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21972020 cyberpreneurship Were Dashboard Sign Out Cyberpreneurship Tussday, 30 October 2018 About Me Chapter 1 DPTSCN_Cyber View my complete profile Tearing 1. Understand Cyberpreneurship. ¥ 201846) ¥ oxober (3) chapter Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 chapters Cyberpreneurship is a business activity and business by using improved computer technology, especially the Internet, in this business and businesses that are promoted through electronic brochures, known as the homepage on the Internet. 2, Understand the concept of e-Business. Electronic business (e-business) refers to the use of the Web, Internet, intranets, extranets or some combination thereof to conduct business. E- business is similar to e-commerce, but it goes beyond the simple buying and selling of products and services online. E-business includes a much Wider range of businesses processes, such as supply chain management, electronic order processing and customer relationship ‘ wn 21972020 cyperpreneurship management. E-business processes, therefore, can help companies to operate more effectively and efficiently, 3. Explain on intellectual property. ‘Area of law that deals with protecting the rights of those who create original works. ‘The purpose of intellectual property laws are to encourage new technologies, artistic expressions and inventions while promoting economic growth, 4. Explain the functions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Digital Millennium Copyright Act The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a 1996 United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaias of the World Intllectual Property Organization (WIPO). It riminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works (commonly known as aigital rights management of DRM) It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access contrl, whether or not there is actual iningement of copyright tel. In addtion, the DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright intingament on the Internat 5. Characteristics of Successful Cyberpreneur anr 21972020 cyperpreneurship Successful Entrepreneurs + Seeking Feedback + Internal focus of control + tnivatve & Responsibly + Flexile + Energetic + Knowledge + Abilty to set Vision + Tolerance for Failure + Drive to Achieve + Creative & Innovative + Independant & an Organizer + Moderate Risk Taker + Confidence & Optimistic + Opportunity Orientation + Committed Notes for Chapter 1 (CHAP 1: INTRO ‘ ant 21972020 cyperpreneurship ur class making use of the TE projectors and computers. C Lab while learning, sueh as using the Quiz: Socrative Posted by DDTSCN_Gyberst 20:43 Nocomments: Chapter 2 2.1 Understand the management in business. Management is the act of allocating resources to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively; it comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an orgarization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing @ goal 2.1.1 Explain the management fun a. Planning Ves ANAS ‘ ant 21972020 yperpreneurship The first component of managing is planning. Planning covers the activity of formulating company’s policy and procedure to ensure the attainment of business mission, objectives and how to achieve them. As a manager of the business has to determine his business mission, objectives and device a workable strategy to achieve. Organizing . Organize means "to properly arrange”. In Business organizing refers to the activities of designing an organizational structure, dividing and assigning jobs and task among departments sections or units besides handling the infrastructure and operation method, The act of getting the job done through other people is referred to in ‘managerial functions as leading. Leading involves. ++ Assigning of jobs and responsibilities. + Motivating employees + Providing and receiving feedback ‘ our 21972020 cyperpreneurship d. Controlling Controlling is a monitoring function to ensure that activities carried out are ‘onthe right track in achieving the goals set out by the business + This owned by one person ‘+ The simplest business structure ‘+ May have any number of employees ‘+ Requires a small amount of capital to start with ‘+ Only Malaysian citizens or permanent residents can register as ‘+ Examples: tailor shops, beauty saloons, restaurants, launderettes and mini market b. Partnership en7 21972020 cyperpreneurship PARTNERSHIP 1 4h Oh é Ss + Alegal business entity with two or more partners but not ‘exceeding 20 persons + Partners carry out the business, share the capital, profits and losses + Partnerships comprise two or more business partners pooling their resources in a business with a view to profit. ‘+ Only Malaysian citizens or perms partnerships went residents can register + Personal names or trade names can be used as business names ¢. Private Limited Company PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY (LTD) (SDN.BHD.) ‘+ Cannot sell shares to the public + Distinguished by the appellation "Sendirian Berhad’, shortened to"Sdn Bhd” or "S/B" «Private limited company is limited to 50 members, minimum 2 members, ‘+ A minimum paid-up capital of only RM? is needed to start a private limited company 4d. Public Limited Company. m7 21972020 cyperpreneurship PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (BHD) + Source their capital by selling shares to the public + Distinguished by the appellation "Berhad”, shortened to "Bhd! + Public limited companies have no member limit ‘+ Need a paid-up capital of not less than RMomil or RM6omil. | | | ‘ \ ‘Making use of the TECC Lab's whiteboards to explain concepts about Balance Sheet ete More Notes For Chapter 2 Chapa 2.0 Chap 2.3 - Basie Accounting chap 2, Cash Flow Adtiona ference for basic Accounting ‘ anr 21972020 cyperpreneurship Quiz-2: Socrative hnps:/bsocrative.comvlogin/student Posted by DDTSCN_Cyberst 2043 No comments: Chapter 3 3.1 Understand marketing concept. NEEDS, WANTS, AND DEMANDS wx eco + Needs are the basic human requirements. People need air, food, water, clothing and shelter to survive. + Wants are shaped by our society. ‘+ Object or intangibles that are desired and not essential for living, ‘+ Wants are driven by culture and individual personality ‘+ E4g: Mutusamy need food, but he want chapaly, tos & curry. + Demands are wants (desire) for specific products backed by an ability and willingness to pay. 3.1.1 Explain the marketing functions. ‘+ In order for the marketing bridge to work correctly. ‘+ Providing consumers with opportunities to purchase the products and services they need ‘+ The marketing process must accomplish nine important functions ‘ snr 21972020 cyperpreneurship 3.1.2 List the technologies that support the marketing function. ‘= Technology: Application to business of knowledge based on ‘ciantife discoveries, inventions, and innovations. + Interactive marketing: refers to buyer-seller communications in Which the customer controls the amount and type of information received from a marketer, + Technological advances are revolutionizing marketing - WSJ articles + Blogs + Mobile sites + Podcasts + Social media + Video ‘+ Other interactive multimedia platforms 3.1.3 Explain the marketing mi Marketing mix is a general phrase used to describe the diferent kinds of choices organizations have to make in the whole process of bringing @ product or service to market. a) Product rv PRODUCT ry ‘ s0n7 21972020 cyperpreneurship Itis hard to design a place strategy, decide on a promotion campaign, or sot @ price without knowing the product to be marketed, The product includes not only the physical unit but also its package, warranty, after-sale service, brand name, company image, value, and many other factors. Products can be tangible goods such as computers, ideas lke those offered by a consultant, or services such as medical care, b) Price Price is the amount of money or goods for which a thing is bought or sold. A customer's motivation to purchase a product comes firstly from a need and ‘want. The second motivation comes from a perception of the value of a product in satisfying that neediwant. ©) Promotion Promotion includes advertising, public relations, sales promation, & personal selling. Promotion’s role in the marketing mix isto bring about ‘mutually satisfying exchanges witn target markets by informing, educating, persuading, & reminding them of the benefits of an organization or a product. A good promotion strategy can increase sales but do not guarantee ‘ nr 21972020 cyperpreneurship d) Place Place, or distribution strategies are concerned with making products available when & where customers want them. Distribution is all about getting your product/service to the right people atthe right time with special consideration for profit and effectiveness. POF Notes for this Chapter: 2.1 - INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING 3.2 MARKETING ENVIRONMENT INTERNET MARKETING 34 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS {34 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Presentation for Chapter 3, while gathering information through the use of the TECC Lab's Wi-Fi and Computers. Quiz 8: Socrative ‘ van7 21972020 cyperpreneurship hitps:b.socrative convioginistudent! ted by DDTYCN_Cyber st 4g No comments Chapter 4 -http://socialmediamarketing,com/eBook.paf his EBook is your guide to the 5 Pillars of social media marketing, ssiverpreneurship.blogspeLcom sai7 21972020 cyperpreneurship hitps:/epdttips/queue/do-tt-yourself-advertising-and-promotion-how-to- produce-great-ads-brochures-cata html hlips:// slpsZeJgEqib/view ‘Videos about Delldaz & Analysis featuring Ariff Kamal: Video: tps: /{ile/d/1jsNwntMKAgpesior2VSDsoq7xmEs_AB2 Jyiew Video 2: btps:// Video 3: htps:// 10 /view Video 4 htips:// RW/view Video 5: htips://¥6pDx1pD4uZ3iGGvF4TIQxiMaygWO view Video 6: Ejview ‘ san7 21972020 cyperpreneurship Quiz 4: Soerative https://b Posted by BDTSCN_Cyber agg Nocomments: Chapter 5 5.1 Propose a business plan. The business plan is one of the management tools used to achieve business objectives. The accuracy of a business plan will reflect the management's abit, experience, and history in running the business. Therefore, every aspect of the business should be clearly written and explained to the various parties, ‘Among the aspacts that should be stressed and focused are the marketing ‘approach, research and development, human resource management, business risks, financial strength, and production techniques. 5.1.1. Define business plan. A business plan is also known as a venture plan, entrepreneur's plan, working paper, project paper, or prospectus. Itis a written document between 25 and 40 pages describing the overall plans of a business in dotail, that itis what the entrepreneur plans to do and how he plans to do it. Therefore, a business plan is the blueprint of the company which is presented in a standard business format that is logical and realistic 5.1.2. Explain the purpose and the importance of business plan. 187 21972020 cyperpreneurship 1. As a guide to managing business Describe the steps that entrepreneurs should taken and guidelines that must be followed by the organization. 2. Assoss and review business performance Know the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of the underlying business under review from time to time. 3, Faciltate control Control is follow the schedule to make sure the business so smooth and streamlined, 4, Provide assurance to external parties Careful planning to assure stakeholders such as banks, creditors and investors 5, Maximize resources to increase productivity Organizational sources such as money, capital, machinery, and people used to the optimum. Chapter 5 - Business Proposal Notes SSS Using the TECC Lab's Whiteboard to present about our Business Proposals. Quiz 6: Socrative hitps:b,socrative convloginistudent! Posted by DDTSCN_Cyber at.so9 _Nocomments: Home ‘ 167 21972020 cyperpreneurship Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) ‘Simple theme. Theme images by luoman. Powered by Blogger. wir

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