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AAnalyst 200 Laser Alignment Verification


1) Unplug the Detector ribbon cable from the Detector board.

2) Turn the Instrument ON. After the instrument initializes, select OK for all Windows. In the Application
software, select Tools and then select Service. Select the Password box and a Keyboard should appear.
Using the Touch Screen Keyboard, type “PHOENIX” (capital letters must be used when typing the
password using the external Keyboard) and select OK twice. Then select Service Tools.

3) Install the Laser fixture in the Spray Chamber of the Burner Assembly. Mount the Laser fixture so that the
laser points toward Torroid 2.

4) Plug the Laser power supply into an AC outlet and turn the power ON.

5) Put Target 1 in front of Torroid 2 and put Target 2 in front of the Chopper Assembly.

6) Adjust the Laser height adjustment and the Burner assembly adjustments until the laser goes through the
hole in Target 1 and is centered on Target 2.

7) Put Target 1 in the target hole after the area for mounting the Slit assembly. Put the round Collimator target
on the Collimator. Put Target 2 in the hole in front of the Collimator assembly.

8) Adjust the Laser height adjustment and the Burner assembly adjustments until the laser goes through the
hole in Target 1 and is centered on Target 2.

9) Remove Target 2. The laser should be relatively centered on the Collimator Target. If the center of the spot
is outside of the innermost circle, then the collimator assembly should be replaced. Remove the Collimator

10) Put Target 1 in the hole in front of the Grating assembly. Adjust the alignment screws on the Collimator to
center the laser on Target 1.

11) Put Target 1 in the hole between the Prism and the Field Stop.
12) Select the Motor page from the top menu of the Touch Screen. Select Grating and enter an absolute value of
26000. Enter a relative value (a positive number move the laser down and a negative number will move the
laser up), in order to center the laser vertically on Target 1 (if there are multiple laser spots, use the one
which is brightest and/or closest to the middle). The laser should be relatively centered on Target 1. Select
Start Read and record the Grating position. Select Stop Read.

13) Then remove Target 1. Put the round Camerasphere Target on the Camerasphere. Put Target 2 in the hole in
front of the Camerasphere.

14) Select the Prism on the Touch Screen and enter an absolute value of 39000. This should put the laser on
Target 2. Enter a relative value (a positive number move the laser toward the front of the instrument and a
negative number will move the laser toward the back of the instrument), in order to center the laser
horizontally on Target 2.

15) If the laser is vertically centered on Target 2 (i.e. the center of the laser spot is within the center of the inner
circle on target 2), then continue with the next step. If the laser is not vertically centered on Target 2, then
carefully bend the Prism mirror in order to center the laser vertically on Target 2. Select Reset. Repeat Steps
14 and 15. If the center of the laser is within the inner circle but not exactly on the center line, adjust the
grating motor steps to center it and record the new position.

16) Select Start Read and record the Prism position. Select Stop Read. Remove Target 2. The laser should be
relatively centered on the Camerasphere Target. If the center of the spot is outside of the innermost circle,
then the Camerasphere assembly should be replaced. Remove the Camerasphere Target.

17) Put the round Ellipsoid Target on the Ellipsoid. Adjust the alignment screws on the Camerasphere to center
the laser on the Ellipsoid Target. Remove the Ellipsoid Target.

18) Put Target 1 in the hole in front of the Field Stop. The laser should be relatively centered on the Target 1.
Put Target 1 in the hole after the Field Stop. The laser should be relatively centered on the Target 1. Remove
Target 1. If the light is not relatively centered on the targets, then the ellipsoid assembly should be replaced.
Verify that the laser is relatively centered in the Field Stop hole. If the light is centered on the ellipsoid and
targets but not centered on the field stop hole, then the field stop should be replaced (or re-worked to put the
hole in the right position).
19) Adjust the alignment screws on the Ellipsoid to center the laser on the Detector pixels.

20) Turn Off the Laser power supply and remove the Laser fixture.

21) This concludes the Laser Alignment check.

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