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Academic Publishing and

Peer Review
What we will cover:
• The process of pre-publication reviews
• Models of pre-publication reviews
• What you need to know about post-publication reviews
• How Publons can help you connect with journal editors
1. Timeline of Research
• Subject area experts comment on
o Quality
1. Pre-publication
2. Post-publication
o Rigour
o Novelty
o Acceptance
• Scientific community comment on
o Flaws
1. Pre-publication
2. Post-publication
o Significance
o Impact
o Reproducibility
2. The Peer Review Process
3. Pre-Publication Review
• Single-Blind Review
1. Single blind
• Double-Blind Review
2. Double blind
3. Open • Open Review
Single Blind Review

• Reviewer unknown to author

1. Single blind
• Author know to reviewer
2. Double blind
3. Open • Most common form of review
Advantages to single blind review

• Reviewer unknown
1. Single blind o Provide honest feedback
2. Double blind o No fear of retribution
3. Open

• Author known
o Article reviewing in context
Disadvantages to single blind review

• Reviewer unknown
1. Single blind o Provide overly harsh or critical comments
2. Double blind
3. Open
• Author known
o Personal vendettas
o Unfair competitive bias
Double Blind Review

• Reviewer and author are unknown

1. Single blind
• Common in social sciences and humanities
2. Double blind
3. Open
Advantages to double blind review

• Focus on the research

1. Single blind
• Reduced bias
2. Double blind
3. Open • Protects against personal attack
Disadvantages to double blind review

• Hard to manage
1. Single blind
• Often unsuccessful in masking identities
2. Double blind
3. Open • Impersonal critical feedback
Open Review

• Names are revealed

1. Single blind
• Alongside reviews
2. Double blind
3. Open • After publication
• As a discussion
• Public
• More transparent
Advantages to open review

• Accountability
1. Single blind • Accreditation
2. Double blind
• Transparent
3. Open
• Constructive feedback
• Improved articles
• Increased motivation
Disadvantages to open review

• Increased declines
1. Single blind
• Reviewers vulnerable to criticism
2. Double blind
3. Open • Prone to positive bias
• Single blind
1. Single blind
• Double blind
2. Double blind
3. Open • Open
4. Post-Publication Review
• Record adding post-pub review & Pre-Pub

• 10.20316/ESE.2018.44.17017
Pre-Pub review:
• Current context in the field
1. Practical appraisal • How relevant is it?
2. Subsequent work
• What was it built on?
• Is it useful?
• Has it been built on?
1. Practical appraisal • Reinforced
2. Subsequent work
• Contradicted
5. Post-Publication
Reviews on Publons
• Academy reviews added to your profile
• Reviews are visible by default
• Change your profile settings as desired
• Select the level of detail
6. Connect With Editors
on Publons
• Publons connects editors with reviewers
• Make yourself known
1. Connect with editors
7. Summary
• Practicalities of review process
• Pros and cons of peer review types
• Difference between pre- and post-publication reviews
• Submit post-pub reviews through Publons
• Help you to connect with journal editors

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