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a. identify the issue in a text

e. Determine an author’s intended audience


b. identify the argument/author’s point of view in a text

h. determine an author’s purpose,


c. recognise the types of supporting details in a text as well as any flaws in reasoning if any

f. identify the assumptions/ the stated main ideas and/or formulate the implied main ideas

d. evaluate the supports used in a text:

i. relevance and/or consistency -

ii.objectivity - esah

iii.completeness - jia omey

iv.validity and credibility -

A Critical Analysis of the Given Article (800 words)

identify the issue in a text

In the article, “Single Parent Struggle”, the author, Chris Polito Paola Brown deals with the
issue of single parent family have been viewed as different /being raised by only one parent
seems impossible / difference of children raised by single parents versus children raised by
both a mother and a father. He argues that what people must understand is that properly
raising a child does not rely on the structure of a family but should be more focused on the
process or values that are taught to these children as they learn to mature. Children of single
parents can be just as progressive with emotional, social and behavioral skills as those with
two parents.….. part jia

there are few types of supporting detail that the author uses in bringing the issue. – aisyah

In this article the author fulfills the aspect of relevance, objectivity, completeness, credibility and
validity. The support is directly related to the argument for example only animal can be fed
identically and closely monitored diet and on the other hand it still has some biological similarities to
human so its related to the argument impossible by using human subject in the experimental model.
Most of the support consists fact and clear evidence such as data from the 1998 Animal Welfare
Enforcement Report by Department of Agriculture prove that the author's argument has objectivity.
Animal research is essential in alleviating this widespread human suffering compare that they abuse
in animal show the argument is complete. Low percentage of animal abuse in laboratory, low
number of dead involve a lab animal, better nutrition and sanitation in animal research and social
confrontation in using human subject to show the argument has validity and credibility.
relevance and/or consistency –

In this article the author fulfills the aspect of relevance, objectivity, completeness, credibility and
validity. Overall, the author argument is consistent where he keeps

The support is directly related to the argument. For example

Relevance means the support is directly related to the argument.

Ask yourself, “Is the support directly related to the argument?”

Unless the author is an expert, his or her opinion or personal experience may not be particularly

iv.validity and credibility –

The argument is valid because the author uses logical and strong evidence. The author arguments
have credibility because the argument is convincing where all the facts can be verified also well-

An argument is valid (has validity) if it is logical.

Ask yourself, “Is the argument logical (well-reasoned)?”

An argument has credibility if it is believable (convincing).

Ask yourself, “Is the author’s argument believable?”

Validity and credibility are closely related since an argument that is not valid will not be credible.

Determine an author’s intended audience

Finally, the intended audience that the author wants to tackle was the general public. The author
shares his experience and knowledge in single parenting using words that are easy for readers to
understand. Another clue was the source of the article. The article was published publicly on the
internet for all to read.

Finally, the intended group that the author wan tackle was general public. Since the author would
like to share the knowledge and the word used aren’t highly scientific so it’s easy for the reader to
digest it. Another clue was the resource of the article. The article was published publicly on the
internet for all
Intended audience means the people the writer has in mind as the readers.

The intended audience will be

--a specific person (e.g., a newspaper editor)

--a group of people (e.g., college students, parents)

--the general public (e.g., the public at large; the “typical” American adult)

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