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Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields at 110

kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS)

T. Sauramaki, T. Keikko, S . Kuusiluoma, L. Korpinen, nonmembers

Absfrucf-At Tampere University of Technology, the ELF The aim of this study was to measure and analyze the
electric and magnetic fields have been studied for several years. electric and magnetic fields at a gas insulated substations
The studies have included measurements and calculations, as (CIS) using long-term and instantaneous measurements. The
well as exposure assessments. In previous studies at TUT, electric
measured values are with the existing guidelinesfor
and magnetic fields at 400 kV and 110 air insulated substations
were measured. The aim of this study was to measure and electric and "lagnetic field
analyze the electric and magnetic fields at a gas insulated
substations (GIs) -
. . usine lone-term and instantaneous
measurements. In addition to field strength measurements, also contains a double
In this study, the measured I kV
the harmonic contents of the fields were examined.
bus bar system, which includes 2 feeding generators (annual
The highest field value (1,3 pT, rms,)
was measured in the cable subway hehind the switchyard. energy 485 GWh), one bus coupler and 5 other feeders. The
value is below the ICNIRP (International Commission on N ~ ~CIS . is located inside an excavated cave, the room inside the
Ionizing Radiation Protection) occupational guideline (500 pT at cave was air-conditioned and was located under ground. Fig.1
50 Hz).The highest electric field value was only 0.002 kV/m, presents a photograph of the 1 10 kV CIS.
which is well below the ICNIRP occupational guideline (10 kVlm
at 50 Hz). In these measurements the harmonic content was
found to be insignificant.

Index Terms-Exposure, electric and magnetic fields, gas

insulated substations


T HROUGHOUT the world, magnetic field measurements

have become more common in recent years. The
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) has published it's exposure guideline.
For occupational exposure, the values are 500 gT (at 50 Hz)
for magnetic field and 10 kV/m (at SO Hz) for electric field
[I]. ~~

F t i 1. A photograph of the 110 kV CIS

In previous studies at Tampere University of Technology
(TUT), related to electric and magnetic field exposure, A. Long-term measurements
measurements near transmission lines and, e.g., indoor At first, a long-term (ca. 24 hours) measurement was
distribution substations have been made. Some measurements performed for workers working at the GIS. Each volunteered
in substations had also been made [21,[3]. However this was worker carried a magnetic field logger on their waist for the
the first measured gas insulated substation (GIS). whole day, and the logger automatically stored measurement
In Finland the electric power system i s consisted of 400 kV, results at 20 second intervals. After the measurement, the data
220 kV, and 110 kV transmission lines and substations, from the logger was downloaded to a computer and analyzed.
regional distribution networks, mainly 20 kV, and 2010.4 kV The used logger was a Radians Innova ML-I magnetic field
distribution transformers feeding the low voltage networks. logger (accuracy ?IO%).
The substations are usually air insulated. In I 10 kV system the A long-term measurement method was used to evaluate
gas insulated substations are used when the space available is how high magnetic fields occur there, and furthermore to
which magnitude of magnetic fields and for how long period
of time the workers are exposed to. The measurements from 5
T. Siuramlki. S. Kuusiluom. T. Keikko and L. Korpincn arc wilh workers showed few magnetic field values that exceeded the
Tampere University of Technology. Depanment of Electrical Engineering,
P.O.Box 692. FIN-33101 Tampere. FINLAND (e-mail:
ICNIRP guideline value (500 pT, rms.). Therefore, further, measurements at the CIS were performed.

0-7803-7525-4/02/$17.00 8 2002 IEEE. 1226

B. Instantaneous measurements used for both, electric and magnetic fields. In total, 29
Electric and magnetic field measurements were carried out measurement points were measured, and in the measurement
in a 110 kV GIS. The substation consists of eight outgoing points, where the highest field values were measured, the
feeders, which have one phase gas insulated module frequency components of the field were also recorded. The
components. Two of the feeders were generator feeds and two instantaneous measurements were done using Wandel &
of them were open at the moment of the measurement. Fields Goltermann EFA-3 (accuracy: electric field +5%, magnetic
were measured along two straight lines, under the connecting field 58%).
cables and away from the switchyard. Measurement points are
Measurements were taken in 21 measurement points under
the connecting cables and in 8 points as an attenuation A. Long-term magnetic field measurements
measurement. Both, electric and magnetic fields were All the values measured during the long-term measurements
measured in the same measurement points. The measurement emphasize between 0...0.1 pT. There are however some
height was 1.0 m. Distance between the measurement points values that exceed the ICNIRP occupational exposure
was 1.0 m on the lines. First, the magnetic field under the recommendation guidelines The details of the measurement
connecting cables was measured and after that the harmonics results are presented in table I. The n presents the number of
content of the magnetic field was stored. Secondly, the electric each logging in that scale of values and the percents in
field was measured from the same measurement points and brackets represents the percentage of total amount of loggings
after that the harmonics content of the electric field was in that category.
measured. One of the values exceeded instantaneously the scale of the
The harmonics of the fields were measured from the point, meter, which was IO00 pT. The exceeding was only
where the field was at the highest. Thirdly. the attenuation of momentary and happened only once. This measurement result
the magnetic and electric fields with the distance from the was more closely examined with the instantaneous
switchyard was measured. Two measurement devices were measurements.

LilS 2

Lh* I

1 io kV cmnsCIilg cables ~ ~ ~. *
Fig. 2. Measurement points (-1 at the I10 kV switchyard (layout)


Magnetic field was at the highest nearby the cables, which
B. Instantaneous electric and magneticjield measurements
carried the highest load current. The highest magnetic field
The load currents in feeders were measured before and value was 24.5 pT. After the line 1 was measured the
after the magnetic field measurements. Fig. 3 shows the harmonics content of the magnetic field was measured
direction of the currents. Table I1 shows the load current from the point 17, where the magnetic field was the
values in specific feeders during the magnetic field highest. Magnetic field attenuation as a function of distance
measurements. is presented in the Fig. 5
The magnetic fields were measured under the connecting
cables. The measurement results for magnetic field in the
line 1 are presented in Fig. 4.

11 10 9 8

3 2

Fig. 3. The load cumnts of the feeden at I10 kV CIS


1 IO K V CIS. 0.9








*.I.-. m

Fig. 5. The magnetic field away from the switchyard at the height of I meter.
20 Measurement point 22 was I m from the corner of the switchyard.

IS At the comer of the switchyard the magnetic field values

c were very small compared to the values under the connecting
cables. The workbench of the substation was at the distance of
6 meters from the switchyard. Any disturbances have not been
observed with electrical appliances on the workbench.
All electric field values under the connecting cables were
0.002 kVlm in the measurement line 1. The reason for the
small electric field value was that all the conductors were
2 1 6 II (0 12 14 tb 111 m
-. m contact protected. Furthermore, all the metallic structures in
Fig. 4. Magnetic field on the measurement line I at the height of I meter. The the substation were grounded’
measurement points wcre under the connecting cables. In addition, electric and magnetic field harmonics were
measured near the 110 kV cables in the cable tunnel behind
the I IO kV CIS. The cable tunnel was an additional route for
workers to go to the substation. The measured 50 Hz magnetic
field value was 145 pT. The results of harmonics
measurements are presented in figures 6 and 7 as percentage
values compared to the basic frequency (50 Hz).

fields (500 pT at 50 Hz).The highest instantaneous magnetic
. ~ -
Percentage 01 harmonlor In the points where mailmum mapnstic field value was 145 pT, and it was measured cable tunnel. just
neid values were measured beside the connecting cables.
The electric fields did not seem to appear at the CIS, since
all the metallic structures are grounded and there are no
~. . ~. conductors without contact protection. Since there are

_~__ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ ~practically no electric fields, the harmonic content of the

electric fields is great, but still insignificant. The highest

measured electric field value was 0.002 kV/m.

. .. ~ ~
Considering the public exposure recommendations, the
~ ~ ~

. . . ~~ ~. distance from the switchyard of the 400 kV substation to the

fence of the substation was sufficiently long in the measured
400 kV substation. Thus no public exposure exceeding were
*HZ 1 5 0 ~ ~Z Y ) H ~ mnr WHZ W H ~ SY)H~

F n g u w (W
pointed out.
~ ~ .. ~....
~~ ~. .. The effect of the harmonics was not significant. Thus
Fig. 6. The frequency components of magnetic field ut the CIS. reducing the harmonics of the voltage or current may have a
~ ~- minor effect for field exposure.
Percentage01 harmonics at the maximum electric lield
measurement point V. REFERENCES
[I] ICNIRP (International Commission an Non-Ionizing Radiation
_~ -
Protection). Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric.
Magnetic and Electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz). Health Physics,
74(1998):4. pp. 494-522
[2] Isokorpi. I.. Keikko. T. & Korpinen. L. 1999. Power frequency electric
and magnetic fields at a 110l20 kV substation. International conference
. ..~~ .. ..... . . ... .. on electric power engineering, PowerTech. Budapest 99, Pmceedings,
Technical University of Budapest. August 29 - September 2. 1999.
Hungary. Hypermedia Systems Ltd.. 6 s.
[3] Kuusiluama, S., Keikko. T., Hovila. 1. & Korpinen, L. 2000.
Comparison of electric and magnetic fields from electric power systems
50 HZ 150 Hz 250 Hz 350 Hz 450 HL 550 Hz 650 Hz with exposure recommendations of the European Union. In: Wong. K.P.
et a1 (eds.). Proceedings, PowerCon 2000, 2000 lnternationill
Frequency (Hz) Conference on Power System Technology. The University of Western
~ -. .~~ ~ ...~
~ ~~
Australia. 4-7 December 2000. Perth. Australia,. 2. Australia. s. 843~848.
Fig. 7. The frequency components of electnc field at the CIS.

As can be seen in figure 6, the harmonic content of the
Tommi Keikko was born in Vitmmla. Finland. February 1970. He received
magnetic field at the CIS was insignificant. All the his M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Tampere University of
components of harmonics were well below 0.5% of the basic Technology in 1995. Since January 1995 he has worked 8s B research engineer
frequency. The electric field value was very small and can be at Tampere University of Technology in the Depanment of Electrical
Engineering. At present. he i s working in the Laboratory of Electrical
interpreted as background radiation or noise. Thus, the Engineering and Health as a senior assistant. His areas of interest are ELF
harmonic content was high, but not significant, since the electromagnetic fields in environment and magnetic field calculations.
overall resultant value was so small. Sampsa Kuuslluoma was barn in JalasjPrvi. Finland. in 1977. He is studying
Electrical Engineering at the Tampere University of Technology (TUT) and is
IV. DISCUSSION working as a research assistant in the department of Electric Engineering in
Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Health at TUT.
The few momentary exceeding noticed in the long-term
measurements could not be verified in the instantaneous Tuamas Sauramaki was born in Tampere. in 1978. He is studying Electrical
Engineering at the Tampere University of Technology (TLIT) and is working
measurements. The highest values in the long-term as a research assistan1 in the department of Electric Enxineenng in Laboratory
measurements can be explained by the worker in question of EleetricaI Engineering and Heillth at TUT
being very close to the connection cables. In the instantaneous
Lceoa Korpinen was barn in Turk". Finland, in 1963. She received her MSc.
measurements, the magnetic fields were not measured in the degree in eleftncal engineering at the Tampere University of Technology
close vicinity of the cables, but at least a meter away from (TUT) in 1986, M.D.. Ph.D. at the Tampere University in 1993, and Dr.Tech.
them. The worker could have been closer to the cables than degree at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in 1996. Fmm 1993 to
1994 she was an acting assmiate professor, from 1995 to 1998 she was
that when the maximum values have been measured. associate professor, and since 1998 she has been a professor at TUT. From
When comparing t h e . results to the ICNIRP 1997 to ZoDl she was also the head of electric power engineering at TUT. and
recommendations, a few instantaneous magnetic field values Since ZW1 she has been the head of the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering
and Health at TUT. Since 1996 she has also been a docent in medical
during the long-term measurements exceeded the guideline for technology at the Tampere University. Her research areas include the health
occupational exposure at the GIs. Most of the long-term and environmental issues related to clectnc and electmnie industry and also
measurement results and all of the instantaneous measurement W W in teaching and studying (electrical engineering and mcdical
results were well below the ICNIRP guideline for magnetic technology).


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