Activity Sheets in Tourism Promotion Services Quarter 1, Week 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
San Fernando City
La Union

(3 spaces)

MELC: Learning Competency here, Times New Roman, regular, size

K to 12 BEC CG: (Competency Code from CG, Times New
roman, regular, size 14)

( double space from the Competency Code to the Objective)

Objectives: (Times New Roman Bold, size 13)
(If MELC is too broad, Do unpacking by referring from the Curriculum Guide)
1. Type objective 1 here and end with a period.
2. Type objective 2 here and end with a period.
3. Type objective 3 here and end with a
period. (Add more if needed)

Prepared by:

(3 spaces from Prepared by to the name of the writer)

Teacher II (Times New Roman, bold, size 12)
Name: (Use Times New Roman regular, size 12 for Name, Date, Grade/Section,Score) Date: _____________

Grade/Section:Line spacing from the Name to Grade/Section is 1,5 Score:____________

(Line spacing from Grade to the Title is double)

Title of the Activity: The Art of Detaching (Sample) (Line spacing from the title to the MELC is
1.5; size 13)

Most Essential Learning Competency: Type competency here, Times New Roman, regular, size 13
K to 12 BEC CG: Type properly the code of the learning competency here
(Times New Roman, size 12, bold)

Directions: Type the directions or instructions here for the Simple Activities,
Times New Roman regular, size 12)

I. Use Times New Roman in all activities, size 12, regular. Observe 1.5 line spacing.
Use double space from the last item in Activity 1 to the first item in Activity 2.

Name: (Use Times New Roman regular, size 12 for Name, Date, Grade/Section,Score) Date: _____________

Grade/Section:Line spacing from the Name to Grade/Section is 1,5 Score:____________

(Line spacing from Grade to the Title is double)

Title of the Activity: The Art of Detaching (Sample) (Line spacing from the title to the MELC is
1.5; size 13)

Most Essential Learning Competency: Type competency here, regular, size 13

K to 12 BEC CG: Type properly the code of the learning competency here
size 12

Directions: Type the directions or instructions here for the Moderate

Activities, Times New Roman regular, size 12)

I. Use Times New Roman in all activities, size 12, regular. Observe 1.5 line spacing.
Use double space from the last item in Activity 1 to the first item in Activity 2, etc.


Name: (Use Times New Roman regular, size 12 for Name, Date, Grade/Section,Score) Date: _____________

Grade/Section:Line spacing from the Name to Grade/Section is 1,5 Score:____________

Title of the Activity: The Art of Detaching (Sample) (Line spacing from the title to the MELC is
1.5; size 13)

Most Essential Learning Competency: Type competency here, regular, size 13

K to 12 BEC CG: Type properly the code of the learning competency
here size 12

Directions: Type the directions or instructions here for the

Challenging Activities, Times New Roman regular, size 12)

I. Use Times New Roman in all activities, size 12, regular. Observe 1.5 line spacing.
Use double space from the last item in Activity 1 to the first item in Activity 2, etc.


Name: (Use Times New Roman regular, size 12 for Name, Date, Grade/Section,Score) Date: _____________

Grade/Section:Line spacing from the Name to Grade/Section is 1,5 Score:____________

(Line spacing from Grade to the Title is double)

Title of the Activity: The Art of Detaching (Line spacing from the title to the MELC is 1.5; size 13)
Most Essential Learning Competency: Type competency here, regular, size 13
K to 12 BEC CG: Type properly the code of the learning competency here
size 12

Directions: Type the directions or instructions here for the Enrichment

Activities, Times New Roman regular, size 12)

I. Use Times New Roman in all activities, size 12, regular. Observe 1.5 line spacing.
Use double space from the last item in Activity 1 to the first item in Activity 2, etc.


Answer Key: (Times New Roman. Bold, size 12)
Simple Activities (Times New Roman, regular, size 12)
Moderate Activities (Times New Roman, regular, size 12)
Challenging Activities (Times New Roman, regular, size 12)
Enrichment Activities (Times New Roman, regular, size 12)

Rubrics (if applicable) Times New Roman, bold, size 12

Details of the Rubrics (Times New Roman, regular, size 12)
(Use Times New Roman, regular, size 12 for the details)

(The samples below were taken from DepEd Order 30, s. 2019 Manual of Style)
A. Books
For books, follow this model for format and punctuation.
Author. Year. Title in Italics .Place of publication: Publisher.
Page Numbers are optional and should appear at the end of the footnote. For ranges of
page numbers, use an en dash, e.g., pp. 11-35.
B. Government Publications
Government of the Philippines. 2010. Philippine Statistics. Series No. 13. Manila.
C. Periodicals
Author. Year. Title of Article. Journal or Newspaper Title in Italics. Volume number
(issue number)

D. Online and Other Sources

Tip: Press “shift and enter: to break URLs without breaking the
link. Department of Education.

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