Brett Combs Sitemap

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Brett Combs Sitemap 

Goodyear Autonomy


Nov 3rd 2019
Mobile Patterns
. Left panel Nav for useful links (swipe right). 
. Interactions on all (visited links) offers users FEEDBACK & CONFIRMATION of
their interactions while also establishing a clear conceptual model in which there is
a difference between two categories and the orientation of transitions between

In this case swipe left is the common, navigation / settings panel. Transitions left and
right accompany the completion of a step in a form or the submission of a form. (Ex:
between the submit button of a form and a conformation popup there is a screen
transition from left to right or right to left.)

Movement between content utilizes the same interactions up and down between
(Ex: Selecting an event or activity from the feed and any subsequent content that is
not a form.) 

The linear progression of the user through selection of content from the feed, (detail
pages, sorts for popular and the like) is a series of slides up in from bottom. Studies
have shown that both knowing what is happening, together with animations that
begin slow and speed up, leave users with the impression of a faster experience.

The goals of the user are different at different points throughout the experience of the
. Browsing or searching a feed of events or activities
. Completing the steps of a process, like logging in facebook and meetup within

Providing the user two recognizably different interactions, it is easier to quickly form a
conceptual model. This supports knowing what is happening before interacting with
the app and the users perception of optimized performance.

#1 Content Flow
. Attend an Event (service provided)
a. Join others riding to the same event (Ex: Indians Fans…)
b. Invite friends to ride to an event with you
c. Post an event to organize a ride with others in advance

#2 Content Flow 
. Participate In Activities (service provided)

a. Select from activities & ride with others doing the same ( AIGA conference, 40s
Singles of Cleveland and other entries from Meetup
b. Invite friends to participate in an activity with you ( Game night, Shopping for a
baby shower, biking …)
c. Post an activity to organize a ride with others in advance, or even an activity


Quicklinks Menu Opens Account Settings


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