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Canon 11 Case: Disbarment, for violation of IBP took IBP Board of Agreed with the findings that Atty. B
Canons 11 and 12, CPR cognizance of the Governors passed a violated Canon 11 and Rule 11.03.
JUDGE RENE B. administrative case Resolution
BACULI (MTCC 1. July 2008 hearing of a civil case, and conducted its adopting and Atty. Battung disrespected Judge Baculi by
Tuguegarao), vs. Judge claimed that Atty. Battung investigations. approving the shouting at him inside the courtroom
ATTY. MELCHOR was shouting while arguing his Report and during court proceedings in the presence of
A. BATTUNG, motion. He warned Atty. B that he 1. The transcript of Recommendation litigants and their counsels, and court
respondent. would cite him for contempt. Atty. stenographic notes of the Investigating personnel. The respondent even came back
Battung said, “Then cite me!” manifest clearly Commissioner, with to harass Judge Baculi. This behavior, in
that it was Atty. B the modification front of many witnesses, cannot be allowed
(NOTE: civil case pertained to is an who shouted first at that the respondent --- even after the latter had cited him for
ejectment case, decided by Judge Judge Baculi. be reprimanded. contempt.
Baculi. Atty. B asserted that the
court had no jurisdiction to such a 2. The record tapes REPRIMANDED These actions were not only against the
case.) show that Atty. B person, the position and the stature of
was arguing his Judge Baculi, but against the court as well
2. Judge Baculi cited him for direct motion in a high whose proceedings were openly and
contempt with a fine of 100. Atty. B pitch. Judge Baculi flagrantly disrupted, and brought to
walked out of the court. While reminded him not disrepute by the respondent.
hearing the next case, Atty. B re- to shout. That Atty.
entered, shouted “I will file gross B refused to follow Litigants and counsels, particularly the
ignorance of the law against you!” the order and latter because of their position and
Judge Baculi cited him again of continued arguing avowed duty to the courts, cannot be
contempt and thrown him out of in such manner. allowed to publicly ridicule, demean and
the court. disrespect a judge, and the court that he
3. That Atty. B was represents. The Code of Professional
3. That Atty. B waited for him in fact cited twice Responsibility provides:
outside the courtroom, shouted “I for contempt
am not afraid of you!” to Judge, and during that Canon 11 – A lawyer shall observe and
proceeded to punch a table. incident. maintain the respect due the courts and
to judicial officers and should insist on
4. Atty. B’s answer: that it was RULING: similar conduct by others.
Judge Baculi who disrespected Rule 11.03 – A lawyer shall abstain from
him; that Judge Baculi always Commissioner De la scandalous, offensive or menacing
disrespects and embarrasses Rama found that language or behavior before the Courts.
lawyers in that courtroom. That the respondent
Atty. B did not orally argued his MR failed to observe A lawyer who insults a judge inside a
on that day because he knows that Canon 11 of the courtroom completely disregards the
Judge would only scold him as a Code of latter’s role, stature and position in our
negligent lawyer. Professional justice system. When the respondent
Responsibility that publicly berated and brazenly threatened
requires a lawyer Judge Baculi that he would file a case for
to observe and gross ignorance of the law against the
maintain respect latter, the respondent effectively acted in a
due the courts and manner tending to erode the public
judicial officers. confidence in Judge Baculi’s competence
The respondent and in his ability to decide cases.
also violated Rule
11.03 of Canon 11 Atty. Battung’s violations are no less
that provides that serious as they were committed in the
a lawyer shall courtroom in the course of judicial
abstain from proceedings where the respondent was
scandalous, acting as an officer of the court, and before
offensive or the litigating public --- to the point of
menacing being scandalous and offensive to the
language or integrity of the judicial system itself.
behavior before
the courts. SUSPENDED: 1 year

The respondent’s
argument that
Judge Baculi
provoked him to
shout should not be
given due
consideration since
the respondent
should not have
shouted at the
presiding judge; by
doing so, he created
the impression that
disrespect of a
judge could be
tolerated. What the
respondent should
have done was to
file an action before
the Office of the
Administrator if he
believed that Judge
Baculi did not act
according to the
norms of judicial

Canon 12 charge:
insufficient proof.

Practice of law, 6

Canon 12 1. Atty. Ediza was previously found Xxx xxx The intentional delay and utter refusal
administratively liable by the SC on to abide with the Court’s orders is a
NEMESIO 2011, suspending him for 6 great disrespect to the Court which
FLORAN and months for violating Rule 1.01, cannot be tolerated. Atty. Ediza willfully
CARIDAD Canon 15, and Rule 18.03 of CPR. left unheeded all the warnings imposed
FLORAN, upon him, despite the earlier six-month
complainants, 2. The root of said suspension was suspension that was meted out to him for
vs. ATTY. ROY the September 2000 complaint by his administrative liability. In Tugot v.
PRULE EDIZA, Spouses Floran, wherein the Court Judge Coliflores, the Court held that its
respondent found that Atty. Ediza deceived resolutions should not be construed as
complainants when he asked them mere requests from the Court. They
to unknowingly sign a deed of sale should be complied with promptly and
transferring a portion of their land completely. The failure of Atty. Ediza to
(3.5 hectare unregistered land at comply betrays not only a recalcitrant
Misamis Oriental) to him. streak in his character, but also
disrespect for the Court’s lawful orders
3. The Court, in that case (decided and directives.
2011), sanctioned Atty. Ediza with
the following penalties: As a member of the legal profession, Atty.
(1) suspended Atty. Ediza from the Ediza has the duty to obey the orders and
practice of law for six months; (2) processes of this Court without delay and
directed him to return to resistance. Rule 12.04 of Canon 12 of the
complainants the two sets of Code of Professional Responsibility states:
documents that he mislead them to
sign; (3) ordered Atty. Ediza to pay A LAWYER SHALL EXERT EVERY EFFORT
complainants the amount of AND CONSIDER IT HIS DUTY TO ASSIST
P125,463.38, representing the IN THE SPEEDY AND EFFICIENT
amount he deceived them into ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. x x x x
paying him, with legal interest
from 8 September 2000 until fully Rule 12.04 – A lawyer shall not unduly
paid. delay a case, impede the execution of a
judgment or misuse Court processes.
4. Atty. Ediza then filed a
Manifestation of Compliance dated Section 5(5), Article VIII of the Constitution
May 2012, attesting that he recognizes the disciplinary authority of the
desisted from practice of law from Court over members of the Bar. Reinforcing
six months, as required. the execution of this constitutional
authority is Section 27, Rule 138 of the
However, the Court, on September Rules of Court which gives this Court the
2012, instead, adopted the power to remove or suspend a lawyer from
recommendations of the Office of the practice of law:
the Bar Confidant that Atty. Ediza
be required to (1) submit Section 27. Disbarment or suspension of
certifications from the IBP Local attorneys by Supreme Court; grounds
Chapter where he is a member and therefor.—A member of the bar may be
the Office of the Executive Judge disbarred or suspended from his office as
where he practices his profession, attorney by the Supreme Court for any xxx
both stating that he had desisted or for a willful disobedience of any
from the practice of law from 18 lawful order of a superior court, xxx”
November 2011 to 29 May 2012;
and (2) show proof of payment to Atty. Ediza’s stubborn attitude and
complainants of P125,463.38 plus unwillingness to comply with the Court’s
legal interest, and the return of the directives, which we deem to be an
two sets of documents that Atty. affront to the Court’s authority over
Ediza misled complainants to sign. members of the Bar, warrant an utmost
disciplinary sanction from this Court.
5. The Court also required
complainants to manifest whether DISBARRED.
Atty. Ediza had already paid the
said amount and returned the said
documents. In an undated letter
written in the vernacular,
complainants wrote the Court that
Atty. Ediza had yet to comply with
the Court’s Decision and asked the
Court’s assistance in implementing
the same.

6. In a Resolution dated 25
February 2013, the Court noted
Atty. Ediza on why he should not
be cited for contempt for not
following the Orders of the Court.

7. Atty. Ediza answered: he has no

intention to defy the Court orders.
Instead, he questioned that the
documents required by the Court,
alleging these to be “fictional.”
Moreover, he contended that he
already complied with the
suspension by submitting the
previous document.

8. More than four years since the

Court promulgated its Decision
dated 19 October 2011, Atty. Ediza
has yet to comply with the Court’s
directives. This is despite the
numerous resolutions issued by
the Court from 2012 until 2014.

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