Immerssion Requirements

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Written Output

February 12, 2019

Vital Signs
 Body temperature
 Pulse rate
 Respiration rate (rate of breathing)
 Blood pressure
 Choose the right equipment
 Prepare the patient
 Choose the proper BP cuff size
 Place the BP cuff on the patient's arm
 Position the stethoscope
 Inflate the BP cuff
 Slowly Deflate the BP cuff
 Listen for the Systolic Reading
 Listen for the Diastolic Reading
 Double Check for Accuracy

How to do the proper endorsement sheet

1. You have several options for organizing the information you pass to the next
shift. Choose technique and use it every time to ensure consistency.
 Body systems. Present your report based on the patient’s body systems.
 Head – to – toe. Describe from “top down” what you need to tell the next
 Reporting by exception. Focus solely on variances or patient problems.
Cover nursing care provided, the patient’s current condition, and the care he
needs during the next shift.
2. Organize your time so you’re ready to give report when the oncoming shift
3. If you didn’t receive complete information from the previous shift, search for
pertinent details in the patient’s medical record and include them in your report.
4. Review the data you’ve entered on your formal report sheet and take the sheet
with you when you give report.
 Be brief and direct. You don’t have much time to exchange information.
 If you began a task that someone on the next shift needs to complete, point
out what must be done and when
Written Output

February 19, 2019

The uses of Cotton Balls in Medical Field

 Cotton pads are pads made of cotton which are used for medical or cosmetic
purposes. For medical purposes, cotton pads are used to stop or prevent
bleeding from minor punctures such as injections or venipuncture. They may be
secured in place with tape. Cotton pads are soft enough that they can be used to
clean babies. Cotton balls have much of the same applications as cotton pads,
and can be used interchangeably.
 Cotton Wool Balls and Rolls of Cotton Wool are usually used for cleaning
wounds and for padding and protection, not really for applying onto open
wounds as the free fibres can break away and stay in the wound.

Written Output
March 5, 2019
Surgical attire that should be worn in the semi-restricted and restricted areas of the surgery
department includes the head covering, surgical masks, scrub suit, surgical gown, shoes and
surgical gloves.

Head Covering
Head covering should cover head, hair, ears, facial hair, and
nape of neck when personnel enter the semi restricted and
restricted areas.

Surgical Mask
Wear a mask when open sterile supplies and equipment are

Scrub Suit
Scrubs serve as a protective covering for health professionals.
Their full coverage design protects the wearer from bodily
fluids or other dangerous spills.

Surgical Gown

They are used to protect the wearer from the spread of infection
or illness if the wearer comes in contact with potentially
infectious liquid and solid material.


Wearing shoes dedicated for use in the OR may help reduce

contamination of the perioperative environment.

Surgical Gloves

Use helps to prevent the transmission of infection in

operating theatres, as well as protecting the surgeon and other
Written Output
March 12, 2019
When you have surgery, a team of medical staff helps the surgeon during the operation. Who is
on the team depends on the type of surgery. Most teams include the following professionals.2019

A surgeon has finished 4 years of medical school and 4 or more years of special training
after medical school. Most surgeons have passed exams for board certification.

An anesthesiologist has finished 4 years of medical school and 4 years of special
training in anesthesia. They may get more training in certain surgery specialties. This might be
neurosurgical anesthesia or cardiac anesthesia. The anesthesiologist takes part in all 3 phases of
surgery: before, during, and after.

Certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)

The nurse anesthetist gives you anesthesia care before, during, and after surgery or labor
and delivery. The nurse constantly watches every important function of your body. He or she can
change the anesthesia medicine to make sure you are safe and comfortable. A nurse anesthetist
has a bachelor's degree in nursing and at least 1 year of experience as a registered nurse in a
critical-care setting. He or she also has at least a master's degree from a nurse anesthetist
program. Nurse anesthetists must pass a national certification exam to become CRNAs.

Operating room nurse or circulating nurse

Registered nurses are registered and licensed by each state to care for patients. Some
nurses focus on a certain field such as surgery. The operating room nurse helps the surgeon
during surgery. Operating room nurses are certified in various areas of surgery. Nurses must
pass an exam to be certified.

Surgical tech
Surgical techs help with the surgery by setting up a sterile operating room. They get
supplies and surgery tools ready. And they hand the surgeon the tools he or she asks for. They
must pass an exam to be certified by the National Board of Surgical Assisting (NBSTA).

Circulating Tech
This individual is not required to be scrubbed in and is able to move freely around the
operating room to perform a variety of duties, including bringing the patient to the operating
room, tying the surgical gowns of surgeons and other operating personnel, opening non-sterile
outer wrappings of sterilized instruments and retrieving any additional supplies, including
instruments and medication. This individual may also be responsible for any paperwork that
must be completed by the operating room personnel.

Residents or medical students

In many teaching hospitals, resident doctors in training and medical students may be a
part of the surgical team.

Physician assistant
Physician assistants (P.A.) practice medicine under the supervision of a doctor. They may
act as an assistant to the surgeon. Or they may close incisions with stitches (sutures) or staples.

Medical device company representative

Sometimes surgeons will have a representative from a company that makes medical
equipment in the operating room. This might include artificial joints, spine stabilizers, or
pacemakers. The representative can help the surgeon with sizing and function of the equipment.

In a teaching hospital, students may also be present in the operating room during your
procedure. These may be medical students or nursing students and may assist the surgeon or
nursing staff with simple tasks. Each of these individuals plays a critical role in providing
excellent patient care.
Weekly Diary

Day 1 (February 12, 2019)

Today is the 1st day of our work immersion in Divine Word Hospital and
we’re so excited because it’s our first time to experience observing inside the
Hospital. At first, we had an orientation about the History of the Hospital and also
the Rules and Regulations that we must follow such as regular attendance and
punctuality, professional standard, performance standard, proper grooming and
attire, confidentiality of hospital information, teamwork, concern for safety,
honesty, transacting business within DWH premises. They also discussed about the
different core values like hospitality, service oriented, compassion, teamwork, and
discipline that we should apply. And after that, the other Nurses toured us to the
different departments for us to be able to familiarize such as the Operating room,
different Nursing stations, emergency room and the other areas in the hospital. Sir
Bryan assigned us to different Stations. And in 1 pm, we go to our assigned Station
which is the 2A Nursing Station together with my partner Glyde. At first, we we’re
shy to approach them and we don’t know what to do. After a few minutes, the
Nurses asked us several questions about us, we’re so happy because they are
approachable and kind to us. And after that we asked them if they need our help
and if we can go with them during rounds to observe. Based on my observation the
Nurses gave medicines to the patients and doing Vital signs. We asked the Nurse if
she can discuss to us of what she’s doing for us to be able to understand and gain
more knowledge about Vital signs. After the rounds, they taught us what to write
in Endorsement Sheet. As what I have learned, the Nurses should always check the
condition of the patient using the vital signs and to make sure that records that
they’re writing is correct so that there are no conflicts in giving medications.

Day 2 (February 19, 2019)

Today is the 2nd day of our work immersion in Divine Word Hospital. In the
morning, since there are no rounds yet, the Nurse taught us how to make cotton
balls and we made a lot of cotton balls together with Glyde and Trisha. And also,
they discuss us that cotton balls are used to stop or prevent bleeding from minor
punctures such as injections and it is usually used for cleaning wounds and for
padding and protection. I enjoy making cotton balls but it’s tiring because we’re
doing it in 3 hours. After doing that, we join them during rounds and the Nurse
said that if we have rounds, we must knock first the door of the patient’s room so
that they are aware and to greet the patients. As what I have observed, the nurse
measures the vital signs such as the temperature, blood pressure, and the pulse rate
of each patient. In the afternoon, after we ate lunch, we read bulletin board and we
saw the bandaging in Hand/Foot, in Head and in arm sling through the pictures.
Bandaging is important because it is used to prevent contamination of wound by
holding dressing in position; used to provide support to the part that is injured,
dislocated joint; used to provide rest to the part that is injured; to restrict movement
/ immobilize a fracture or dislocation and to control bleeding. This day is so
amazing because I learned a lot about first aid and this really help us since we’re
going to take Nursing in College.

Weekly Diary

Day 3 (March 5, 2019)

Today is the 3rd day of our work immersion in Divine Word Hospital. We’re
so excited because it’s our first time to be assigned in the Operating Room and I
am eager to know what really happens inside the OR. Before we go to OR, our
head department discussed us the rules and regulations inside the OR that we must
follow such as don’t take any pictures inside the OR because it’s confidential and
don’t touch anything especially the equipment’s for it is sterile and it would be
contaminated if we touch it. And to wear also the proper attire inside the operating
room like scrub suit, gloves, surgical masks, slippers, and surgical cap. After we
prepared everything, we went to the operating room. Since we are 13, we are
divided into 4 groups. Based on my observation the patient has a problem with her
nose I forgot the name of the case but there’s something wrong with his nose. The
surgeon got the specimen from the nose of the patient. While the operation is going
on, the nurse discussed to us why there are 2 doctors and 3 nurses inside the OR. 1
doctor is the surgeon, 1 doctor is for the outside areas such to check the vital signs
of the patient and also to inject if needed. The 1 nurse is for the outside areas to get
the needs of the doctor such as the equipment’s needed during operation. And the 2
nurses are the assistant of the surgeon. Few hours later, we got bored because we
can’t see clearly what’s happening during operation because we’re not allowed to
stay near the patient. And in the afternoon, we are assigned in the other room and
the case is there’s something wrong with the spinal cord. The surgeon discussed to
us what happened to the patient and they’re very approachable and friendly, they
keep on talking to us so that we will not get bored. I thought that during operation,
the surgeons are cramming but as what I have observed, the surgeons are just chill,
and they play music just to make the operation peace and calm. Being a doctor,
surgeon or nurse is not an easy job, it’s the life of the patient that they’re holding
on. Surgeon must make important decisions about the patient's health, safety, and

Day 4 (March 12, 2019)

Today is the 4th and last day of our work immersion in Divine Word
Hospital. It’s our 2nd day in the Operating Room. Same as what we’ve done last
week, we must wear proper attire upon entering inside the Operating Room. Sadly,
the surgeon didn’t allow us to go inside the room, but we understand because we
know that it’s dangerous. Since the door has a glass, we go there and observe
what’s happening inside the operating room. It’s my first time observing a
Caesarian, and we can’t wait so see the baby. And when the time that the baby was
born, we we’re so amazed and surprised. I realized that being a mother is not an
easy, Mothers are one of the first indications of the sovereignty of God in our lives.
That’s why we should gave importance to our Mother because we don’t know what
is the feeling of carrying a baby inside the womb, we don’t know how painful it is
but they’re doing their best just to make the baby normal. Having a baby is a
blessing, a gift, a relationship that never ends and a love that never dies. It's the
best thing mothers ever become, the greatest love they ever felt and the best part
about being themselves.

Reflection Paper

This 72 hours of work immersion is helpful and a meaningful

experience during our Senior High School days. I could say it was really
such a great adventure, it really was a great experience for me and I
would treasure it for my whole life. This was the first time that I’ve felt
being like an employee, I’ve never imagined such thrilling event in my
life. All of the struggling, sacrifices, pain, laughter and happiness that
we’ve shared. It’s amazing. It is amazing you can gain more knowledge,
ideas, insight and background in choosing what course you are going to
take college. This experience helps me on how to be a responsible, a
better person and a successful professional someday. I am very much
happy because working at the hospital is one of my dream jobs in the
near future and spending my immersion there, even in just a short span
of time had really opened my eyes on how fun at the same time, stressful
to be working at the hospital. So far, my experience there was fun at the
same time, I can say that it is also somewhat boring because most of my
time was wasted by sitting and waiting for nothing. Why? Because most
of the nurses were busy doing their jobs and sometimes forgot to
entertain us. But if they’re not really busy we approach them and ask
whatever they want us to do.
After a few weeks of immersion, I have realized some things that
will really be useful for my future. First, punctuality is very essential
because in this simple way you can show how serious you are to your
job, next would be patience. Patience when it comes to the tasks that
they’re going to give you, as well as the times that you’re just waiting
for the next task that will be given to you, even if you already got bored
waiting for nothing. And I realized that If you are starting your career
but aren’t sure what you want to do, start thinking about what you love
to do. What is enjoyable to you? What are you passionate about? Look
at your strengths, passions and things you are good at and love to do and
then look up careers that will let you do what matches these items. This
will be the start of your best career choices that will help you be satisfied
with your work. As Steve Jobs said, “The only way to be truly satisfied
is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great
work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking,
and don't settle.”

The nursing Service Department
 Believes in the quality of men all children of God, redeemed by Christ.
 All patient will receive the same attention whether rich or poor, regardless of
creed, culture and color.
 Believes that the patient is a person, integrally whole individual and
therefore nursing care is based on holistic approach to maintain optimum
level of Nursing Care.

 Will seek to restore and/or maintain health and well-being in cooperation
and coordination with the different services of other departments and
members of the professional team who have directly and indirectly in
contact with the patient.
 Will continuously study and evaluate the rendered to meet the constantly
changing needs and conditions of the community and country as a whole.

 People in the Region 8 regardless of religion, raise and economic status.

 Assessing and planning nursing care requirements
 Providing pre- and post- care
 Beddings
 Monitoring and administering medication and intravenous
 Taking patient samples, pulses, temperatures and blood pressure
 IV Monitoring
 Writing records
 Supervising junior staff
 Nebulization
 Organizing workloads
 Providing emotional support to patients and relatives
 Tutoring student nurses


Measuring Body Temperature

Ask the patient to loosen any tight clothing or remove long-sleeved garments so it is
possible to access the axilla.

Hold the thermometer at the upper end. Shake it to ensure all the mercury is at the bottom.
Clinical glass thermometers have a constriction in the tube so that once the mercury is
above the constriction it cannot go down again until shaken. If you do not shake the
thermometer it will result in an inaccurate reading.

Place the thermometer in the axilla (armpit). Place the forearm across the chest and
ensure the upper arm is resting against the patient's side.

Leave the thermometer in place for 5 minutes. This will ensure that the reading will
be accurate.

Remove the thermometer, read, and immediately record the temperature on the
record chart or in the patient's notes.

Tell the patient the temperature and whether any further investigations are needed.

Disinfect the thermometer and wash and dry your hands again.

Report a raised temperature to the clinical person in charge.



Avenida Veteranos, Tacloban City


In 1965 the first - and for many years, the only – hospital to be managed by the
Benedictine Sisters in the Philippines – opened in Tacloban, Leyte.  The general superior of the
Divine Word Missionaries had approached the prioress general of the Benedictine Sisters in
Rome with the proposal that the SVD would put up a hospital in Tacloban and turn it over to the
Benedictine Sisters to manage.  Mother Maria Lucas Rauch, prioress general, was a doctor and
was sympathetic to the idea. With the help of Sisters from other priories, the Divine Word
Hospital became a reality.
Leyte is among the poorer provinces of the country, thus, making the services of Divine Word
Hospital even more of a mission activity.  Besides serving the sick in the hospital, the Sisters
reach out to the even poorer population in the barrios and service sick in the free wards.
Source: Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing (

A catholic institution of holistic wellness and quality healthcare.

1. To proclaim God’s healing love to all.
2. To provide quality tertiary health care.
3. To train medical, nursing, and paramedical students, and organization of activities
For practitioners to improve quality of health service.
4. To provide adequate facilities to support the practice of medical and paramedical
professionals in region VII.


Divine Word Hospital

A place of welcome committed to quality health care.

Corporate objectives
1. To deliver tertiary quality health care services that meet the health needs of the people of
region VIII, according to permanent statutory and regulatory requirements and the
expectations of DWH top management.
2. To implement training programs that will continually improve services and develop
innovative alternative health care.
3. To conduct research that will continually improve services and develop innovative
alternative health care.
4. To provide competent staff at all times.
5. To establish and continually improve quality management system.
6. To provide corporate social responsibility programs of the underprivileged.

a. Medical and surgical i. Labor room
b. OB (Obstetric) j. Labor and Delivery Room
c. Pediatric k. Operating Room
d. Chemo Dialysis l. OPD (Out Patient Department)
e. ICU (Intensive Care Unit) m. Emergency Room
f. Hemo Dialysis Unit n. EEG (Electro Encephalogram)
g. NICU (Neonatal Intensive Unit)
h. Nursery

Rules and Regulations

1. Regular attendance and punctuality.

2. Professional standard.
3. Performance standard
4. Proper grooming and attire.
5. Confidentiality of hospital information.
6. Teamwork
7. Concern for safety.
8. Honesty
9. Transacting business within DWH premises.




As a Grade 12 Senior High School student from

Address: Brgy 1&4 Trece Martirez, St. Scholastica’s College of Tacloban. I am looking for
Tacloban City an experience within the Divine Word Hospital that will
Contact Number: 09653502519 enable me to creatively showcase my talents all the while
challenging me to adapt new skills and processes needed
Email: to advance within my chosen career path.



2017 - PRESENT
WEIGHT: 43 kg

2013 - 2017 2012 - 2013



 Time management
 Eager to learn new things
 Oral and Written communication skills
 Active Listener
EXPERIENCE  Passion to take care others
 Divine Word Hospital  Highly Organized and Efficient

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