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Well, I remember that, As I child me and my family were used to play a lot of board games on

weekends, our favorite ones were Scrabble and Monopoly, we could play those for hours!
Playing board games is a tradition that my family has been doing since before i was born.
When i was 5, they started to teach me how to play with them. due to that, I had to give my
best to understand those games, fortunately I have been always capable to understand very
fast so i quickly learned the rules and strategies. Another thing we used to do was to go out
everyone almost every sunday, sometimes we even left trujillo, our favorite destination was
definetely going to the beach, that's why i Know many of the beaches that are located in "La
Libertad". Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to swim in the very deep sea (Although I swim very
well ). For the national holidays, me and family were used to go to Santiago de Chuco (where
my dad is from). It's was great because, every time we went, there's were also a town festival
being celebrated, because of that, we tend to go almost every year. Now, something that I
learnt from my parents was their punctuality. In order to teach us that, they had a special time
policy. My parents used to put all the house clocks back 10 minutes, we were prohibited to put
the clocks back at their original time. Due to that that, now I'm incapable to arrive late to any
place, meeting or lesson that i must go. I'll be always grateful to my parents for teaching me to
be punctual. Well, even if we have learned to be earlier to almost everything, we can't stop the
time, even aging, that's why most of my family traditions have been lost (my brothers have
grown up and now they have their own families) I just hope that one day we can all meet
together again and play just like the old times

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