Session-7 & 8 - CB Core (Personality)

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Consumer Behavior:

Fall 2018, BBA, IBM, Session: 7,8
Jindal Global Business School
Prof. Diptiman Banerji
1. I don’t allow late-coming into class.
2. Please do not engage in non-acceptable
 Non-acceptable behavior → Consequences
3. If you have to go to the toilet, please wait for
the earlier person to come back.
4. Please consider bringing your water bottles
to class to avoid disturbing all your
28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 2
• The inner psychological characteristics (the
specific qualities, attributes, traits, factors,
and mannerisms that distinguish one
individual from other individuals) that both
determine and reflect how we think and act.

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 3

Aspects of Personality
• No two individuals are like as far as their
personalities are concerned
• Personality is consistent and enduring
• Personality may change
– Major life events, gradual maturing

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 4

Theories of Personality…(1/2)
• Freudian theory
– Personality develops as a reaction to our
– Three interacting systems
• ID (primitive, impulsive needs)
• Superego (what is ethically/morally correct)
• Ego (controlling mechanism)
• Neo-Freudian theorists
– Alfred Adler, Karen Horney
– Social relationships are fundamental

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 5

Theories of Personality…(2/2)
• Trait theory
– Quantitative
– Measurement of specific psychological

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 6

• Innovativeness
– Degree of willingness to adopt new products
– Open to using new offerings, internet-based
• Dogmatism
– Rigidity towards information/opinions that oppose
one’s beliefs/views
• Social character
– Inner-directed vs. outer-directed

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 7

Which trait-person is this ad talking

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 8

• Need for uniqueness
– Individual’s pursuit of differentness
• Optimum stimulation level (OSL)
– High: the degree to which people like novel,
complex and unusual experiences
– Low: prefer a calm, simple existence
– Under stimulated = bored →offer excitement
– Over stimulated ?

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 9

Which trait-person is this ad talking

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 10

Which trait-person is this ad talking

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 11

• Sensation-seeking
– One’s need for varied, novel, and complex
– Examples?
• Need for cognition
– Craving for thinking, someone who is high enjoys
– Examples?

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 12

Other Personality Factors
• Visualizers vs. verbalizers
– Preference for pictures, vs. for the written word
• Ethnocentrism
– Tendency not to buy foreign products
– In-group vs. out-group

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 13

Fixated and compulsive consumption
• What is the difference?
• Fixated consumption refers to collectors’ and
hobbyists’ tendency to accumulate items that
are related to their interests and show them
off to friends and others with similar interests.
• Compulsive consumption is addictive and out-
of-control buying that often has damaging
consequences for both the compulsive
shopper and those around him or her.

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 14

Personality and color….(1/2)
• Consumers assign personality traits to colors
• Red
– Exciting, strong, bold, passionate
• Yellow
– Caution, warmth
• White
– Purity, goodness
• Black = ?
We covered till here on 28 Aug
• Silver, Gold = ?

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 15

Personality and color….(1/2)

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 16

Brand personification
• Brand personification occurs when consumers
attribute human traits or characteristics to a
• A “brand personality” provides a unique, human-
like identity for a brand
– Produces sentiments and feelings toward the brand
among consumers.
• 5 underlying dimensions of a brand’s
personality—sincerity, excitement, competence,
sophistication, and ruggedness

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 17

Brand personality

Source:, based on Aaker (1997)

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 18

Brand personality examples…(1/3)
• Dove
– Gentle/mild, caring (high on the sincerity
• Spice men’s care products
– Masculine, refreshing
• Liril
– Refreshing, energetic
• Apple
– Stylish, innovative

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 19

Brand personality examples…(2/3)


28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 20

Brand personality examples…(3/3)


28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 21

The self and self-image
• Self-image: How a person views
– Ideal self-image
• Social self-image: How I feel others see me as
– Ideal social self-image
• Consumers select the type of self-image in the
purchase/consumption context
– For everyday products ?
– For significant, conspicuous products?

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 22

Altering the self…(1/3)
• Wish to change or improve
– Consumers attempt to express their new selves,
– Take on specific appearances
• What examples can you think of?

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 23

Altering the self…(2/3)

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 24

Altering the self…(3/3)

28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 25

All the best!


28/08/2018, 03/09/2018 @ Diptiman Banerji, JGBS 26

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