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Speak on the following topic:

1. When was the last time you made a new friend? How did you meet?
2. Do you ever have arguments with your friends/family?
3. Have you ever fallen out with a close friend? What happened?
4. What do friends/family members usually argue about?
5. Do you think it’s a good idea to go into business with your friends and family? Why/why
6. Tell your partner about a film you have seen. Describe the type of film, the main characters,
what happens in the film, some scenes you remember.
7. Do you ever watch foreign language films? Why/why not?
8. What kind of foreign language films do you like/dislike?
9. When you watch a foreign language film, do you prefer dubbing or subtitling? Why?
10. Do you believe everything you read in the news? Why/why not?
11. Do you agree with the opinion that different newspapers report the same story in different
12. Do you agree with the opinion that newspapers sometimes try to make news stories sound
worse than they are?
13. Do you agree with the opinion that newspapers have to make stories sound exciting in order
to sell?
14. Do you enjoy reading or hearing gossip about famous people? Why/why not?
15. Imagine you are going to live abroad for a month. Decide on ten things you will need to do
before you go.
16. What makes a city good or bad to live in?
17. Decide on three best places to live in your country. Explain your choice.
18. Have you made any changes to the way you live in order to be more eco-friendly? Explain
what you have done and why?
19. If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it? Is it possible to have too much
20. Think of as many ways as possible to get rich quickly.
21. Think of some famous multimillionaires. What type of reputation do they have? Do people
like and admire them?
22. Which qualities and habits do you think are necessary to be a successful entrepreneur?
23. What advice would you give someone who wants to be rich?
24. Do you think it’s a good idea to write a shopping list before you go food shopping?
Why/why not?
25. How do supermarkets/salespeople/advertisements persuade people to spend money?
26. Have you ever bought something because you saw an advert, or bought something from a
supermarket you didn’t play to buy? Why?
27. What are your favourite/least favourite advertisements? Why?
28. Do you prefer shopping at supermarkets or small, specialized shops? Why?
29. Have you ever bought something that you didn’t really want because of a good salesperson?
30. Do you like watching advertisements on TV? Why/why not?
31. Are there any advertisements, which you particularly like/dislike? Explain why.
32. Do you agree with the following definition of creativity: Being creative is about using your
imagination to do anything? Everyone is creative in different ways.
33. Which is more important for artists: hard work or inspiration?
34. Do you agree with the opinion that children are more creative than adults?
35. Are there any techniques, which can help us to develop our imagination?
36. Do you prefer films, books or plays? Why?
37. Do you usually read reviews before going to see a film or play, or buying a book? Why/why
38. Have you ever liked something that had a lot of bad reviews, or not liked something that
everyone else loved?
39. If a book has been made into a film, which do you usually prefer: a book or a film?
40. Do you agree with the opinion that the book is always better than the film because the film
always cuts bits out and changes too much?
41. Do you agree with the opinion that the film has to be seen as a separate thing – why should it
be just like the book?
42. Do you agree with the opinion that you should always see the film first, then read the book?
43. Do you agree with the opinion that it’s better to read books, because you can imagine the
characters in your mind and the film just spoils that?
44. Do you prefer holidays somewhere remote, or in a busy city? Why?
45. Do you prefer to be a tourist or a traveler? Why?
46. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a traveler rather than a tourist?
47. When you visit another city, what do you like/not like doing? Explain why.
48. What can you remember about your first day at school? How did you feel? What did you
think of the teacher?
49. What different courses have you taken? Were they academic? What were the subjects?
50. Have you ever tried distance learning or blended learning course? What are the
51. If you could propose five new laws for the town where you are studying, what would they
52. Do you think that raising money for charity can make a real difference to people’s lives?
Why/why not?
53. Think of five things that have made the world better in the last twenty-five years.
54. Think of five things that have made the world worse in the last twenty-five years.
55. If you have an important decision to make, who do you talk to about it? Why?
56. What the important turning points have been (important moments or events which have
changed things) in your life?
57. Do you think you have always made the right decisions?
58. If you could change one thing in your life, what would you change?
59. Does your lifestyle give you enough new, interesting experience?
60. Do you think you like changes? Has anything in your life changes for the better recently?

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