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Striving for Better Medical Education: the Simulation Approach

Boris E. Sakakushev1, Blagoi I. Marinov2,4, Penka P. Stefanova1, Stefan St. Kostianev2,
Evangelos K. Georgiou3,4
1 Department of Propedeutics of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2 Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
3 Medical Physics Lab-Simulation Center, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
4 Medical Simulation Training Center, Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Correspondence: Medical simulation is a rapidly expanding area within medical education due to
Boris Е. Sakakushev, Department advances in technology, significant reduction in training hours and increased pro-
of Propedeutics of Surgery, Faculty cedural complexity. Simulation training aims to enhance patient safety through
of Medicine, Medical University of improved technical competency and eliminating human factors in a risk free envi-
Plovdiv, 66 Peshtersko Schosse St.,
ronment. It is particularly applicable to a practical, procedure-orientated special-
4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
E-mail: ties.
Tel: +359 889 716 672 Simulation can be useful for novice trainees, experienced clinicians (e.g. for revali-
Blagoi I. Marinov, Department dation) and team building. It has become a cornerstone in the delivery of medical
of Pathophysiology, Faculty of education, being a paradigm shift in how doctors are educated and trained. Simu-
Medicine, Medical University of lation must take a proactive position in the development of metric-based simu-
Plovdiv, 15A Vassil Aprilov Blvd., lation curriculum, adoption of proficiency benchmarking definitions, and should
4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria not depend on the simulation platforms used.
e-mail: bmarinov@pathophysiol- Conversely, ingraining of poor practice may occur in the absence of adequate su-
Tel: +359 887 567 798 pervision, and equipment malfunction during the simulation can break the im-
mersion and disrupt any learning that has occurred. Despite the presence of high
Received: 23 March 2017
technology, there is a substantial learning curve for both learners and facilitators.
Accepted: 18 Apr 2017
Published Online: 24 Apr 2017 The technology of simulation continues to advance, offering devices capable of
Published: 27 June 2017 improved fidelity in virtual reality simulation, more sophisticated procedural prac-
Key words: medical simulation, tice and advanced patient simulators. Simulation-based training has also brought
simulation-based training about paradigm shifts in the medical and surgical education arenas and ensured
that the scope and impact of simulation will continue to broaden.
Citation: Sakakushev BE, Marinov
BI, Stefanova PP, Kostianev SS,
Georgiou EK. Striving for better
medical education: the simulation
Folia Medica 2017;59(2);123-131.
doi: 10.1515/folmed-2017-0039

advances in technology, there has been a rapid
Medical disciplines such as surgery have had simula- expansion in simulating many aspects of medical
tion training type models for centuries. These models education, with increasing sophistication. Contem-
have ranged from inanimate representations of the porary computer capabilities have enhanced the
human body through to cadaveric dissections. All construction of complex anatomical and physi-
of them have been pioneered and developed for ological systems programmed to respond to the
the purpose of improving medical knowledge and inputs of the user. There have also been advances
procedural skills. in manikins and devices to physically replicate the
What has changed over the last two decades steps of performing complex procedures.
is how these training devices are constructed and Simulation allows the deliberate practice of a skill
leveraged to deliver evidence-based training and to be undertaken completely or partially. Complex
assessment within a curriculum.1 With the recent situations can be broken down into constituent parts

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B. Sakakushev et al

reproducibly and each step rehearsed as many times undertaking them on patients”.4
as necessary to gain competence. The focus is on The simulation approach is important because
areas which the individual learner or team finds other procedural disciplines in medicine are con-
most challenging and can be applied to procedural fronting the same problems as surgery. For instance,
skills as well as clinical scenarios. This can be an overview of the available literature pertaining to
done under the supervision of a mentor, teacher, the use of simulation in bronchoscopy education,
or peer who should provide feedback (debriefing) demonstrates how this limited yet valuable body
on performance and guidance, including points to of work lays a foundation for the future use of
focus on at the next repetition. This feedback is simulator-based bronchoscopy training.5
critical to performance improvement. A consensus Given the pace of change in surgery today
has been established that in education, delivering and a growing need to decrease variability in the
simulation alone has little or no effect on learn- delivery of health care to optimize quality while
ing and may in fact encourage the acquisition and minimizing cost, surgeons need an “educational
propagation of poor practice.2 home” where they can return to retool intermittently
In this review we describe what makes for a throughout their career. Therefore the need for a
good medical simulation, how to ensure that the robust educational structure to support practicing
chosen simulation is effective, efficient and facilitates surgeons as well as for students and postgraduate
the acquisition of surgical and procedural skills. trainees is needed and simulation can provide this.6
A comprehensive simulation center must fulfill
WHY SIMULATION? the following requirements:
The new technologies disrupt the scenery of ev- • A training program that has a clear end point
eryday medical practice. Their adoption is fast and which provides the facilities and opportunities
challenging, therefore causing sudden and radical for learning to meet the level of proficiency
changes over a short time. The rate of change through • A deliberate practice training regimen is more
the introduction of the new approaches and new commonly used which affords the opportunity
technologies to the overall performance in medical for independent pacing of skill acquisition
practice had increased exponentially. Although this • A coherent curriculum with appropriately se-
is affecting the medicine as a whole, it impacted quenced learning material
worst on surgery and other procedural specialties, • A variety of learning experiences (lecturers,
because the acquisition of their skills could only seminars, small group teaching, e-learning,
occur in a relatively specialized environment that silicon models, virtual reality emulators, high-
only simulation can provide. Technology has not fidelity virtual reality simulators, cadavers and
been the sole driver for simulation. Recently, quality real patients) to optimize learning availability;
and safety in health care and reduction in error has • Formative and summative metric-based assess-
been the subject of intense focus, with the recog- ments to maximize the probability of learning.
nition that staff training has an important role for
improving standards. In the European Union, work-
ing hours have been moderated for staff, resulting One way to classify surgical simulators is based
in a significant reduction in training hours and loss on the technology they use and are described as
of continuity of care.3 low- and high-tech simulators, while another way
Last but not least, simulation provides an ob- is based on the degree of their fidelity and evaluate
jective assessment of performance and level of characteristics like tactile and interaction feedbacks
skills acquired. Although the assessment of skills and visual clues. A summary of different types of
has been left traditionally to the prerogative of the simulators along with their advantages and disad-
supervising consultant, new standardized assess- vantages is presented in Table 1.
ment methodologies have been introduced and are Low-tech simulators are not computer-driven
a mandatory part of training and career progres- and are either the synthetic models or the organic
sion. For all the reasons listed above, simulation simulators comprising the human cadavers, the ani-
may provide multiple benefits and therefore should mal models and the harvested animal tissues, which
be strongly recommended for adoption in routine are animal tissues attached to synthetic frames.
practice, including the recommendation that “skills Synthetic models are:
should be learned in a simulation setting prior to • the bench top models designed to teach open

124 Folia Medica I 2017 I Vol. 59 I No. 2

Striving for Better Medical Education: the Simulation Approach

Table 1. Surgical simulation training models

Models Advantages Disadvantages

Animals-Cadavers Realism Different anatomy
Complications Cost
Moral issues
Synthetic models - Towers Perfect for training into partial Only parts of a procedure
steps of a procedure Expert presence required
A new setup each time
VR/AR simulators Whole procedures available Acquisition cost
Different difficulty levels Graphics realism ?
Expert presence not required Force / haptic feedback ?

surgical procedures and include the tasks for technical skills.

knot-tying, fascia closure and suturing The organic simulators are termed as “high
• the video-box trainers or the tower trainers fidelity’’, because of the closer proximity to the
designed to teach minimally invasive proce- real-life situation. The fresh-frozen human cadavers
dures, which are typically portable, low cost, provide perfect anatomy, normal tissue consistency
low maintenance and can be used repeatedly and a realistic operative training experience. Dis-
by multiple users.7 advantages of human cadavers are that they are
Video-box trainers include a box with a lid and not portable, their limited number of availability
holes cut on the lid for the trocar’s insertion. A (single use), their loss of tissue fidelity, compared
laparoscope inside the box is connected with digital with live models, inability to simulate complications
camera and provides video output to monitor on like bleeding, concerns for disease transmission
which the trainees are watching their own move- and ethical issues.
ments, while performing the teaching task. Lapa- The animal models provide realism during the
roscopic instruments such as graspers and scissors operative training, give good practice in the main-
are inserted through the trocars into the box, where tenance of hemostasis and mimic complications.
the tasks are taught. These inexpensive models are Contrariwise, they are expensive, have anatomical
designed to develop hand-eye coordination and differences from the human body, are for single
bimanual dexterity and can simulate a variety of use, require large facilities, veterinarian staff and
techniques such as laparoscopic peg transfer, circle involve serious ethical concerns.
cutting, intracorporeal and extracorporeal-suturing, Harvested tissue models are perfect for training
knot-tying using prettied loop and clip-applying.8 of skills that require many repetitions and provide
Also, relatively cheap laparoscopic trainers have haptic feedback. However, harvested tissue models
been designed for residents who wish to develop provide the operation without perfusion, require
their skills at home such as box models with special facilities for storage and are used only for
optical systems based on two parallel mirrors or limited procedures.8,11-15
box models using HD webcam as the camera.9 The hybrid trainers combine virtual-reality with
Typically, five laparoscopic exercises performed video-box simulation, guide on how to perform
in a box trainer (ring transferring, cutting, ligating entire operation, promote team based training,
loop, intracorporeal and extracorporeal suturing) provide realistic haptic feedback as actual surgery
are the core of the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic and give metrics without the need of the presence
Surgery (FLS) program and mandatory for board of an experienced surgeon in order to give the
certification by the American Board of Surgery.10 trainee feedback. Nonetheless, hybrid trainers are
The limitations of the synthetic models are that not portable and require facility, time and effort
they do not teach an entire operation but only one in preparation and maintenance.16
surgical technique and the lack of objective assess- Virtual reality (VR) trainers allow the learner
ment of performance as they need the presence of to interact realistically with a computer-generated
an expert to demonstrate the procedure and provide environment and include additional sensory infor-
feedback on performance for the acquisition of the mation such as sound and haptics for the provision

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B. Sakakushev et al

of a sense of a force feedback to simulate touch. based on real instruments, interacting with real
VR simulation training contributes significantly to objects, and
the enhancement of key surgical competencies of • the objective assessment at the end of the per-
residents. A pioneer work, the first to discuss a formance of the trainee. The laparoscopic task
“virtual reality surgical simulator”, was presented is demonstrated by a video on the screen and
in 1993 by Satava.17 after the trainee’s performance there is an objec-
Considerable advantages of VR systems are their tive assessment without the need for an expert
ability to recreate individual basic surgical skills e.g. laparoscopic surgeon to observe and guide the
knot-tying, suturing, dissection, moving cubicles or trainee during the training.
cutting off edges of squares or to recreate surgi- Over the recent years, several augmented reality
cal skills of entire procedures along with possible simulators have been developed.25 While commer-
procedural complications in a realistic setting with cially available AR simulators are rather expensive,
advanced graphics. They provide objective metrics a cheap, novel AR simulator for assessment of basic
on a vast majority of parameters by registering, for laparoscopic skills has been successfully presented.26
example, the number of hand movements required
to perform one stitch or the time taken to tie an HIGH FIDELITY OR LOW FIDELITY SIMULA-
intracorporeal knot or even providing information TORS?
regarding the security of the knot without the pres- Simulations that present highly realistic performance
ence of a teacher, thus improving operating room characteristics, contexts, and scenarios are referred
performance and patient outcome. to as high-fidelity, while simulations that reduce to-
Furthermore, modern virtual reality trainers be-learned skills to simpler constructs or constituent
allow surgeons to train in making the right deci- parts are referred to as low-fidelity.27
sion.11,16,18,19 High-fidelity simulators have enjoyed increas-
During the last years, a number of VR trainers ing popularity despite costs that may approach six
with varying complexity for different medical fields figures. This is justified on the basis that simulators
have become commercially available. Thus, VR have been shown to result in large learning gains
simulators can be incorporated into the curricula that may transfer to actual patient care situations.
of many medical specialties such as anesthesiol- However, most commonly, learning from a simula-
ogy, interventional radiology and ultrasonography, tor is compared with learning in a ‘no-intervention’
obstetrics and gynecology, general surgery, car- control group. The inherent assumption that high
diovascular surgery, orthopedics, urology, internal fidelity simulations lead to better learning is an
medicine, emergency case, ear-nose-throat or eye assumption for which there is a lack of supporting
surgery.20-23 A proposed mapping of the simulator evidence28 and it has been suggested that the term
parameters may help program directors and trainees may be abandoned all together29.
to evaluate important competency domains during Furthermore, a review of 24 studies that compare
VR-based surgical training.24 learning from high-fidelity simulation (HFS) with
Augmented Reality (AR) is a relatively new learning from low-fidelity simulation (LFS) based
technology in which virtual objects are superim- on measures of clinical performance has shown that
posed on top of real world images, producing a both HFS and LFS learning resulted in consistent
highly realistic visual outcome of real and virtual improvements in performance in comparisons with
elements coexisting in the same environment. A no-intervention control groups. Yet, nearly all the
great advantage compared to VR is that it can studies showed no significant advantage of HFS
achieve higher visual realism, mixing the real over LFS, with average differences ranging from
environment with virtual enhancements in a way 1% to 2%.28
that creates viewers with a sense of virtual objects Finally, it has been shown that basic laparo-
being actual parts of a real world scene. scopic skills acquired with a HFS virtual reality
Some of the augmented reality laparoscopic simulator (LapVR™) are transferable to a standard
simulation approaches are video trainer (VT) and vice versa. Both modalities
• the anatomical overlays, provided significant enhancement of the novices’
• the visual pathway of the instruments, performance. Still, training with one modality does
• the realistic haptic feedbacks, not necessarily mean a performance equivalent to
• the realistic training environment which is that achieved with the other modality.30

126 Folia Medica I 2017 I Vol. 59 I No. 2

Striving for Better Medical Education: the Simulation Approach

Therefore it is fundamental to understand the procedure, e.g. by another simulator of the same
effectiveness that any type of simulation might take type that has previously undergone validation. It
place in preparing learners for clinical performance is necessary to have validated metrics to use for
and the concept of simulation fidelity must be the process of comparison otherwise concurrent
re-cast in terms of the fundamental information validation is not possible.11
processing events that underpin human performance. 5. Predictive validity measures the degree of
which the test correlates with other measures of
SIMULATION VALIDITY - METRICS the same type at a later time in an operating room
Effective surgical simulators can be either task- environment, concerning outcomes that are thought
specific or unique to a particular situation or to be associated with the safe and effective execu-
surgery.31 The simulators should have a dual role, tion of surgical tasks and procedures. It addresses
functioning both as training and testing platforms the question 'can the measured performance on the
for the evaluation of surgeons.11 simulator predict the future performance in the
Kneebone proposed four criteria for the simu- operating room?'31
lation-based learning: Last but not least, it must be emphasized that
1. Simulations should allow sustained, deliberate every simulation curriculum must be system/simula-
practice within a safe environment, ensuring that tor agnostic i.e. it must be suitable to be delivered
newly acquired skills are consolidated within irrespectively from the platform used. What is
a defined curriculum which guarantees regular probably of paramount importance for trainers is
reinforcement; that a simulator is simply a tool for delivering the
2. Simulations should provide access to expert tutors curriculum, and for trainees the curriculum is the
when appropriate, confirming that such support king. The most substantial part of a curriculum is
fades when it is no longer needed; feedback or debriefing. This is the crucial aspect
3. Simulations should map onto real clinical ex- of an objective, effective and efficient learning
perience, warranting that learning supports the process. It occurs as a natural consequence of our
experience gained within communities of actual interaction with our environment. Unfortunately, we
practice; either may miss the feedback or the delay between
4. Simulation-based learning environments should performance and feedback may be so large that
provide a supportive, motivational, and learner- the contiguous relationship that did in fact exist is
centered milieu that is conducive to learning.32 lost, as is the opportunity for learning. Simulation
The concept of validity dictates the process of affords the opportunity to the surgical trainer and
evaluation of a simulator and addresses the ques- trainee to augment feedback on performance and
tion of whether the measurements obtained from ensure that it is delivered to the trainee in a timely,
the simulator vary with the educational construct, salient and effective manner during training. This
the simulator is intended to measure. There are five feedback is called metrics.
types of validities that are applicable to medical Metrics provide a detailed quantification of
simulators: the results which is necessary for the feedback.
1. Face validity is assessed informally by non- Without robust metrics the simulator is at best an
experts and is used to determine the realism of a expensive video game and at worst an adverse
simulator, or whether the simulator represents what outcome waiting to happen. Therefore, the simula-
it is supposed to represent.33 tions should illustrate the important performance
2. Content validity is the assessment of the ap- characteristics of procedural skill that have metrics
propriateness of a simulator as a teaching modality derived and defined from, and then benchmarked
and involves formal evaluation by experts.31 to experienced operators - i.e. level of proficiency.
3. Construct validity is one of the most valuable Screening potential candidates to identify the low-
and mandatory assessments of laparoscopic training est performers, who failed to reach competence in
techniques and modalities, confirming that they can laparoscopic tasks (8-15%), may be beneficial in
distinguish the experienced from the inexperienced the current state of increasing laparoscopy usage
surgeon based on the performance score.34 in surgical practice.46
4. Concurrent validity measures the degree to While the main function of metrics is to provide
which the simulator correlates with existing per- the trainee with objective and proximate feedback
formance measures of the same surgical task or on their performance, they also allow the trainer

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B. Sakakushev et al

to objectively assess the progress of the novice facilitators. The technology itself and acquisition
throughout the training process. This permits the of debriefing skill can be daunting to educators,
trainer to deliver formative feedback to aid the and if not used frequently, these skills themselves
trainee in acquiring skill. The end result of a good may decay.40
simulator with well-designed metrics is a training
system where trainees can learn both what TO do FUTURE DIRECTIONS
and what NOT to do when operating on patients. In terms of research, a future improvement should
In the didactic part of the curriculum, the student be the integration of a more efficient method for
must be taught exactly what the error is and then the simulation of deformable virtual objects in AR.
should be tested to insure that they are able to This is of crucial importance for the implementation
identify when they make an error, before starting of training scenarios involving complex deformable
on the simulator. The errors must be quantified geometries, similar to the procedural tasks of state-
so as to be completely unambiguous. Simulation of-the-art VR trainers. Another interesting issue is
training is optimal with metric-based feedback, to quantify and replicate the stress induced during
particularly formative trainee error assessments, a difficult demanding task and how it impinges on
proximate to their performance. In prospective, human learning and the clinical practice.
randomized studies, learners who trained to a The technology of simulation continues to ad-
benchmarked proficiency level on the simulator vance, offering devices capable of improved fidelity
performed significantly better than learners who in virtual reality simulation, more sophisticated
were traditionally trained.35 procedural practice and advanced patient simulators.
In addition, there is a growing and enthusiastic
simulation faculty, with international societies
Simulation, by definition, attempts to recreate real and conferences with peer reviewed publications
situations, scenarios and procedures without the available. The evidence base continues to grow as
presence of a patient. Inevitably, therefore, there studies progress and many hospitals and clinics
will be an element of unreality. Procedural skills adopt simulation, and there is an active research
are often broken down into component parts, and community. Documents demonstrate a centrally
unless using a hybrid approach, a procedure simu- driven agenda for increased adoption of simulation,
lator will offer no human interaction. In addition, with the goal of improving patient safety.
any equipment malfunction during the simulation In clinical acceptance, the field of simulation
can break the immersion, and disrupt any learn- in health care continues to grow. National and
ing that has occurred. Equipment purchase can be international organizations and consortia have been
costly, and with rapid improvements can quickly established and are creating networks to foster
become outdated. research and collaborative efforts. The American
Software updates and additional scenarios are College of Surgeons Accredited Institutes (ACSAEI)
often available, but often at extra cost. The risk of has been a network of 77 Comprehensive and 12
broken immersion here is probably the most serious, Focused Accredited Education Institutes.
if learner perceives that what is happening is an The use of simulation in Graduate Medical
artificial feature of the simulation, their responses Education has evolved significantly over time,
will be different to those in clinical practice, po- particularly during the past decade. The applica-
tentially breaking the opportunity for transfer of tions of simulation include introductory and basic
training. Ingraining of poor practice may occur in technical skills, more advanced technical skills,
the absence of adequate supervision where simula- and nontechnical skills, and simulation is gaining
tor design is poor, and this will not necessarily be acceptance in high-stakes assessments. Simulation
reflected in the output metrics from the simulator is being adopted in training curricula, particularly
such as total procedure time, radiation time or in undergraduate medicine and early years post-
contrast volume.36,37 Unlearning these undesirable graduate training.41 Specific simulation curricula
behaviours can be difficult.38 Additionally, skills are also emerging.42
learned on a single occasion will decay if regular Simulation-enhanced training curriculum results
practice is not maintained.39 with superior training outcomes in psychomotor and
Despite the presence of high technology, there nontechnical skills, compared with conventional
is a substantial learning curve for both learners and surgery training, thereafter enhancing standardiza-

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Striving for Better Medical Education: the Simulation Approach

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130 Folia Medica I 2017 I Vol. 59 I No. 2

Striving for Better Medical Education: the Simulation Approach

Стремление к улучшению медицинского образования: симуляцион-

ный подход
Борис Е. Сакакушев1, Благой И. Маринов2,4, Пенка П. Стефанова1, Стефан Ст. Костянев2,
Евангелос К. Георгиу3,4
1 Кафедра пропедевтики хирургических заболеваний, Факультет медицины, Медицинский университет - Пловдив, Плов-
див, Болгария
2 Кафедра патофизиологии, Факультет медицины, Медицинский университет - Пловдив, Пловдив, Болгария
3 Лаборатория медицинской физики симуляционного центра, Факультет медицины, Афинский университет, Афины,

4 Медицинский симуляционный центр, Медицинский университет - Пловдив, Пловдив, Болгария

Адрес для корреспонденции: В последнее время отмечается стремительное распространение медицин-

Борис Е. Сакакушев, Кафедра ской симуляции, вызванное развитием технологий, сокращением времени
пропедевтики хирургических обучения и повышенной процедурной сложностью. Симуляционное обуче-
заболеваний, Факультет ние ставит перед собой цель повысить уровень безопасности пациента на
медицины, Медицинский базе улучшения технической компетентности и устранения человеческого
университет - Пловдив, бул. фактора в среде без риска. Она имеет особо важное значение применитель-
„Пещерско шосе” 66, 4002 ,
но к практическим, процедурно-ориентированным специальностям.
Пловдив, Болгария
E-mail: Симуляция может быть полезной для начинающих обучаемых, опытных кли-
Tel: +359889716672 ницистов (например для ревалидации) и тимбилдинга. Симуляция преврати-
Благой И. Маринов, Кафедра лась в краеугольный камень обеспечения медицинского образования, ввиду
патофизиологии, Факультет изменения парадигмы образования и обучения врачей. Симуляции должна
медицины, Медицинский быть отведена активная позиция в становлении учебной программы на осно-
университет - Пловдив, бул. вании показателей, принятия определения сравнительного анализа умений
„Васил Априлов” 15A, 4002 и не должна зависеть от использованных симуляционных платформ.
Пловдив, Болгария
Е-mail: bmarinov@pathophysio- В дополнение следует отметить некоторые недостатки. В отсутствие компе- тентного руководства возможно приобретение плохих навыков. В дополне-
Tel: +359887567798 ние, любая неисправность оборудования в ходе симуляции может повлиять
негативно на качество протекающего учебного процесса. Независимо от на-
Дата получения: 23 марта 2017
Дата приемки: 18 апреля 2017
личия высокотехнологического оборудования, наличествует существенная
Дата онлайн публикации: 24 кривая обучения как для обучаемых, так и для посредников.
апреля 2017 Симуляционная технология продолжает усовершенствоваться, предлагая
Дата публикации: 27 июня устройства с улучшенными характеристиками симуляции виртуальной реаль-
2017 ности, с более сложной процедурной практикой и усовершенствованными
Ключевые слова: медицин- манекенами. Обучение, базированное на симуляции, тоже вызвало измене-
ская симуляция, обучение на ние парадигмы пространства медицинского и хирургического образования
основе симуляции и создаёт уверенность, что охват и роль симуляции продолжит расширяться.

Образец цитирования:
Sakakushev BE, Marinov BI, Ste-
fanova PP, Kostianev SS, Georgiou
EK. Striving for better medical
education: the simulation ap-
Folia Medica 2017;59(2);123-131.
doi: 10.1515/folmed-2017-0039

Folia Medica I 2017 I Vol. 59 I No. 2 131

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