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The purpose of this project is to alert the college staffs about the students roaming in the
veranda thereby missing the classes during the working hours. This consists of microcontroller
and sensors for the detection of the students. One of the sensor is IR sensor and another sensor is
PIR sensor. The IR sensor is connected to monitor any movements and the other PIR sensor is to
confirm that it is students. The data from these sensors is fed to a microcontroller.
Microcontroller continuously monitors the status of these two sensors. If the status of IR sensor
is high and the PIR sensor is high, then the microcontroller identifies this as the roaming of the
students and appropriate message to the staff. If both the sensors output goes low then
microcontroller identifies this as veranda is empty during the working hours. The message to be
announced is provided to the controller as a package in an IC. This IC is capable of recording
few messages and plays them if operated in the playback mode. The controller is interfaced with
this IC with proper precautions. The code inside the controller decides the appropriate message
depending upon the situation.



 Microcontroller
 Power supply
 IR Sensor
 PIR Sensor
 LED Indicators
 Buzzers
 Speakers


 LANGUAGE:-Embedded C.

The main purpose in this project is to build a circuit which helps to indicate the college
staffs about the students roaming during working hours by using Voice based IC. The circuit is
designed in such a manner that it gives a signal using Voice based IC when both the IR and PIR
sensor detects the movements of the human. Technologies have developed to a very large extend
with the quick and accurate intimation. Hence, the requirement of automation in the systems has
increased along with high alert and detection is preferred. The microcontroller acts as the brain to
the whole system with controls as well as detects the movements. IR sensor are connected as the
sensor 1 to sense any form of the movements. PIR sensor are connected as the sensor 2 to detect
and confirm the movement as students. ADC converts analog signal to digital signal. The
converted data is fed to the microcontroller. Microcontroller is programmed by a simple C
programming logic checks whether the current values are in its threshold level or not. If there is
students wandering the Microcontroller gives the signal to the Voice based IC which announces
the desired correct voice message.


1) This system is fully automated and it does not require any human interaction except setting the
initial time setting.

2) This gives benefit of on the spot findout of the students misnehaviour through voice alert or
remotely from computer.

3) This system is accurate and can avoid proxy .

4)Could be implemented at the low range of cost


1) This project can be used in various software companies, production industries and many other
industries to take the monitor of employees.

2) It can be used in colleges, various educational institutes as well as university campus for
inspecting and monitoring of students. Education institutes have PET teachers take incharge of
the students and note it down manually on paper. We can replace it by our automated system
using microcontroller.

3) It can be used in shops, shopping malls for the monitoring of employees and workers.

4) We can also use it to note down the in and out time of vehicles. With little bit modification,
this project can be used in vehicle/car parking systems. If parking charges are charged on hourly
basis, we can use this project to note the exact in and out time of car to find out the total and
exact parking charges of that particular vehicle.

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