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Rothamstcd Experimental Station. Hal-pcndcn. Her&. AL5 2JQ

Summary--A new method for the determination of biomass in soil is described. Soil is fumigated
with CHCI, vapour. the CHCI, removed and the soil then incubated. The biomass is calculated from
the difference between the amounts of CO, evolved during incubation by fumigated and unfumigated
soil. The method was tested on a set of nine soils fl-om long-term field experiments. The amollnts
of biomass C ha- ’ in the top 23 cm of soil from plots on the Broadbalk contmuous wheat experiment
were 530 kg (unmanured plot). 590 (plot receiving inorganic fcrtihrcrs) and I I60 (plot receiving farmyard
manure). Soils that had been fallowed for I year contained less biomass than soils carrying a crop.
A calcareous woodland soil contained 1960 kg biomass C ha-‘. and an unmanured soil under permanent
grass 2020. The arable soils contained about 2”,, of their organic C in the biomass: uncultivated
soils a little more--about 3”,,.


From the preceding study of the effects of biocidal Soils

treatments on soil metabolism (Jenkinson and Powl- All the soils came from long-term experiments on
son, 1976; Powlson and Jenkinson, 1976; Jenkinson Rothamsted Experimental Farm. All were silt loams
er al., 1976; Jenkinson, 1976) we concluded that the or silty clay loams and all arc mapped as ‘Batcombe
flush of decomposition caused by fumigation can pro- series’. Table I gives analytical and sampling details
vide a measure of the amount of biomass in a soil. of the soil samples. The cropped Broadbalk soils
This paper describes a practical method for measur- (&OS. 1, 3 and 5) were taken immediately after harvest
ing biomass that is based on the earlier work on fumi- from discard areas of Section 11one of the continuous
gation. The new method was tested on a set of soils wheat sections of the Broadbalk experiment (Johnson
of known history, selected to cover an extreme range and Garner, 1969). The fallowed Broadbalk soils were
of systems of soil management. taken from the fallow year of a wheat. wheat. fallow
In contrast to the earlier work. which was done rotation (Section 3). Jenkinson (1971) gives details of
on small samples of carefully homogcniscd stored soil. the Broadbalk Wilderness soils: Warren and John-
the work described in this paper was done on large ston (1964) give details of the Park Grass soils.
samples. freshly collected and taken with the mini- Sampling was to a depth of 22.9 cm with a 5 cm
mum of soil disturbance, so that the amount of bio- dia corer in July~August. 1973. Twenty cores were
mass as measured could be related to the amount taken from each site and were placed alternately into
in the field. Sampling was by volume, so that biomass one of two samples. gibing two samples per site. each
could be expressed on a per hectare basis. of 10 cores. The samples were put through a 6.35

Table I. Description of soils used

I Bloadhalk Plot 03 hone \VhU1 h0 0 IO? I 00 0 26 2600 340

1 Hroadhalk Plot 03 hone F;,lloa X0 0 w4 O-&J 0 ?h 2610 310
3 Bwadhalk Plot 22 Farm~.mi mmu,~‘~” WhC‘l1 7X 0 239 2 47 022 ‘450 330
4 Bloadbalk Plot 22 Fdrm>cird manut-cl” Fallou 77 ,,2?X 2 :i 0 2.3 2 I70 ??(I
5 Broadhalk Plot OX NPK NeMy$“’ What ii OII? I O’Y 0 0, 2690 431
6 Hroadbalk Plot OX NPK NaMglh’ FZJllO\\ 7X 0 109 I 09 0~04 2.400 34,
7 Broadhalk W,ldcrncss NOIlL- Wooded 77 0 101 3 191’1 I) 26 I Xi0 230
X Broadhnlk Wildcrnw hone Stuhhcd 77 O?li 1 2.3 I, IX I620 320
9 Park Grass Plot 3d Nom Gr:,,s 57 0 263 3 20 NOllC 2180 I x0

cd’ 35 tonnes ha- ‘. annually.

lh’144 kg N. 32 kg P. 91 kg K. I6 kg Na and II kg Mg ha-‘. annually.
IL)Soils 7. 8 and 9 also contained. respectively. 9. 2 and 5 tonnes ha ’ of organic C m roots not passing the
6.35 cm sieve. All other soils contained negligible amounts of roots not passing the sieve.

mm sieve and the weights of sieved soil, stones not

passing through the sieve and roots not passing The portions of soil were incubated for IO days
through the sieve measured on a spring balance. The at 25’C and CO, evolution measured. In addition.
soils were either used on the day they were sampled the unfumigated soils were incubated for a second
or stored overnight at 15’C: they were not allowed IO-day period. Each beaker of soil was placed in a
to dry out. wide-neck (1 1.4 cm dia) screw-top glass confectionary
jar with a volume of 3.75 1. (W.G. Glass Containers
Ltd. Staines. Middlesex), together with 100 ml of l!V
NaOH in a 250 ml beaker. The jar also contained
Four portions of soil. each containing 250 g moist 20 ml of distilled water to offset the drying elTect of
soil, were taken from each sample and placed in 400 the alkali. The jar was closed with a rubber closure
ml glass beakers; two portions were fumigated with (No. 145, Suba-Seal Works. Barnsley. Yorkshire), and
CHCl, and two left unfumigated. Replicate portions the plastic cap provided with the bottle was screwed
of soil were taken for dry matter determinations and down over the Suba-Seal. Care must be taken to
for measurement of water holding capacity. Sub-sam- avoid breathing into the open jars- an important
ples for chemical analysis were air-dried and ground source of error with large jars such as thcsc. Blank
for 3 min in a Tema disc mill. The fumigations were incubations, in which the jar contained water and
done in large desiccators (30.5 cm id.) lined with alkali but no soil, were included in each experiment.
moist paper. Each desiccator contained a beaker with Large jars were used to ensure that there was enough
50 ml of alcohol-free CHCl, (see below) and a few 0, for the whole incubation. In no incubation was
anti-bumping granules. The desiccator was evacuated more than half the 0, consumed and usually the pro-
until the CHCl, boiled vigorously. the tap closed and portion consumed was much less.
the desiccator then left in the dark at 25‘C for 18-24 At the end of an incubation the NaOH was made
h. The beaker of CHCl, and the paper were then up to 250 ml with distilled water. A 25 ml aliquot
removed and CHCl, vapour removed from the soil was placed in a 150 ml beaker with 25 ml distilled
by repeated evacuation in the desiccator. Six 3-min water and four drops of a solution of carbonic anhyd-
evacuations, three with a water pump and three with rase. prepared by dissolving 10 mg of the pure cn;l_yc
a high vacuum oil pump, were usually sufficient to (Sigma Chemical Corporation) in IO ml distlllcd
remove the smell of CHCl, from the soil; two ad- water. This enzyme solution can bc stored for up to
ditional evacuations were then given with the high 7 days in a refrigerator. Immediately after adding the
vacuum pump. Each portion of fumigated soil was enzyme. the pH of the solution was brought to about
inoculated with I g of moist unfumigated soil, mixed 10 by slow addition of I Al HCl and then to X.30 by
in with a spatula. The unfumigated portions of soil slow addition of 0.05,V HCl, the solution being stirred
were not inoculated. While fumigation was in pro- with a magnetic stirrer. Addition of carbonic anhyd-
gress, the unfumigated controls were kept at 25’C in rase improved the pH X.30 end-point by decreasing
desiccators lined with moist paper. After inoculation, drift. so that the titration could be done more quickly
sufficient distilled water was added to each soil to (Underwood, 1961). The solution was then titrated
bring it to 5S”,, of its water holding capacity. with 0.05.V HCl to pH 3.70 and the amount of CO,
The CHCl, was purified by shaking the Analar- evolved during incubation calculated from the volume
grade reagent (which contains ethanol as stabilizer) of acid required to bring the pH from X,3&3.70. less
three times with 5”<, cont. H,SO,. The CHCl, was that required by the blank: I ml of 0.05R; HCl is
then washed five times with water. dried over anhy- equivalent to 0.6 mg COzmC in the NaOH solution.
drous K,CO, and redistilled. The purified reagent Each CO, measurement in Table 2 is the mean of
can be stored over anhydrous K,CO, in the dark two replicate incubations on each of the two soil
for a few weeks. samples taken from each site.

““CO,~~C evolved by fumigated soil in @IO day period. less CO,-C evolved by untreated soil in I@ 20 da\. period.
““Calculated from flush using a k factor of 0.5.
“’ Weights of biomass C ha-’ calculated for each of the field samples from biomass and soil weight mcasurcmcnts
made on that sample alone: figs. in this column are means of two such measurements per soil.
Metabolism in sod V 211

Soil pH, total N. organic C and carbonate C were Table 2 shows that the areas of Broadbalk that
determined as previously described (Jenkinson and had carried a wheat crop in the year the samples
Powlson, 1976). Water holding capacity was deter- were taken (soils 1,3 and 5) contained a little more bio-
mined by Shaw’s method (1958). A conical filter fun- mass C per hectare than the corresponding areas that
nel was fitted with a small glass wool plug; a short had been fallowed for a year after growing wheat
piece of rubber tubing which could be closed with (soils 2,4 and 6). Thus, for the unmanured plot, the bio-
a clip was attached to the stem. Moist soil (50 g). mass per hectare in the fallowed area was 81% of
as sampled, was placed in the funnel. the clip closed. that in the cropped area. The corresponding figure
50 ml water added, and the soil allowed to stand for the inorganic fertilizer plot was 88% and for the
for 30 min. The clip was then opened and the \,olume farmyard manure plot 73;;,.
of water draining in 30 min measured. The diffcrcncc Soils 5-6. from the Broadbalk plot receiving
between the volume of water added and the volume mineral fertilizers, showed a relatively small difference
drained. plus the water previously in the soil. is taken in biomass between the cropped area (soil 5) and the
as the water holding capacity. fallowed area (soil 6) when the results were expressed
on a per lo0 g soil basis (Table 2). Likewise. the fal-
RESL’LTS A\D DISCI WON lowed soil contained as much C and almost as much
total N as the cropped soil (Table 1). Sampling errors
arc probably the cause of this apparent similarity;
Fumigation with CHCI, caused the usual flush of the fallowed area from which soil 6 was taken almost
decomposition (Table 2). Respiration in the unfumi- certainly contained less organic C. organic N and bio-
gated soils was markedly less during the IO 20 day mass than the corresponding cropped area. Table I
period than during the &IO day period: for reasons shows that soil 5 was more compacted than soil 6,
for this decline see Section 3. so that soil cores taken to a depth of 23 cm were
The respiration measurements in Table 2 are each diluted with more subsoil than the corresponding
the mean of four determinations: two separate cores from soil 6.
samples were taken from each site in the field and The fallowed and cropped areas differed only in
duplicate incubations done on each of these. An the treatment they received in the year before sam-
analysis of variance done on a logarithmic transform pling: before that. both had grown wheat for many
of the data in column 5 of Table 2 shohed that the years. Thus. it is reasonable to assume that, had the
partition of error between different ficld samples and fallowed areas been cropped in the year preceding
between replicate incubations done on the same the collection of the soil samples, there would have
sample was such that. for a given number of incuba- been little difference in biomass between samples l-2,
tions. it is better to take more field samples than to between samples 3-4 and between samples 5-6. The
increase the number of determinations done on each comparatively small differences actually measured
field sample. show that the absence of freshly added plant material
and the extra disturbance received by the soil during
its fallow year did not result in a catastrophic loss
Because of the large initial respiration rate in the of biomass. The biomass in the fallowed soil is pre-
‘untreated’ soils the flush (F) was taken as (X - J,) sumably made up of (a) organisms decomposing the
where X is the COz- C evolved by fumigated soil over older and more stable parts of the soil organic matter,
the period GlO days and J’ that evolved by unfumi- (b) new biomass synthesised during the decomposi-
gated soil over the 1@20 day period. rather than tion of the small quantities of plant material left from
(X - _u) where s is the CO1 C evolved by unfumi- the previous year’s crop and (c) organisms that per-
gatcd soil over the &IO day period. Soil biomass (B) sisted in dormant states throughout the year.
was calculated from the expression B = (X - !$I,; k
was taken to be 0.5 (Jenkinson. 1976). Table 2 shows
that the amounts of biomass C in the nine soils range The standard errors in Table 2 give a measure of
from 44@2020 kg ha ‘. all to a depth of 23 cm. In the sampling and analytical errors involved in using
the arable soils (Nos. 1 -6) this biomass accounts for the new method to measure biomass in field soils.
1.7 ZOO,, of the soil organic C. The soils from the The measurements also contain a systematic error
wooded. stubbed and grassland sites (Nos. 7-9) arising from the use of the arbitrary k constant (see
contain considcrabl) more biomass C than any of Jenkinson. 1976) as well as systematic errors intro-
the arable soils. and this biomass constitutes a larger duced by difficulties associated with the determina-
proportion (2.9%3,7”;,) of the total soil organic C. tion of the respiration rate of the unfumigated soil.
These values for the amount of biomass in soil are In the present work. this was taken as J’, the amount
rather larger than previous estimates. Clark and Paul of CO,-C evolved by unfumigated soil over the 1O-20
(1970) estimated the microbial biomass (bacteria. day period. rather than s, the amount evolved over
actinomycetes and fungi) of a Canadian grassland soil the (&IO day period.
to be 200 g dry matter/m’ to a depth of 30 cm. Respiration is stimulated by mechanical distur-
Assuming that the dry matter contains 5OY, C, this bance (Rovira and Greaten. 1957; Craswell and War-
corresponds to I COO kg microbial biomass C ha- ’ ing. 1972). Disruption of soil aggregates kills some
to a depth of 30 cm. Dr. J. E. Satchel1 (personal com- soil organisms but also exposes some previously inac-
munication) provisionally estimated that the total cessible substrate to microbial attack (Jenkinson, un-
biomass (bacteria. actinomycetes. fungi and fauna) in published work). Thus, if a soil is subjected to disrup-
the litter and soil of a woodland site amounted to tion before fumigation. the biomass as calculated
200 g dry mattcr.lm’ to a depth of 35 cm. from the relationship B = (X - ~)/0.5 will be too

large. because both components of the disruption-in- CO1 C from a fumigated soil bc X mg Ci/lOO g soil
duced flush in the unfumigated soil will have subsided over the G10 day period. that from the same soil
by the time 1%is measured. On the other hand. if the to which substrate had been added immediately
biomass is taken as (X - .x)/0.5, it will be too small. before fumigation be Z mg. that from unfumigated
because mechanical disruption will have killed part soil alone s mg and from unfumigated soil plus sub-
of the biomass in the unfumigated soil. making .y too strate I mg. Since the soils with and without substrate
large. Limits can be set to the errors thus caused. contain the same amount of biomass at the moment
using the data in Table 2 for soil 9. Soil 9 is noncal- the substrate was added. Z - : should equal X - .x.
careous and so is not subject to the additional errors Figure 5 (Jenkinson and Powlson. 1976) suggests that
caused by bicarbonate decomposition: see below. On % - : is a little less than X - I.
the assumption that the flush caused by mechanical
disturbance is entirely due to the organisms killed
during sampling and sieving, the biomass is given by The problems caused by abiotic evolution of COz,
(7OG23.5)/0.5 or 93 mg biomass C!lOO g soil. On by disturbance during sample preparation, by freshly
the assumption that this flush is caused exclusively added substrate. etc. can largely be avoided if both
by the decomposition of non-biomass substrate portions of soil (that to be fumigated and that not)
exposed during disturbance. the biomass is are given a IO day pre-incubation in the presence
(70%32.2)/0.5 or 76 mg. The true value will lit of alkali. Fumigation is then done on the tenth day
between these limits. and the flush taken as the difference between the
With calcareous soils, errors are introduced amounts of CO, evolved by the fumigated (Y) and
through decomposition of bicarbonate. Let p0 be the the unfumigatcd soil (y). both measured over the
amount of HCO;~C/lOO g soil in the fumigated soil IO-20 day period. The biomass thus measured is of
at the beginning of incubation. (J,,~ that after IO days course that in the soil at the end of the pre-incuba-
and pzo that after 20 days. Let (lo. ylo and yzo be tion. not that in the soil as sampled. For some appli-
the corresponding amounts of HCO;-C in the unfit- cations this pre-incubation procedure is acceptable:
migated soil. Bicarbonate will decompose during the for others, for example the work in the present paper.
initial stages of incubation because the alkali used it is not.
to absorb the CO, will cause the partial pressure of If pm-incubation is not admissable. there is how-
CO, in the soil atmosphere to be lower during incu- ever a small modification of the experimental pro-
bation than before (see Powlson and Jenkinson, 1976) cedure described in the paper that will decrease bicar-
so that. approximately /jr, > p10 1 y, ,) 1 plO. Some bonate errors in calcareous soils. Place a beaker con-
HCO; will also be decomposed during fumigation taining 25 g soda lime in the desiccator holding the
and the subsequent removal of CHCl, by repeated CHCI, and the soil to be fumigated; place the same
evacuation. The relative constancy of the respiratory amount of soda lime in the desiccator holding the
quotient when fumigated soil is incubated. compared unfumigatcd soil whilst fumigation of the other por-
with the steady dechnc in unfumigated soil (Jenkinson tion of soil is in progress.
and Powlson, 1976; Table I ), suggests that little
HCO; remains in fumigated soil for subsequent
release during incubation. so that q, > po. The bicdr-
bonate error in the flush (taken as X - y. as in Table In this paper the proposed method was used to
2) is then (p. - p,,,) - (y10 - y2(,). which is less than compare the effects of different systems of manage-
(yO - ylo) - (y10 - q2J. At worst, the calculated bio- ment on the amounts of biomass in soils belonging
mass will be too large by (s ~ ~‘)/0,5; the real error to the same soil series. It has already been used to
will be much less. Bicarbonate errors are of course measure the effects of pesticides on the soil biomass
most important in calcarcous soils low) in organic (Jenkinson and Powlson. 1970). and could be used
matter such as soils I-2 in Table 2. to follow secular changes in a soil. or to compare
mineralogically-different soils. Sorensen (1975) has
used fumigation with CHCI, as an indication of the
amount of biomass formed wlhen labelled cellulose
Soils should not be air-dried before fumigation: air- decomposes in a range of different soils. Using our
drying renders some non-biomass C decomposable new value of 0.5 for k on his results. between 2- 9’5,
(Powlson and Jenkinson. 1976) as well as killing an of the original ccllulosc C was in the soil biomass
appreciable fraction of the biomass. Thus, if an air- at the end of 2 years, suggesting that the amount
dry soil is remoistened, one portion fumigated and of biomass synthesised per unit of cellulose (and/or
incubated and a second portion incubated without its stability once formed) differed greatly between
fumigation, the COz from both fumigated and unfu- soils.
migated soils contains a component from the killed
We thank Mr. Tie Yiu Liong. vacation
organisms and a component from the non-biomass
student from the University of Reading, for much of the
organic matter rendered decomposable. The situation practical work in this paper. Dr. P. J. Dart sug>vhted the
is analogous with that caused by mechanical distur- use of confcctionary .jars for the incubations. and provided
bance, except that the effects of air-drying are much them. Mr. J. H. A. Dunwoody did the the statistical analyses.
greater than those of the rather gentle mechanical dis-
turbances considered in Section 3 above.
Again the method will not give very reliable results
on soil that has just received large additions of CLARK F. E. and PA~JL E. A. (1970) The microflora of
decomposable organic matter. Let the evolution of gras~l:~nd. Adz,. Ayw~. 22. 375-435.
Metabolism in soil&V 213

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on the decomposition of soil organic matter- II. Oxygen torical introduction. Rep. Rothomsted E.yup. Stn for IY68,
uptake and nitrogen mineralization in virgin and culti- Part 2. 12-25.
vated cracking clay soils. Soil Bid. Biocl7em.4. 435-442. P~WLS~N D. S. and JENKINSON D. S. (1976) The effects
JI \~IYS~R D. S. (1971) The accumulation of organic mat- of biocidal treatments on metabolism in soil&II.
ter in soil left uncultivated. Rep. Rorhcrrmtetl E\-p. St/l Gamma irradiation, autoclaving. air-drying and fumiga-
fbr 1Y70. Part 2. 113 137. tion with chloroform or methyl bromide. Soil Bid. Bio-
JEXINSON D. S. (1976) The effects of biocidal treatments c/1~~nl.
8. 179-I xx.
on metabolism in soil&IV. The decomposition of fumi- KO\IKA A.D. and GKIA(.I.~\~ E. L. (1957) The effect of
gated organisms in soil. Soil Bid. Biochrw~. 8, 203 708. aggregate disruption on the activity of micro-organisms
JI ;~~I%SOU D. S. and POWLSON D. S. (1970) Residual effects in the soil. Aa\r. J. uqr-ic,. Res. 8. 659-673.
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%i/ Biol. Biochrr~l. 2. 99- 108. Irltrtiom 111 Soil. Ph.D. Thesis. University of London.
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tion with chloroform. Soil Bid. Biochrm. 8, 1677177. during decomposition of cellulose. Sorl Bid. B&heal.
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_ _.

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