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University of Kentucky

Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology
Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology
Faculty Publications


Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Mastery

Learning in Elementary and Secondary Classrooms
Thomas R. Guskey
University of Kentucky, GUSKEY@UKY.EDU

Sally L. Gates
University of Kentucky

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Guskey, Thomas R. and Gates, Sally L., "Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Mastery Learning in Elementary and Secondary
Classrooms" (1986). Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology Faculty Publications. 23.

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Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Mastery Learning in Elementary and Secondary Classrooms

Notes/Citation Information
Published in Educational Leadership, v. 43, issue 8, p. 73-80.

Copyright © 1986 Thomas R. Guskey and Sally L. Gates

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Synthesis of Research
on the Effects of
Mastery Learning in
Elementary and Secondary
The results of well-designed studies show
extremely positive student learning outcomes
and teacher variables. More studies are
needed on several questions, including
long-term consequences and effects on
classroom interactions and climate.

rograms based on mastery learn- ( 1926) and can be traced to such early curriculums, many of which bear little

P ing concepts are used today at

all levels of education from the
earliest elementary grades to graduate
educators as Comenius, Pestalozzi,
and I lerbart ( Bloom 1974).
The increased anention mastery
or no resemblance to the ideas de-
scribed by Bloom and then refined by
Block (1971), Block and Anderson
and professional schools. Although learning has seen in recent ye-<1rs ap- (1975), and Guskey (1985a). Further,
these programs vary widely in their pears to stem from two different there is frequent confusion between
format, they are all tied to a specific sources. First, research studies on tJ1e Bloom's Learning for Maste1y model
theory about the teaching and learning quality of instruction and highly effec- and mher forms of individualized
process and an accompanying set of tive schools consistently point to ele- instruction.
instructional strategies. The theory of ments of mastery learning as an inte- Bloom's approach to mastery does,
mastery learning is based on the sim- gral part of successful reaching and of course, share a number of common
ple belief that all children can learn learning (Brophy 1979, 1982; Lein- elements with other forms of individ-
when provided with conditions that hardt and Pallay 1982). Second, re- ualization. For example, it requires
are appropriate for their learning. The pons from school systems throughout that learning objectives be well de-
instructional strategies associated with the United States and around the fined and appropriately sequenced; it
mastery learning are designed to put world indicate that the use of mastery emphasize that student learning be
that belief imo practice in modern learning strategies can lead to striking regularly checked and immediate
classrooms. improvements in a wide range of stu- feedback be given; and it tres es that
Current applications of mastery dent learning outcomes ( Block and student learning be evaluated in terms
learning are generally based on Burns 1976). of criterion-referenced, rather than
Bloom's Learning for Mastery model With the increased attention to mas- norm-referenced, tandards. There
(1968). But the basic tenets of mastery tery learning has come some confu- are, however, several major differ-
learning were described in the early sion, however. The term " mastery ences, particularly in terms of the basis
years of the twentieth century by learning" i today applied to a broad and pace of instruction prescribed
Washburne (1922) and Morrison range of educational programs and (Block l 974, Block and Burns 1976,
MAY 1986 73
Stice 1979, Swanson and Demon mastery learning programs. The col-
1977). lection began with a computer search
The vast majority of individualized of three library data bases: Disserta-
instructional programs are individual- tion Abstracts; ERIC ( Educational Re-
ly based and student-paced. Students "All of the 25 sources information Center); and Psy-
generally work at their own pace, in- cbological Abstmcts. We also manually
dependently of their classmates, and elementary and searched Mastery Leaming: A Compre-
move on to new material only after secondary school hensive Bibliography (Hymel 1982) for
they have demonstrated perfect mas- studies reporting studies that might have been missed in
tery of each unit. The teacher's role is the computer search. Since the Block
primarily to give individual assistance
achievement outcomes and Burns (1976) review was judged
when needed rather than to be a showed positive effects to be a fairly complete summary of the
principal source of new information. as a result of the research conducted through 1975, we
For this reason, carefully designed, application of group- focused our search on articles and
self-instructional materials are essen- manuscripcs that appeared after thac
tial to such a program (Kulik, Kulik,
based mastery year.
and Cohen 1979, Thompson 1980). learning strategies." These bibliographical seard1es
The mastery learning model, on the yielded the titles of over a thousand
oth~r hand, is typically a group-based, articles tl1at might have been relevant
teadJer-paced approach to instruction for our purposes. Based on informa-
in which students learn, for the most tion about the articles contained in the
part, in cooperation with their class- titles and absu·acts, we reduced the
mates. Mastery learning is designed initial collection of articles to 234 po-
for use in typical classroom situations iables, such as how students feel about tentially useful articles tl1at included
where instructional time and curricu- the subject they are studying and how quantitative analyses or detailed study
lum are relatively fixed, and the teach- they feel about themselves as learners. results. We were able to obtain com-
er has charge o f 25 or more students. Since the Block and Burns (1976) plete copies of 144 of these articles,
In a mastery learning classroom the review, the literature on mastery manuscripts, and dissertations.
pace of the original instruction is de- learning has grown dramatically. Many We then read each of these articles
termined primarily by the teacher. articles have been written about the and manuscripts in full and evaluated
Support for this idea comes from stud- mastery learning process, programs them in terms of several criteria for
ies showing that many students, partic- have been designed and implemented inclusion in our synthesis. Specifically,
ularly younger students in the elemen- to use these ideas, and a multitude of we se)ected only studies that invo lved
tary grades and those with lowe r studies have assessed the effects of this applications of mastery learning that
entry-level skills, lack the sophistica- approach. were clearly group-based and teacher-
tion and motivation to be effective self- The goal of our effort was to review paced. That is, we included only stud-
managers of their own learning (Ma- and summarize the resu lts of this now ies in which it was evident that stu-
bee, Niemann, and Lipton 1978, Reiser rather large collectio n of well- dents progressed through an
1980, Ross and Rakow 1981). Thus the designed, outcome-based mastery instructional sequence as a group and
r ole of the reacher is that of an instruc- learning studies. We used meta-analy- at a pace determined primarily by the
tional leader and learning facilitator sis techniques (Glass 1976; Glass, teacher. Second, studies had to report
who directs a variety of group-based McGaw, and Smith 1981 ) ro synthesize data on measured outcomes for stu-
instructional methods together with the resultS of these studies in order to dents (or ceachers) in mastery learn-
accompanying feedback and correc- answer several major questions about ing and in control classes, o r have a
tive procedures. group-based mastery learning pro- clear time-series design. Third, the
In 1976, Block and Burns reviewed grams. Specifically, those questions studies had to be free from serious
the results of carefully constructed were: How effective is the typical methodological flaws.
studies on group-based mastery learn- group-based mastery learning pro- Most of the articles and manuscripts
ing programs. They found that while gram? What rypes of educational out- did not succeed in meeting these crite-
these programs seldom yielded the comes are affected by the use of mas- r ia. A total of 38 studies did, however,
large effects o n student learning that tery learning? Do programs vary in and were included in our final pool of
mastery learning advocates proposed their effectiveness depending upon studies. Of lhese, the 27 that dealt with
were possible, they did lead to consis- the grade level or age of the students applications in elementary and sec-
tently positive effects. In quantitative invo lved? Are programs more or less ondary classrooms form the basis of
terms, nearly all programs produced effective depending on the s ubject this report.
greater student learning than nonmas- matter to which they are applied?
tery approaches, and also produced
less variability in that learning. Fur- Method Quantifying Outcomes
ther, group-based mastery learning The first step in our research synthesis The 27 studies included in this synthe-
programs were found to yield very was to identify and collect studies that sis contained findings on program ef-
positive effects on student affective var- examined the effects of group-based fects in five areas: student achieve-
ment, student learning retention, time
variables (including measures of time- 8-
on-task and time spent), student affect, -
and teacher variables. Of course, stu-
dent achievement was the primary "'QI 6-
variable of interest in the vast majority 'ti
of studies.
Twenty-five studies reported pro- 0.._ 4- -
gram results in terms of student .D -
achievement outcomes. The most
common measure of achievement
used in these studies was students' - .
scores on unit or course examjnations
that were, in most cases, prepared by
0 ~
0.0 .0-.3 .4-.6 .7-.9 1.0-1.2 1.3-1.5 1.6-1.8 1.9+
teachers. Occasionally examinations
were prepared by the researchers con- Effect Size
ducting the investigation and, in a few
instances, results from standardized Fig. 1. Distribution of Achievement Effect Sizes
achievement rests were employed.
The second mo t common measure of
student achievement was the letter
grades attained by students. Generally the control gro up (G la5s 1976). An termining the overa.11 magnitude of the
tJ1ese were reponed a5 simply djstri- effect size equal to + 1.0 is considered effect of mastery learning (Glass,
butions of A through F grades in both exceptionally positive for any educa- McGaw, and mith 1981; Hedges and
mastery and control classes, or as class tiona l program or innovation. This Olkin 1985).
grade po int averages. would mean that the average student
Three studies measured student in a treatment class achieved at a level
learning retention over time. In two attained by only the top 15 percent of Student Achievement
studies this was accomplished by re- studems in a comparable control class. The results of our synthesis of studi es
testing students on the learned materi- The effect size statistic provided us involving measures of tudent achieve-
als two to four weeks after instruction with a useful metric for comparing the ment are illusLrated in figure 1. All of
on the material had been completed. results from different studies and de- the 25 elementary and secondary
In the third study, students were re- school studies reporting achievement
tested fou r months after instruction outcomes showed positive effects as a
w:.ts completed. result of the application of group-
Five studies measured Lime-related based mastery learning strategies. In
variables. The majority of the e used other words, in no study did students
measures o f student involvement in under control conditions perform bet-
instruction or time-on-rask. However, ter than those under mastery condi-
one study explored differences in the
"The results of these tions. However, the size of the effect
amount of time students actually spent studies show that varied considerably from study to
in learning under mastery learning group-based mastery study. The achievement effect size for
conditions. learning strategies these studies ranged from .02 (Slavin
Affective outcomes were considered and Karweit 1984) to greater than 1.70
in only one study, which included do appear to have a (Arlin and Webster 1983, Burrows and
measures of how much students liked positive effect on Okey 1975). Jn fact, tJ1e distribution of
a certain subject and how confident student learning effect sizes was so diverse that we
they were of their abilities to le-Jrn that considered it inappropriate to calcu-
subject Finally, several studies investi-
retention, although not late a measure of central tendency
gated mastery learning's effects on par- quite as large an effect describing the "typical'' effect size
ticular teacher variables, such as tead1- as upon initial levels from the application of group-based
ers' expectations for student learning, of achievement." mastery learning strategies.
their attribution assignments, and To explore possible explanations
their attitudes toward the mastery for this tremendous variation in effect
learning process. size, we grouped tJ1e studies along rwo
To quantify the OU[Comes of these dimensions and calculated pooled ef-
studies we used the effect size, a statis- fects w ithin these groupings. Studies
tic calculated by taking the difference were grouped first by student grade
between the means of the treatment level and second by the subject area to
and control groups and dividing that which me mastery learning strategies
difference by d1e standard deviation of had been applied.
MAY 1986 75
These results again illustrate the
positive effects of mastery learning
strategies in all subject areas. Never-
Table 1. Effect Size by Grade Level
theless, there do appear to be subject
Level Grades No. of Studies Mean Effect Size area differences. Applications invo lv-
Elementary 1-6 5 .89
ing science and mathematics pro-
Junior High 7..g 8 .93 duced average e ffect sizes of .78 and
High School 9-12 12 .72 .81, respectively, both of which are
very positive. However, applications to
instruction in social studies and lan-
guage arts yielded even more positive
effect sizes of .91 and .99, respectively.
The results of grouping the studies generally strong continuity among in- These findings are no t altogether
by grade level are shown in Table 1. structional units and learning is highly what mastery learning theorists rypi-
These results indicate that although sequential. New units rypically build cally predict. Bloom ( 1976) and Block
the effects of group-based mastery on the skills o r learning objectives ( 1971) both suggest that while mastery
learning strategies are positive across taught in previous units or in earlier learning procedures are likely to en-
all levels of educatio n, they appear to grades. Hence, the effects of mastery hance learning outcomes in most all
be larger for younger students in ele- teaming undoubtedly carry over from subject areas, effects will probably be
mentary and junior high school class- unit to unit, year to year, and are like ly largest in mathe matics and science.
rooms than for older high school stu- to be cumulative. At the high school After all, learning in these subject ar-
dents. The average effect size fo r level, o n the other hand, courses and eas Ls generally more highly ordered
studies involving ele mentary students even units within courses tend to be and sequential. An instructional proc-
was .89. Studies involving junior high less ordered, less sequential, and ess based upo n having students attain
school students had a very similar hence are less likely to be influenced a high learning standard in each unit
average effect size of .93, while those by cumulative learning panerns. of an instructional sequence would
involving high school students had an The results of grouping the studies thus seem particularly pro mising in
average of .72. hy subject area are shown in Table 2. these subjects.
One possible explanation for these Studies grouped under scie nce in- It may be, however, that the ordered
dilferences across grade levels relates clude classes in general science, biolo- and sequential nature of learning in
to the theoretical premises of mastery gy, and chemistry. Mathematics studies mathematics and science is generally
learning. In outlining the theory of include basic malh, general math, con- recognized by teachers. As a result,
mastery learning, Bloom (1976) em- sumer math, algebra, matrix algebra, instruction in these subjects may al-
phasized that student5' cognitive en try fractions, geometry, and graphs. Those ready more frequently incorpo rate e l-
behaviors bear a very strong influence studies grouped unde r social studies ements of the mastery learning proc-
upon their learning. That is, the aca- include government, history, and gen- ess. instruction in social studies and
demic preparation and learning his- eral social studies. Classes involving language arts, on the other hand, is
tory students bring with them to a English, grammar, reading, vocabu- generally less clearly ordered and se-
teaching and learning siruati.o n can lary, and foreign language were quential. Learning objectives in these
have a powerful effect o n their level of grouped under language arts. Since subjects are usually l.e ss well defined,
achievement. This history determines several studies investigated the appli- the best or most appropriate sequence
the cognitive skills and abilities stu- catio n of mastery learning in a number of objectives is less clear, and proce-
dents bring to the classroom. It also of different subject areas, the total dures for evaluating students' learn ing
influences how they feel about learn- number of studies indicated in this are rypically more subjective. There-
ing and about themselves as learners. table is larger than that shown in Table fo re, tO incorporate mastery learning
Elementary school students enter 1. into instruction in social studies and
classrooms with a learning history that
is much less extensive than that of
high school students. Hence the po-
tential of mastery learning, or any
strategy designed to improve students' Table 2. Effect Size by Subject Area
level of achievement, is theoretically Subject Area No. of Studies Mean Effect Size
far greater in the e lementary grades
where acquired learning deficiencies Science 7 .78
Mathematics 16 .81
are likely to be easier to overcome. Social Studies 4 .91
Another possible explanation is that Language Arts 5 .99
curriculum differences across grade
levels have some influence on the
effectiveness of mastery learning strat-
egies. At the elementary level there ls
language arts probably requires great- from early writings on mastery learn-
er effort and greater change in instruc- ing and specifically Bloom's (1971)
lional procedures. But at the same not.ion that under more appropriate
lime, the evidence indicates that these instructional conditions, students be-
changes typically result in very posi- come more similar in their level of "Learning rate does
tive effecrs on student learning. achievement and in their learning race. appear to be alterable,
That is, the differences in the time the
Student Retention fastest and slowest learners need co and mastery learning
We found three studies that investigat- learn certain content co a specified procedures may be one
ed students' retenlion of learned mate- criterion begin co diminish. Bloom way slow learners can
rial over time. Block (1972) measured further suggested that mastery learn- be helped to increase
8th grade students' retention of the ing might be one way co offer the vast
material from a brief unit on matrix majo rity of students more appropriate their learning rate."
algebra two weeks after they had com- instructional conditions. He believed
pleted the unit. The effect size favoring that through procedures such as those
students taught under mastery condi- offered by mastery learning, students'
tions was found to be .62. In a study by learning races could be altered and
Wentling (1973), high school students slow learners could be helped to learn
were retested on their knowledge of faster. Two studies by Anderson
material they had learned three weeks (1975a, 1976) offered evidence sup-
earlier in a course in automobile me- porting Bloom's not.ion.
chanics. Again, mastery-taught stu- ln several recent studies and re-
dentS performed far better on the views, however, Arlin (1982, 1984a, Evidence on ways co accommodate
retention test, the effect size being .51. 1984b) argues that learning rate is a initial differences in students' learning
We found one study that investigated fairly stable and unalterable student rates is less definite, however. Clear-
long-term retentio n (Anderson, Scott, characteristic. He suggests that the ly the introduction of mastery learning
and Hudock 1976). Elementary stu- positive gains evidenced in most mas- compels many, and perhaps most, stu-
dents in this study were retested on tery learning programs come mainly dents co spend additional time on
their retentio n of the material four from continually providing greater learning aclivicles. Bue it is less clear
months after completing instruction. amounts of learning time for students whether this time muse come from
The retention of mastery students was who are experiencing problems or that previously allocated to learning in
again found co be significantly greater, difficulties. Since this time muse come other subject areas, as suggested by
with an effect size of .52. from somewhere, Arlin argues that Arlin (1984b) and Slavin and Karweit
The results of these studies show learning in other areas o r other sub- (1984), or whether it can be gained by
that group-based mastery learning jecrs muse be sacrificed co gain these encouraging students to spend a great-
strategies do appear to have a posit.Ive results. er portion of their school time actively
effect on student learning recent.Jon, Bue the findings from o ne of Arlin's engaged in learning, as suggested by
although not quite as large an effect as own studies actually lend support co Block (1983) and Guskey (1983). Evi-
upon initial levels of achievement. Bloom's original notion. in this study, dence supporting the latter of these
Clearly, however, additional well-de- Arlin (1984a) followed the progress of two perspectives was provided in a
signed studies measuring lo ng-term elementary students in mastery learn- recent study by Fitzpatrick (1985),
retention over a period of months or a ing classes over ten instruct.ional units. which demonstrated that under mas-
year are definitely needed. Analyses of the data on remedial time tery learning, time for instruct.ion is
in each unit showed that the amount used more purposefully by both teach-
Time Variables of lime needed to bring students co a ers and students, the time spent in
Several mastery learning studies inves- mastery criterion dramatically de- transit.ions between instructional
ligated variables related to time. The creased over instructional units. Al- events and in nonacademic interac-
variable most frequently considered though this stalislically significant lin- t.ions is decreased, and the rate of
was academic engaged time or time- ear reduction in remedial lime was student off-task behavior is dramatical-
on-task. The four studies that included idenlified by Arlin, it was largely ly reduced. Additional supporting evi-
data on time-on-task all gathered these ignored. dence also comes from a recent study
data through similar techniques in- This evidence from Arlin's study, by Tennyson, Park, and Christensen
volving classroom observations of stu- along with that presented in Ander- (1985). Still, further studies that in-
dents. Comparisons between mastery son's (1975a, 1976) studies, suggestS clude systematic procedures for gath-
and nonmastery classes yielded a posi- that differences between fast and slow ering data on time allocat.ions and
tive average effect size across the four learners do decrease under mastery learning races are needed.
studies of .68. learning. That is, learning rate does
Another time-related variable that appear to be alterable, and mastery Student Affect
has received increased attention in learning procedures may be one way Systematic measures of student affec-
recent mastery learning studies is time slow learners can be helped co in- tive variables were included in o nly
spent. Interest in this variable stems crease their learning rate. one of the elementary school studies
MAY 1986 77
Highlights of Research on Group-Based
that we considered. Anderson, Scott,
and Hutlock's (1976) investigation in- Mastery Learning Programs
cluded measures of students' attitude
t0ward the subject they are studying
and their academic self-concept. Their A meta-analysis of 27 well-designed studies shows that:
results indicate that mastery learning • Achievement results are overwhelmingly positive, but vary greatly from study
to study.
procedures have a positive effect on •Although students at all levels appear to benefit from mastery learning, effects
these outcomes, although not as large are somewhat larger in elementary and junior high school classes than at the
as the effect on cognitive outcomes. high school level.
Students who learned under mastery •Although applicable across subject areas, effects in language arts and social
conditions generally liked the subject studies classes are slightly larger than those attained in science and mathematics
they were studying more and were classes.
more confident of their abilities in it, • Students tend to retain what they have learned longer under mastery learn ing,
both in short-term (2-3 weeks) and long-term (4 months) studies. •
the effect sizes being .41 and .49,
• Students are engaged in learn ing for a larger portion of the time they spend in
respectively. mastery classes and require decreasing amounts of remedia l (corrective) time
over a series of instructional units.
Teacher Variables • Students in mastery classes develop more positive attitudes about learn ing and
A final area investigated in several about their ability to learn.
mastery learning studies is its effects •Teachers using mastery learning develop more positive attitudes toward
upon teachers. In general, the four teaching, higher expectations for students, and greater personal responsibility for
learning outcomes, but may experience diminished confidence in their teaching
studies we located focused on how skills.
teachers react when they begin using
mastery learning and, as a result, see
more of their students learning well
and attaining higher levels of achieve-
ment. In an early study in this area, practices and behaviors (effect size = whether these effects endure or
Okey (1977) found that teachers and 1.13). whed1er they are a temporary condi-
teaching interns expressed much Finally, in a large-scale study involv- tion resulting from tl1e initial novelty
more positive attitudes toward the phi- ing 117 junio r and senior high school of a new approach.
losophy and practices of mastery teachers, Guskey (1984) found that
learning after they had used these teachers who use mastery learning Discussion
practices in their e lementary class- and see improvement in student learn- This synthesis of research on e lemen-
rooms for only three weeks. The effect ing outcomes begin to feel much bet- tary ,and secondary school group-
size for this attitude change was 1.67. ter about teaching and their roles as based mastery learning programs sup-
More recently, Guskey (1982) found teachers (effect size = .61), accept far ports the findings of otl1er reviews of
that teachers who successfully imple- greater personal responsibility for the effectiveness of mastery learning.
ment mastery learning begin to alter their students' learning successes and Like Block and Burns (1976) and more
their expectatio ns for students' failures (effect size = 1.25), but ex- recently Walberg (1984), we found
achievement and find it much more press somewhat less confidence in that group-based applications of mas-
difficult to predict which students will d1eir teaching abilities (effect size = tery learning have con istently positive
do well and which students will expe- -.59). This seemingly anomalous find- effects on a broad range of student
rience learning difficulties. Generally, ing was explained by Guskey as a learning outcomes, including student
teachers form expectations about stu- "humbling effect." That is, to suddenly achievement, retention of learned ma-
dents' abilities during the first couple gain evidence that they could be far terial, involvement in learning activi-
of weeks of the school year, and these more effective in the ir teaching caused ties, and studem affect. ln addition, we
expectations are highly related to stu- these teachers to reconsider their con- found that the use of mastery learning
dents' final achievement. But in this fidence that they were already doing has significant effeccs on several teach-
study, that relatio n was found co ap- the best that was possible. No attempt er variables, although these effects are
proach zero for teachers implement- was made to follow up these teachers, mixed. Our synthesis also revealed,
ing mastery learning, apparently be- however, to determine whether this however, that the magnitude of the
cause many students made far greater "humbling effect" endured o r dimin- effect on student achievement mea-
progress than originally anticipated ished over time. sures varies widely across studies and,
and because the teachers were effec- It thus appears that the successful hence, calculation of an average effect
tive with many more of their students. use of mastery learning can have pow- size was considered inappropriate.
ln another study, Guskey (1985b) dis- erful effects on many teacher variables. Many factors undoubtedly contrib-
covered that after using mastery learn- Caution must be taken in interpreting ute to this variation in student achieve-
ing, teachers also alter their explana- these effects, however, because not all ment effects. Several of these were
tions as to why they are effective in the are positive. In addition, because no explored here, including tl1e grade
classroom, giving less importance co extended follow-up studies or long- level of d1e students and the subject
personality factors (effect size = -.38) term investigations have been con- area to which mastery learning strate-
and far greater importance to teaching ducted, we have no evidence as to gies were applied, but other less mea-
surable facmrs may have influenced courses, even when the mastery learn- stude nts successful learners. However,
the resulrs as well. For example, all of ing procedures are not continued. A this change, o r irs in1plications, has not
the studies included in our synchesis small-scale exploratory study by Bonc- been systematically explored. It has
we re conducted in acruaJ classroom zar, Easto n, and Guskey ( 1982) sup- also been noted that stude nts in mas-
settings. The major advantage of thjs is porrs this notion. Still, more detailed, tery learning classrooms readily coop-
that it o ffers a more accurate estimate longitudinal studies that fo llow stu- erate with one another and that peer
of the e ffecrs of mastery learning in dents over several years, particularly tutoring freque ntly occurs spontane-
this rype of serting than is possible 1.h rough continued applications of ously. Mevarech ( 1985) and Slavin and
from studies conducted in more artifi- mastery learning procedures, are defi- Karweit (1984) demonstrated that co-
cial settings, sud1 as learning labora- nitely needed. operative learning strategies and stu-
tories. The major disadvantage, how- We also need to know mo re about dent teaming can be easily facilitated
ever, is that studies conducted in the degree to which studenrs who in mastery learning classrooms. Still,
classroom settings are subject to the learn under mastery learning condi- additional studies investigating the ef-
many extraneous influences pre ent in tions develop "learning-ta-learn" fect'> of mastery learning on th~se in-
those classrooms. Diffe re nces in stu- skills. These are skill that students can terpersonal dimensions of the class-
denc characteristics, tead1er characte r- use o n their own tO enhance their room e nvironment are greatly
istics, student-teacher interactio ns, and effectiveness and efficie ncy in learning needed.
classroo m environme nt5 may all influ- situations, regardless of the teacher o r Jn summary, this synthesis provided
ence study results. The e influences the instructional format. Clearly, us with some valuable insights into the
are extre melv difficult to measure or group-based mastery learning proce- effectiveness of group-based mastery
contro l and may explain, at least par- dure help students better organize learning programs and illustrated
tially, the large variation in study their Learning, use teache r feedback, some of the advantages of meta-analyt-
results. pace their learning, and work at cor- ic procedu res. [t did nor, however,
Another factor that undo ubtedly recting their learning e rrors. But at provide us with definitive answers.
contributes to the variation in magni- presenc we do not know whethe r stu- Group-based mastery learning strat-
tude of the effecrs is the lack of preci- dencs who experience mastery learn- egies clearly show great potential and
sio n in specifying the treaunenc. As ing in one subject are ahle to carry great promise. It appears they can be
me ntio ned earlier, there is confusion over these skills ro learning in other impleme nted in regular classrooms
and debate as tO what is, and what is subjects or to other classes. Nor do we without major revisions in instruction-
not, mastery learning. This confusion know the particular conditions that al procedures, class o rganizatio n, or
involves not only the basis and pace of foster skills transfer. The development school policy. At the same rime, the
the instructional format, but also the of such learning-to-learn skill would research evidence reviewed here indi-
essential characteristics of the feed- seem one of the most powerful bene- cates ~hat the use of these strategies
back stude nts are offered, the es ential fiLc; of mastery learning strategies and can result in significant improveme nts
characteristics of the correaive activi- one that we need to better unde rstand. in a broad range of student learning
ties in which they are involved, and Similarly, we need furthe r studies outcomes and teacher variables.D
the specific procedures used to evalu- on practical and efficie nt ways of pro- References
ate the ir learning. Many of the studies viding fast learne rs in gro up-based
in this synthesis did nor include de- maste ry learning classrooms with op- Anderson, L. W. "Scudem Jnvolvemem in
tailed descriptio ns of the mastery portunities tO exte nd their learning Learning and School Achievement." Cal-
treaunent (or the non mastery con- through rewarding and challe nging ifomia joumal ofEducational Research
trol), and those that did served mainly e nrichment activities. We need to 26 (l975a): 53-62.
to illustrate how widely varied that know mo re about the benefits and Anderson, L. W. "Time to Criterion: An
treatment can be. ln addition, few costs of such activities and how they Experimental Scudy. " Paper presented at
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Educ:itional Research Association, Wash-
or extent of the teacher training that dents valuable learning experiences ington, D.C.. 1975b.
might have been involved. that may not be gene rally available in Anderson, I.. W. "An Empirical Investiga-
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whelmingly positive, many questions about how the use of mastery learning Anderson, L. W., C. C. Scou, andj. llutlock.
remain. For example, we need to might alter classroom climate, teache r- "The Effects of a Mastery Learning Pro-
know much more about the long-term student interactions, and student-stu- gram on Selected Cognitive, Affective
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(1976) theorized that students who (1975) and Guskey (1985a) note that Through 6." Paper presented m Lhe an-
nual meeting of Lhe American Educa-
learn a subject unde r mastery learning teachers using mastery learning are tional Research Association, San Francis-
conditions are more likely to develop likely to find that their ro le in the co, 1976.
the cognitive entry behaviors neces- classroom changes from that of a Arlin, M. N. "Teacher Responses to cudent
sary for more advanced study in that judge who evaluates and categorizes Time Differences in Mastery Learning."
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well in later grades or in highe r level learning leader who wo rks to make all (J 982): 334-352.

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37, l ( October 1979): 33-38. Mabee, W. S., ]. Niemann, and P. Lipton. Wentling, T. L. " Mastery versus Nonmastery
Brophy, J. E. "Successfu l Teaching Strate- "111e Effects of Self-Pacing and the Use of Instruction with Varying Test Item Feed-
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Kappan 63 (1982): 527-530. Instruction." jouma/ of Educational tional Psycbology 65 ( 1973): 50-58.
Burrows, C. K., and]. R Okev. "The Effeccs Psychology 72 (1978): 273-276. This paper describes part of a larger study
of a Mastery Learning · Strategy on Mevarech, Z. R. "Attaining Mastery on High- presented originally at the annual meet-
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annual meeting of the American Educa- sented at the annual meeting o f the search Association, Chicago, 1985.
tional Research Association, Washington, American Educational Research Associa-
D.C., 1975. tion, Los Angeles, 1981. Thomas R. Guskey is associate professor,
Fie!, R. L. , and J. R. Okev. "The Effecrs of Mevared1, Z. R. " Cooperative Mastery Educational and Counseling Psychology,
Formative Evaluation and Remediation Learning Strategies." Paper presented at and Sally L. Gates is a doctoral student in
on Mastery of Intellectual Skills." jour- the annual meeting of the American educational psychology, College of Educa-
nal of Educational Researcb 68 (1974): Educational Research Association, Chica- tion, University of Kentucky, 251 Dickey
253-255. go, 1985. Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0017.


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