DIY Neurophone Clones - Another Perspective - Some Electronic Projects

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some electronic projects

building stuff, more stuff, and a little bit of… stuff

DIY Neurophone Clones: Another Perspective

A reader weighs in with the following, and a new schematic for a DIY Neuro-clone. This approach is
a bit more complicated.
The following schematic is what the above writeup was inspired by, but does NOT implement what’s
described above. Rather, this diagram is an op-amp implementation of the Flanagan patent circuit
(US patent 3647970).

The above writeup is based on a very different circuit: a 40kHz oscillator connected to a MOSFET
driver chip (see which
turns on and off a MOSFET connected in class-A mode (
/amplifier/amp_5.html). This makes it possible to charge and discharge the piezo transducers in
“square wave” mode very very fast, which is apparently key to the effect.

8 comments on “DIY Neurophone Clones: Another Perspective”

September 14, 2015
hi can you post a pic or a video showing how it looks like ? thanks keep up the good work

December 11, 2015
Sorry, I don’t have any at hand.

Martin Nyberg
November 2, 2015
Very cool. I got A’s in electronics in high school then switched gears and now its all lost. So, I
bought the new neurophone. Now I’m thinking I am getting some positive results, and after a day
in which I used it almost non-stop for 8 hours and got an ocular migraine – it has limits that need
to be respected. But now, my wife and friends are accusing me of being sold down the river by a
snake oil salesman as I am not a walking savant yet. I am STILL looking for a real clinical study
and/or double blind test. Any luck yourself in finding such a thing? Also – I am entertaining the
opinion that Flanagan himself has not pursued such rigorous evaluation because it opens it up to
possible lawsuits from the FDA or other quasi-gov-corp orgs with the medical instrument /
pharma lobbies $$ behind them. His goal is stated to be getting getting the price down low
enough for mass adoption. A goal that could be both noble and self serving simultaneously.

December 11, 2015

I don’t know of any clinical studies or double blind tests. The Neurophone is an experimental

T Bastian
November 20, 2015
Much info and research here on the whys of how it works….

December 11, 2015

Thanks for the heads up!

December 3, 2015
Can you make me one? Please?

December 11, 2015



This entry was posted on September 10, 2015 by neurogeek.
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