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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

6 Quick Test

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: I’ve never ________ swim.
A could  B been able to  C managed 
1 You ________ put pictures on walls with Sellotape™. The paint will come off.
A oughtn’t  B mustn’t  C couldn’t 
2 What would you like to ________ do better?
A be able to  B being able  C can 
3 Our old sofa is still very comfortable. We ________ get a new one.
A mustn’t  B needn’t  C oughtn’t 
4 We’ll ________ save a lot of money if we wait for the winter sales.
A be able  B able to  C be able to 
5 I ________ swim well when I was four years old.
A could  B must  C can 
6 You ________ touch anything electrical with wet hands.
A needn’t  B mustn’t  C don’t have to 
7 Adam hates not ________ to drive. He’d love to have a car.
A be able  B can  C being able 
8 You could ask that shop assistant. She might ________ to help.
A can  B be able  C should 
9 I ________ ring for a taxi. Dan took me to the airport.
A shouldn’t  B didn’t have to  C mustn’t 
10 There isn’t much paint left. We ________ buy some more.
A should  B mustn’t  C ought 
11 You’ve dropped your phone again. You really ________ be more careful.
A couldn’t  B mustn’t  C ought to 
12 Ben left home late, but he ________ get to the interview in time.
A managed to  B could  C was able 
13 My wife has plenty of clothes. She ________ buy a new coat.
A doesn’t need to  B should  C must 
14 The bank ________ be closed. It’s only 2 p.m.
A might can  B can’t  C must 
15 You ________ have a rest. You look really tired.
A mustn’t  B ought  C should 
16 Our friends ________ visit us last weekend as we were still decorating.
A can’t  B couldn’t  C weren’t able 
17 ________ try this shirt on in a medium, please?
A Could I  B Am I able  C Can I to 
18 I’m tired of my old kitchen. Do you think I ________ get a new one?
A ought  B ought to  C should to 
19 Helen lives in Munich and ________ speak German fluently.
A can to  B can  C could 
20 ________ leave already? It’s still really early.
A Need we to  B Have we to  C Must we 
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Quick Test

a Tick () the correct word A, B, or C for the definitions. They are all related to DIY
and repairs.
Example: You put these in electric lights.
A batteries  B matches  C bulbs 
1 You need a lot of these to build a house.
A curtains  B bricks  C brushes 
2 This is used to carry an electric current.
A string  B wire  C rope 
3 You use this sticky substance to keep two edges together.
A glue  B paint  C padlock 
4 You use these to open doors with.
A screws  B taps  C handles 
5 You can use this to carry water.
A bucket  B torch  C tap 
6 You cover a roof with these to stop water getting in.
A screws  B nails  C tiles 
7 You use this to protect your property, e.g. a shed.
A Sellotape™  B penknife  C padlock 
8 You use this machine to make holes in walls.
A hammer  B drill  C screw 

b Tick () the correct verb A, B, or C to complete the phrases.

Example: _________ something broken
A make  B do  C fix 
9 _________ a button onto a shirt
A sew  B tie  C change 
10 _________ shelves
A stick  B put up  C make up 
11 _________ a new home cinema system
A tie up  B do up  C set up 
12 _________ a tyre
A change  B drill  C screw 
13 _________ shoelaces
A tie  B sew  C stick 

c Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences. They are all related to restaurants.
Example: There’s a lot to carry to the table, so use a _________.
A meal  B bill  C tray 
14 A What’s the _________ of the day today?
B It’s spaghetti with clams.
A plate  B dish  C bowl 
15 There’s never quite enough coffee in a cup, so I prefer a _________.
A jug  B bowl  C mug 
16 Would you like me to _________ you some more water?
A try  B help  C pour 
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Quick Test
17 I found the cups, but where are the _________ to go under them?
A saucers  B plates  C courses 
18 There’s tomato on your shirt! Why didn’t you use a _________?
A paper  B napkin  C tablecloth 
19 The meal was absolutely delicious so we left a good _________.
A service  B tip  C bill 
20 Can you _________ the table, please? Lunch is nearly ready.
A lay  B put  C lie 


a Tick () the correct pronunciation A, B, or C.

Example: scream A  B  C 
1 electric A  B  C 
2 shelves A  B  C 
3 paintbrush A  B  C 
4 needle A  B  C 
5 string A  B  C 

b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.

Example: A ta|ble|cloth  B ta|ble|cloth  C ta|ble|cloth 
6 A re|co|mmend  B re|co|mmend  C re|co|mmend 
7 A cu|sto|mer  B cu|sto|mer  C cu|sto|mer 
8 A screw|dri|ver  B screw|dri|ver  C screw|dri|ver 
9 A a|ssem|ble  B a|ssem|ble  C a|ssem|ble 
10 A vi|ne|gar  B vi|ne|gar  C vi|ne|gar 
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

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