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Stability design of long precast Proc. Instn Civ.

Engrs Structs &

concrete beams
Bldgs, 1999, 134,
May, 159 ± 168

Paper 11808
T. J. Stratford, BA, MEng , C. J. Burgoyne BA, MSc, CEng, MICE , and H. P. J.
Taylor, BSc, PhD, FEng, FICE, FIStructE Written discussion
closes 27 August
& This paper presents the equations needed Z rotation of supports giving rise to tilt of
for design engineers to check the stability beam
of precast concrete beams when simply y roll angle: rigid-body rotation about the
supported, during transportation, when beam's axis
being lifted and while sitting on ¯exible dy twist about beam axis
bearings. It shows how the critical loads kms midspan curvature about minor axis
can be determined and how estimates can m axial load parameter in hanging-beam
be made of the e€ect of imperfections both buckling analysis
in the beam itself and in the degree of sy major-axis bending stress
levelness of its supports. It shows how the Ds additional stress due to minor-axis buck-
stresses induced by second-order e€ects ling e€ects
in imperfect beams can be determined.
Various examples are given of the method Introduction
in use. The stability of precast prestressed concrete
beams is becoming a cause for concern. If spans
Keywords: beams & girders; design get longer and beams more slender, such beams
methods & aids are liable to buckle under their own self-weight
at various stages in the manufacturing, hand-
Notation ling and erection processes. The problem of a
A cross-sectional area beam hanging from cables (as during lifting)1 is
a distance of yoke attachment point from the most severe case since there is no lateral
end of beam restraint. A companion paper 2 gives a theoreti-
b distance of yoke attachment point from cal background to the general problem of T. J. Stratford,
centre of beam lateral stability in various cases. This paper Department of
d beam depth gives the information needed to incorporate Engineering,
E Young's modulus of concrete stability criteria into the design of these beams. University of
G shear modulus of concrete The intention is that this paper should be Cambridge
h height of yoke to cable attachment points complete in its own right, but designers should
above the centroid of the beam familiarize themselves with the principles in the
Ix second moment of area about the beam other two papers 1,2 if designs are being pushed
section's major axis to the limits imposed by the stability criteria.
Iy second moment of area about the beam 2. The requirement for longer beams to
section's minor axis span widened motorways led to the design ®rst
J St Venant's torsion constant for beam of the Y-beam 3 and subsequently the SY-beam, 4
section which can span up to 40 m. These beams have
L length of beam to be deep to provide the required bending
v lateral de¯ection measured in the minor- resistance about the major axis, but the weight C. J. Burgoyne,
axis direction (which rotates with y) has to be kept down for transportation reasons; Department of
v0 initial lateral imperfection they thus have only residual ¯anges. This gives Engineering,
w self-weight of beam per unit length them a relatively low minor-axis sti€ness, University of
wcr critical self-weight of beam to cause which means that they could be susceptible to Cambridge
buckling, per unit length buckling before a top slab is cast.
y lateral de¯ection measured along a ®xed 3. It has been shown 2 that the largest SY-
axis beam (the SY-6), when used at its maximum
y0 initial lateral imperfection span, does not su€er from stability problems,
yb distance of bottom ®bre of beam below but it is clear that any further increase in beam
centroid of beam sizes would mean that stability considerations
yms midspan lateral de¯ection measured would have to be taken into account from the
along an axis ®xed relative to the sup- outset.
a cable inclination angle above the horizontal Buckling phenomena H. P. J. Taylor,
b yoke inclination angle above the horizontal 4. Three types of buckling failure of beams Tarmac Building
d0 magnitude of initial lateral imperfection have been identi®ed. 2 Unlike the case of steel Products

beams, these buckling modes all relate to the

beam acting under its own dead weight alone. It h
is assumed that the beam will be stabilized by a (h –ve)
top slab or in some other way when subjected L
to a superimposed load. The three types of (a)
failure are as follows.
(a) If a beam is simply supported on bearings
which allow rotation about the major axis h Fig. 1. The three
but are ®xed about the minor axis, the (h –ve) support conditions for
beam can buckle to one side. Since the L beams considered in
bearings restrain rotation at the supports, (b) this paper: (a) simply
the buckling mode must involve twist as supported at both
well as minor-axis bending, so a lateral± ends; (b) supported as
torsional buckle occurs. This will be called for transportation,
the simply supported case (Fig. 1(a)). Two α
with the left-hand end
types of initial imperfection need to be β
supported against
designed for: minor-axis beam de¯ection h displacement, but not
and rotation of the support. (h +ve) rotation; (c) hanging
(b) When the beam is being transported, the from cables at an
arrangement of the supports and turntables L
angle a, with yokes at
on the truck and trailer means that a angle b (in practice, b
situation can occur where one end of the (c) will be either a or 908)
beam is not restrained against rotation
(Fig. 1(b)). This will allow buckling to occur
at a load lower than in the simply supported
case; this situation will be termed the
transport-supported case. As with the
simply supported case, both minor-axis
de¯ection and rotated-support imperfection
conditions need to be allowed for.
(c) The beam has to be lifted into position,
which for long beams is normally carried
out by two cranes acting in tandem, or by a
single crane with or without a spreader
beam (Fig. 1(c)). During this operation, the
beam can twist as a rigid body, so that
some of the beam's weight acts about the
minor axis; large ¯exural de¯ections can
occur without any variation of twist along
the beam. Such de¯ections will be referred
to as toppling. This will be termed the
hanging-beam problem, and has been
shown 1,2 to be the most critical of the three Lateral
cases. Although only one initial imperfec- and rotation
tion has to be considered (lateral de¯ec-
tion), di€erent equations have to be used
depending on whether the cables are ver-
tical or inclined.
5. A fourth case, associated with rotation
about the beam's long axis on rotationally
¯exible bearings, is considered elsewhere. 5

Imperfection sensitivity and minor-axis

6. If a perfect beam is loaded with a
uniformly distributed load w, it will eventually
buckle sideways at a load wcr . When the beam
is supported against rotation at its ends, there
will also be a variation in twist along the
length, as shown in Fig. 2. If the lateral Fig. 2. Idealized view
de¯ection is plotted against load it will follow of lateral±torsional
the curve shown as the perfect case in Fig. 3. buckling mode

The beam will be equally likely to buckle in Load

either direction, and for the problems studied Stable post-buckling

here, the beam will be neutrally stable (meaning

that no further increase in load will be possible
Neutrally stable
post-buckling), or will have a stable post- wcrit

buckling response (which means that the beam

can carry a slight increase in load, but at
greatly increased lateral de¯ection).
7. However, no beam is perfect, so the beam
will have some lateral de¯ection before being Imperfect
loaded. In precast prestressed concrete beams,
which are normally cast in steel moulds, this
imperfection is caused primarily by di€erences Fig. 3. Fundamental
in the forces in the prestressing strands and by path of stable post-
variations of the elastic modulus within the buckling behaviour,
concrete. When such a beam is loaded it does Lateral deflection and behaviour of
not buckle at a ®xed load, but the minor-axis imperfect element
de¯ection tends to increase, eventually becom-
ing asymptotic to the post-buckling response,
but only at a large de¯ection. Similar behaviour (v ÿ v0 ), and not that measured from the axis of
occurs if the beam supports are not level. the perfect beam (v).
8. Even if the beam is at a load below wcr , 11. The Southwell construction can also be
the lateral de¯ection can give rise to problems used in reverse to predict the load±de¯ection
caused by stresses generated by the minor-axis behaviour of a neutrally stable buckling
curvature. In cases where the beam is already problem, given only values of the critical load
highly stressed because of the prestress and the and the magnitude of the initial imperfection,
dead weight, these can lead to problems, either as shown in Fig. 4(b). The de¯ection v due to a
of overstressing in compression or of cracking given self-weight w can be obtained from
of the beam in tension. The tension problem is v0
more serious, since the cracking would tend to vˆ …1†
1 ÿ w=wcr
reduce further the beam's sti€ness, leading to a
greater tendency to buckle. The magnitude of the initial imperfection can
9. There are four distinct quantities that be obtained by measurement of existing beams
have to be found for each of the loading cases (or a limiting value could be set in a speci®ca-
identi®ed above: tion). If wcr is known, the value of the minor-
axis de¯ection can be obtained from equation
(a) the critical load of a perfect beam (1) for any given load w.
(b) the load±de¯ection curve of the imperfect 12. Equation (1) applies when the buckling
beam mode involves minor-axis de¯ections only (as
(c) the curvature associated with a given with the toppling of the hanging beam). When
lateral de¯ection the buckling mode involves both minor-axis
(d ) the bending stresses which are additional de¯ection and torsion (as with lateral±torsional
to those due to the primary bending buckling), the relevant form of the Southwell Fig. 4. (a) Southwell
moment and the prestress. construction 7 is plot showing linear
y0 behaviour as the
Fortunately, the same techniques can be used in yˆ …2† load approaches
all cases. 1 ÿ …w=wcr †2
its critical value;
The value of y0 should be the component of the (b) corresponding
The Southwell plot initial de¯ection in the buckling mode, which is load±de¯ection plot
10. A Southwell plot can be used to repre-
sent the load±de¯ection behaviour of a beam (v–v0)/w w
that is approaching its buckling load. South-
well 6 showed that plotting de¯ection/load wcr
against de¯ection for the neutrally stable buck-
1/wcr Self
ling problem of an axially loaded strut gives a
line which becomes asymptotic to a straight
line. This line has a gradient of 1/(critical load)
and an intercept on the de¯ection axis of ÿv0 ,
where v0 is the component of the initial v –v0 v v
imperfection in the buckling mode, as shown in
(v–v0)/w = v/wcr
Fig. 4. It should be noted that the de¯ection v0 v0 v = v0/ [1 – (w/wcr)]
that has to be plotted is the one measured from
(a) (b)
the initial position of the imperfect beam

very dicult to determine, and the equation and the minor-axis curvature from
strictly only applies to beams which are neu-
trally stable. However, it was shown 1,2 that the wL2 sin dy
kms ˆ …5†
lateral de¯ection that results from the use of 8EIy
equation (1) or (2) is usually conservative, in
18. Imperfection in the form of rotated
that it overestimates the true de¯ection, so
supports. The rotation of the supports in
curvatures and stresses which are determined
the minor-axis direction causes the beam's
from it will be larger than those which will
weight to act, in part, about an axis which
actually occur. It thus gives a suitable basis for
has very much reduced sti€ness, which thus
the calculation of the additional stresses that
causes signi®cant minor-axis de¯ection, given
are caused. Cases where this is not true will be
pointed out below.
5wL4 sin Z
yms ÿ d0 ˆ …6†
Assumptions 384EIy
13. In the previous papers critical loads
were determined for various support conditions where Z is the angle of rotation of the support.
using a ®nite-element eigenvalue analysis, 19. This, in turn, will cause torsion and
rigorous analysis or Rayleigh±Ritz approxi- hence additional twist, which will increase the
mations. It was determined that warping component of the load carried about the minor
e€ects are insigni®cant for typical concrete axis. However, for small loads (approximately
beam sections (and neglecting restrained w < wcr =4) the torsional e€ects are found to be
warping e€ects is conservative anyway). E€ects negligible, and the lateral de¯ection of the
due to the di€erence between the locations of beam is due to the component of the load
the shear centre and the centroid have been which acts in the minor-axis direction
ignored, as have e€ects due to the major-axis (w sin Z). The corresponding curvature is thus
de¯ection. given by

wL2 sin Z
Loading cases kms ˆ …7†
14. The various cases that have been
studied are given below. For each case, equa- This result is unconservative, and it was found
tions or design charts will be given from which that the Southwell plot construction does not
the critical load of the perfect beam, the minor- adequately deal with this situation, partly
axis de¯ection due to imperfections and the because of the diculty of determining the
minor-axis curvature can be determined. Deri- relevant value of d0 . It is recommended that if
vations are not given here, but are referenced. w > wcr =4 a more rigorous analysis should be
carried out to determine the e€ect of support
Simply supported beam rotation (or more care should be taken that the
15. For typical concrete beam sections the supports are level).
non-dimensional buckling load of a simply
supported beam 2 agrees with an analysis by
Transport-supported beam
Trahair, 8,9 the result of which can be expressed
20. For the transport-support condition it
p was found 2 that the non-dimensional buckling
…GJEIy † load is
wcr ˆ 284 …3†
L3 p
…GJEIy †
The buckling load is independent of the support wcr ˆ 169 …8†
height since axial rotation is restrained over the
supports. The ®nite-element analysis showed (and a
16. Imperfection in the form of minor-axis Rayleigh±Ritz analysis con®rmed) 2 this to be
de¯ection. The inclusion of both the minor- independent of the support height h, despite the
axis sti€ness and the St Venant's torsional fact that an end support on a ball does not
sti€ness indicates that this is a lateral± prevent rotation. This is also a lateral±torsional
torsional mode, so the relevant form of the mode.
Southwell plot is that given by equation (2). 21. Imperfection in the form of minor-axis
This can be used directly to obtain the minor- de¯ection. The inclusion of both the minor-
axis de¯ection from the initial imperfection axis sti€ness and the St Venant's torsional
(either measured or assumed). sti€ness indicates that this is a lateral±
17. Once the minor-axis de¯ection has been torsional mode, so the relevant form of the
determined, the twist of the beam at midspan Southwell plot is that given by equation (2).
can be found from This can be used directly to obtain the minor-
r  axis de¯ection from the initial imperfection
dy p EIy (either measured or assumed).
ˆ …4†
yms L GJ 22. Once the minor-axis de¯ection has been

determined, the twist of the beam at midspan 10 15

can be found from h /L 0·04
dy 168 0·03 h /L 0·04
ˆ p …9† 10
yms ÿ 036L …GJ =EIy † ÿ yb 0·02 0·03


0·01 0·02
and the minor-axis curvature from 5
wL sin dy 5
kms ˆ …10†
23. Imperfection in the form of rotated 0 0
supports. For a transport-supported beam, the (a) (b)
in¯uence of support rotation is the same as for 15
0·05 0·05
h /L
a simply supported beam. A typical camber on h /L 0·04 0·04
highways in the UK is about 38, but higher 0·03 15
rotations, say of 68, may be expected on site. 10

0·02 0·02
This is thus more likely to be a governing 0·01 10
condition than misplaced bearings.
24. Imperfection caused by lateral load. 5
While being transported, the beam can be
subjected to inertial loads caused by the vehicle
movement, whose magnitudes are very dicult 0 0
0 0·02 0·04 0·06 0·08 0·1 0 0·02 0·04 0·06 0·08 0·1
to determine. Their e€ect will be to cause a /L a /L
lateral displacements, which can be determined (c) (d)
by assuming that the beam is simply supported
for minor-axis bending. These displacements
can then be used as initial imperfections to buckling load increases with the support Fig. 5. Critical self-
determine whether a stability problem exists. height, as the cables approach vertical, and as weight loads for
25. An Australian study 10 showed that the yoke attachment points are moved in from hanging beams, for
articulated trucks were regularly subjected to the ends. Owing to the arrangement of prestress vertical yokes
lateral accelerations of up to 0´25g, which is in the beam it will not normally be possible to (b = 908). The four
about 80% of the acceleration needed to over- support a beam away from its ends; end sets of curves show
turn them. While it may be expected that trucks support corresponds to the most critical case results for di€erent
carrying large precast beams will be driven for buckling. cable angles a:
more carefully, lateral accelerations of about 30. Only the case of vertical cables can be (a) a = 308;
0´1g may be expected. This is equivalent to reduced to a simple expression: 1 (b) a = 458;
putting the truck sideways on a 68 slope. (c) a = 608;
12EIy h (d) a = 908. The
wcr ˆ …11†
Hanging beam L4 =10 ÿ aL3 ‡ 3a2 L2 ÿ 2a3 L ÿ a4 values of a=L and h=L
26. The ®nite-element analysis 2 showed that correspond to the
the buckling load of a hanging beam is This is similar to an equation derived by various support
independent of the torsional sti€ness GJ , and Mast. 11 con®gurations (Fig. 1)
consequently it can be non-dimensionalized 31. Imperfection sensitivity. The various (note the di€erent
using the parameter EIy =L3 . This is con®rmed general cases of imperfection sensitivity have scales on the vertical
by the mode shape which, although it involves been considered in detail elsewhere. 1 Only the axes)
a rigid-body rotation, demonstrates only a simplest cases will be considered here.
small variation in twist along the beam. 32. Inclined cables. The midspan de¯ection
27. An analytical solution was obtained for can be found using the Southwell construction,
the hanging-beam problem 1 on the assumption with the correct initial imperfection: 2
that the beam topples as a rigid body, with only d0 …1 ÿ sin pa=L†
minor-axis de¯ection. However, the resulting vms ˆ …12†
…1 ÿ w=wcr †
equations have to be solved numerically, so the
results are presented here in non-dimensional The toppling angle y can be found by substi-
graphical form. tuting the relevant values into
28. Figure 5 shows the variation of non-
dimensional buckling load with the geometry of w sin y m2 a2
the beam (as shown in Fig. 1). Each plot is for a vms ˆ 4 1ÿ
m EIy 2
di€erent value of the cable angle a and shows 
m2 b2
curves for di€erent non-dimensional support  …cos mb ‡ tan mb sin mb ÿ 1† ÿ
heights h=L. These give the variation in buck- 2
ling load with the non-dimensional attachment p2 d0
position a=L. (Note the di€erent scales used for p2
ÿ m2 L2
h pa i
the load axis on each plot.)
 1 ÿ sin …cos mb ‡ tan mb sin mb† …13†
29. The graphs in Fig. 5 show that the L

where Stress distribution due to bending about the minor axis

Includes stresses due to:
wL • initial imperfection
mˆ …14† • lateral stability effects (∆σ = EκX )
2EIy tan a (sign depends on direction of initial imperfection)

and b is the distance from the yoke attachment

point to the centre of the beam (L=2 ÿ a). The
midspan curvature is then given by
w sin y 2
kms ˆ m2 vms ‡ …b ÿ a2 † …15†
It should be noted that vms includes the initial
imperfection d0 , but kms does not include the
initial imperfection curvature k0 ; kms can thus
be used directly to give the additional stresses
due to lifting.
33. Vertical cables. If the cables support-
ing the beam are vertical, di€erent forms of the
equations are required. The midspan de¯ection
is obtained from equation (12) and can then be
used to ®nd the rotation y from
w sin y
vms ˆ …5L2 ÿ 20aL ÿ 4a2 †…2a ÿ L†2
‡ d0 1 ÿ sin …16†
L X σy

The midspan curvature is evaluated using

w sin y 2
kms ˆ …L ÿ 4aL† …17†
Fig. 6. Stresses to be
Determination of minor-axis bending combined when
stresses assessing a beam
34. The results of the previous section can (note that minor-axis
be used to determine the critical buckling load stresses can be in
wcr for the particular support condition being Stress distribution due to bending about the major axis
either sense)
studied, and hence the proportion of this that
the beam's own weight represents (w=wcr ). This
then leads to the lateral displacement v caused initial imperfection should also be included
by a known initial imperfection d0 , and the here; this paper makes no attempt at evaluating
corresponding additional curvature at midspan those stresses, since they are heavily dependent
kms (which again does not include the initial on the original cause of the initial imperfection.
curvature k0 ). This curvature can be used to 36. The major-axis stress distribution sy
determine the stress distribution across the includes the e€ects of
beam; at a distance X from the beam's major . self-weight bending moment in the major-
axis the change in the concrete stress Ds can be axis direction
found from . the stress distribution due to the prestress
Ds ˆ Ekms X …18† . if the beam is hanging from inclined cables,
the additional force and bending moment
This stress must be superposed on the major-
resulting from the axial force present in the
axis stress distribution, allowing the stress at
inclined cables.
two critical points to be found, as shown in
Fig. 6. These critical points will normally be at Designers should satisfy themselves that the
the corners of the section and will give the appropriate combinations of these stresses are
largest tensile stresses and the compressive considered when checking the stresses; detailed
stresses. At these corner points the torsional equations are not given here, since there are
stresses will be zero; it is not anticipated that many possible combinations.
torsional stresses elsewhere will be signi®cant
and they have not been evaluated in the present The tensile concrete stress limit
study. 37. Mast 12 carried out a lateral bending test
35. The value of the minor-axis bending on a 45´4 m long prestressed I-beam to investi-
stress will be largest at midspan, and can be gate its behaviour once cracked. He found that
expected to reduce to zero at the ends of the the beam could tolerate lateral loads consider-
beam. The stress distribution that relates to the ably in excess of the theoretical cracking load

without any visible sign of damage, once the haviour of the beam. In practice, if a longer
lateral load was removed, and presented a beam were required, the section would probably
method which can be used to predict a typical be altered. If stability criteria were ignored, the
prestressed beam's behaviour once cracking has major-axis sti€ness would be increased, at the
started. 13 However, cracking in¯uences the expense of the minor-axis sti€ness, in order to
minor-axis sti€ness, which has a direct in¯u- keep the weight down, which would exacerbate
ence on the buckling load. This idea led Swann the tendency to buckle. This example, and
and Godden 14 to state that if a cracked section indeed these papers, have been published in
is allowed during lifting there will be a reduc- order to draw attention to that problem.
tion in the beam's sti€ness, resulting in
increased de¯ection and the potential for a self- Roof beams, 33´5 m long
propagating failure which would occur without 43. Lest it be thought that long, thin beams
warning. It is thus recommended that a cracked are either new or restricted to bridges, an older
section should not be allowed, although the example is given. This consists of beams
tensile strength of the concrete may be taken designed by Harris 17 and used to span hangars
into account if the lifting is carried out under at London (now Heathrow) Airport in 1951. The
controlled conditions. beams were of a T-section, 6 ft (1´828 m) deep and
3 ft (0´914 m) wide, with 4 in (102 mm) thick webs
Stiffening frame and ¯anges. The beams were 110 ft (33´5 m)
38. The use of temporary sti€ening frames long and built from segments, post-tensioned
was considered by Mast, 13 who concluded that together on the ground, which were then lifted
they had a relatively minor e€ect on the into place with a spreader beam. The analysis
buckling load. However, by careful choice of here assumes that the beams are supported at
frame geometry, the e€ect can be enhanced, not their ends at the level of the top surface.
only by increasing the critical load, but also by
reducing the additional deformation caused by Common factors
the initial imperfections. An analysis of sti€en- 44. The concrete is assumed to have a
ing frames, using the techniques discussed Young's modulus of 34 kN/m 2 ; Poisson's ratio
here, is given elsewhere. 15 has been taken as 0´15 in all cases. The level of
the initial lateral imperfection has been taken
Sample calculations as span/1000, while for rotated supports, a
39. Results of stability calculations are pre- misalignment of 28 is assumed; both of these
sented below for four typical precast beams. factors imply good quality control in manufac-
ture and handling. Figure 7 shows comparative
M-10 beam, 29´5 m long cross-sections.
40. The M-10 beam is the largest beam in 45. Table 1 shows the results of the calcu-
the M-beam series, 16 chosen here to show that lations. The section properties have been taken
stability criteria are not particularly signi®cant from published data or calculated by standard
for beams of this type. It is designed to have a methods; junction e€ects have been taken into
maximum length of 29´5 m, and it is assumed account when calculating the torsion con-
here that the longest beam is supported by stant. 18 The table shows that all the beams Fig. 7. Comparative
yokes that extend 400 mm above the upper have reserves of resistance to lateral torsional sections of M-10 and
surface of the beam when hanging. buckling while simply supported, their weights SY-6 bridge beams
ranging from 4% (M-10) to 15% (roof) of their and airport roof
SY-6 beam, 40 m long critical loads. Similarly, the stresses due to the beams
41. The SY series of beams is the largest
standard series of precast beams currently
manufactured in the UK. 4 They are narrower, 0·914 m

deeper, longer and heavier than the M-series

beams, and on each count can be expected to be 2·00 m
more susceptible to stability problems. The 1·828 m
maximum recommended length for these beams
is 40 m. It is assumed that these beams, when
hanging, are supported from vertical yokes that 1·36 m 102 m
extend 0´455 m above the top surface
(h = 1´6 m).

SY-6 beam, 44 m long

42. Results are also presented for SY-6
beams used at lengths beyond that for which
they have been designed, to illustrate the way
0·97 m 0·75 m Airport
in which a 10% increase in length can have a
roof beams
signi®cant adverse e€ect on the stability be- M-10 SY-6


Table 1. Results of stability calculations

SY-6 SY-6 Hangar

Variable Units M-10 40 m long 44 m long roof

Overall beam height d m 1´36 2 2 1´828

Overall beam width m 0´97 0´75 0´75 0´914
Height of centroid above sot yb m 0´568 0´855 0´855 1´18
Cross-sectional area A m2 0´457 0´709 0´709 0´2684
Second moment of area about major axis Ixx m4 0´1019 0´2837 0´2837 0´09473
Second moment of area about minor axis Iyy m4 0´0183 0´014 0´014 0´006642
St Venant's torsion constant J m4 0´006 0´0221 0´0221 0´000918
Young's modulus of concrete E GPa 34 34 34 34
Shear modulus of concrete G GPa 14´8 14´8 14´8 14´8
Beam weight w kN/m 10´79 16´73 16´73 6´33
Span/initial imperfection L=d0 1000 1000 1000 1000

Simply supported analysis

w=w(crit) w=wcr 0´04 0´10 0´13 0´15
Stress due to minor-axis de¯ection Ds MPa 0´26 0´34 0´42 0´80
Stress due to support rotation Ds MPa 1´09 3´13 3´79 2´13

Transport-supported beam
w=w(crit) w=wcr 0´07 0´16 0´21 0´25
Stress due to minor-axis de¯ection Ds MPa 0´34 0´48 0´60 0´89

Hanging beam (vertical cables)

Height of support h m 1´19 1´6 1´6 0´648
Length of overhang a m 0 0 0 0
w=w(crit) w=wcr 0´09 0´47 0´69 0´45
Minor-axis bending stresses (imperfect) Ds0 MPa 5´52 3´15 2´86 4´58
Minor-axis bending stresses (lifting) Dsms MPa 0´54 2´70 6´08 3´71

assumed initial imperfections are all less than +6´1 MPa, clearly demonstrating the problems
1 MPa. Transport-supported beams also show a that would be induced if these beams were used
reasonable reserve against buckling, and low in this way. The airport roof beams were also
stresses caused by imperfections. However, the operating at 45% of their buckling loads, with
stresses caused by even a small rotation (28) of stresses as large as +3´7 MPa being induced.
the supports is larger, being nearly 4 MPa in 47. It should be noted that these stresses are
the case of the 44 m long SY-beam. (The same caused by bending about the minor axis, so are
stresses will be caused in both the simply at their worst at the extreme edges of the
supported and the transport-supported case.) widest part of the beam. For the airport roof
These values do not seem high by themselves, beams, this was at the top of the section, where
but it must be noted that these are magnitudes, the residual prestress would have been lowest.
and must be added to and subtracted from the For the precast bridge beams, which are
stresses that are already present in the beam, designed to have an in situ composite slab
and which may have been the limiting factors added at a later stage, the widest part is at the
in the design. Note also that the lateral accel- bottom, where a signi®cant prestress can be
erations to be expected while driving may be expected. Nevertheless, the stresses being pre-
equivalent to a 68 slope. dicted here, for relatively small initial imper-
46. When the hanging beam is considered, fections, indicate that some attention should be
the situation is worse. The M-10 beam, which is paid to these stability criteria in future.
acting at only 9% of its critical load, has 48. The additional stresses induced during
additional stresses of only +0´5 MPa induced transportation, lifting and while on temporary
when hanging, although the initial imperfection supports are only transitory. They will thus not
is itself associated with stresses of +5´5 MPa. cause creep, and it is resistance to creep e€ects
For the 40 m long SY-6 beam, additional which normally sets the compressive stress
stresses of +2´7 MPa occur, with the beam limits for precast beams. In the same way, it
acting at 47% of its buckling load; these are may be reasonable to allow some tensile stresses
signi®cant, but can be taken into account at the (but less than the modulus of rupture) for
design stage. However, if the span was purely temporary loadings, provided that the
increased to 44 m, the SY-6 beam would be beams are handled in a controlled way. The
acting at 69% of the critical load and the choice of the limiting criteria for a particular
additional stresses would increase to situation must remain with the engineer.

Buckling of cambered beams reduce the tensile stresses within the beam, as
49. A typical prestressed concrete beam will suggested by Laszlo and Imper, 20 if adequate
be cambered, which raises the centre of gravity reserves against stability problems cannot
of the beam. No account of this has been taken otherwise be provided.
in this paper. Peart, Rhomberg and James 19
found that, for beams lifted using vertical Conclusions
cables, camber gives a signi®cant reduction in 59. This paper has investigated potential
the beam's buckling load, particularly for long problems that may arise when handling
beams with large amounts of camber. Some increasingly long and slender modern precast
allowance can be made for this e€ect by concrete beams. It has described how buckling
reducing the value of h by the amount of the instability can lead to failure and has high-
camber when calculating the critical load. The lighted the most susceptible support conditions.
result will not be exact and will only be 60. Once the beam is in its ®nal position the
reasonable if the yokes are rigidly attached to beam's self-weight is much less than its buck-
the beam. ling load so that buckling failure is unlikely.
However, care should be taken to ensure the
Recommendations for handling long supports are level.
concrete beams 61. During transportation a perfectly
50. It is possible to make some simple straight beam is also unlikely to buckle, but
recommendations to minimize the risk of failure lateral loading due to road superelevation, wind
during lifting, transportation and erection. loading and dynamic e€ects cause signi®cant
stress in the concrete and could lead to failure.
Lifting 62. Beams are most susceptible to buckling
51. The cables should be as near vertical as during lifting. A method for assessing the
possible. This could be implemented by using a stability of hanging beams has been presented,
spreader beam, although the additional weight and this has shown that modern 40 m long SY-6
of this should be considered when assessing beams are considerably more likely to buckle
crane capacity. than older M-10 beams. The presence of initial
52. The length of the lifting yoke should be imperfections in the beam can cause large
increased to give an increase in support height. stresses in the concrete which can now be
53. The yoke attachment positions should assessed.
be brought in from the ends of the beam. The 63. This paper has shown that a beam is
optimum position is somewhere near the beam's more likely to fail as its length increases.
quarter points, but owing to the prestress design Future developments which increase the length
of the beam it is unlikely that this arrangement of precast beams are likely to make the beams
could be used. more susceptible to buckling failure.
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