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Ladies and gentlemen,

Nowadays while discussing the issue of dropping out of school there are two main

wrong attitudes. People with the first one say that it is a huge mistake and support their

arguments by using examples of dropouts who wasted their lives. And people with the

second attitude claim that it is a good decision but they only consider examples of

famous dropouts such as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. And both ways of thinking

are quite faulty.

The problem with the second group of people is that they do not realize that dropping

out has to be supported by hard work and self-education.

Gates and Zuckerberg really dropped out of school and achieved success but what is

usually missed is that they put a lot of effort into self-development, they had a business

sense and enormous intelligence. For sure they were not lazy. Also their parents could

give them a big financial help. All of these factors gave them chances to make their

success possible. Being dropout like Bill Gates is not enough to build a successful life.

The problem with the first group is that they believe that only poor, lazy and rebellious

students leave school.

But besides dropouts who left school just like that, there are also students who think

that the skills or subject they are looking for and are interesting in can be taught

informally at home and at work. These people drop out because the education system

does not suit them not because they blame education itself. In fact, they appreciate

education very much and their passion to learn is what keeps them going on. They get

jobs, bargain, go to conferences, meet people with the aim to learn on the job, they do

not leave school just to wait for the success, but they fight for it.
Bill Gates is of course the second type of a student. He never quit education, he quit

institution. That is how he succeeded.

So if your children consider dropping out because they think the knowledge they need

can be found outside school, do not panic and listen to them with calm, attention and


We should all remember that staying at school gives you many opportunities but in

today’s world dropping out also has its benefits and is a chance to achieve success in

the future. Both paths are difficult and require hard work. So it is not about which path

your children choose, it is rather about how they face with the challenges they come

across, isn’t it?

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