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Learning guide: NAME: _________________________________________ CODE: _______________


AIM: To analyze and understand the process of writing a formal piece of writing.
To write a problem and solution essay about varied issues.


Complete the following mind map with the information provided in the video you found in VS-week 1.


Before I start writing While I am writing After writing

I think I should… I must follow this structure: I think I should…

__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
Paragraph 1: Introduction


Paragraph 5: Conclusion (IN CLASS)
Paragraphs 2,3 and 4: Body paragraphs



 Read the following ESSAY sample and identify its main elements with different colors.

Hook Blue
Background information Yellow
Thesis statement Red
Topic sentences Purple
Supporting data Orange
Solutions Green
Resulting sentences Pink

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
In the last few decades, urban development projects (UDPs) have become an instrument of management for the local

governments used for territorial planning, however, these plans aimed at the progress of the cities, are also causing some
negative effects. This is the case of Dubai, a city that has reached an excessive level of modernization without considering its
immediate and long-term effects. Having this in mind, this essay seeks to analyze how UDPs have had a negative impact on
the community in regards to overcrowding, monopolized investment and environmental issues. With this in mind, three
solutions will be provided.

First of all, the number of inhabitants increases very rapidly which inevitably gives rise to overcrowding in big cities. A study
conducted by the Yale University revealed that UDPs promote the idea that the quality of life improves significantly in the
capitals in comparison to the countryside. As a result, the urban population has risen by 43% in the last 2 years. To solve this
problem, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce must protect the local population density by creating a space management
plan that accounts for the number of people per meters square and encourage people to settle in the countryside by offering
them attractive and affordable housing projects there. If this is done, overcrowding might be controlled in big cities.

Secondly, the monopolization of the public investment in modern urban projects have affected small projects that also require
financial support. The World Trade Organization (WTO) announced that local governments concentrate 85% of its investment
in capital cities without considering peripheral towns which need adequate urban projects urgently. To tackle this situation,

the local governments of those small cities should demand that the Department of infrastructure prioritize its projects by
granting them a percentage of the income generated by the touristic capitals so they can also improve their infrastructure. This
would certainly reduce te monopolization of the public investment and foster equality throughout the country.

Thirdly, UDPs have had a negative impact in the environment. As stated by The Ministry of Environment in Dubai, the
construction of artificial islands like the Jebel Ali Palm has reduced dramatically the ocean area in the cost, affecting the
seabed, the quality of drinkable water in nearby cities and the fishing activity reducing the local economy by 25%. The way
forward must be that the Ministry of Environment together with The National Planning Department evaluate the damage
already caused by these artificial islands to foresee in the future what they will have to deal if they keep building on the sea. If
this is done, some measures can be taken in order to promote more sustainable urban projects that do not only protect the
environment but also give nature something in return.

Taking everything into account, UDPs represent a model of territorial organizations that generate urban overcrowing,

monopolized investment and environmental issues. These problems can be addressed through population density programs, a
more balanced public investment policy and preventive environmental projects. This would involve the cooperation of the
Ministry of Industry and Commerce, local governments and the Ministry of Environment respectively. Bu doing so, the
problems caused by excessive modernization in urban projects might not disappear but will probably improve.

Written and adapted from a 2017-2 level 7’s student’s final work

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
In class you will be assigned at random one of the following actual social situations.

1. Breeding animals for human consumption has been a matter of concern for some organizations given its long-
term effects and the cruel practices it involves. Think of three problems caused by this situation and
propose their solutions.

2. It is well known that despite the current laws that protect wildlife, thousands of animals are still being used for
various entertainment and fashion purposes. Think of three problems caused by this situation and
propose their solutions.

3. Moving to a new country is a difficult thing under most circumstances, whether through personal decision or
through forced displacement, being an immigrant or a refugee brings with it many difficult scenarios.Think of
three problems caused by this situation and propose their solutions.

4. Nowadays the existing gap between young and old generations (Boomers, Millenials and now Centennials) has
changed their dynamic at home. Think of three problems caused by this situation and propose their

5. Hollywood is currently facing numerous scandals that have revealed how some directors, producers and actors
have denigrated the film industry. Think of three problems caused by this situation and propose their

6. There is a growing concern about the excessive use of technology in different aspects of society today.
Regardless of the age, children at school, adults at work, and in general anybody who has an electronic device
is now at risk. Think of three problems caused by this situation and propose their solutions.

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to

 Read the prompt that describes the situation you were assigned and find three articles from a serious
newspaper, magazine, journal or video. (You already know how to cite a video)

What does the article say? (Paraphrase. Use your own words to report the information. remember to give the author credit
for his/her ideas by using phrases such as "according to the author", "the author believes", "the author reports", etc. Otherwise, you
will be committing plagiarism)

Citation Reference: Brown, J. D. (2001). Using surveys in Language programs. Cambridge University Press.
Citation: Brown (2001) claims that one data collection method for research purposes is the surveys
which…xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Citation Reference:

Citation Reference:

Citation Reference:

 Write the thesis statement of your essay below: (Look at the sample in ACTIVITY 2)

Having this in mind _______________________________________________________________________



Based on the articles you read, classify all the relevant and related vocabulary you would be most likely to use or
need for your own essay. This will be your dictionary the day of the exam.


Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
Based on the chosen topic and the article you have already read and analyzed, brainstorm the 3 sub-problems that
are generated by the situation you received. Keep in mind the information presented in the Video you found in
Virtual Sabana

Problem 1 Solution 1

Problem 2 Solution 2

This situation generates

Problem 3 Solution 3

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
ACTIVITY 7( AT HOME): Writing an outline

When writing an outline, you ONLY WRITE SHORT PHRASES that convey the overall idea in each section. Complete
the sample below with the information from the essay in Activity 2. Avoid including connectors at this point.
Paragraph 1

Hook UDPs as instrument of government management /negative effects.

Background (causes
of the main problem)

Thesis Statement
UDPs’s negative impact on the community: 1. overcrowding, 2. monopolized
(Main problem + 3 sub-
problems) investment and 3. environmental issues.

Problem 1
Supporting evidence
Yale University report: “the quality of life is better in the capitals”.
(Example, author’s
 Increase in the urban population by 43% in the last 2 years
Paragraph 2

opinion, statistics, reports)

Solution 1
(What, Who, How)

Resulting sentence

Problem 2 Monopolized investment of public invesment

Supporting evidence
(Example, author’s
Paragraph 3

opinion, statistics, reports)

Solution 2
(What, Who, How)

Resulting sentence

Problem 3
Supporting evidence
(Example, author’s
Paragraph 4

opinion, statistics, reports)

Solution 3
(What, Who, How)

If it is done, more eco-friendly projects can make modern urbanization more

sustainable in the future.

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
ACTIVITY 8 (IN CLASS): Write your outline. NAME:___________________________________
Paragraph 1

Background (causes
of the main problem)
Thesis Statement
(Main problem + 3 sub-

Problem 1
Supporting evidence
(Example, author’s
opinion, statistics, reports)

Solution 1
(What, Who, How)

Resulting sentence

Problem 2
Paragraph 3

Supporting evidence
(Example, author’s
opinion, statistics, reports)

Solution 2
(What, Who, How)

Resulting sentence

Problem 3
Paragraph 4

Supporting evidence
(Example, author’s
opinion, statistics, reports)

Solution 3
(What, Who, How)

Resulting sentence

Yes 1.0 Partially Not quite

Grading criteria – Total Score: each 0.5 each 0.1 each

1. Does the introduction propose a hook, a background and a thesis statement?

2. Are there three coherent problems? (consequences not causes)

3. Are there three well thought-out solutions?

4.Is there evidence of research?

5. Has the outline been written with short phrases as is expected?

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
ACTIVITY 9 (IN CLASS): DRAFT 5% NAME: ________________________________
Write the first draft of your introductory paragraph and first body paragraph. You should write 160-180 words.Add
your supporting ideas and examples. Have a look at the useful expressions and vocabulary on the next page in order
to write two well-structured paragraphs.



Body Paragraph 1



Before handing it in make sure:

1. You complied with the word number requirement 160-180 words.
2. Highlight the following sentences using these colors:
Hook Blue
Background information Yellow
Thesis statement Red
Topic sentences Purple
Supporting data Orange
Solutions Green
Resulting sentences Pink

3. Check your grammar choice. Underline the sentences you wrote in perfect tenses, passive voice or gerunds.
4. Circle the words you have recently learned in class that are related to the topic you were assigned.

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
Causes and effects
…is resulting in… …is due to… …which causes… …leads to…
…which contributes to… …caused by… …as a result of…
…has a detrimental effect on…

Using modals for suggesting ways to solve a problem

People must to solve this problem/issue.
have to take responsibility to dramatically improve the
Politicians need take measures situation.
should find ways to alleviate the problem.
Governments could take action to reduce the harmful effects.
may be able to to stop this worrying trend.

Using conditionals to justify recommended action to be taken

Expressing positive results Expressing negative results

This would certainly reduce… Unless action is taken…

As a result, such action will… Otherwise the situation will continue to deteriorate.
If this is done, … If governments refuse to take action, …
If this suggested course of action is taken, it will alleviate…

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All
Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the
copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be
reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to
Name _______________________________________________________ Code ______________________ Group_________________
Grade: 5 Grade: 4 Grade: 3 Grade: 2 Grade: 1
* Addresses all the requirements of the task *Addresses most the requirements of the task * Some of the requirements are generally *Addresses very few of the *Addresses none of the
accurately (clear introduction: interesting accurately (introduction: descriptive hook, addressed accurately. (introduction: poor requirements (hook, background requirements.
hook, remarkable background andcomplete factual background and thesis statement (two hook, basic background and thesis statement and/or thesis statement are missing). *Word count is not reached.
thesis statement (three strong points to be points to be examined) and clear first problem - (points to be examined are not precise) and *Shows limited knowledge and *Shows no knowledge and the paper
examined) and clear first problem - solution solution paragraph (problem, first problem - solution paragraph (problem, command of the subject/topic. is off topic. THEREFORE, YOUR FINAL
TASK FULFILLMENT paragraph (problem, solution,implementation of the solution). solution,implementation of the solution). *Word count is poorly reached. GRADE IS 1.0.
20% solution,implementation of the solution). *Shows enough knowledge of research * Shows some knowledge of research and fair
* Shows high knowledge of sounding research supported by at least one academic reference In command of the subject/topic. *There is evidence of plagiarism in
supported by two or more academic English which are cited. Some references were not cited. one or more paragraphs. THEREFORE
references In English which are cited. * Word count is mostly reached. * Word count is approximately reached. YOUR FINAL GRADE IS 0.0
* Word count is outstandingly reached.
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
*Develops well-framed, coherent and * Develops sufficient, coherent and organized * Develops partially coherent paragraphs with *Provides paragraphs which lack *Paragraph structure is not evident
organized paragraphs based on the task paragraphs based on the task requirements. somewhat loose organization. appropriate structure and confusing and the ideas are mostly
requirements. *Makes proper use of connective devices and * Makes fair use of connective and discourse ideas that are repetitive and lack disconnected.
COHERENCE AND *Makes outstanding use of connective devices discourse markers . markers, but organization may be somewhat coherence. *Lacks basic connective devices.
COHESION and discourse markers . *The result sentences usually the issue loose. *Makes ineffective use and/or * There is no a logical connection
20% *The result sentences always address the mentioned in the topic sentence s *The result sentences sometimes address the overuse of basic connective devices. between the resulting sentences and
issue mentioned in the topic sentence s. issue mentioned in the topic sentences * The result sentences do not address the topic sentences.
the issue mentioned in the topic

1 08 0.6 0.4 0.2

*Expresses ideas with ease in well-controlled *Expresses ideas in controlled sentence structure *Expresses ideas with enough control of *Expresses ideas with frequently *Expresses ideas with inconsistent
sentence structure and tenses. and tenses. grammatical forms and proper sentence inconsistent and fragmented and fragmented sentence structure.
*Uses a variety of simple and complex * Uses simple and complex grammar structures structure. sentence structure. *Shows inconsistencies with
GRAMMAR grammar structures mostly accurately. with some small errors. * Uses mostly simple and/or complex *Shows several inconsistencies with grammar usage which make ideas
25% grammar structures with some significant grammar usage that interfere with difficult to understand.
errors. the meaning. 0.25
1.25 1 0.75 0.5
*Shows highly varied and related vocabulary *Shows enough varied and related vocabulary *Shows fair use of related vocabulary learnt *Shows limited vocabulary that is *Shows a lack of vocabulary that is
learnt through research and studied in class. learnt through research and studied in class. through research which occasionally may be poorly related and often repetitive. related and repetitive.
*Makes outstanding use of useful expressions *Makes proper use of useful expressions to repetitive. *Makes poor use of expressions to *Lacks expressions to explain
VOCABULARY to explain problems and propose solutions. explain problems and propose solutions. *Makes good use of expressions to explain explain problems or to propose problems and to propose solutions.
25% *Makes consistent word choice. *Makes accurate word choice. problems or to propose solutions. solutions. *Uses words totally in an inaccurate
*Makes fair word choice. *Uses words mostly in an inaccurate manner.
1.25 manner.
1 0.75 0.5 0.25
*Shows accurate punctuation, capitalization, * Shows accurate punctuation, capitalization, and * Shows somewhat appropriate punctuation, *Attempts punctuation, capitalization, *Lacks of punctuation and
MECHANICS and spelling. spelling in spite of some errors that do not capitalization, and spelling in spite of some and spelling but frequent errors capitalization. Spelling with frequent
10% distort the message. errors which slightly distort the message. usually impede reading. errors impede reading constantly.

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

Copyright © 2015. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Rodriguez, S. (2015). Adapted by Fernandez, S. (2018) All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be
reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to

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