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Teaching Philosophy

As a future educator, teaching is important to me because I want to make an impact on

students’ lives. I want to educate and shape students to help them reach their full potential.

I believe all students can learn. I believe students learn at different rates and can be

successful when given a variety of strategies that suit their learning style. I believe that the

process of learning is just as important as the final product. I value and encourage students to ask

questions and dig deeper. I believe in the use of manipulative materials, grouping strategies, and

interactive techniques in order to engage the students in their own learning. Piaget’s theory of

constructivism is where my beliefs are based because this theory states that people construct their

own knowledge and understanding based on their experiences (Constructivism as a Paradigm for

Teaching and Learning, n.d.).

Problem solving and determination are my desired outcomes that I want to foster in my students.

I believe that with the utilization of interactive instruction, hands-on techniques, cooperative grouping

strategies, and integrating technology and manipulatives into my lessons will help achieve my desired


I believe in assessing my students’ learning using a variety of assessment strategies. I will

implement formative and summative assessments, both formal and informal, in my lessons to evaluate my

desired outcomes. I will use the results of my students’ assessments as well as self-reflection of my

instruction to further adjust and differentiate my lessons.

Creating positive relationships with my students is valuable to me because I believe students must

feel they are heard, understood, and respected. I will create a positive relationship with my students by

providing a safe environment for students to communicate, as well as giving my students’ support and

Creating positive relationships with parents is valuable to me because I believe parents are vital to

a child’s education. I believe teachers and parents need to have open, honest communication and mutual

respect. I will create positive relationships with parents by communicating often through weekly emails,

holding parent-teacher conferences, and by encouraging parents to take an active part in their child’s


Creating positive relationships with colleagues is valuable to me because it is essential that

teachers communicate and collaborate respectfully and effectively in order to help students reach their

goals. I will create positive relationships with colleagues by being respectful and sharing ideas through

open communication to ensure our students succeed.


Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2020, from

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