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Level: CA Foundation
Subject: Paper-2 Section-B Business Correspondence and Reporting
Module Page No. Correction
2.24 Answer Key
a. Simple
b. Simple
c. Simple
d. Complex
e. Simple
f. Compound
g. Compound
h. Compound-Complex
i. Compound-Complex
j. Compound-Complex
k. Complex
l. Compound-Complex
m. Complex
n. Compound-Complex
o. Compound

2.24-2.25 Answer Key

a. Compound Sentence Independent Clause-1
:The flash floods wiped out the town,
Independent Clause-2: luckily there were no
b. Compound sentence -Independent clause 1-
He swam across the channel in five hours -
Independent clause 2- (he) set a new record
with his achievement.
c. Complex sentence - dependent clause --If you
cannot do this job, independent clause-I will
ask someone else to do it for me.
d. Complex sentence - independent clause -He
said that he was so unwell –dependent
clause-that he could not even get up from his
e. Complex sentence - independent clause- A
man who serves his fellow human beings
personally is more virtuous-dependent clause-
than a man who only donates money for a
noble cause.
f. Complex sentence - independent clause -The
soldiers were asked to carry out the orders-
dependent clause- which their commander
had given them.
g. Complex sentence -independent clause- It is a
stitch in time –dependent clause-that saves
h. Compound sentence -independent clause -
Neither is the architecture of the house
appealing – independent clause-nor is the
interior of the house done well.
i. Complex sentence - independent clause- He
will come – dependent clause-when it suits
j. Compound sentence - independent clause-
Anil did his own work,-independent clause-
(he) helped others complete theirs.

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