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52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey Leadership and Employees Performance Survey Assalam 0 Alikum! Dear Participant, We are grateful to you for participating in Leadership and Employees Performance Survey. The objective of this research is to identify leadership style and employees performance. And to visualize that how leadership style effect the employees performance to achieve firm goals. As you are involved in daily activities of an organization as an employee, therefore, we consider your views about leadership and its effects. You may rest assured that your opinions and answers to the survey questions will be kept completely anonymous, please contact us (e-mail:, if you have any query Researcher: Students of BS in Accounting and Finance Department of Management Sciences COMSATS University Islamabad Pakistan *Required Name * Email address * Please mention the institution in which you work * Please mention your designation * htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggleit na 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 5. Your city name * Section 1: Demographic 6. 1. what is your gender? * Mark only one oval. ») Female male 7. 2.whatis your age? * Mark only one oval. (_) 23 and below () 24-30 31-40 41-50 ) 51 and above 8. 3. what is your work experience at your organization? * Mark only one oval. —) 1-3 years (_) 46 years (10 years and above htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggleit ana sr20r2020 Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 9. 4. which option best describes your position in your organization? * Mark only one oval. (—) Bargaining unit (operator) Junior management (team leader/controller) Middle management (unit manager/technical specialist) Section 2: Employee Engagement 10. 1. Atmy work, i feel bursting with energy * Mark only one oval. Orever () occasionally —) sometimes —) Often QO vaiways 11. 2. Atmy job, i feel strong and vigorous * Mark only one oval. never (_) Oceasionally (O Sometimes often —_) Always htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggleit ana 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 12. 31am enthusiastic about my job * Mark only one oval, > never () Oceasionally sometimes ) often QO vaiways 13, 4. When i get up in the morning, i feel like going to work * Mark only one oval. (Onever —) Oceasionally > sometimes Often J Always 14. _5.1am proud of the work that i do * Mark only one oval. Ornever __) Occasionally ) sometimes CO often Always Section 3: Employee Motivation htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggleit ana 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 15. 1, Please choose the most important factors that motivated you to work here * Mark only one oval. (_) Satisfactory remuneration () Interesting work ( Potential for promotion © 600d working environment —_) Other: es provided by the organization? * 16. 2.How far you are satisfied with the incent Mark only one oval. <>) Highty satisfied >) Satisfied C () Neutral >) pissatistied —_) Highly dissatisfied 17. 3. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your performance? * Mark only one oval. CO yYes Ono © Maybe htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit ena 52072020, 18, 19, 20, 21 Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 4, Does the management involve you in decision making which are connected to your department? * Mark only one oval. Yes no (©) oceasionally 5. Do you think it is important for the leaders to understand the different needs of employees? * Mark only one oval. Yes No 6. What changes can be made to improve the work place environment? 7. Do you think that good relationship among employees motivate to perform better? * Mark only one oval. (Oves No Section 4: Innovation htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit ena 52072020, 22. 23, 24, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 1. My supervisor successfully implements idea generation activities through * Mark only one oval. brainstorming sessions (—) Focus group discussions — strategy sessions 2. My supervisor makes effective use of rewards to promote the creative efforts of team members during idea generation * Mark only one oval. () Strongly disagree ©) disagree DNeutral O haree —_) Strongly Agree 3, The project always requires trying out new approaches to difficult problems * Mark only one oval. —_) Strongly disagree © Disagree —) Neutral bare ( Strongly Agree htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggleit mma 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 25. 4. My supervisor provides constructive and timely feedback to team members whose ideas have been screened * Mark only one oval. (_) Strongly disagree (Disagree CD Neutral > Aare () Strongly agree 26. 5. Introducing new ideas into the organization is part of our project goals * Mark only one oval. yes No Section 5: Employee performance 27. 1, How satisfied are you with your current work performance? * Mark only one oval. _) Not at all satisfied __) Not satisfied —) Neutral ) auite satisfied (O very satisfied htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit ana 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 28. 2. My performance is accessed daily by my supervisor * Mark only one oval, yes Ono 29. 3. The mission and purpose of an organization make me to feel the importance of my job * Mark only one oval. ) Strongly agree (Agree (CD Neutral disagree (—) Strongly Disagree 30. 4. am encouraged to set objectives, quantifiable goals that are welll defined and well understood * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree () Disagree (Neutral Agree () Strongly agree htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit ona 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 31. 5. Choose he statement that best describe you? * Mark only one oval. —) Lanxiously wait for the next comming task () lend my work on deadline —) After starting work, i get confused to complete it Section 6: Leadership style 32. 1. My manager provides me with assistance in exchange for my efforts * Mark only one oval. () Not at all () once in a while sometimes —_) Fairly often 33. 2. My manager talks about his/her most important beliefs and values * Mark only one oval. —_) Not at all ) once in a while ) sometimes (C_) Fairly often htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit son sr20r2020 Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 34, 3, There is leadership freedom in my department * Mark only one oval. Des Ono 35. 4. Choose the statement that best describes you * Mark only one oval. _) 1am free to share my views —_) Feel unsafe about job (—) I wants to change policies regarding tasks 36. 5. Do your manager comes office regularly? * Mark only one oval. » Yes No 37. 6. Your manager leaves office * Mark only one oval. Early —) ontime Ose htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit nna si2012020 Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 38. 7. Do you feel any barrier in your work-life balance * Mark only one oval. ves (Ono Section 7: Firm goals 39, 1. Do you think planning makes easy to do work efficiently * Mark only one oval. Yes No 40. 2. Can you see a clear link between your goals and the company goals * Mark only one oval. CO ves ) No 41, 3. Do you have the appropriate amount of information to make correct decisions about your work * Mark only one oval. (Oves No htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit vena 52072020, Leadership and Employees Performance Survey 42. 4, Choose the statement that best describes you * Mark only one oval. —) 1am known about my goals specifications (—) | feel better to do work alone —_) | feel better to do work within team >) loften get confused about my goal specifications 43, 5. Do you believe that workers participation equally contribute towards the better relationship between workers and management? * Mark only one oval. Dyes ‘This content is neither cteated nor endorsed by Google htpssdocs. google. comiformstdjsbexrYQ-WSqi0Y 1b3ICniV6k5eP2FoOMOnKSKggedit sana

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