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The determination of δ13C in soil microbial

biomass using fumigation-extraction


Impact Factor: 3.93 · DOI: 10.1016/S0038-0717(03)00151-2


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Martin Potthoff Rainer Georg Joergensen

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Universität Kassel


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Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954

The determination of d13C in soil microbial biomass

using fumigation-extraction
Martin Potthoff a,*, Norman Loftfielda, Franz Bueggerb, Barbara Wicka, Bettina Johna,
Rainer Georg Joergensenc, Heiner Flessaa
Institute of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition, University of Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Institute of Soil Ecology, GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
Department of Soil Biology and Plant Nutrition, University of Kassel, Nordbahnhofstr. 1a, 37213 Witzenhausen, Germany
Received 22 August 2002; received in revised form 28 February 2003; accepted 14 March 2003

The determination of the isotopic composition of the microbial biomass C in soil is an important tool to study soil microbial ecology and
the decomposition and microbial immobilization of soil organic C. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methods to
determine 13C/12C in soil microbial biomass and propose a new procedure that is based on the UV-catalyzed liquid oxidation of fumigated
and non-fumigated soil extracts combined with trapping of the released CO2 in liquid nitrogen and subsequent determination of d13 CO2 -C by
a gas chromatograph connected with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). This method was evaluated using test solutions with known
isotopic composition and soil extracts. Additionally, the method was compared with an off-line sample preparation technique combined with
isotope analysis by a dual-inlet IRMS and an on-line analysis using an elemental analyser connected with an IRMS. All methods applied
obtained comparable results and there were no significant differences between the d13 C values measured. The off-line preparation procedure
had the highest precision but it was also the most labour-intensive. The choice of the most suitable method depends mainly on the number of
samples that have to be analysed, the salt concentration of the extracts and the differences of d13 C that have to be detected.
The application of this method with liquid oxidation and subsequent GC-IRMS analysis showed that microbial biomass C of a grassland
soil was 13C-enriched by 2‰ d13 CPDB compared with the total soil organic C. The addition of maize straw resulted in a rapid immobilization
of maize C in the microbial biomass.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Soil microbial biomass; d13 C; Fumigation-extraction; Mass spectrometry

1. Introduction (van Veen et al., 1985). Both, the fumigation-incubation

(FI) and the fumigation-extraction (FE) method allow direct
Studies on the decomposition of 14C labelled rye grass estimates of C and N in the soil microbial tissue (Jenkinson,
showed that a significant fraction with strong isotope 1988). Therefore, they are suitable for experiments looking
enrichment was extractable after chloroform fumigation of at the turnover of isotope labelled material. However, the
soil (Jenkinson, 1966). The use of the isotope technique use of the FI method is restricted in terms of 14C, 13C, and
supported the hypothesis that CHCl3 labile material in soil is 15
N (van Veen et al., 1987; Nicolardot et al., 1986, 1994;
of microbial origin. This observation led to the development Qian and Doran, 1996; Qian et al., 1997), and the FI method
of the fumigation methods for measuring the soil microbial is limited to aerobic, neutral soils without actively
biomass (Jenkinson and Powlson, 1976) followed by an decomposing substrates (Jenkinson, 1988; Ocio and
increase in knowledge about the contribution of soil Brookes, 1990). In contrast, the FE method can be used
microorganisms to the turnover of plant nutrients with a larger range of isotopes, i.e. 14C, 13C, 15N, 32P and 35S
(Sparling and West, 1988; Ryan and Aravena, 1994; Hedley
* Corresponding author. Present Address: Department of Vegetable
and Stewart, 1982; Wu et al., 1994), in all types of soil,
Crops, University of California, 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
Tel.: þ 1-530-752-9164; fax: þ1-530-752-9659. especially in the presence of added actively decomposing
E-mail address: (M. Potthoff). substrates (Ocio and Brookes, 1990; Joergensen, 1996).
0038-0717/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
948 M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954

Recently, the use of 13C has increased in soil microbial (1) 0.5 M K2SO4 stock solutions were spiked with organic
ecology, because of an improved sensitivity in detecting C (10, 20, 40, 60 mg C ml21) derived from cane sugar
C. In contrast to 14C, 13C-labelled material can be used in (d13 C ¼ 210:50‰) or beet sugar (d13 C ¼ 224:82‰)
field experiments without any further safety precautions. with known d13 C values.
Also important is the fact that the difference in d13 C values (2) Grassland soil samples incubated with and without
between C3 (e.g. wheat) and C4 plants (e.g. maize and sugar maize straw (10 g air dried maize straw mixed with
cane) can be used as natural label for the differentiation 1 kg soil; incubation time 28 days) were extracted (FE)
between different C pools in decomposition experiments. with 0.5 M K2SO4 according to Vance et al. (1987).
For these reasons, the determination of the natural The organic C content of the soil was 12 mg g21, the
abundance of 13C in faunal tissue (Schmidt et al., 1997) C/N ratio was 10, the soil microbial biomass C was
and soil organic matter (Boutton, 1996) has been widely 300 mg kg21, and the d13 C value of the total soil
applied. Bulk samples from these materials can be directly organic C was 2 26.93‰. The maize straw had a d13 C
analysed by an elemental analyser (EA) connected to an value of 2 12.04‰.
isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS) after drying (3) Dissolved organic C solutions were derived by
and grinding. This is not possible for the soil microbial leaching a sandy arable soil with 0.01 M CaCl2 (Flessa
biomass, because it can be released from bulk soil with et al., 2000).
actively decomposing substrate only after fumigation and
extraction or incubation. However, the fumigation extrac- 2.2. d13 C of test solutions and FE extracts
tion method has gained wider acceptance due to the
advantages described above. Several attempts have been The following three methods were used to oxidise the
made to determine d13 C values of the soil microbial biomass organic C in test solutions and FE extracts, to purify the CO2
by the FE method after addition of 13C-labelled C-substrates produced, and to analyse the d13 C of the CO2-C.
(Gaillard et al., 1999; Trinsoutrot et al., 2000), but also in Drying and grinding. The solutions were acidified with
the range of natural 13C abundance (Ryan et al., 1995). At HCl to pH 3.5 to eliminate inorganic C. Subsamples of 10 ml
present, there is no standard procedure of extracting soil were dried at 70 8C to a constant dry weight. The grinding of
samples and preparing the extracts for 13C/12C analysis, and the dried samples was done using an agate-mortar. The
a vast variety of methods has been described (Table 1). The ground material was analysed for d13 C by EA-IRMS
FE approaches employed differ mainly by the type and (Finnigan Mat delta plus, Fissions EA, Bremen, Germany).
concentration of the solution used for extraction and by the Liquid oxidation with freeze-trapping of CO2. The
following on-line or off-line preparation procedure for the solutions were acidified with sodiumhexametaphosphate
oxidation of the extracted organic C and the purification of and H3PO4 to pH 2. Aliquots of 1 ml were digested with UV
the CO2 produced. and potassium peroxodisulphate þ H3PO4 (pH 3) in an
In this study, we discuss the advantages and disadvan- automatic C analyser (Dohrman DC 80) (Wu et al., 1990).
tages of published methods of 13C/12C determination in soil The released CO2 passed the IR detector of the C analyser
microbial biomass and we describe a new procedure to using synthetic air as carrier gas and was trapped in 1 ml glass
determine d13 C in FE extracts after UV activated persul- vials at the gas outlet of the analyser by liquid nitrogen. Vials
phate oxidation of organic C to CO2. This method requires were kept gas tight using rubber lids. They were placed in the
only one C digestion for the quantification of the released autosampler of a GC-IRMS system (Finnigan, Delta C,
CO2 by infra-red detection and the following mass spectro- Bremen, Germany) for on-line 13C/12C analysis (Fig. 1).
metric determination of the isotopic composition (13C/12C). Liquid oxidation with off-line cryogenic purification of
The aim of the present work was (i) to evaluate this CO2. FE extracts were digested in evacuated glass flasks at
procedure using cane sugar and beet sugar in K2SO4 130 8C using Na2S2O8 as oxidant of organic C. The released
solutions, K2SO4 extracts of fumigated and non-fumigated CO2 was purified in a manually operated vacuum-prep-
grassland soil, and dissolved organic C leached from a aration line with cryo-traps (Fig. 2). In a first step, CO2 was
sandy arable soil and (ii) to compare the proposed method purified by drawing the gas through a water trap (2 70 8C,
with an off-line sample preparation technique combined dry ice with acetone) into a cryogenic trap (2 196 8C, liquid
with isotope analysis by a dual-inlet IRMS and an on-line N2). Then, the trapped CO2 was frozen in a standard volume
analysis using an EA-IRMS system. dipped into a second cryogenic trap (2 196 8C, liquid N2).
This volume was connected to a pressure sensor and was
used to determine the amount of CO2 (released from the FE
2. Material and methods extracts) after removing the cryo-trap and shortly heating
the standard volume with the trapped gas to room
2.1. Test solutions temperature. In a final step, the CO2 was trapped in a
glass vial (again by cryo-trapping with liquid N2) that could
We used three different solutions to evaluate the methods be connected to the dual-inlet system of an IRMS (Finnigan,
to analyse the d13 C of soil microbial C. Delta S, Bremen, Germany).
M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954 949

Table 1
Different methods of d13 C analysis in soil microbial biomass

Reference Method of 13C/12C analysis in soil Subject

microbial biomass

Ryan and Aravena, 1994; Fumigation-extraction (0.5 M K2SO4) Immobilization of maize C

Ryan et al., 1995 Freeze-drying of extracts followed in microbial biomass, determination
by off-line preparation: of available root C
Thermal oxidation (550 8C) and cryogenic
purification of CO2
Determination by IRMS with a dual-inlet
Angers et al., 1995 Fumigation-extraction (0.05 M K2SO4) Immobilization of maize C
Drying of extracts followed by off-line in microbial biomass
Thermal oxidation (800 8C) and cryogenic
purification of CO2
Determination by IRMS with a dual-inlet
Bruulsema and Duxbury, 1996 Fumigation-extraction (0.25 M K2SO4) Method evaluation
Drying of extracts followed
by on line analysis:
Determination by EA-IRMS
Qian and Doran, 1996; FI, trapping of CO2 in NaOH Immobilization of maize root
Qian and Doran, 1997 Precipitation with CaCl2 in excess as CaCO3 C in microbial biomass;
Determination by EA-IRMS Quantification of maize root- derived
available C
Gaillard et al., 1999 Fumigation-extraction (0.03 M K2SO4) Immobilization of labelled (13C, 15N)
Freeze-drying of extracts followed wheat straw C and N in microbial
by on line analysis: biomass
Determination by EA-IRMS
Rochette et al., 1999 Fumigation-extraction (0.25 M K2SO4) Immobilisation of maize C
Extracts were dialyzed to in microbial biomass
remove salt and then
Determination by EA-IRMS
Gregorich et al., 2000 Fumigation-extraction (ultra pure water) Immobilization of maize C in
Freeze-drying of extracts followed total SOC, water extractable
by on line analysis: SOC, and microbial biomass
Determination by EA-IRMS
Šantrůčková et al., 2000 Fumigation-extraction (0.5 M K2SO4) C discrimination by microbial
Freeze-drying of extracts followed biomass
by off-line preparation:
Thermal oxidation (900 8C) and cryogenic
purification of CO2
Determination by IRMS with
a dual-inlet system
Trinsoutrot et al., 2000 Fumigation-extraction (0.25 M K2SO4) Immobilization of labelled (13C, 15N)
No further details residue C and N in microbial biomass
Liang et al., 2002 Fumigation-extraction (pure water) Immobilization of maize root
Freeze-drying of extracts followed C in microbial biomass
by on line analysis:
Determination by EA-IRMS

2.3. Calculations where CSA is the C of the sample and CPDB is the C of the
PDB standard.
The isotopic composition of a sample was calculated as The C content of the fumigated extracts ðCf Þ is the sum of
follows: the C content of the non-fumigated (control) extracts ðCc Þ
and the additional extracted C from cell lysis by chloroform
d13 CSA ð‰Þ ¼ð13 CSA =12 CSA 2 13 CPDB =12 CPDB Þ= fumigation (chloroform-labile C; Cb ):
ð13 CPDB =12 CPDB Þ £ 1000 Cf ¼ Cc þ Cb
950 M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954

Fig. 1. Scheme of the method to determine d13 C in soil microbial C by liquid oxidation of organic C in extracts derived from the FE-method. Oxidation and
infra-red CO2 detection is combined with freeze-trapping of the CO2 released and subsequent determination of d13 C by GC-IRMS.

Accordingly, the d13 C of FE extracts is determination of d13 C by EA-IRMS (method 1) resulted in

inconsistent d13 C values (data not shown). The large
d13 Cf £ Cf ¼ ðd13 Cc £ Cc Þ þ ðd13 Cb £ Cb Þ quantities of salt hampered the mass spectrometric analysis
by affecting the oxidation process. The combustion was
ðRyan et al:; 1995Þ
often incomplete and the combustion time not reproducible,
The d13 C values were expressed as means ðn ¼ 5Þ with especially for samples which contained less than 60 mg
standard deviation. The t-test was applied to determine C ml21. In order to ensure a proper flash combustion of
significant differences between the methods and the test dried 0.5 M K2SO4 extracts in the EA-IRMS equipment, the
solutions used. amount of salt entering the combustion chamber should not
exceed 80 mg K2SO4 and the amount of C should be at least
20 mg.
3. Results The d13 C-values of the sugar solutions obtained by liquid
oxidation with freeze-trapping of CO2 and following
13 12
Drying and grinding of 0.5 M K2SO4 solutions spiked C/ C analysis by GC-IRMS (method 2) were reproduci-
with sugar to different C concentrations and subsequent ble, not affected by different C to salt ratios of the sugar

Fig. 2. Scheme of the method to determine d13 C in soil microbial carbon by liquid oxidation of organic C in extracts derived from the FE-method and off-line
purification of the CO2 released using a vacuum-preparation line with cryo-traps and subsequent determination of d13 C by a dual-inlet IRMS.
M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954 951

Fig. 3. d13 C values of (a) cane sugar solutions and (b) beet sugar solutions Fig. 4. d13 C values of (a) cane sugar solutions and (b) beet sugar solutions
made of 0.5 M K2SO4 as analysed by liquid oxidation with freeze-trapping (0.5 M K2SO4 with 60 mg C ml21) as analysed by three different methods:
of CO2 and GC-IRMS analysis (n ¼ 4; standard deviation) and the d13 C (1) drying and grinding of FE-extracts, 13C/12C analysis by EA-IRMS; (2)
value of the beet sugar and the cane sugar ðn ¼ 5Þ: liquid oxidation of FE-extracts with cryo-trapping of the CO2 released and
13 12
C/ C analysis by GC-IRMS; and (3) liquid oxidation of FE-extracts with
solutions, and they were close to the expected values of off-line purification of the CO2 released and 13C/12C analysis by dual-inlet
2 10.5‰ (cane sugar) and 2 24.5‰ (beet sugar) (Fig. 3). IRMS (n ¼ 4; standard deviation).
The sugar – K2SO4 solutions obtained from cane sugar had a
mean d13 C value of 2 10.5‰ (^ 0.5‰; n ¼ 16) and the The two liquid oxidation methods resulted in a complete
mean d13 C value of the solutions containing beet sugar was oxidation of the sugars added to the K2SO4 stock solution.
2 24.8‰ (^ 0.3‰; n ¼ 16). No significant differences The CO2-C yield achieved in the vacuum-preparation line
between the expected and the determined values were (method 3) was on an average 102 ^ 2% (mean ^ standard
obtained for all C concentrations. The three methods of deviation) of the sugar C added. A similar CO2-C recovery
sample preparation and d13 C analysis were compared by rate was found for sugar oxidation by method 2. Oxidation
analysing 0.5 M K2SO4 solutions spiked with 60 mg C ml21 of more complex organic compounds of soil extracts was
from cane sugar or beet sugar. The three methods resulted in highly reproducible (Table 2) and there was no significant
very similar d13 C values and there were no significant difference between the DOC concentrations measured with
differences either between the methods applied or between different methods (data not shown).
the measured and the expected d13 C values (Fig. 4). Method 2 (liquid oxidation with freeze-trapping of CO2;
However, the off-line preparation and subsequent analysis GC-IRMS) was applied to FE extracts from grassland soil
by the dual-inlet system of the IRMS resulted in a samples incubated with and without maize straw. The 13C
significantly reduced standard deviation (^ 0.05‰) of the content was enriched in the extractable part of the soil
d13 C value as compared with the other methods (approxi-
Table 2
mately ^ 0.3‰).
Total organic carbon and maize derived carbon in 0.5 M K2SO4 soil
Samples of dissolved organic C leached from a extracts of fumigated and non-fumigated grassland soil samples, in the
sandy arable soil were analysed to test the reliability of microbial biomass (chloroform-labile C) (mean ^ standard deviation,
the described methods when determining the isotopic n ¼ 12), and in the soil organic matter (mean ^ standard deviation,
composition of a more complex mixture of organic n ¼ 5) measured 28 days after the addition of maize straw
compounds. Again, there was no significant difference SOC fraction TOC Maize derived TOC
between the d13 C value determined by the method based on (mg g21) (mg g21)
drying and grinding of the sample with on-line analysis by
EA-IRMS (method 1, 2 27.2 ^ 0.4‰, n ¼ 5) and the d13 C Extract without fumigation 144 (^5) 21 (^7)
value obtained by liquid oxidation with freeze-trapping of Fumigated extract 306 (^13) 119 (^17)
Chloroform-labile microbial C 161 (^8) 97 (^11)
CO2 and following 13C/ 12C analysis by GC-IRMS
Organic soil C 11,800 (^100) 380 (^30)
(method 2, 2 27.5 ^ 0.2‰, n ¼ 5) (data not shown).
952 M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954

Fig. 5. d13 C values of 0.5 M K2SO4 soil extracts of fumigated and non fumigated grassland soil samples with or without addition of maize straw as analysed by
liquid oxidation and cryo-trapping of the CO2 released with subsequent analysis by GC-IRMS (n ¼ 12; standard deviation), calculated d13 C values of
microbial biomass C (chloroform-labile C), and d13 C value of the total soil organic C (n ¼ 5; standard deviation).

organic C compared to the total soil organic C (þ 3.5‰ for ensured. Joergensen (1995) showed that the amount of
the non fumigated extract and þ 2.7‰ for the fumigated CHCl3 labile organic C extracted with a 0.01 M CaCl2
extract, control soil without maize). The d13 C value of the solution did not differ from a 0.5 M K2SO4 solution.
soil microbial (chloroform-labile) biomass C was about 2‰ However, the organic C content extracted from non-
higher than the d13 C of the total organic C. The soil extracts fumigated soil was strongly affected by the composition
without maize contained 54 mg C ml21 (fumigated) and and ionic strength of the extraction solution. Differences in
30 mg C ml21 (non-fumigated). The incorporation of maize the extraction efficiency of CHCl3 labile organic C only
residues resulted in increased C concentrations in the occurred when the flocculation of soil particles was
fumigated (þ 25 mg C ml21) and the non-fumigated extract incomplete, as for example with 0.001 M K2SO4 or water
(þ 6 mg C ml21). The content of microbial biomass was as extractant (Haney et al., 2001). Nevertheless, the use of
about 30% greater in the maize-treated soil than in the control 0.5 M K2SO4 is inevitably necessary if microbial biomass N
soil. The uptake of maize C by the microbial biomass was has to be determined simultaneously. Additionally, the high
reflected by the significantly increased d13 C value of salt concentration prevents microbial decomposition of very
the chloroform-labile C (Fig. 5). Approximately 60% of the easily decomposable CHCl3 labile organic material.
microbial biomass C were derived from maize C after the Another possibility to reduce the high salt concen-
incubation period of 28 days. trations of the FE extracts was proposed by Wanniarachchi
(unpublished data) and later applied by Rochette et al.
(1999). They used a dialysis membrane to remove the salt.
4. Discussion However, we found that a considerable part of the
extracted C was lost by this procedure. About 25% of the
The 0.5 M concentration of K2SO4 commonly used to C from the extract was lost after 1 h and about 70% after
extract microbial biomass C (Beck et al., 1997) hampered 5 h although we used dialysis membranes with a lower cut-
accurate mass spectrometric analysis of dried extracts by off point (molecular weight of 1000) than the membrane
EA-IRMS. The large quantities of salt (with a relatively proposed by Wanniarachchi (unpublished) (molecular
small amount of organic C) impaired the flash combustion weight of 3500). Similar results were reported by
in the EA. This problem was also described by Gregorich Balesdent and Mariotti (1996) who lost about 20 –30% of
et al. (2000). We did not obtain reliable d13 C values for fulvic acid C by applying dialysis to Na-hexametapho-
dried samples containing more than 80 mg K2SO4 in the sphate extracts.
combustion chamber. Ryan et al. (1995); Ryan and Aravena (1994) proposed
For this reason, the K2SO4 concentration in the extractant an off-line sample preparation technique to purify CO2
was reduced in a number of studies to minimize the amounts evolved during the sample oxidation. The oxidation was
of salt entering the combustion chamber of the EA-IRMS performed by combustion of freeze-dried FE extracts (0.5 M
(Table 1). These reductions range from 0.25 M K2SO4 K 2 SO 4) at 550 8C, the produced CO 2 was purified
solutions to pure water solutions. A reduction in concen- cryogenically, and the isotopic composition (13C/12C) was
tration is possible without creating differences in CHCl3 determined with a dual-inlet IRMS (Table 1). They obtained
labile organic C as long as flocculation of the soil colloids is standard deviations of the d13 C values between 0.1 and
M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954 953

0.9‰ for the FE extracts and between 0.9 and 1.9‰ for the (2000). We found that microbial biomass C (chloroform-
calculated microbial C. labile C) was 13C-enriched by ca. 2‰ compared with the
The off-line preparation technique used in our study total soil organic C. The same 13C enrichment in the soil
(liquid oxidation and cryogenic purification of CO2 with microbial biomass was described by Šantrůčková et al.
following analysis by dual-inlet IRMS, method 3, Fig. 2) (2000) who analysed 21 tropical and temperate grassland
resulted in significantly smaller standard deviations of the soils. Ryan et al. (1995) found a difference in d13 C of
d13 C values as compared with the other methods tested (EA- 1.8‰ between soil microbial biomass C and total soil
IRMS or liquid oxidation with freeze-trapping of CO2 and organic matter for an arable soil in Canada. Gleixner et al.
GC-IRMS analysis). It was the method with the highest (1993) detected d13 C values for basidiomycetes (fungi)
precision, however, the manual preparation of samples with being 1.5 – 6.0‰ higher than their substrate (wood tissue).
off-line cryogenic purification of CO2 requires technical Comparable values (3.5‰ enrichment of 13C) were also
experience and is laborious (only about 10 samples per day obtained for heterotrophic bacteria (Vibrio harveyi) by
could be prepared and analysed). This method has a high Macko and Estep (1984). The 13C enrichment in microbial
precision due to repeated measurements of sample and biomass C is a result of the isotope discrimination during
reference gases during a single isotope ratio determination biosynthesis of new biomass and isotopic composition of
and the large amount of C and homogeneity of the samples organic compounds preferentially used by soil microor-
(no pulverisation is necessary). There is the risk of ganisms. The depletion of 13C in the respired CO2
contamination with ambient CO2 in both methods analysed compared with biomass C indicates that catabolic reactions
(i.e. by a leak in the vacuum-preparation line or by leaky prefer light isotopes (Šantrůčková et al., 2000). The
rubber lids of sample vials). However, the risk that a increasing enrichment of 13C with soil depth is a result
contamination is not realized is greater for our method 2 of this isotope fractionation by soil microflora (Boutton,
(liquid oxidation with freeze-trapping of CO2 and on-line 1996).
GC-IRMS analysis) than for method 3 (off-line cryogenic We found a considerable immobilization of maize C in
purification of CO2 and analysis with dual-inlet IRMS) the microbial biomass 28 days after the incorporation of
because in the latter method, the operational sequence can maize leaves (60% of microbial biomass C derived from
be controlled by the vacuum in the preparation line and maize C, Table 2). This observation is in good agreement
vacuum tight vials were used to collect and process the CO2. with other studies showing that the decomposition of plant
This method seems to be superior especially if small residues is accompanied by a fast C assimilation in the
differences in d13 C have to be detected. We like to point out microbial biomass (Ladd et al., 1995; Trinsoutrot et al.,
that a specific problem arises when CaCl2 extracts are 2000). However, the immobilization of maize C in soil
processed. Chloric gas (Cl2) is produced which cannot be microbial biomass represented less than 3.5% of the
separated from CO2 by cryo-trapping. In this case, we added maize C. The incorporation of residue C in the
recommend to precipitate Cl by adding a 0.2 M AgNO3 soil microbial biomass may be useful as an indicator for
solution before processing the extracts in the vacuum- the active or zymogenous part of the soil microbial
preparation line. population (Potthoff et al., 2001).
The proposed method 2 (UV-catalyzed liquid oxidation With reference to a kEC value of 0.45 (Wu et al.,
of the extracts with following detection of 13C/12C by GC- 1990; Joergensen, 1996) d13 C values received by the FE
IRMS) has the advantage that the amount of work involved method are valid for the chloroform-labile C, which
is reduced considerably since drying and grinding is omitted represents 45% of the soil microbial biomass C
and purification of the trapped CO2 is achieved on-line by (Aoyama et al., 2000). At the moment, it is completely
the gas chromatograph connected with the IRMS. This unknown to what extent d13 C values differ between the
method is recommendable if a large number of samples has chloroform-labile and the non-labile part of microbial
to be analysed and if the extraction was done with 0.5 M biomass C, although such differences are likely.
K2SO4. The method 1 (drying and grinding of samples with However, d13 C values obtained by FE still give a
following 13C/12C analysis by EA-IRMS) can be achieved characteristic feature of the soil microbial biomass,
with standard equipment available in most stable isotope since the fumigation methods provide the only direct
laboratories. It is suitable to analyse a large number of access to soil microbial C.
samples and might be superior when extraction can be done
with reduced K2SO4 concentrations or pure water. The
choice of the best method depends mainly on the number of Acknowledgements
samples that have to be analysed, the salt concentration of
the extracts and the difference of d13 C that has to be We acknowledge Annette Muhs, Anja Becker and Lars
detected. Szwec for technical assistance, Jens Dyckmans and
Our results of grassland soil samples confirmed that Bernard Ludwig for several helpful suggestions and the
extractable soil organic C is enriched in 13C compared to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for financial
the bulk soil C as reported previously by Flessa et al. support.
954 M. Potthoff et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 947–954

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