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En esta lección estudiaremos unos puntos gramaticales que frecuentemente

causan mucha confusión



Las palabras Who y Which además de su uso como pronombres interrogativos

(Who – para personas; Which para objetos, animales) se usan también para
la frase.


The girl WHO came is a good friend. persona

The book WHICH I like is over there objeto

Hay que notar que WHO se refiere a personas, WHICH a objetos y animales y
tienen la misma forma en el singular y en el plural


A. Supply Who or Which:

1. The man who studies in our class, studies a lot

2. The book which I like is a science fiction book
3. The woman who works in my office is an American
4. John who works in our company speaks French fluently
5. I have a car which cost me only 10.000 dollars
6. Is this the shirt which you want?
7. Are these the men who robbed the bank?
8. Are these the women who drove from Alaska to Venezuela?
9. Are these the houses which you say are cheap?
10. Is this the present which you wanted for your birthday?

Algunas veces las personas confunden el uso de No y Not

Not es un adverbio y es el negativo usado con todos los verbos.
No es un adjetivo y es usado solamente delante de sustantivos
Example He does not have a book.
She has no book.

Supply No or Not

1. Peter is not a good student

2. He does not a study very much
3. She has no time to study.
4. We have no friends in our class
5. There are no girls in our group.
6. There are no books on the bookshelf.
7. Allan is not in our class
8. There were no many persons absent from work today.
9. The dentist did not have many patients.
10. The businessman had No clients

C. Formación de los Adverbios en Inglés:

1. Estos se forman agregando LY al adjetivo correspondiente.

Example: Slow ----- Slowly

Clear ------ Clearly

2. Algunos tienen su propia forma como:

Good ------- Well


Give the adverbs form of the adjectives in parenthesis:

1. Our teacher speaks.(Clear) clearly

Our teacher speaks clearly.
2. Daisy sings.(Charming) charmingly
Daisy sings charmingly
3. Grace writes her letter.(Neat)
Grace writes her letter neatly
4. The politicians feel about this questions.(Strong)
The politicians feel about this questions strongly
5. Our friends speak English.(Good)
Our friends speak English well
6. George sometimes knows his lesson. (Good)
George sometimes knows his lesson well.
7. My father speaks English. (Native)
My father speaks English natively
8. I do my exercises (Well)
I do my exercises well
9. The model dresses. (Attractive)
The model dresses attractively
10. She also speaks. (Sweet)
She also speaks sweetly.

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