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12/25/2010 Language Documentation & Conservati…

Volume 4 (2010)

Dear Colleagues:
If you have checked the LD&C home page recently, you will have noticed that our
journal now employs a “publish-upon-acceptance” system. This means that we no
longer publish on a regular schedule, but instead upload articles and reviews as they
become ready for publication, after the review and editing processes.

We adopted this system in the hope that it will better enable us to serve both authors
and readers. Please be assured that we will continue to maintain both the quantity
and quality of materials that we have published during the past three years.

The current installment of articles and reviews for 2010 follows. If you are a
subscriber to our journal, we will inform you when new materials are available. If you
are not a subscriber, then we urge you to become one. It takes only seconds, and it
helps us maintain our funding.

We hope you will check our website on a regular basis and that you will continue to
support and profit from our journal.

LD&C Editorial Staff

Table of Contents
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Why Revisit Published Data of an Endangered Language with Native

Speakers? An Illustration from Cherokee
Durbin Feeling, Christine Armer, Charles Foster, Marcellino Berardo, and Sean
pp. 1–21
abstract | pdf (sounds embedded) [requires Adobe Reader 6 or above] | pdf (no
embedded sounds) 1/4
12/25/2010 Language Documentation & Conservati…
Trust me, I am a Linguist! Building Partnership in the Field
Valérie Guérin and Sébastien Lacrampe
pp. 22–33
abstract | pdf

Principles and Practicalities of Corpus Design in Language Retrieval:

Issues in the Digitization of the Beynon Corpus of Early Twentieth-Century
Sm'algyax Materials
Tonya N. Stebbins and Birgit Hellwig
pp. 34–59
abstract | pdf

The Index of Linguistic Diversity: A New Quantitative Measure of Trends in

the Status of the World's Languages
David Harmon and Jonathan Loh
pp. 97-151
abstract | pdf

Language Description and "The New Paradigm": What Linguists May

Learn from Ethnocinematographers
Gerrit J. Dimmendaal
pp. 152-158
abstract | pdf

The Status of the Least Documented Language Families in the World

Harald Hammarström
pp. 177-212
abstract | pdf

Words Should be Fun: Scrabble as a Tool for Language Preservation in

Tuvan and Other Local Languages
Vitaly Voinov
pp. 213-230
abstract | pdf

Orthography Design for Chuxnabán Mixe

Carmen Jany
pp. 231-253
abstract | pdf

Basic Oral Language Documentation

D. Will Reiman
pp. 254-268
abstract | pdf

Making “Collaboration” Collaborative: An Examination of Perspectives that

Frame Linguistic Field Research
Wesley Y. Leonard and Erin Haynes
pp. 269-293
abstract | pdf 2/4
12/25/2010 Language Documentation & Conservati…
Technology Reviews

Review of Typecraft
Reviewed by Scott Farrar
pp. 60–65

Review of High Definition Video Camera HDC-HS 100P/PC and HD Writer

2.6E High Definition Image Management/Easy Editing Software
Reviewed by Elena Mihas and Jeffrey J. Loomis
pp. 66–74

Reaction to the LEXUS Review in LD&C Vol. 3 No. 2

Reviewed by Jacquelijn Ringersma and Marc Kemps-Snijders
pp. 75–77

Review of Fieldworks Language Explorer (FLEx) 3.0

Reviewed by Chris Rogers
pp. 78–84

Review of Matapuna Dictionary Writing System

Reviewed by Oumar Bah
pp. 169–176

Book Reviews

Nicholas Evans: Dying words: Endangered languages and what they have
to tell us
Reviewed by David Harmon
pp. 85-89

Terry Crowley: Field linguistics: A beginner's guide

Reviewed by Thomas E. Payne
pp. 90–96

Wayne Harbert, with help from Sally McConnell-Ginet, Amanda Miller, and
John Whitman, eds: Language and poverty
Reviewed by Lise M. Dobrin
pp. 159-168

Editorial Board

Submission Information 3/4
12/25/2010 Language Documentation & Conservati…

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