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PIANO « VOCAL + GUITAR COMPLETE VOLUME 1 CONTENTS ~ By Album = 42. Ain't No Crime ‘eZ 93 All You Wanna Do Is Dance S| 21 (the) Ballad Of Billy The Kid =] 122 Angry Young Man o} 5 Captain Jack | 115 I've Loved These Days S| 30 If! Only Had The Words S| 110 James =| (To Tell You) $$] 126 Miami 2017 (Seen The Lights @| 54 Piano Man = Go Out On Broadway) s= clock on a _Sat- ur - day, friend of mine, nov - el - ist, Sat ur - day, (© 1973, 1974 }0H1 SONGS ‘AIL Rights Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. "AI Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured C/Ebass lar crowd shuffles my drinks for. had time for gives me —— ‘There’s an ‘And he's And he’s "Cause he a next to me. light up still com - e sit - ting joke orto Dav --y who's — me they've been — ‘your the to ‘smoke Nav = y see Mak - in’ But there’s And To for love someplace that prob - ab - ly get 35 ie man witha in’ with that it's old quick talk ~ knows ton - ic and he'd rath - er will be for life for a + to his ‘a - bout fi “Son, can you “Bill, I be- wait’ - ress is pia - no He says, He says, And the And the Em/Bbass C/E bass & play me a lieve this is prac - tic - ing sounds like a But it's “Well, I'm Yes, they're shar - And they @ not real - ly smile ran a - bus - ‘ness - men mic - ro - phone vm As a As the And the and 1 knew it be a mov - ie they call lone - li- and put bread in sweet could drink bar and it's that 1 ing a atthe sad sit 7 When = wore a get than are if 1 could But it's | bet - ter And say “Man, what young - er man's out of this drink - in’ a - ‘you do 37 Am ‘Am/Gbass D1/Ftbass re @ fae & gi @ De da da___ Da ay Instrumental. Da —— — Am/Gbass D1/E} bass 7 G G/Fbass C/Ebess G7/Dbass c Em/Bbass Am song, you're the pia - no C/Gbass a gu ga F/C bass fe Moderate 4 YOU’RE MY HOME ope, Hoaddo 23 b/d Words and Musie by Billy Joel see the tell me you look in - to You touch my — wea 1 try - eal Eg . ty to © 1973, 1974 JOEL SONGS, [All Rights Controlled andl Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. TAI Rights Besored ne tnt Conght Secure say 39 40 Eo IF ee ee al = ways comes as SUF - prise use my bod - y — for your bed — T have you by my side ie Se —— —— = : — + s Well, 1 feel my roots be - gin to love will keep you warmthrough-out th Well, I'll roof a - bove good walls all a You're my er hada place that 1 could call ~my — ver - y_ own, er obe © a stran - ger and I'll nev - er be a - lone, tle, you're my cab - in and _my in - stant pleas-ure dome. that’s al right my love, “cause you're my home. fev - er we're to-geth - erthat’smy — home, need you in my house ‘cause you're my 4 Bu Fic Dp So Homecanbe— the Penn-sylvan ta Turn-- pike, a Gmt Se ef High up in the hills of Cali -di-an~ a ear -ly momming dew, D.S. al Coda Dm ¢ cm Coteus c Ks) i : El aH home is just an-oth - er word for you 42 AIN’T NO CRIME Words and Music iY Billy Joel nine o’-clock com- in’ with You got to o-penyour eyes in the morn - ing, out any warn in” and you got -ta get He , iH HS last eve - nin’, did a lot of drink-in’, love ’em for ever, you may You say you went out — late__ Well now you tell. meyoulove— some-bod-y and you'll © 1975, 1974 JOB SONGS [Al ights Conall and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. "Al Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured 43 Ht ome home stink - in’, and you went and fell a -sleep on the Tove ‘em for-ev - er, but you won't_ like ‘em all of the F ae And then your la - dy comesand finds you a - sleep Well now ‘you tell me you need some - bod-y for the a ie starts in. - to. weep - in’ ‘bout the hours you been keep - in’ rest of your life you might have some - bod - y, het - ter get your won't want "em Ain't no crime, some time. tHE good to get it on just us man ona F ae ain't no crime. Ain't no to get a ture, hap - pens ‘ry -bod -y gets that You know it! crime, _____ Well ith load off your all “the FIC S ot S a And just as sure wind keeps blow - in’, grass keeps grow- in’, you got -ta keep go - in’, c/s bi ae Lord have mer - ey sag] STREETLIFE SERENADER ape Ete es 47 rds and Music by Wor BILLY JOEL mas ser shop-pin’ center he have such un-der-stand = - Streetlife ser - have no ob - li - nf Need no vast ar - range - ment to do their har - mo- ‘ LOS ANGELENOS Words and Music BILLY JOEL 53 Dm ° i Se la - dies, high - heeled and fad - ed, Driv-in’ sleek new ba - bies, blue - jeaned and jad - ed, Such hot sweet sports cars with their New York cow = _—boys. — school ~ girls 50. ed =u - “cat - ed. - tains, lay - ing low the can - - es with their Mex - i - can reef - - tains, lay - ing low in the can - SS + = « Am FE c SF. = BSS : yons, Goin’ no-where on the streets with the Span ish ni Mak- in’ love with the na - = rag - - ets, Noone ev-er has to fecl like a ref - wu Go-ing in - to ga na- = yons, Go-in’ no-where on_the streets with the Span - ish ‘Mak- in’ love with the ~ tives es > tives in their Hol -ly - wood plac for ex -ot- ic mas - sag in their Hol -ly - wood plac es, Mak -ing up es, Mak - ing up es, Mak - ing up 2.Los An - ge-le- 3. (Instrumental) all come from some - where, their for-eign fac 55 (THE) GREAT SUBURBAN SHOWDOWN Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Moderately slow nore T guess I saw this comin’ down— the line. but 1 think Ishould-'ve packed my gun, Got that (© 1974, 1973 JOEL SONGS [A Rights Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. 'AI Reis Reserved Intrational Copyeght Secured round — with_ the folks, — tell the same old tired — oat CER AP ce ——- eS I've been gone for a while, made some chang - es in —— my style— And they sit around in thekitch-en chairs. With the =e = the yard— wheremy - to town- when this Dad - dy worked. so hard, —_ big bird touch -es down, the crab - grass grow Tm on-ly com- in’ home- to FE changed and that’s wind—— = and why I'm gon-na feel so strange — to face— the mu eat sub-ur-ban — show-down ROBERTA Words and M BILLY JO Moderately you say— you know — how I've— a - dored— you, Be S= tof | But I see on ly what-you're paid to show I'd ask you o- ver but— I can’t af - ford y a su ou, eu WI wu wu | | © 1974, 1975 JOEL SONGS [NI Rights Controlled and Adiinstered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. "Al Rights Reserved. International Copyight Secued 61 F/A x ips wish you had the time, — wish you'dtake— the time, — wish you had— the wish you had the time, wish you'd take the time, wish you had— the time, der - stand — 1 know. you need~ goes slow 1 know_ you're work - But 1 sup - pose- Toun - the night — 1 real - ly need — tough for you. tough for you. tough for you Bbmajo_ub6 —SbmmajT abs ae a SA >: wan-namakelove to you, sd Repeat and fade ROOT BEER RAG ce F/A 5 88, 6 Ee Te a ca ig 2 by ie ay Pen = Zoe a ez i an : é #07 eH a a a al TOO) ae 6 im Am/GR Am/G_ Am/FR ome oo «Am — Am/G_ = AM/G_—Am/FH fan HINER. faeMs. carga. Hee eae FREE = ae of, Am Am/GH_Am/G_— Am/F# a So He We 8 se. RSE. ae ae PE a a ea Bie ot Be oe ee ee 7 Ge ee ees ql nm LAST OF THE BIG TIME SPENDERS Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Easy beat loco mon - ey makes.a rich man seems like the days.were wast - ed pe then ight nev - er make— the grade, — and the nights have beeno - ver - due, — Tl be a small time Well, I'm the last of the = (© 1974, 1975 JOFL SONGS [All Righs Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. TA Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured SS if 1 just get theland-lord —_ paid. and I’ve been spend-in’ time— on you. oO aS ———— spend-ers E Be = fee a cause I've been spend-in’ time on taee He BR, ae Sa = a = SS It takes time ap- pre - ci - ate— It’s been solong since we got to-geth - er, Lord knows that you can learn to in between itseems to take for-ev - er, 1 But I’m be-lieve,— a dream-er, a i i = =e aL erie ~ Z ‘cause I've been there too. When itgetsdown to Till be there soon. Tt takes time to ap - = f + Sic = 5 o ys € F : +5 Zz zi F 74 o 2 leg °. 3 3 you make the best of the sit-u =a - tion all of those thatyou can learn to hate pee ai = 1 can tell, I've seen it thru, (Oh oh 1 be = lieve, — T've seen it thru, ‘ SS You can call me the Great Pre - tend-er, and in a = ad Olt SP ge es “ a 1 basa ¢ “al way it might be But I'm the =the To ast of | thebig time spend - ers __ and ve been ye Ofte spendin’ time_ on . (Woo 00 00 woo opt. aa mf THE ENTERTAINER Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Moderately fast be pi = on, 1 may have won your 7+ (© 1974, 1975 JOEL SONGS ‘All Rights Controlled and Administered By BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. “AI Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured don't stay on the charts. E eared by do-ing twice. But still they come to still they want their to dance_ witha hand in my pants I let ‘em rub my neck and write ‘em a check And they 3. Lam the entertainer, been all around the world, ve played all kinds of palaces and laid all kinds of gies. {can’t remember faces, I don’t remember names, But what the hell, you know it’s just as well Cause after a while and a thousand miles Itall becomes the same. 4. Lam the entertainer, I bring to you my songs, 'd like to spend a day or two but I can’t stay that long, 1 got to meet expenses, I got to stay in line, Got to get those fees to the agencies And I'd love to stay but there's bills to pay So | just don’t have the time, 5. Lam the entertainer, I've come to do my show, You've heard my latest record, it’s been on the radio. It took me years to write it, they were the best years of my If you're gonna have a hit you gotta make it fit So they cut it down to 3:05. 6, Lam the entertainer, the idol of my age, I make all kinds of money when I go on the stage. ‘You see me in the papers, I've been in the magazines, But if I go cold, I won't get sold, get put in the back in the discount rack Like another can of beans. 7. Lam the entertainer and 1 know just where I stand, Another serenader and another long-haired band. Today am your champion, I may have won your hearts, But I know the game, you'll forget my name, Iwon't be here in another year If don’t stay on the charts. WEEKEND SONG Words and Music by; BILLY JOEL Moderately slow Rock go.— Yes,it's back-break-in’,bone-shak-in’ bel-ly-ach- in’ hard-work-in’, INSTRUMENTAL, (© 1974, 1975 JOEL SONGS [Al Rights Controlled ad Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. "A Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured 81 ¢ Behe! 7 teepae SS SS ___ Hea right. BH know it’sgon-nabe all — f + soon I'll be leav-in'wwith the wag-es I'm re- ceiv-ing,but 1 at the sta - tion, meet me at the tain, I can't af-ford w Hy Hay SSS a va-ca- tion, eptetPp ese pee ————— find away toburnit as quick-ly as 1 earnit.f And it ‘And it’ PP epi » back-break-in’,bone-shak-in’, back-break-in’bone-shak-in Sev-en long keepin? me night when P'm leav-in’ I'l be just break-in’ ¢-ven but 1 night when ['m leav- aed break-in’ c-ven but-I knowit’sgon-nabe all____right. ly -ach-in’hard-work-in’, ly -ach -in’hard-work-in’, aoe twomorehours to go.— twomorehours to go.— years for the same cor-po- ra-tionand 1 ain’ alive do-in’ nine to five and 1 ain’ *t got noth-in’ to show.— ’t got noth-in’ to show. — know it’sgon-nabe all —_ right. 83 i To Coda Q a a ae es shake off my blues when you put on your shoes,we got some Come on, babe,— and take me a - way, we got some (sn mon-ey to spend to - night.— a4 | —— = ee ee et payee ee we = pep? == ? se = FE 2 4 cls. 85, If fm gon - na lose it 1 take me a - way, sh 3 gotsome mori-ey to spend Pes ae Slowly ii Dts dps With pedal throughout ie RR J Fi No Chord THE MEXICAN CONNECTION BILLY JOEL Bm/E oA g fee ip ; Moderately Bm gAgBm/E QA. Cmaly sp pene neal if ra E Ti e dal ab BOER ST ra i ee ae Fe Ce Tra eee. é cere = nA ORM a eee, al ‘] ( 7H BES er == ie phi vts— ae oes a al ae ae, am Beye 0 Gs Gi file ir tetera a 7 So Bm yA, Bm/E A, RRs Soe PLATFORM ‘OWN TRAINS —— TURNSTILES 93, ALL YOU WANNA DO IS DANCE ‘Medium Reggae beat G Q) Ohba - by (2) by_—_ (3) by_—__ # Words and Music by BILLY JOEL You don't get turned on by the ra - I think you are lost in the sev - where are the old - ies they used © 1976, 1978 JOFL SONGS Al Rights Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. "AN Rights Reserved Tetarnational Copyright Secured noth - int to play__ on your ster - e- 0 "Why don't mu -sic sheain't__ what she used to be you want to crawl back in - to yes - ter-day you Piet as a . 7S —— the Beat- les get back to -geth - er? why don't don't un - der -stand__ what they're say - ing don't want to deal ___ with the fu - ture, you no - bod - y of ro- mance?__ giv - in’ it try. chance. don't want to y plans. iF p on HY Well, you wish you were back — good old days_ when to -ma-toes were cheap- er nev-erheardthe words of your fav-or-ite songs_ through. a three-inch speak- er—— nev-er messed a-round with dan - ger-ousdrugs — youwere 96 eae] get-ting sick less you went stead - y on beer__ ae and made 97 shoes rock 'n' roll dreams— an’ you can stand by your blue suede ss But the par-ty iso - ver andI'm_get-ting tir - ed ofwait - 4 Coda D.S. al Coda 4 4 ‘Oh, ba~ c H D.S.%& for instrumental verse and fade all__you wan-na do is dance___ SAY GOODBYE TO HOLLYWOOD Fast Rock 'n' roll c EE 6 Instrumental Bob -by's driv- in’ through the cit -_y John -ny's tak - in' care of things for » So _ma-y fac-es in and out of Instrumental Fae in a hot__new rent- a - car. — is so right__for trou-ba -dours. ——some will just___be now and then (© 1976, 1975 }0KL sons my life some will Words and Music by BILLY JOEL to - night__ through the lights. a while and his style_ last. All Rights Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. ‘A Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured SS SS He joins the lov- ers in his heav-y ma-chine, it's a scene They got him sit - ting with his back to the door and he won't Life is a ser- ies of hel - los and good-byes__ I'm _a- fraid__ —_ : = = ne = SF Se —— down on Sun - set Boul- e - vard. — be my fast gun an - y ~ more. _— it's time for good - bye a- gain. — E ——— ——| Pte a eet — Say good-bye to Hol - ly-wood, say good-bye my ba — 100 ).C. for 6th (Instrumental) verse and fade chance that you take an - c fe = —— you try to stay. line and you find that the GE e SS you had are gone GD. SH for 3rd verse & 4th Piustriimentay) then D. 3. § 3 for sth verse 102 SUMMER, HIGHLAND FALLS ‘Moderate Fmaj? F nosrd s7 abe fan el 5 Eee Ae an Se ‘They say that these are not _ the best. of times So we'll ar - gue and we'llcom - pro mise, Instrumental © 1976, 1978 JOH SONGS [AI Rights Conolled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. ‘Al Righs Reserved International Copyright Secured Words and Music by ‘103 Gmi Bbadd? ‘They're the on - ly times Tive re - a-lize. that noth- ing's there is a time —_____ mu-tu- al = per - i- ence, tion sep - a - rate fo Now,I have seen that sad sur - ren - der in 1y Now'we are forced to re - cog-nize. our in - bu (3) How thought - —less-ly we dis - si - pate our lov-er's eyes__ and 1 can on- ly man - i- ty our rea - son co - ex = en - er-gies_____ per - haps we don't ful’ - y stand a - part and sym- pa-thize_ For we are ists with our in - san - i - ty_ ‘And though we fill each oth-ers fan ~ ta-sies_ And as we 105 a al - ways what our sit - u-a- be - tween re al - (i - ty up - on —__ the ledg - es it's eith-er sad - ness ort. eu- pho - it's eith-er sad - ness or. eu-pho - with our re -spec-tive. sim-i - lar - i - ties__ D.C, (take second ending at intro It's eith - er D.S.$ and repeat intro til fade 106 NEW YORK STATE OF MIND Words and Music BILLY JOEL Slowly, with a blues feel Am G Am Fa Senet itt, e = ie 3 2 LZ >| =e, AT i $4O weg po rr o —— c ET (9) Ef % : ¥ H — f f F en 1, Some like to get a — way take a 2. I've seen__ all the mov - ie stars in, their 3. 5.Comes down to re - al - i - ty and it's 4, instrumental . a ae «= ¢ : : — Se —SJ T= from the — neigh-bor-hood hop a flight to Mi - and their lim —ou -sines been high in the ‘cause I've let it slide don't care if it's > - ——=_———— 6 | = — ——— SS le AT Dmz ‘Bbo nsyzal Tate aA ee dys] ees a —S — { am - i beach or to Hol - ly - wood Rock - ies. un-der the ev - er ~ greens. Chi - na - town or on Riv - er - side (© 1975, 1978 JOEL SONGS Al Rights Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. ‘All RightsReserved. Tntenatonsl Copyright Secured But I'm But E1Y#9) wo root Amt Cmaj7 107 leit tak-in' a I know — what I'm I don't have an - y Grey -hound need- in’ rea -sons Riv-er line. want to waste_ more all— on the Hud-son and I don't T've left them be - I'm in, a New York S$ Sal Coda after verse 5| Ss EEE out of touch with the rhy-thm and New York Times. G7 £ D.S. for verse 3&5 JAMES Words and Music BILLY JOEL Slowly, in 2 Dm? cm om James: . We were al - ways friends. 4. (Instrumental) 5. Do you like your _iife; You've been well be - haved,. (© 1976, 1978 JOEL SONGS [All Rights Controlled ard Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC, ‘Al Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured from our child - hood days. can you find re -lease, you've been work- ing hard And we made our plans and we had to go. Andwill you ev- er change, Will you ev - er write__ But will you al - ways stay. Some- one else - 's dream__ 6) | When__ will you write F a sep-'rate ways. 1.4.) T went on___ the road__ mas- ter - piece? Are you still__ _in school__ who you are?. (3.5.) Do what's good___ for you,__ mas- ter- piece. you liv - or you're (2.) James. (4.) James SS hard you _ tried or - gan - ized job you've done ‘s0_____ se- cure, D. S. & car-ry-ing the weight of ev -'ry-bod-y else is os in EeraI then D.S.% al Coda (take repeat) fam - ‘ly pride sat - is-fied__ I’VE LOVED THESE DAYS Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Slowly, Majestically = and spend our nights and hang our hopes— so non ~cha-lant. for at -mos-phere_ Now, we take We light eg extra Lyrics) Instrumental} = f—? so bon vi - vant. We dress our days on chan - de - liers. We're go - ing wrong, {© 1976, 1978 JOEL SONGS led and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. ts Reserved Internation Copyright Secured A Righs Control ‘Ri ‘116 g F 7 H Ht 2 a pa in sil - ken robes The mon- ey comes. = we're gain- ing weight. We're sleep-ing long it's all__ it's time__ we know and so $ _— a pase, ~ 4 fey phase a to change our ways. ——— SS a SS = ie (2.6. Dm DS. But I've loved After last verse go to Coda these days, fa. Ss ns : aH pits ERE EE D.S.S. $¥% Goss Gs for instrumental verse = — = — ae {+ — =— =H | are. But I've loved these days Now as we indulge in things refined We hide our hearts from harder times A string of pearls a foreign car ‘Oh we can only go so far on caviar and cabernet. We drown our doubts in dry champagne And soothe our souls with fine cocaine I don't know why I even care We get so high and get no where ‘We'll have to change our jaded ways. But I've loved these days. Instrumental So before we end and then begin We'll drink a toast to how it's been A few more hours to be complete ‘A few more nights on satin sheets A few more times that I can say T've loved these days. 7 PRELUDE by BILLY JOEL Fast a afefafals lets eah asad Repeat 4 times at D.C, repeat twice = Fe # 7 al 4 [L- ate + a ate ‘Bbo. b re ¥ To am ——— © 1976, 1978 JOEL SONGS ‘All Rights Controlled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. Al Righs Reserved Intarnatonal Copyright Secured A Guad2 D.C. al Coda 4 Crass Go directly into "Angry young man" (There's a) 122 ANGRY YOUNG MAN Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Fast © 1,4 There's a place in the world_ for the an - gry young man, with his (2) mo-ment or two to the an - gry young man, with his (3) al -ways a place for the an - gry young man, with his = ama yi i work- ing class ties and his rad- i - cal plans__— he re - foot in his mouth__ and his heart. in his hand__ he's been fist in the air. and his__head. in the sand___ and he's: By es to bend____he_-—s re fus = es to crawl, in the back____ he's been mis - un - der-stood,__ er been a - ble to learn. from mis-stakes,— © 1976, 1978 JOEL SONGS {All Rights Contralled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. Rights Reserved. Inerational Capyight Secured always at home with his back com-fort to know___ his in - ten - can't un - der-stand—— why his heart —_ proud of his scars__ and the bat sits in a room_— with a lock hon - or is pure and his cour strug - gles andbleeds___— as. maps and his med - als fair and he's true____ and to the wall tions are good ___ al - ways breaks.— he's lost__. the door, is well on his cross__ on the floor__ ing as hell ery ery ery And he's And he And And he And he And he'll young young old 124 D.C. to Ist page of prel af fF ipo I be-lieve I've (Instrumental) passed the age c a Bb bass right-eous rage. I found that just sur -viv - I once be-lieved in caus-es, too__ had my — point-less point of mat - ter who or right 2 Dr ateR DS. & and there's 126 MIAMI 2017 (SEEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT ON BROADWAY) Moderate, 2 feel ¢ G— Words and Music ral BILLY JOEL the lights go. out. on (© 1976, 1978 JotL SONGS {All Rights Contolled and Administered by BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. "AI Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured 7 State laid years a - Em-pire— that was so man- y. be -yond the Pal - here in And life went on —_— Be-fore we all___ lived eee Cad - il -lacs, Maf-i - a — i-sades they all bought Flor-i- da. Be - fore the and left there long. took oy - er Mex ‘a - gr co, g They held There are con-cert out not man- y to watch the is - land bridg-es hand - ful still they say a They turned to tell and drove the way us un - the lights went out blow. sur-vive our pow - the world. der-ground T've seen the lights __ go out on Broad - I've seen the lights. go out on Broad - 130 - the ru - ‘the_might - — Youknow we al - most_— did-n't no - tice it. the boats were wait - ing at the bat - ter-y t We'd seen it all the time__ on For - ty the un - ion went_— on strike they nev-er 131 tee ~ sec -ond street. They burned the church - sailed ‘They sent a car- in that Span = - civ-il war, and picked the Yank up for free. the flames were ev ‘ry -where they said — that Queens. could stay 132 os iH 8 but no-one real - ly cared and blew the Bronx a - way, there be -fore at sea those lights were bright Coda on Broad - Repeat and fade 133 135 JUST THE WAY YOU ARE Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Moderately chang-ing to try and please me—_ | You nev-er let me down__ before Gmaj7 cm ¢ Bmt fat HB Ffbass you're too fa-mil (© 1977, 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC [Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC, Al RightsReserved International Copyright Secured 136 Bm? 9 Agsus a leave you in times of tT a Gm nat could have come this far— I took the good_- times Tl take the bad Tl take you just He — the way___ you are Don't go try-ing Don't change the col - 138 of your hair. ~ spok - en pas Al -though I might. seem to care. T nev-er want to work_ that hard__ I just want — some-one___ that I can talk IT want you just___ the way___—you are. need to know that you_ will al ‘The sameold some - one that I knew__ What will it take___ till you__ be - lieve. The way that I______be-ieve___ 141 Agsus D Bms a 2 Ge voice tacet on D. S. said. I love_you. linstrumental onD S. and that's for-ev - AndthisI prom-ise from the heart. I could not love___ you__ T love you just — the way youare Coda 143 Fabass want__ to work_ that hard ae I. just want a some-one__ that I can talk to__ I want you just— — the way you are. 44 MOVIN’ OUT (ANTHONY’S SONG) Words and Music BILLY JOEL Moderate 4 (not too slow) mf Se An-tho - ny works__ in. the gro cer - y store Ser -geant O'-Leary_ is walk in'____ the beat =, ® Sav-in' his pen -nies for some day_ Ma-ma Le-o - ne left a night he be-comes a bar-ten - der_ He worksat Mis-ter Cac-cia tor -es down on © 1977, 1961 IMPULSIVE MUSIC All Rights Administered and Controlled by APRIL MUSIC INC, International Copyight Secured note on the door__ she said "Son -ny move out Sul - li - van Street__ a crossfrom the med - ae zu — try. Ah but —work-ing too hard can give you a _ heart at-tack ack ack ack ack ack —ter_ And he's in! in his Chev-y for a Cad-i~Ilac ack ack ack ack ack Ay tA he AA ‘You ought-a know by now —___ Who needs a house out in ‘You ought-a know by now. if he can'tdrive_ with a Hack-en-sack? Is that all youget—— for your mon brok-en back At leasthe canpol - ish the fen AAA 5 seems such a waste of time. If that's what it's all a - bout. if 147 Gm cr Fmaj7 You should nev-er ar ~- gue mi mi mi mind A A _A_A ‘You ought-a know__ by now___________ You can pay Un-cle Sam with the Is that's what you have Then that's what you're all ise} luck mov- in’ up ‘cause I'm 149 Fmaj7 Gm cr Repeat til fade 3rd time I'm mov ~ in’ 150 THE STRANGER Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Slowly, a little bit sadly 5 Em cmajr wn D bass (2nd time only) xs FRE Fffbas Gifbax © 1977, 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC All Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC. ANI Righs Reserved International Copymght Secured 151 Em Be Ss (whistle) cmaj7 2 Fo glissando FE Alas fb G bass } Abas Repeat til fade THE STRANGER Words and Music BILLY JOEL Moderately in two have a face__ GE take them out_ And show ourselves When ev 'ry-one_ © 1977, 1970 IMPULSIVE MUSIC [A Rights Conulled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC, ANT Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured 153 sat-in some are steel Some are silk andsome are leath ~er, They're the ms dis - re-gard__— the so sur-prist saw the strang-er Did you -ev-er_—iet._-your lov-er see the stranger in your a Ev- ry! now and pet Deals a at al You've done it, why can't some-one ‘You should know_ by 4) You've been there your » 4 - self, strang-er such a great_ ro - is—_ in - ft ah manc-er, Then I spired—__ But he came home to_ a is- n't al - ways pressed her for a drown in good in - r wo-man that I e -vil And he rea-son she re ten-tions you will could not is - n't rec-og - ni al-ways wrong, fused to e - ven nev - erquench_ the Em Am eae an-swer, It was then fire— You'llgive in I felt__ to your the de - strang-er sires__ Em? Em 157 BE kick me When the ay right be-tween strang-er comes he | Repeat and fade 158 THE STRANGER Words and Music BILLY JOEL Slowly, a little bit sadly Em ane cmaj7 aH Dbass (2nd time only) Ffban Gffbas (© 1977, 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC All Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC. [Al Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured (whistle) glissando Br B 4 Br + HH Stias Abus Repeat til fade Difbass 160 SCENES FROM AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT Words and Music BILLY JOEL = Let ring Ta Abot-tle of white Abot-tle of red_ per-haps abot-tle of ro-sé____ in-stead__ we'll get a ta-ble near the st inourold fa- mil-iar place you and I face to face © 1977, 1978 mPuLsivE MUSIC Al Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC All Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured ke Fass . Abot-tle of red Abot-tle of white— pe-tite_ to-night) in our It ~ al-ian 161 F bass ital de-pends up-on your (what ev-er kind of moodyou' re Tl meetyou an - y time— you ‘Bbmaj7 sTaEr Faster Rock Roll ‘Things are o-kay__ with me these days_ BE got a new wife got a new life__ got agood job__ got agood of - fice andthe — fam-i-ly's fine 163 Dm GT nogrd long a -ago— Youlost weight I didnot know that youwould ev-er look so nice af-ter mem-ber those days hang-ing out at the vil-lage so muchtime —__ ea green you drop a Cold beer, hot lig sweet ro- man -tie teen-age nights —_ al aL! 165 ee = a daandEd - die were the pop-u-lar steadies and the king and the queen of the prom _ 2. daandEd - die were still going steady_ in the sum-mer of seven- ty_ five— 3. Instrumental 4, Bren-da and Ed -die had had ital-read-y by the sum-mer of sev-en-ty five from the_ 2 rid-ing a-round_ with the car topdown— andthe ra-di-0 on whentheyde-cid - ed the mar -riage would be at the end of Ju-ly - high to the low to theend of the show for the restoftheirlives_ no-bod-y looked_ an-y fin -er or was more of a hit at the park-way din-er ev-'rytone said__ they were cra-zy "Bren-da you know_ thatyou're much too lazy, could-n't go back to the greas-ers Best they could do__ was pick up their piec-es, 167 eo ER Fifbass weney-er knew__ we could wantmorethanthat out of Ed-diecouldnev - er af-ford to live that kind of we al-ways knew. they wouldboth find a way to get (ia * o = Bren-daand Ed- die wouldal - ways knowhow_ to sur-vive __ woh — there we were wav-ingBrenda__and Ed-die_good - by. woh \(2nd and 3rd time) well, they. 2 | 7] 2 2. c 2a i | am ie ae got an a-part - ment with bigpilecar - pets anda Bren_ lived for awhile_ in a _ve-ry nice_style_butit's 168 F ce fin ae im OA ass Chass 2 couple ofpaint -ingsfrom_Sears_ A __ big wat-erbed_ that they bought with the bread they! al-waysthesame_in the__ end they gota di-vorce_as a mat-ter ofcourse_ and the} $ ft = savedfor acou- pleof years__ They start-ed tofight.whenthe mon-ey gottight_ and they part-edtheclos- est of friends The king andthe queenwentbacktothe green but_ you cat D.S.% D.S. Sai Coda’ just did-n't count_. on the tears_ nev-er goback_there a-gain__ _Wob————— (spoken) rock n'roll! can't tell you more tause I'veTold you already andh 169 Amt Emr © Dosus G F = 170 F turn to first tempo a Coda It Bbmaj7 D.S.S.& al OY 66 TE 171 SHE’S ALWAYS A WOMAN Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Moderately Eb bsus She can Kill with a smile. She can wound with her faith with her cas -u — aj Bot 4a] veals what she wants you to see. © 1977, 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC All Rights Conrlled al Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC Ab Rights Reserved Intemational Copymaht Secured 172 Ht She canlead you to love, _she can take you or leave you she canask for the Eb eon ptt lieve you, Andshe'll take whatyou give her as long as it's free 3 os FT Bb G 7A FT m Eb it Ea A HG Bhbass A bass A bass she can wait if she cm Ab ab Db Bbm cbs Aa Lh ay 7 fae a andshenevergives out _____________ and shenev-er gives she just changes her mind. 1, And she'll promise you 2, She is fre-quent-ly 174 Eb Bb Eb EbT, af] Epa a more than the gar-den of x ‘Then she'll care-less - ly kind andshes sud - den - ly She can do as she cut you and laugh while you're Bleed - in! — But she brings out the pleas -"es she's no -bo -dy's fool_____ But she can't be con - To Coda ) tbbass bestand the worstyoucan be Blameit all onyour-selfcause she's al-ways a wom-an to vict-ed shes earned her degree. And the 175 Eb cm Abe ‘Bb7 Eb Ebsus Eb i " al a E B Hess Fa) HH Dias Coda Coda cm Bhoass most she will do is throw sha-dows at youBut she's al-ways a wom-an Ci Abs br Eb Ebsus Eb 176 VIENNA Words and Music BILLY JOEL Slowly in 2 Hy cra- zy child You're so am - bi-tious for a Be fe ju-ve-nile_ But then if you're so smart tell me why are you still__ (© 1977, 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC Al Rights Controlled ad Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC. [AI Rights Reerved Intemational Copyright Secured 7 Dosus cm A eees Where's the fire, what's the hur-ry a-bout?_ You bet-ter cool it off be-fore you burn it out_ You got 3 He so much to doand on-ly so man-y hours_ in a day__ ab a = HE But you know that when the truth is told___ That you can 178 ef get what you want__ or you can just get You're gon - na fart kick off__ be-fore you ev-en get half-way When will you re-al-ize (rescvmrs) Slowdown— you're do-in' fine— You can't be 179 f = ev'-ry-thing you want to be be - fore your time_ Al-though it's so ro-man-tie on the pesus bor -der -line___—to ~ night ____ but life you lead__ you're so 7 head of your-self__ that you for - got what you need__ Though you can when you're wrong You know you can't al- ways see when you're You're right —__ You got your pas -sion got your pride But don't you know that on- ly fools are m Ss fie HH sat- is - fied? Dream on but don't im - ag-ine they'll all come true. 181 When will you —re-al-ize_ —— Vi- en-na waits for you. Eb Bb Amt Dosus 182 rH me Slow down you cra - zy child__ ‘Take the And you know—— that when the truth is told That you can Im, Ht phone off the hook__ and dis - ap - pear for a- while’ get__what you want or you can just get old You're gon-na —, a It's al-right_ you can af - ford to lose a day or two kick off ___‘be-foreyou ev -en get half-way through <—m. aa When will you re- al - ize Vi-en-nawaits for Why don't you re - al - ize Vienna waits for —3— be 183 Vi -en~-na waits for 184 ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG Words and Musi Moderately Fast BILLY JOE ae ~ shuffle a 1 S88 Gy Ea ft Come out Vir gin = ia don't let me wait You Cath-0- lic girls star Showed you asta tue told_you to pray— They built you a tem-ple and (© 1677, 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC All Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC ‘Al Right Reserved Inemational Copyright Secured 185 ce F E a comes down to fate | might aswell be the one__ price that you pay— The things that you might_ have done that’s what 1 if You mighthave heard 1 run with a say there's a hea- ven for dan - ger- ous crowd. We ain't too those who will wait Some a might be laughing a bit too. laugh with the sin- ners than cry with the = nal til throw you a say it's pret - ty we i foud_— saints ag line bet - ter but i that nev - er hurt sinners are much i that stained glass. cur- tain youre hid - ing be - hind— On - ly the good SSE nice white Instrumental par-ty on your con - fir-ma - brand new = I's a _pit- y they did - n't give you quite e-nough in - for- Said your moth-er told you all 1 could” give you was a rep - U- i ou did - n't count on she nev - er cared for — when you were count-ing on your fo - sa - ty = ‘But did she ev- er say a pray for = me— you know that on - ly the good— that’s what | say 189 G¢ m ¢ 4@ a 7 = ae 2nd time D.S.8.8. al Coda take 2nd ending fade out on Coda ch oh oh And they (2nd time) Come out young— 190 EVERYBODY HAS A DREAM Words and Music BILLY JOEL Ss Slow Gospel Feel fd Jd) D Em Gidim D ze i | GE Fibs Chas in these days of qui-et des-sper - a - tion as I lieve. fn all the wordsI'm — say- ing. And if a Gifoass wan- der through the in which I live. word from you can a bet ~ ter day. © 1971, 1978 wMPULSIVE MUSIC ‘All Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC. ‘All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured, 1 a ev-'ry where for some new in-spi - ra - tion have are these games that I've been play- ing but it's to E ar oz Emi FA fae _Gffass more than cold re - al- i - ty can give afer “1 keep my hope from crum - bling a - way so let me Fim a cause for cel - e - bra - tion And let me go on sleep- ing com-fort I can use to ease my Ire - lose my self in pal- ac- es of ——— And all the ly on im- ag - in - fan-ta- sies that I__________ have been dream of an im- ag-in-ar-y emp - ty hours eas-i -er to oh 193, s Fim s Fim Fr, a - lone. _o it (2nd fime) gna - 1. m7 ‘Ageus I Em = lone with you 194 GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME Words and Music BILLY JOEL I don't be-leve_ in first im - pres-sions_ I'm not muchgood— at con- ver - sa-tion. So I sup - poseit's now or nev-er, Se, (© 1977, 1976 IMPULSIVE MUSIC Al Rights Controlled nd Aimiistered by APRIL MUSIC INC. AI Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured 195 oii ae For just this once I hope that looks don't de-ceive— I nev- er was much good at com- in on realstrong_ Be - fore that wom -an walks right out of my life_ F bass Taint got time true con - fes -sions Tf all it takes i in - spi - ra- tion Well just let_me pull self to - geth- er cosus i ay fila ee a Got-ta make the move right now Got to meet that girl somehow and might have just what__ it takes if I don't make no bad mis-takes and I I give it _one——_more try Gon- na take my chance to-night and T've got_to Am? AbI3 rare _—~ Samba right the first__ time that's the main thing Tean't af-ford to let it pass. Get it right the next__ time that'snot the same thing Gonna make the first time last__ La lala_la la_la la— la a ja lala_ la lala la_ la lo 197 Dm Asus “ I might find the cour-age yeah I might get up—— If my -tim-ing ain't just right what pur-pose would_that serve 198 Dm HE Ef 3 3 Fbas 3 ay I don't know I don't know I don't know how to say those first few words 3 3 3 ae to put my-selfin touch the first few mom-ents mean sq much 52nd STREET 200 HONESTY Words and Mus Slowly BILLY JOE 7 Bb Bb hm Ghmaj7 FT Eb =i He fee |OUR GC‘ iés‘C*@ a Abbass 1. If you search for ten- der-ness,- 2.1 can al-ways find some-one_ Ht it is-n’t hard to find. You can to say _ they sym-pa-thize— if 1 s Bb Hal And if you look But I don’t_ want ‘© 1978 mputsive MUSIC have the love youneed —_tollive. wear my — heart out on my sleev Fa for truth - ful ness__ you might some pret-ty face to Al Rights Controlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC ‘Al Rights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured 201 Dm eb a just aswell. be blind; __ it al-ways seems tobe — sohard—_ to give. tell me pret-ty lies. All 1 want is some-one such alone- ly word.— Ev-'ry-oneis so un-true. 202 er heard, but —most- ly what 1 need from you 203 I can have se-cur-i- ty + til the bit-ter end. = ie re er r . F FT Eb =, ee iy “ ‘An-y-one can com- fort me— with prom- is- esa gain— When I'm deep in-side of me don't be too con-cerned.— s al 1 won't ask for noth -in’ al Coda the one that 1 de-pend_up- on, _* Bbm 205 MY LIFE Words and Music by BILLY JOEL. Moderate mf pe Tih tee Bb cy fs © 1976 MPLtsive MUSIC ‘All Rights Coolie and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC. [A Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured (206 ee Got a | call from an old 1 don’t need you to. wor = They will tell you you can't. we used to be real ‘cause I'm al in a. strange Said he could - n't go on. 1 don’t want you to tell Then they'll tell you you can't — the A-mer - i -can way. —— me it’s time to come home sleep with some - bod- y else Closed the shop sold the house. bought a tick - et tothe 1 don't care—_ what you say. an- y - more this is Ah, but soon- er. or lat er you sleep in your Now he gives_ them a stand - Go a- head with your own Eith-er way it's 0 - kay after Ist time play cue notes Ist time play up rou - tine in LOA cst A ceca leave. me a ~ lens = you wake up. with your self I nev-er said you had to sec- ond chance— (I nev- er said you had to) 1 was a vic-tim of cir - 209 cum-stanee— still be-long— a nw - Figbast aq Don’t get me wrong long ) (get can speak your mind, ps5 for *~_._ =e lard and 4th] ey verse (take Tepeats)| pbs an Ebmajt Path fret to your -self, it's co v fe” fret Ebmaj7 ob BR tt aa (keep it to your self 212 Words and Music BILLY JOEL Fast rock ‘n' roll Em € as pS vi x py 1. Well__ you went up - town —rid-ing in your lim-ou- sine, — with your (2) all im - pressed — with your Hal -ston dress, and the fine Park Av - e - nue clothes, ____ You had the peo - ple that youknew at _E - laines,_—____ and the (© 1978, 1983 IMPULSIVE MUSIC [All Rights Controlled inl Adminstered by APRIL MUSIC INC. AAI Right Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured tai Per - of = nonin lat - est Dom sto ig ry your 213 your hand suc céss a fire. you said on things an Ooh and when you Aw but now you and your id you're not eyes on and give you cry one and the kept ‘em spoon so up your en - ter- nose tained. the morn -ing with your the wake up in just — don't re-mem - ber all blood - y wan-na too) sure that you but don't you sure. in hint, your cof - fee hon- ey, a (13) Because you had to be a put on a show. (2) Yes, yes, you had to be a G. ey You had You had 25 friends —— had to have the friends po had to have the + bass. Fbas + ‘ty: thing’s__ eens You had to have a fun to be ra You had to have the light, you had to type, you had to 2. Well, they were. = night = whoa stick your you went the line,___-you could - n't DS. & al Coda (take 2nd ending) 219 220 ZANZIBAR BT Moderate (tempo 1) Ee Words and Music by BILLY JOEL ann a a fret ath fret li dane he knows. (© 1976, 1984 paPULSIVE MUSIC [A Rights Conrlled and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC. All Rights Reserved international Copyright Secured 221 Amo Bbmsjt a = bathed in sweat, he has-n’t- lost his style. Yan - keesgrab_ the head - lines ev - ‘ry time. A= li don't you go down- town.. You gave a- way an- Mel-o- dram - a's so much fun, In black and white for oth-er —round__ ev “ry = one__ just an- oth - face in Zan - try = in just to get to second 222 Amo a se - cret smile. ly gave the sign. —_ z ————_— z * = 7 SSF 5 == waiting out in Shan-ty~ town. — She's gon=na pull the She's gon-na give the go. a- head The in-ning is - n't rp | cur-tains down for me—__. for me— ov- er yet for me. for me 1 got the old__ man’s a jazz. uit -ar. Abinosn ra tif we > BH ath fret 5/9, uh fret rd fret To Coda 4 G add? E adé2— pb add? t 3rd + fap SaaS 225, a 3 aes 3 ec fH He Tempo I Am? ). J Ee Optional yyy S Amo Bbmajt Jie eas tet FG Began trot es F ET am Bmi-5 ET ag ae gy Spt ain tet continue solo: 226 Tell ness with__ Optional Amo Jazz Sof rey] the wait my e <-> Bbmaj? --- beer. — come the ps.& al Cod take 2nd ending BEE Repeat and fede 227 Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Brightly Dm Bb Am G Bb AT ace = LH. 80a bassa throughout (except where marked loco”) Nc Snap fingers (© 1978, 1984 IMPULSIVE MUSIC [Al ights Controlled snd Acmistred by APRIL MUSIC INC. ‘Al Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured 228 cuts youonce, she cuts you twice, but still_ you be - lieve The cuts youhard, she cuts you deep. She's got so. much skill._ She's cuts you out, she cuts youdown, she carves up your Ii But you wound is so fresh youcan taste the blood— _ but you don'thave strength to leave. You've been bous so fas-ci- nat in’ that you're still there wait-in'when she comes back for the kill. You've been slashed won't do noth-in’ as she keeps on cut-tin’‘cause you know you love the knife. You've been bought. you've been sold. You've been locked out-side the door. in the face.— You've been left here to bleed. you've been sold. You've been locked out-side the door. fr 29 Dm Bb En cee Ge fat plead-in’ with your in - sides bleed-in’,‘cause you deep down want some more. but you know you're gon-na stay, ‘causeshe gives you what you need = sides _bleed-in’,‘cause you deep down want some more. stand there want to run away stand there _ plead - in’ with your in D bass ~ giverness. (It’s) such a. clev-er mas-quer-ade._ while she search-es for the vein_ she wants for + fec-tion she needs af 2 1. When she says — 2. 3. Then she says — He AT At Em? eb 7 Dm ay fase -- ia = let- to, She's so good with her sti - let - to, She's so good with her sti 230 cm a Bbbass Boas youdon't e - ven see the blade, Youdon’t see the blade.— you don't real - ly mind the pain. You don’t mind the pain, F (80a bassa] Bb F eh A © dat fim Ge ai ae ce #8 Ds. ¥ al Coda 9 4 (LH. over: f RH) | gs 8va bassa Repeat 8 times snap fingers Repeat a fade 232 ROSALINDA’S EYES Words and Music BILLY JOEL Moderate er aaa Egous Foss sn, ppaya et oy EEE et es m i FB Ct Ageus nights in the Span - she smile she gives ev - Repealed a- lone. in a Puer - ish part. of town, = V've got ‘ry thing. to me, When she's all__. to Ric = can band,_____ Un - ion wa- (© 1978 IMPULSIVE MUSIC [A Rights Controlled and Adminitered by APRIL MUSIC INC, ‘Al Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured mu - iS o Ros + “Abmnaj? sic in my a - lone ges, wed -ding The Va Hard - a- lin = says work un- der- stands. da's she knows, ___ pr fe t Fath fret hands. she cries, clothes. wt is do ly SS eyes. rat ft 233 that don’t get me down Ros - a- lin - take a -way__ her tears, be - cause they're seen how good 1am. Ros - a - lin - 234 Cra - zy Lat Sef - or - i Se ald Square. —— be there. ing for you ing for. you er be__ there, to make it in danc- ing so ta don't_ be lone na I've___been search| na I've____ been search Though I'll nev - 1” got a chance, 1 know what would see there. It’s time for to take it. I = PI re~ turn To Coda $ + - da’s - da’s eyes. eyes. ban skies__ re dies. 235 Emt ‘AQaus E9eusF¥gaus F Assus 9 eus a ee Eich Hee CT EQeus Fyoeus ith fret sft frat bid Gti 236 237 Egeus Figeus fae F ze yeat and fade 238 UNTIL THE NIGHT Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Moderately slow 5 Ss 1 onev- er ask_—-you. where you. 0 To- day | do what must © be_____ done. Now you're a - fraid that we have. changed. Vil have my — fears like ev - "ry - man. af -ter 1 leave in the morn- 1 give my time tot - al strang- And Vm oa - fraid get- ing old - You'll have your tears i ev - ‘ry wom- (© 1978, 1983 IMPULSIVE MUSIC ‘Al ights Contrlled nl Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC, ‘Al Rghis Reserved iterations! Copyright Secured 239 We go our diffrent ways —_ But now it feels as though. So man-y bro- ken hearts, To - day we'll be un- sure: It’s not that ea - sy an- y- more than it ev - er did be- so man- y lov- ers__come and to sep-'rate sit- u -a — - tions. the day goes on for- ev So man- y lone- ly fac - is this what we believe And won- der how can we go 240 rant it Un- til the night, un - til the night, |— just might make it. Un - til_ the night, un - til the night, at es II alle mmmm mm mmmm— When the sun goes down I and the day i when the last of the light has—— gone. 8va bes = ai 242 As they pour in - to the street 1 will be getting clos - er. As the —S cars turn their head - lights ___ As they're clos - in’ it. down, — Vm gon-na op -en it up And whilethey'tego - in’ to sleep, of Bas HE we'll just be start~ ing to touch. I'm just. be- gin- ning to feel, I’m just be - gin- ning to give, I'm just be - gin- ning to live. z be- fore the light of the dawn, ae bas | have been wait-ing so long. Vm just Be- fore 1 be - fore this 243 be- gin - ning to feel, leave you a - gain, eve- ning can end, Un- til the night, un- til the night =, |~ r ¢ ae a the night, just might make it; Un - tl os un - til Un - til_—_ the night, the night, _— un- til 245 Fiza vit just keep hold - in’ on thes night _—.,.- 246 52nd STREET Words and Music by BILLY JOEL. 35 Funky ballad in 2 (Jd=d B takes a lot (to) keep a love a-live. bya b-- © 1978, 1984 IMPULSIVE SONGS [All Rights Contolied and Administered by APRIL MUSIC INC [AIFRighis Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured 247 Amt Bm? maiz ie ae —I3—— 3 In ev-'ry heart there pumps a__ dif - f'rent _ beat. —3—. . Braj? Bbmaj? Am? ai ae le dim we — shift. the rhy- thm o- ver-drive, Well, we could a) ‘BT Ag7sus BT, gen-er- ate a lot of heat. 248 Sec- ond Street 2 (S)instrumental (clarinet) vocal ad li Fif-ty Sec-ond Street fp HEH We're gon-na have a lit tle show pa-rade be- fore they know the sec - ond 249 ‘Bba Ag Am7 and Nc. To Coda 4 Fif- ty Sec - ond Street Hoan DS. Sal Coda Continue instrumental and vocal ad lib va b ~~ Repeat and fade 250 HALF A MILE AWAY Words and Music by BILLY JOEL Moderately fast Gm Eb Bua bassa - -- © 1978, 1984 IMPULSIVE MUSIC Alt Rights Conrlled and Admiistered by APRIL MUSIC INC AIFRights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured Dm? 1, Lit - tle 2. Wait for Ge- 0 is a Ma -ma to turn 251 => light — of mine the friend out We'll get Craw! on some mon- ey and we'll the roof and then 1 buy a cheap- a-wi - hit the oni - yi = yine. yight. Sit on the and but cor = ner sleep - in’ 1 should be ‘Bog sus i can’t__stay. D Eb i a fret Hide the bot- tle when the lve giv- en ev -'ry- bod- y 252 a cop goes by, a -bout — wo-men and lie, so much time. 1 need a mo-ment that’s — mi my oth- er world is just a half. a mile Och_ ooh—ooh. L.H. Bva bassa til loco -- Bb Ooh_ ooh_ ooh. Ooh— ooh— ooh 253 Pim a 2. oa Re Fy Fag Ooh och ooh— ooh It’s just ‘ooh, —— It’s just_a mile a+ way. Ooh, —_ooh — — 254 (yeah) It’s. just a half a mile. a way. 3. An- ge - lin- a save a place forme. ve been 4.finstrumental) z j~—— liv - in’ some-one els- e's life and now I've got to Turn your tran - sis - tor sic play. (1) (end of instrumental ' ) é time. is = fied — so. much L.H. 8va bossa til loco try. a but there’s Now. to keep the fam — Ve giv -en eve life than just got to be more to mo-ment that’s | need a on- ly (just_a) my oth- er world is Ooh ooh— coh. Och— ooh— ooh Ooh ooh_ ooh "7 continue Coda Bb Gm TH, Bua asea Doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo Bho F bass F = if _... Repeat and fade It’s just a, W000

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