce and Kraut, 2006; consumer is used to describe the individual that is active in
Preece et al., 2004). Interestingly, consumers are typically the social media, however, not necessarily only consuming
described as being active and creative (Berthon et al., the media but also performing other activities, such as
2008), neglecting the fact that depending on differences in participating in, using, or producing activities.
interest and resources only a small number of consumers in We present a conceptual framework for social media
fact produce the majority of user-generated content activities based on different levels of consumer input and
(Courtois et al., 2009). Research has also shown that the consumer motivation. Drawing on narratives generated in
increased choice and responsibility resulting from empower- 57 consumers’ diary entries focusing on their social media
activity, we substantiate the conceptual framework by
*Correspondence to: Kristina Heinonen, Hanken School of Economics;
Department of Marketing, Helsinki, Finland. offering detailed descriptions of different social media
E-mail: activities. The conceptual framework is further used to

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Consumer activity in social media 357

propose managerial strategies related to the different levels of Virtual game worlds and social worlds, such as Second Life
consumer activity. Our study contributes to research and or World of Warcraft, are more entertainment-oriented and
practice in consumer marketing in general and in social enable consumers to enter a virtual or other reality. In a
media and online communities in particular by describing multiplayer game-like environment, they encourage commu-
different consumer activities associated with user-generated nication and interaction with others. Being different in terms
content. The goal is to describe in more detail how consumers’ of means and consequences, these social media types obvi-
social media activities influence marketing practice. ously involve different motivations and activities. In this
In what follows, we provide a brief overview of the paper, social media activities are examined by focusing on
concepts of social media and user-generated content in order user-created services, such as blogs, online review/rating
to present the approach taken in this paper. We then review sites, social networking sites, and online communities.
previous research on consumers’ motives for using social me-
dia as well as research on consumers’ activities in social media.
Consumers’ motives for engaging in social media
Based on the literature review, we introduce a conceptual
Consumer motives for engaging in social media provide
framework of social media activities and apply the framework
insights into consumers’ activities. Several studies focusing
in a qualitative study. The emerging social media activities are
on consumers’ motivation have emerged recently (e.g. Ross
then used to propose managerial challenges and activities in re-
et al., 2009; Raacke and Bonds-Raacke, 2008; Grace-Farfaglia
sponse to consumers’ activities. Theoretical implications and
et al., 2006). Many studies on social media and user-generated
agendas for future research are also discussed.
media apply a uses and gratification approach (c.f. Shao, 2009;
Park et al., 2009). This approach focuses on consumers’
motives for using a certain media and on the consequences that
follow from those motives (Blumler and Katz, 1974). The
gratification studies exploring social media show similar
Social media, such as social networking sites and
findings. Stafford, Stafford and Schkade (2004) found that
user-generated services, have emerged into mass use rather
consumers’ have three main gratifications or motives for using
recently, basically from 2003 onward (Boyd and Ellison,
the internet as a medium, namely, information, entertainment,
2008). Academic research is appearing, and related concepts
and social aspects. This finding has been supported and
are explored, such as social networking sites (Boyd and
extended by more recent research on user-generated media,
Ellison, 2008; Utz, 2010), user-generated content (Shao,
which has identified information, entertainment, social
2009), and social media (Walker Rettberg, 2009). Basically,
interaction and community development, self-actualization,
what characterizes user-generated content is the fact that
and self-expression as motives (Shao, 2009; Courtois et al.,
consumers are the ones producing, designing, publishing,
2009). Krishnamurthy and Dou (2008) summarized the
or editing the content in the media (Krishnamurthy and
motivations into two main groups: rational motives, such as
Dou, 2008), i.e. the service is user-created. Social media in
knowledge-sharing and advocacy, and emotional motives,
turn enable people to share and interact with each other
such as social connection and self-expression. Park et al.
and the content becomes more democratized (Drury, 2008).
(2009) found four motives for using social networking sites:
Although differences between the many concepts describing
socializing, entertainment, self-status seeking, and information.
this new media have been implied and many would argue
These gratifications are common motives for consumers’
that user-generated content is a characteristic of social media,
activities performed in social media, as will be proposed below.
the concepts social media and user-generated content have
been used semi-interchangeably (Kaplan and Haenlein,
2010). In this paper, social media and user-generated media Consumer activities in social media
are seen to denote the same phenomenon that consumers Consumers’ activities in social media has been explored based
are creating the content in the media. on how actively (or passively) consumers behave online.
Different typologies of social media depending on Community members have frequently been grouped according
their type and characteristics have been suggested (e.g. to their communication behavior and in this context the poster-
Krishnamurthy and Dou, 2008; Shao, 2009). For example, lurker dichotomy has been widely used (e.g. Schlosser, 2005;
Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) categorized social media into Shang et al., 2006). Using this approach, de Valck et al.,
collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social (2009) identified six different virtual community member
networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social types based on members’ communication/participation
worlds. Similarly, in this paper, we categorize collaborative patterns: 1) Core members were those who contributed to the
projects and blogs as content creation and publishing tools. community the most by retrieving, supplying, and discussing
Collaborative projects or wikis are websites that allow information. 2) Conversationalists focused on discussing
people to contribute or edit content in a collective way. Blogs information. 3) Informationalists mainly retrieved and
refer to online publications where the most recent entries supplied information. 4) Hobbyists focused on maintaining
are published first and are written in a personal and conversa- and updating their personal information on the website.
tional style. Content-sharing communities are focused on 5) Functionalists were interested in retrieving information. 6)
sharing particular content, not on building a network (e.g. Opportunists only retrieved marginal content from the website.
YouTube, Flickr, and Dopplr). Social networking sites enable This categorization is thus based on information activities
users to create and maintain a community of individuals. and did not include other types of activities.

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
358 K. Heinonen

In contrast, Shao (2009) proposed that people perform a All elements in the model are present in existing research,
variety of activities online: 1) Consumption of information but they have not been combined into one single framework.
and entertainment, 2) participation in social interaction and For example, Shao (2009) focused on consumer contributions
community development, and 3) production of self-expression as input but found that consumption is mainly related to
and self-actualization. Consumption means reading the content information and entertainment; participation is related to social
that is posted by other users; participation occurs when people connection; and production is mainly related to self-expression
comment on others’ creations, and production means posting that can be seen as a part of entertainment. Courtois et al.,
one’s own content on the site. Shao (2009) also noted that these (2009) focused on motivations, and in addition to informa-
three activities are often integrated that people often engage in tional, entertaining, and social functions, they also emphasized
all three activities or in a combination of two, and that it is not escapist functions and personal functions. Although several
always possible to differentiate clearly between the activities. gratifications have been proposed, it seems that the three major
Despite identifying the three main activities and the resulting motivations (information, social connection, and entertain-
consequences of these activities, Shao’s study does not provide ment) are the most common ones. In our empirical study, the
insights into the various subactivities that occur within the conceptual framework was used to identify and categorize
main categories. The activities of consumption, participation, the activities that consumers performed in social media.
and production may also include other activities that are not
described by the categorization based on contribution levels.
In other words, it is appropriate to identify other activities that EMPIRICAL STUDY
can be relevant for users of social media.
Most research on consumer activities related to UGC Due to the scant research on social media activities, an ex-
(User-Generated Content) emphasizes consumers’ communica- ploratory study design was chosen. A diary method was used
tion behavior based on the dichotomy of contribution (posting) to capture the voice of the customer (Griffin & Hauser, 1993;
and consumption (lurking).Thus, research has indicated Bolger, Davis & Rafaeli, 2003). The diary method has been
that consumers are in fact not very active online, i.e. they described as a method that captures life as it is lived where
commonly show a low level of participation and contribution respondents are asked to report on daily events and experi-
on social media (c.f. Jones et al., 2004; Joyce and Kraut, ences (Bolger, Davis & Rafaeli, 2003). Typically, as the diary
2006; Preece et al., 2004). However, looking beyond activities is directly linked with the event and experience, it focuses on
based on communication and information needs, other studies respondents’ natural and spontaneous feelings, rather than
have drawn attention to the importance of social networking more retrospective thoughts (Bolger, Davis & Rafaeli, 2003).
and entertaining. For example, Schau et al. (2009) identified Respondents kept a diary to report their thoughts and emo-
12 practices related to brand communities. Three practices tions of using social media sites. The diary was so-called
were related to social networking: welcoming, empathizing, event-contingent where the respondent reports whenever a de-
and governing. Two practices concerned impression fined event occurs (Wheeler & Reis, 1991), i.e. directly after
management: evangelizing and justifying. Four practices were using the site. The resulting narratives reflect the respondents’
related to community engagement: staking, milestoning, own wording and thus exactly represent the respondents’
badging, and documenting. Three practices concerned brand views of their own reality. The diary was developed as a qual-
use grooming, customizing, and commoditizing. This line of itative questionnaire summarizing information about social
thinking on practices can be used to extend the concept of media use in a structured way. For each use of social media
activity by detailing the practices performed in social media. site, respondents summarized the name of the site, the type of
user-generated content, the dates, time, and length of visit.
The diary was based on three parts, but only the findings from
CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF SOCIAL MEDIA the first parts are reported here. The first part was based loosely
ACTIVITIES on the studies by Shao (2009) and Stafford, Stafford, and
Schkade (2004) focusing on the activities performed and the
Building on the discussion above, we propose that consumers’ motivations behind the activities. It included three themes
social media activities can be conceptualized based on two used to solicit the narratives concerning respondents’ percep-
major dimensions: consumer motivations and consumer input. tions and use of social media: 1) respondents’ perceptions
The separation of activities into three main types, i.e. consump- about the content of the message, 2) the activities performed
tion, participation, and contribution (Shao, 2009), provides (consumption, participation, and production), and 3) the
general information about what consumers do, i.e. it illustrates effects of social media. Respondents were asked to reflect
consumers’ input. Examining consumer motivations in terms upon the following three questions: 1) Describe the content
of entertainment, social connection, and information provides (e.g. opinions, experiences, advice and commentary). What
more details concerning the nature of three main activity types did you experience?, 2) Describe the activities (consumption,
identified by Shao. In Figure 1, the two perspectives are participation, production). What did you do and why?, and
combined in a simple 3x3 matrix. Nine potential outcomes fol- 3) What effect did the social media have on you? How did
low from this categorization. Activities to the right the social media influence your activities and perceptions?
involve a higher level of consumer input in terms of content The empirical study was conducted in 2009 among young
contribution. The activities are based on motivation range from individuals representing the users of user-generated services.
utilitarian to hedonic motives. Focusing on young individuals is consistent with previous

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
Consumer activity in social media 359

Figure 1. Conceptual model of consumers’ social media activities. Figure 2. An overview of social media activities.

studies in the area (e.g. Correa, 2010; Courtois et al. 2009; content, but did not write comments nor produce their own
Park et al., 2009). Fifty-seven marketing students were asked content on the sites. The majority of cases where the
to evaluate and report their use of five different user-created respondents also produced some content to an UGC were
services, which resulted in a total sample size of 285 journal reported from social networking sites. Some respondents also
entries. Of the respondents, 34 were women and 23 men. reported production on other websites, such as leaving
The data was analyzed as follows: A variable-oriented comments on discussion boards, writing reviews, posting
approach (Miles and Huberman, 1994) was used to group and sharing their own music, and blogging.
and categorize the narratives based on the dimensions of the The motives for visiting a UGC site were fairly similar to
conceptual framework. The dimensions cut across cases and those of consumers who also chose to participate on the site.
the narratives were further analyzed to identify subcategories Sometimes there was only one motivation (information,
of the identified dimensions. This was done by conceptualizing entertainment, or social connection), but often it was a com-
and abstracting the meaning of the words (Strauss and Corbin, bination of two or three. Information, entertainment,
1998). Data pertaining to the three consumer input dimensions surveillance, opinions, and inspiration were frequently
(consumption, participation, and production) and the three mentioned. Not surprisingly, social connection and a need to
motivation types (information, social connection, and entertain- communicate were mentioned repeatedly, as well as searches
ment) were grouped into different categories. The six categories for people with whom to discuss different topics such as music.
all included several subcategories that emerged inductively. The activities are discussed in more detail below.

Social media activities

FINDINGS The 15 social media activities emerging from the narratives
were divided into three categories depending on the motivation
The findings from the study are discussed by starting with the for the activity: 1) Information processing, 2) entertainment
motivation behind the activity. To provide an overview of the activities, and 3) social connection. Frequently, consumers
findings, the activities are first structured based on consumer were looking for specific information, such as facts or
input and motivation using the proposed conceptual explanations for something. The findings indicate that user-
framework. The activities emerging from the data are then created services play an important role in conveying
categorized into three motivation groups, and the findings are experiences and peer-to-peer support. By sharing experiences
substantiated with illustrative quotes from the narratives. and knowledge, consumers are creating new forms of services,
The findings indicated that consumers are mostly which have an important task in guiding and directing decision
consuming the content; only a few respondents were making. Below, the activities will be illustrated with quotes
contributors or producers of user-created services. Of the- from the narratives.
sample, 201 activities were related to consumption, 41 Five activities associated with information processing
concerned consumption and participation activities, and 36 emerged from the data. They represent different levels of
were related to production activities. contribution to the content of the media, but they are mainly
consumption related (Table 1). The information was valued
Social media behavior for several reasons: accessibility, being real-time, variety of
The activities were categorized based on consumer input and viewpoints covered, and exclusivity. The drawback was the
consumer motives (Figure 2). Consumer input mainly trustworthiness of the information, and especially factual
concerned consumption and participation, and only some information was often considered questionable. A major
activities were related to production. Acquiring and consum- information processing activity was the retrieval of product
ing information were two of the main activities. Most information or content, such as solving problems with
respondents visited different UGC sites, consumed the product use or accessing content, such as music or other

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
360 K. Heinonen

Table 1. Information processing activities and will not visit the hotel the travel agency suggested.
Dimension Description (AC) (Tripadvisor)
Retrieving product Acquiring information about In addition, news surveillance is a distinct social media
information or content products or download content
Collecting factual Gathering information from more activity because the respondents frequently reported an urge
information formal user-generated sources, to keep themselves constantly updated. Respondents
such as Wikipedia. typically explored several sites many times a day in order
Sharing and accessing Sharing information and accessing to know what was happening.
opinions, reviews shared knowledge online, such as
and rating opinions and comments
News surveillance Following current news from all Something happening right now on the other side of the
over the world world can be seen immediately at YouTube. (AH)
Applying knowledge Using knowledge for own benefits,
such as processing content or It is very interesting to read what people think about the
exchanging products contemporary occurrences. (D) (Online discussion forum
of a daily paper)

software. Many respondents were looking for professionally It is interesting to see what happens in the fashion world.
produced content that was posted on UGC sites, such as music (L) (Fashion blog)
videos or episodes of popular TV shows. This kind of content
is often posted illegally, but it is highly appreciated by the users Information processing also concerned applying knowledge
because it often helps in saving money and time. from user-generated media for utilitarian purposes. This
activity often results in monetary benefits and economic gain.
The UGC of this site works as a functional supplement/
substitute for watching the whole game on cable-TV or This time, the Internet Movie Database helped me choose
at a sports bar. Someone compiles the highlights, posts between quite a few movies that I want to see. Although
them wherever they like, and the site tracks them down I’m not entirely sure which one I’ll see yet, my choices
thus giving the consumer the option of choosing their were narrowed down significantly. (AP)
favorite source. Footytube might be the sole reason why
I wouldn’t buy cable TV, although I still might. (P) Earn some money on selling items I don’t use/need (AR)
(online auction site)
My motivation to use YouTube was to get information
about a product, i.e. to see how it works, how it looks like, Four entertainment activities emerged from the narratives
what you can do with it and what the good versus bad (Table 2). Respondents were looking for relaxation or escape.
aspects of it are. (BE) Some sites, such as YouTube, were often used for taking a
break in studies or work.
Another activity is the collection of factual information.
This was mainly related to utilitarian needs where users The reason for visiting this site was that I wanted to relax
gathered information from more structured user-generated my mind by reading something “light”. (AW) (A fashion
sources, such as Wikipedia. blog)

I use Wikipedia to get information and I get what I am I felt relaxed and amused and it offered a well-deserved
searching for, but the entertainment level is quite low. (AI) break from the work I was doing. (AS) (YouTube)

I used the site to collect information for my personal use. It is a good site where you can spend your extra time.
(BC) MySpace (AQ) FML

A third form of information processing is sharing infor- Entertainment search also comprised inspiration and
mation and experiences, and accessing shared knowledge mood management motives. Finding new and interesting
online. Opposed to factual information that has lower trustwor- information was also reported to have a positive effect on
thiness, opinions were considered to be reliable and value
Table 2. Entertainment activities

It feels like a reliable way to get opinions of products. Dimension Description

The people who are writing at afterdawn don’t benefit Escaping the real world Relaxing or escaping for a while
anything from advertising a certain product, which and relaxing
means that they are going to tell the truth about what Becoming inspired, Looking for inspiration and
they think about some certain product. (AA; technol- mood management encouragement
ogy forum Entertaining oneself Enjoying oneself online
Self-expression Self-articulation and self-promotion
It changed my opinion of what hotel I should stay in

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
Consumer activity in social media 361

consumers’ mood. Many sites offered inspiration to the Social connection is also related to activities where
consumers and encouraged them to do something in real life. respondents can share different content with each other or
experience together something new or different. Respondents
The food blog had an effect on me in a way that I got occasionally reported that the user-generated information
more excited about making food and baking again. (AI) influenced and changed their own opinions, e.g. after reading
food blog Internet discussion board content.
My motivation for visiting this site was to be inspired and
updated on the newest trends and to possibly get ideas on You occasionally talk about what you have been watch-
how to re-decorate my own apartment with simple tips. ing on YouTube or show them new videos or advise
(V) (Interior design blog) them to see something. (AE) (YouTube)

Another entertainment activity was related to the act of I watched some funny clips together with family and
getting entertained by following other consumers’ discussions friends. (AZ) (YouTube)
and opinions.
Further, social connection activities appeared to facilitate
It’s highly entertaining to watch people debate and express
a feeling of belonging and bonding to a specific social
their opinions. The fact that you can do this anonymously
environment and between members of a social group. Respon-
makes it somewhat funnier when people say things more
dents visited the UGC to learn what people are talking about
straight up. (BC) (Online student discussion forum)
and to connect with members of their social context.
I think that it is entertaining to watch videos.(. . .) I can
I get a feeling of belongingness when I can easily listen
spend many hours on searching for old com-
to the same music as my friends are listening and talking
mercials, funny cat videos, and music. (O) (YouTube)
about. (AD) (MySpace)
In some cases, self-expression and managing one’s
self-image were mentioned. This included promoting an My motivation was that many friends had Facebook
individual persona or expressing one’s own beliefs. accounts, and I wanted to be a part of that as well. (E)

Express (show) myself to my friends in the way that I Social connection is also related to being up-to-date
want to. (AR) (Facebook) concerning events and happenings in the social network
and participating in the events. This is one of the main
The six activities related to social connection are described attractions of the social networking sites as well as blogs,
in Table 3. Social connection is mainly related to social discussion forums, and video sites. Many respondents
surveillance, i.e. users are interested in seeing what is reported that they were addicted to being up to date with
happening in their network of friends and acquaintances. Many everything. Knowing things also gave them a feeling of
respondents visited specific sites that included content posted social advantage.
by an acquaintance (e.g. a friend’s blog) or they just wanted
to know what people do. I wanted to see how my friends are doing and see if
something special had happened. (U) (Facebook)
Well, I found out stuff about my friends I would not
know without Facebook. (AE) I get at least 50% of all my invitations to different hap-
Certainly entertaining. Getting to know peoples’ penings via Facebook. (BC)
thoughts. In the future, it will get more entertaining when
it gains wider popularity here and people you know are I use it almost every day as sort of a calendar to stay up to
involved. (AV) (Twitter) date and find out about what my friends are doing, but I
don’t participate and share stuff about myself more than
I find I have to. (AR) (Facebook)
Table 3. Social connection activities
Dimension Description Most importantly, social connection is related to users’
Social surveillance Learning about friends and need to stay in touch with their friends and family. This
acquaintances was particularly evident for social networking sites, but also
Collaborative experiencing Sharing and experiencing personal blogs and photo-sharing applications were used for
with others this purpose. UGC’s have a great influence on peoples’
Belonging and bonding Connecting with people social life as some sites, such as Facebook, make it easy for
Being up-to-date Knowing what is happening
in one’s own community people to manage their contacts with other people. Becoming
Staying in touch Keeping up relationships more social was reported by most respondents.
within one’s own network
Social networking Creating and managing a Because when you have a lot of friends and people you
social network of friends know, Facebook is an easy and a cheap way to stay up
and acquaintances
to date with their lives and to stay in contact. (AI)

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
362 K. Heinonen

I wouldn’t stay in touch with as many friends as I am company responses that support consumers’ social media
now. (M) (Facebook) activities (Figure 3). The following strategies can be used
to increase social media engagement, improve product
Another main social connection activity was related to awareness, or induce cocreation of production information.
social networking, i.e. creating and managing a network. This Consumption activities represented the main area of
activity differs from merely staying in touch, as social network- consumer input in social media and strategies in this area
ing means gathering and managing a network of friends. are associated with facilitating the consumption. In the lower
left-hand corner of Figure 3, the focus is on the consumption
From the beginning, I started using it because “every- of information. Companies can offer different information
body else had Facebook”, but after a while, I noticed that and facts to be accessed by anyone, in order to attract users
I actually like it. Thanks to Facebook, I have more con- and direct the usage towards a higher extent of contribution.
tact with friends living in other cities/countries than I nor- This is the current strategy for example of numerous
mally would. As weird as it may sound, Facebook has magazines and newspapers that offer parts of the online
made me more social! (V) content for free in order to interest users, thus hoping to
encourage them to participate in the discussions and debates
It is useful because it saves time. I have sort of collected on the topics and perhaps generate new insights and contents
all my friends at one place and it is an easy and fast way for the company to utilize. Another strategy related to the
to share my life with them on Facebook. (O) consumption of information is to link the company and/or
its offerings to current happenings and real-time information
and thus increase interest in the company, e.g. InterNavi’s
automotive navigation and information system. Another
DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS way to create awareness and interest in the company is by
linking up with lead users functioning as consumer advocates
The study extends existing research on consumers’ use of through their personal blogs. Numerous consumer goods
user-created content by describing in more detail differences companies are using this strategy by offering products to
in consumer activities related to social media. Focusing on popular bloggers, hoping that they will lead users; that after
activities rather than only on motivations or gratifications acceptance, they will speak positively about the product.
made it possible to increase the understanding of why Another strategic area has to do with the consumption
consumers are interested in social media. In other words, activities related to social connection. This is one of the most
the concepts of use and gratification (e.g. Stafford et al. important areas as it involves the highest number of potential
2004; Park et al., 2009) were developed in more depth by users. Here, the goal is to enable interaction with and arousing
identifying several activities related to each gratification. interest in the company. This can be done by initiating
Second, the combination of the several categories of discussions about different daily topics and by encouraging
consumer input and motivations enabled a deeper consumers to pose questions and share experiences.
understanding of activities performed using social media. Obviously, much of the consumption related to social connec-
The categories of consumption, participation, and production tion is invisible to companies, as it occurs on private social
highlight different levels of contribution but do not detail networks. However, by inviting consumers to participate on
further the characteristics of the different activities. The companies’ Facebook accounts or YouTube videos companies
inclusion of motivation thus provides a more detailed picture can attract consumers that will at least potentially receive the
of the activities performed. Also, in contrast to Shao’s communication from the company positively. This is a popular
categories (2009), our framework suggests that the activities strategy in most major consumer goods companies.
of consumption, participation, and production are not only re-
lated to certain motivations but that the activities are based on
several motivations. This finding suggests that the classic notion
of individuals as mere consumers is outdated and that consu-
mers should also be seen as active producers of business value.
The suggested framework for identifying consumers’
social media activities also contributes to the management
of social media. Companies are challenged by the input of
individuals traditionally seen as consumers or customers.
The study indicates that the role of user-generated content
in directing consumer behavior reduces the influence of
traditional marketing communications. Rather than relying
solely on marketing communication, companies should try
to participate more in their customers’ social media activities,
in order to understand the impact of these on their brand
image and also to facilitate interaction with potential
customers. The proposed conceptual framework can be used Figure 3. Companies’ possible strategies based on consumers’
not only to identify possible strategies and but also to create social media activities.

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
Consumer activity in social media 363

Strategies related to consumption activities with entertain- engaging individuals’ in production activities can result in
ment motives are aimed at increasing the entertainment factor new insights about consumers and can reduce costs related
of companies, mainly by creating games and online content. to research and development. No informational production
These games and content must be easy to use, preferably free activities were identified in the empirical study; however,
of charge, and entertaining in order to appeal to different strategies in this area can be suggested. Companies can
users. The entertainment can also be linked with the social encourage the creation of tools facilitating daily activities.
connection motivation by involving a multiplayer possibility. This is linked with the participation activities based on
Strategies encouraging individuals’ participation in social entertainment motives, where the goal for companies is to
media can also be connected to the three usage motives (sum- encourage the production of such content. This can be done
marized in the middle column of Figure 3). Participation activ- by encouraging ideas on content related to company offerings
ities related to information motives mostly concern sharing or by inviting individuals to invent and produce such content in
knowledge and insight, and the company’s goals entail enabling a contest. In this way, companies can get new ideas for
involvement and sharing by consumers. Here, one strategy can offerings or improvement of offerings. Alternatively, compa-
be to facilitate real-time reviews and product tests by inviting nies can directly invite individuals’ to develop new offerings
consumers to share their opinions, possibly offering some kind on their website or sites, such as CrowdSpirit or InnoCentive.
of carrot, e.g. prizes or coupons. Companies can also go beyond Another strategic area has to do with the production
informing about the technical details of an offering by identify- activities based on social connection motives. Here, the
ing the use of the product by a specific group and then clarifying company’s role is to support individuals’ social networking
this to other users. Connecting the offering to the individuals’ by enabling new connections. For example, the company can
daily lives in this way can promote the company and its image. encourage individuals with the same mindset to team up in
Another strategic area is related to individuals’ participa- collaborative projects. Teams are given a variety of tasks
tion activities based on social connection motives. This related to specific life themes, which they should solve by
involves a stronger support of interactions between indivi- using company offerings. This is can be done in applications,
duals. Increasing the consumption associated with social such as Second life or real life. As a result, companies can gain
connection is not only a question of attracting fans to a com- insights about their potential markets, the use of their offerings,
pany Facebook account for informational purposes. Instead, and also how to engage new customers. Another strategy,
it is important to get individuals to share their thoughts and which is even more knowledge-based, is to use insights from
interact with each other. This goal is related to the feeling the social networks and discussions in order to adapt current
of belonging and community sense making. The Harley offerings and to encourage customers to improve the offerings.
Davidson online community is a good example of this type The production activities associated with entertainment
of community bonding, where users are connecting with and motives represent the final strategic area. Here, the goal is
supporting each other. Another strategy is to demystify the to connect and engage individuals in real-time games, in
company image by showing its human involvement. This can order to increase their motivation to produce content. This does
be done by inviting company employees to share their thoughts not necessarily mean that every company should create their
and experience and inviting consumers to respond to these own games, but it means being present at existing platforms
thoughts, as was done with Best Buy’s Blue Shirt Nation or and engaging in more real-time interaction with the users.
IBM’s Innovation Jam. Also, in addition to having employees
sharing their knowledge, best practices, and funny stories indi-
vidual consumer experiences could also be included. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
Companies can also strategically use participation activities
related to entertainment motives. Encouraging consumers to This study has used an exploratory approach and has opened
create tools that can enhance individuals’ creativity in daily up several agendas for future research. By identifying
practices can efficiently increase participation. This includes different user-created services described by users, the study is
all content where users are sharing their experiences and a first attempt to examine services based on users’ actual prac-
activities of how to do something, such as, tices. In order to generate a variety of activities, we included, or This strategy provides different types of social media. However, in the analysis, we
both entertainment and usefulness. Companies can also did not specifically emphasize the differences between the
encourage playfulness linked with different life themes, where types and the activities related to each type. Therefore, future
individuals can comment and share their experience and studies need to distinguish and describe the differences of the
funny incidents, similar to the collection of peoples’ real life activities in the various categories of user-generated content.
funniest stories ( Another One limitation of the study was the large number of con-
example is the product tests of BlendTech’s CEO based on sumption and participation activities emerging from the data
consumers’ ideas and challenges. These tests are placed on compared to the number of production activities. However, this
both the company website and on YouTube, attracting a high finding supports previous research arguing that only a minority
number of both consumers and participants. of web users are active contributors (Courtois et al., 2009).
Strategies related to individuals’ production activities are However, in order to understand contribution activities in
the most challenging ones as the consumer input is here the depth, future research needs to investigate the behavior of
largest. Thus, it is difficult for companies to control the those active and engaged consumers that deliberately create
direction and quality of the input. However, successfully online content. The assumption here is that companies want

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Consumer Behav. 10: 356–364 (2011)
DOI: 10.1002/cb
364 K. Heinonen

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