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This set of Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)

focuses on “Infrared Spectroscopy – 1”.

1. What is the relation between restoring force, f to the displacement q in

Hooke’s law?
a) f = -kq
b) f = kq
c) f = kq2
d) f = -kq2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Restoring force f needed to extend or compress a spring by some
distance is proportional to that distance.
needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to that

2. The intensity of an absorption band is always proportional to which of the

following factor?
a) Atomic population
b) Molecular population of the initial state
c) Molecular population of the final state
d) Temperature
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Answer: b
Explanation: The probability of a transition taking place in initial state is the most
important factor influencing the intensity of an observed l line. This probability is
proportional to the population of the initial state involved in the transition.

3. On which factors the vibrational stretching frequency of diatomic molecule

a) Force constant
b) Atomic population
c) Temperature
d) Magnetic field
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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of vibrating stretching frequency is shifted if the force
constant of a bond changes with its electronic structure. Frequency shifts also take
place on working with the same substance in different states (solids, liquids and gas).
A substance usually absorbs at higher frequency in a gaseous state as compared to
liquid and solid states.
4. In which unit Force constant is not expressed?
a) Dynes cm-1
b) dyne Å-1
c) Nm-1
d) kp
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Answer: d
Explanation: All of the above units are correct for force constant except kp, i.e.
kilogram force or kilopond, which is the unit of force.

5. For HCI, = 1.63 x 10-27 kg, the observed frequency = 2890 or v = 8.67 x 1013
Hz. What is the force constant K?
a) 4.83 m dyn Å-1
b) 8.43 dynes cm-1
c) 483 μm-1
d) 4.83 dyn Å-1
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Answer: a


6. Since the nuclei in a polyatomic molecule do not always vibrate in a simple

harmonic manner, there arises which of the following situation?
a) Harmonicity
b) Anharmonicity in molecular vibrations
c) Fundamental frequencies
d) Infrared
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Answer: a
Explanation: q → displacement and K →Force constant
Since, H–Cl has single bond so having least force constant and respective q is longest
among above three. q is larger when the force constant is smaller.

7. The vibrations, without a center of symmetry are active in which of the

following region?
a) Infrared but inactive in Raman
b) Raman but inactive in IR
c) Raman and IR
d) Inactive in both Raman and IR
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Answer: c
Explanation: If a molecule has COS, then its vibrational mode will either IR active or
Raman Active.

8. The frequency of vibration of a bond is a function of which factor?

a) Force constant of the bond
b) Masses of the atoms involved in bonding
c) Force constant of the bond and Masses of the atoms
d) Bond order
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Answer: c

9. What is the order of decreasing vibrational frequency for C — Cl, C — Br, C

— C, C — O and C — H?
a) C-H, C-C, C-O, C- Cl, C-Br
b) C- Cl, C-Br, C-C, C -H, C-O
c) C-O, C-H, C-Br, C- Cl, C-C
d) C-Br, C- Cl, C-C, C-O, C-H
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Answer: a

Explanation: Since,   vibrational frequency inversely proportional to masses of

the atom involved in bonding the increasing mass trend for above element is H < C <
O < Cl < Br. So, correct order of vibration frequency is
C – H > C – C > C – O > C – Cl > C – Br.

10. What is the correct increasing order of stretching frequencies for C ≡ C, C =

C and C — C?
a) C — C > C = C > C ≡ C
b) C ≡ C > C = C > C — C
c) C — C > C = C < C ≡ C
d) C ≡ C < C — C > C = C
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since, v ∝ √k , k→ Force constant. Force constant trend is
Triple bond > Double bond > Single bond.
C≡ C > C = C > C — C.

1. Why in the IR spectrum of Benzoyl chloride, a weak band near 1750 cm-1 is
a) Inductive effect
b) Fermi resonance between C = O band and first overtone
c) Conjugation effect
d) Hyperconjugation effect
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Answer: b
Explanation: Benzoyl chloride

A weak band near 1750 cm-1. Since, band is of weak intensity, it must be due to fermi
Resonance. So correct option is Fermi resonance between C = O band and first
2. Which compound having molecular formula C5H10 shows absorption at 1380 cm-1?
a) 2-Methyl-1-butene
b) Cyclopentane
c) Pentyne
d) Methylcyclobutane
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Answer: b
Explanation: C5H10→1380 cm-1. 1380 cm-1 represents a C–C bond band. All have C –
C bond. Option Pentyne does not fulfill the H-atom requirement. So, correct option is

3. Why ketenes absorb in IR at a very high frequency (2150 cm-1)?

a) The inner C is sp hybridized
b) The more s character in a bond, the stronger it is
c) Inner C is sp2 hybridized
d) Inner C is sp3 hybridized
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ketenes absorb in IR at a very high frequency (2150 cm-1) because inner
C is sp2 hybridized. Bonds with more s character absorb at a higher frequency.

4. What is the effect of ring strain in lactone (cyclic ester) or a lactam (cyclic amide)?
a) Increases carbonyl stretching frequency
b) Decreases carbonyl stretching frequency
c) Increases C = C frequency
d) Decreases C = C frequency
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Answer: a
Explanation: Carbonyl stretching order in both the compounds is 6 > 5 > 4 > 3. Ring
strain increases, carbonyl frequency increases.

5. A compound C8 H6 decolorizes Br2 in CCl4 and gives a white precipitate with

Tollen’s reagent. It has sharp band at 3300 cm-l and weak bands at 3085, 2110 cm-l.
What is this compound?
a) Phenyl acetylene
b) Phenyl propylene
c) Phenyl ethylene
d) Octene
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Answer: a
Explanation: C8 H6 → Sharp band at 3300 cm-l
Weak band at 3085, 2110 cm-l
Double bond equivalent = C + 1 – H⁄2 – X⁄2 + N⁄2,
(where C→ Carbon, H→ Hydrogen, X→ Halogen, N→ Nitrogen)
= 8 + 1 – 6⁄2 = 6.
One double bond equivalent represents either one bond or one ring.
Now, band at 3300 shows C–H bond, 2110 may be because of C≡C triple bond
Now, we check each option one by one
Option Octene → octene → does not match m.f. C8 H6.

C ≡ C → 2110
D.B.E. → 5πbond
M.f. → C8 H6. Hence, the correct option is Phenyl acetylene.

6. What is the relation between wave number of IR absorption and the reduced mass?
a) Wave number is directly proportional to reduced mass
b) Wave number is inversely proportional to reduced mass
c) Wave number is independent of the reduced mass
d) Wave number is directly proportional to square of reduced mass
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Answer: b
Explanation: v ∝ 1⁄√μ, frequency is directly proportional to wave number. So, wave
number is inversely proportional to reduced mass as shown in the above relation.

7. What is the number of vibrational degrees of freedom in C6H5CH3?

a) 39
b) 15
c) 18
d) 40
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Answer: a
Explanation: C6H5CH3 is nonlinear.
No. of vibration degree of freedom = 3N – 6
= 3(15) – 6 = 39.

8. Which of the following molecules will not show infrared spectrum?

a) H2
b) HCI
c) CH4
d) H20
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Answer: a
Explanation: Correct option is H2 as HH2 do not have dynamic dipole moment, so no
spectrum will be observed.

9. The phosphorescence spectrum of the excited species is due to which transition?

a) Singlet to triplet transitions
b) Triplet to singlet transitions
c) Vibration modes
d) Electron spin transitions
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Answer: b
Explanation: The phosphorescence spectrum of the excited species is due to triplet to
singlet transitions. In an excited singlet state, the electron is promoted in the same
spin orientation as it was in the ground state (paired). In a triplet excited stated, the
electron that is promoted has the same spin orientation (parallel) to the other unpaired

10. Why Monomeric saturated aliphatic carboxylic acids show carbonyl stretching
frequency near 1760 cm-1, while saturated aliphatic ketones near 1720 cm-1?
a) Mesomeric (M) effect is dominant in acids over the inductive (I) effect
b) I effect is dominant in carboxylic acids over the mesomeric effect
c) I effect on ketones is dominant over the M effect
d) M effect in ketones is dominant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Monomeric saturated aliphatic carboxylic acids show carbonyl
stretching frequency near 1760 cm-1, while saturated aliphatic ketones near 1720 cm-
 because I effect is dominant in carboxylic acids over the mesomeric effect.

1. Which of the following is not a source used in Mid Infrared Spectrophotometer?

a) Nernst glower
b) High pressure mercury arc lamp
c) Globar
d) Nichrome wire
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Answer: b
Explanation: High pressure mercury arc lamp is used as the source for Far IR
Spectrophotometer. Rest of the options are used as a source in Mid Infrared

2. Which of the following is the wave number of near infrared spectrometer?

a) 4000 – 200 cm-1
b) 200 – 10 cm-1
c) 12500 – 4000 cm-1
d) 50 – 1000 cm-1
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Answer: c
Explanation: The wave number of near infrared spectrometer ranges between 12500 –
4000. Wavenumber is the reciprocal of wavelength.

3. Which of the following options are correct in terms of wavelength for the different
types of IR spectrometer?
a) Near IR: 0.8 – 2.5 mm
b) Mid IR: 0.8 – 2.5 mm
c) Far IR: 2.5 – 50 mm
d) Mid IR: 50 – 100 mm
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Answer: a
Explanation: Wavelength of near IR is 0.8 – 2.5 mm and for mid IR it is 2.5 – 50 mm.
The wavelength of far IR is 50 – 1000 mm.

4. Which of the following is not a composition of Nernst glower or Nernst filament?

a) Oxides of Zirconium
b) Oxides of Barium
c) Oxides of Yitrium
d) Oxides of Thorium
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Answer: b
Explanation: Oxides of Barium is not present in Nernst glower. They are constructed
by fusing oxides of Zirconium, yitrium and thorium.

5. What is the composition of Globar rod which is used as a source in Mid IR

a) Silicon carbide
b) Silver chloride
c) Silicon dioxide
d) Silver carbide
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Answer: a
Explanation: Globar is a silicon carbide rod. It is 5mm in diameter and 50mm long.

6. Bolometer, a type of detector, is also known as ___________

a) Resistance temperature detector (RTD)
b) Thermistor
c) Thermocouple
d) Golay cell
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bolometers are also known as thermistors. It is a type of resistance
thermometer constructed of metals such as platinum or nickel.

7. Which of the following is not a technique for preparing solid samples in IR

a) Solids run in solution
b) Mull technique
c) Solid films
d) Thin films
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Answer: d
Explanation: Four techniques are generally used to prepare solid samples. They are:
Solids run in solution, Mull technique, Solid films and pressed pellet techniques.

8. Which of the following is not used as pyroelectric material used in pyroelectric

transducers in Infrared spectroscopy?
a) Triglycine Sulphate
b) Deutrated Triglycine Sulphate
c) Some Polymers
d) Tetraglycine sulphate
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pyroelectric materials are deutrated triglycine sulphate, triglycine
sulphate and some polymers. They give rise to potential when subjected to a heating
or cooling effect.

9. Which of the following is the principle of Golay cell which is used as a detector in
IR spectroscopy?
a) Expansion of gas upon heating
b) Increase in resistance due to an increase in temperature and vice versa
c) Temperature difference gives rise to a potential difference in the material
d) Decrease in resistance due to an increase in temperature
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is also known as pneumatic detector. The gases expand on heating and
this in turn leads to the movement of a diaphragm just like in pneumatic sensors.

10. In a solid sample treatment technique, the finely ground solid sample is mixed
with mineral oil to make a thick paste which is then spread between IR transmitting
windows. What is the name of this solid sample treatment technique?
a) Pressed pellet
b) Mull technique
c) Solid films
d) Solids run in solution
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Answer: b
Explanation: The mentioned technique is Mull technique. This method is used for
qualitative analysis but not quantitative analysis.

1. Which of the following is not true about Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
a) It is of non-dispersive type
b) It is useful where repetitive analysis is required
c) Size has been reduced over the years
d) Size has increased over the years
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Answer: d
Explanation: FTIR is of non-dispersive type of instruments and is used for repetitive
analysis. Initially, it was bulky and the cost was high and hence, it was limited to a
special application. Now, the size has been reduced.
2. In the most widely used beam splitter, a thin film of ________ is sandwiched
between two plates of low refractive index solid. Fill the blank with a suitable option.
a) Mylar
b) Silicon carbide
c) Ferrous oxide
d) Silver chloride
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Answer: a
Explanation: Generally, mylar is the thin film used in beam splitters. Beam splitter
has to pass 50% of the radiation and reflect 50% of the radiation.

3. Which of the following is not the function of the drive mechanism in Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer?
a) Movement of mirror to obtain a satisfactory interferogram
b) Acquire a good interferogram pattern
c) Allow 50% of the beam to pass
d) Keep the speed of the moving mirror constant
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Answer: c
Explanation: Drive mechanism does the functions specified in the other options. It the
function of the beam splitter to allow 50% of the beam to pass through.

4. Only pyroelectric transducer or pyroelectric crystals are used as detectors in Fourier

Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR). What is the main reason for other
types of thermal detectors are not being used in FTIR spectrophotometer?
a) Less accuracy
b) Slower response
c) Less precision
d) Less sensitivity
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Answer: b
Explanation: Other thermal detectors are not employed due to slower response of the
detectors. Pyroelectric transducers or pyroelectric crystals are chosen for their high
speed, accuracy, precision, sensitivity and resolution.

5. Which of the following is not the advantage of Fourier Transform Spectrometers?

a) Signal to noise ratio is high
b) Information could be obtained on all frequencies
c) Retrieval of data is possible
d) Easy to maintain
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Answer: d
Explanation: The instrument is not easy to maintain and it is a disadvantage. The
other disadvantage is that the cost is high.

6. Which of the following has to be computed to determine transmittance and

absorbance at various frequencies?
a) Ratio of signal and noise
b) Ratio of sample and reference spectra
c) Sample spectra
d) Reference spectra
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ratio of sample and reference spectra needs to be computed to
determine transmittance and absorbance. First, reference interferogram is obtained
and then the sample is obtained.

7. Computer accepts analog signals directly.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Computer does not accept analog signals directly. An A/D converter is
required to feed the signals to the computer.

8. Which of the following is the reference that is generally used in FTIR

a) Air
b) NaCl solution
c) Alcohol
d) Base solution
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Answer: a
Explanation: Air is generally used as the reference. It is scanned for about 20 to 30
times and the results are stored in a computer.

9. In Michelson Interferometer, if the reflected and transmitted beams are in phase at

the beam splitter, then maximum intensity will reach the detector.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the reflected and transmitted beams are in phase at the beam splitter
then maximum intensity will reach the detector. If they are out of phase, then
minimum intensity will reach the detector.

10. The diagram given below is the representation of Fourier transform

interferometer. Identify the missing block in the block diagram.

a) Pyroelectric crystal
b) Display
c) High speed plotter
d) A/D converter
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Answer: d
Explanation: Computer does not accept analog signals directly. An A/D converter is
required to feed the signals to the computer.

11. In Michelson’s interferometer, the frequency of the detector output can be

determined by translating the _________ of movable mirror and the ___________ of
monochromatic radiation.
a) Velocity, wavelength
b) Thickness, intensity
c) Length, velocity
d) Angle, intensity
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Answer: a
Explanation: The frequency can be determined by translating the velocity of the
movable mirror and the wavelength of monochromatic radiation. The reflected beam
passes towards the movable mirror.

12. In Michelson’s interferometer, the __________ of the detector output will depend
upon the intensity of incoming radiation.
a) Velocity
b) Frequency
c) Amplitude
d) Phase
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Answer: c
Explanation: In Michelson’s interferometer, the amplitude of the detector output will
depend upon the intensity of incoming radiation. If a movable mirror is moved
uniformly, the output will be a sine wave.

13. Why is the computer necessary in Fourier Transform Spectrometer?

a) To display the detector output
b) To process the detector output
c) To determine the amplitude
d) To determine the frequency
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Answer: b
Explanation: The computer is necessary to process the output of the detector. The
Fourier Transform of output is determined using software using computers.

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