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1. Mass of small marble = __________________

2. Mass of large marble = __________________

3. Starting volume of water in graduated cylinder = ________________

*Place one small marble into the graduated cylinder.

4. Water level in graduated cylinder with one marble = ____________

5. Volume of one small marble (show work)

6. Predict the volume of all four small marbles (show work)

*Place remaining 3 marbles in cylinder

7. Water level with all four marbles = _________________

8. Volume of all 4 marbles (show work)

*Pour water and marbles out
*Dry the marbles
*Refill graduated cylinder approximately half way

9. New starting water level in graduated cylinder = _____________________

*Place large marble in cylinder

10.Water level with large marble = ______________________

11.Volume of large marble (show work)

12. Predict volume of large marble with all four small marbles (show work)

*Add 4 marbles to cylinder

13. Water level with all five marbles = __________________

14.Volume of all five marbles (show work)

15.Density of small marble (show work)

16.Density of large marble (show work)

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