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“A person doesn’t gain knowledge by possessing an insatiable thirst for it,

But by searching for the means to quench it”

In the ever challenging field of business, where strategies need to readjust frequently, a highest
level of business education is required to achieve the competitive advantage in the highly
competitive job market. This is the era of globalization. Now most of the firms, who have
enough resources try to run their global operation. But here the main obstacles is the instability
of global economy. The international market condition is now erratic in many part of the world.
So the world is now looking for new business concepts or ideas which will not only be recession
proof but also create more employment opportunities to contribute more on global economy.

I am Shaon Biswas from Bangladesh. I have completed my Bachelor in Business Administration

from American International University-Bangladesh with a cGPA of 3.89 in the scale of 4.00. I
think this bachelor degree provide me just the base, but to cope up with the ever competitive
corporate world, only this qualification is not enough, a good postgraduate degree is mandatory
where dedication and personal commitment is the key to success. Therefore, after completing my
undergraduate degree and carefully contemplating the various career options open to me I have
decided to go for graduate study that calls for personal commitment in fulfilling the crafts of
independent research and dedicated involvement. In turn, I shall get intellectual satisfaction and
gratification of becoming a contributor of knowledge with research, and the greater personal
rewards of memory and discovery.

Goals are where horizons meet reality. These goals are nurtured with ample of determination and
backed by resilience which can turn into achievements. I always wanted to be a self-made
person, a business man who would sketch his own future, though I belong to a family with no
prior family business background. But I always think big. I always like to do such things where
challenges are involved and like to take calculative risk to achieve my target. Hence, I think to
minimize the personal risk, I need to get years of job experience to know practically how
corporate world works before entering my own business. At this starting point of my career my
extreme desire is to do job in Multinational Corporation as this job will provide me the
experience of how business in international arena works. Thus to acquire the valuable
experience from multinational firm, firstly I need to be eligible for the job in MNCs and I believe
my qualification cannot be better if I can be able to get my postgraduate qualification from a
renowned university of United Kingdom which will provide me the refined international outlook
as UK boasts an excellent multicultural atmosphere and highly developed commercial sector, as
well as sophistication in the humanities and areas of scientific and technological advancement.

During my BBA program I have completed several courses in business. But the courses I like
most are Global Business and Global Marketing as they provide me basic ideas of international
business. Now I want to get the practical knowledge from the European University about how to
get fund to run international operations, how to market same product in different markets around
the world, how global supply chain works to minimize cost, how to manage people from
different cultural background etc. Thereupon, I firmly believe an MSc in International Business
Management where the curriculum is the mixture of all business functions is the complete
package for me to build up a strong base that allow me to attain my career objective and goal.

Besides my country, Bangladesh is a developing nation. We have a lot of natural and human
resource to develop our country. Now, only the public sensibility and political stability should be
achieved to utilize our strengths properly and grab the opportunities in both home and abroad.
Some of our locally renowned firms have already commenced their international operations with
the strengths they have and are looking for more qualified employee to up the ante, thus, our
country needs more internationally experienced graduates to cope up with international business
environment. Besides many international companies are now opening their international ventures
here, as our buying power are increasing day by day. Current market trend suggest that, within
few years we will be an emerging market and which will certainly create a great job
opportunities for international business graduates. So I think if I get the chance to study in such a
reputed university as the Sheffield Hallam, it would be helpful both for me and my beloved

Here, I am honored to apply for MSc International Business Management program at the
Sheffield Hallam University with a hope to have an offer letter which will provide me a chance
to study in a world class educational environment in the United Kingdom.

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