Unit 4.1 Food and Drink: Grammar A - To Like (Present Simple)

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Unit 4.

1 Food and drink

Grammar A – To like (Present Simple)

Name ______________________________________________ No. _______ Class _________ Date ______________

A. Write like or likes.

1. My sister _______________ chocolate cake.
2. I _______________ broccoli very much.
3. My parents _______________ fish and chips.
4. Sam and I _______________ pineapple on our pizza.
5. I _______________ lettuce, but my sister
_______________ tomato salad.

B. Write don't like or doesn't like.

1. Kelly and I ____________________ strawberries.

2. She ____________________ carrots in her salad.
3. They ____________________ having toast for breakfast.
4. I ____________________ spinach soup.
5. Peter ____________________ cheese and ham sandwiches.

C. Complete the questions. Use do or does. Match the questions to the answers.

1. _________ you like mushrooms? x x a. Yes, we do.

2. _________ Mary like apples? x x b. Yes, it does.

3. _________ you and Ted like tea? x x c. No, they don’t.

4. _________ your parents like coffee? x x d. No, I don’t.

5. _________ your turtle like lettuce? x x e. Yes, she does.

D. Ask questions. Follow the example.

1. Bob likes pasta. Does Bob like pasta?

2. My uncle likes bread and butter. __________________________________________________
3. Amy and Henry like tea and cupcakes. _____________________________________________
4. My hamster likes biscuits. _________________________________________________________
5. Sylvia and Martha like fruit salad. __________________________________________________
6. Thomas likes chips. _______________________________________________________________

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E. Look at the table. Complete the sentences.

Daniel ‫ݱ‬ ‫ݵ‬ ‫ݱ‬ ‫ݵ‬

Sue ‫ݵ‬ ‫ݵ‬ ‫ݱ‬ ‫ݱ‬
Polly ‫ݱ‬ ‫ݱ‬ ‫ݵ‬ ‫ݵ‬
John ‫ݵ‬ ‫ݱ‬ ‫ݵ‬ ‫ݱ‬
1. Daniel and Polly _______________ chips, but they _______________ tea.
2. Sue and John _______________ chips, but they _______________ tea.
3. Daniel and Sue _________________ cherries, but they ___________________ strawberry jam.
4. John ______________ chips and strawberry jam, but he _______________ cherries and tea.
5. Sue ______________ strawberry jam and tea, but she ______________ cherries and chips.

F. Look at the table again. Follow the example.

1. Daniel / tea Does Daniel like tea? No, he doesn’t.

2. Sue / cherries ____________________________________________________________________
3. Polly / chips ______________________________________________________________________
4. John / strawberry jam _____________________________________________________________
5. Daniel and Sue / cherries __________________________________________________________
6. Polly and John / cherries __________________________________________________________

G. Complete using the verb to like in the Present Simple.

Delphine is a French girl. She (1) ____________ melon
and she (2) _____________ grapes. She (3) ___________
orange juice too, but she (4) ____________ (not)
lemonade. Her brother Pierre (5) ____________________
cake and he (6) ______________ biscuits, but he
(7) _______________ (not) cauliflower, carrots and
peas. (8) _____________ he_____________ any vegetables?
Yes, he (9) ____________. He (10) ______________ broccoli
very much. And you? What (11) ______________ you

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