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OLYMPUS SZX9/12 SZX-EPA SZX-AS SZX-R SZX-2RE SZX-STAD1 SZX-STAD2 SZH-STAD1 INSTRUCTIONS SZX RESEARCH STEREOMICROSCOPE SYSTEM 1.70 prevent the microscope body fom turing over ts pivot angle must be lirited 10 30° as shown in Fig 1 2 Suficien cares required during observation with a magnifeaton oblec- tive, because the abjectve’s long working distance can displace t microscope body 0 higher postion. Cae s also requied when using an auxiliary pila (SZH+-P4DO/P600} wich also makes ine microscope body unstable, 2.To adjust the microscope body height, be sue 1o hold the focusing as- sembly with one hand while Icosering the focusing assembly clamping knob ©. Fg. 1) (Use tne dep creventon colar S2X.A} to prevent a hazard for occuring) {Be cares not o pinch your ner during adiusiments 1. micrascoge is a precision instrwient Handle it wth care and avoid subjecting it to sudden o severe impact 2.Do not use the microscope where itis subjected to direct sunlight high temcerature an humidity or vibraion (For operating envionment, ee Section 6,"Spectications’ on page 16) 23. Opsarve the following cautions when operating the coarse or ne focus adjustment knobs or the zoorring knot Focusing |Coarse/fine focus ac-| the knob his ine upper orloner jusiment knobs ©| "limiting mechanism volenty oF ‘Fig. 2) itis rotated ate it hits a liming mechanism the intemal mecha: nism miay be damaged, 2 ihe knobs on the left and fight 4a1e roaled in opposite directions, the infemal mecnanism wil be damaged. {The tension of the coarse focus adjustment knob should be adjusted using the Tension adjustment ing @ on the knob) Zooming | Zooming knab@ — |1 lhe knob his the upper orlower Fig.2) limiting mechanism violently or its coated atterithag ha aint ing mechanism, the internat ‘mechanism may ee damaged. 2. tithe knobs on the left and right are fottedin opposite directions, the intemal mechenis wall be amaged 4. Oniy ane intermediate attachment can be used. Using two attachments may coscute a part of the image. Howeves the verical luminal (S2%- Chis not considered to n attachment ‘@Wnen move than one intermediate atechmentis to be combined, hey should be stacked according to the following order, torn the bottom to the top: SZLLC, SZEAS, SZX RFA ISZXRFL), SZXSDO, SDCAPT, SX BS SZX.D8 SDW-FAD, then SZREMA 5. The desk surface inctination with respect to te hnizontal sutace should be less than 5° © waintenance and Storage _ | Gan at gas component by wining gently wt gure T remove fgets or smudges woe wth gauze hy ‘moistened with 2 mixture of ether (70%) and alcoho! (30%) “ASince sovents such as eter an alco are aly fammabl, they must be handled cartuy Be sure 0 Keep these chemicals away om open fares or polenta soutces of lecticl sparks ~ fr example elcticalsaup- ‘ment thats being switehed on oF of Abo remember 10 always use these chamicals ony in a wellvertlates room, 2 Te ecuoment uses piste es etershely ins eel rh, Oo nol tet o Use cpa Sohenis to ban te noreptcalcomeonens ihe microscope To Caan hese nee, sok Ct igh moktered win a ited neu! detergent 4 Naver cessor ay parte meroeeope aes cols esa matics reduces Pefemanoe ‘men rot using he meeecone heen covered the dst ove rowed the microscope is used in a manner not sealed ly this manual, he salsty-of the user may be inperieg fn anton, ‘ne microscope may 2is0 be damaged. Always use the microscove as outined inthis insiuction mana ‘The following symbols are used to set offen this instruction manual 2: Indicates that failure to follow the instructions in the warning cOulG result in bodily harm to the ‘ser andior damage fo equipment including objects in the viciniy of he equionent 1 : ncicates that faire to follow the instructions Could result in damage 1o eavipment ©: Indicates commentary (lor ease of operation and maintenance) 2-4 Assembly Diagram 2:2 Detalled Assembly Procedure. . ll controis : ay summary oF opservanion procepure 4-1 Preparation 7 4-2 Observation Procedure Ho GiB Uusine tHe controis 5-1 Base 7 5-2. Microscope Body and Focusing Assembly 5-3 Observation Tube. 5-4 Photomicrography ne al sPeciricarions Gy tRovsesHoomne eue Ga oor eration oF OTHER ATTACHMENTS 9-1 Eyepoint Adjuster SZX-EPA - 9-2 AS Unit SZX-AS (for use with the SZX-ZB9) 9-3 Drop Prevention Collar SZX-R and Auxiliary Pillar SZH-P400/SZH-P600 9-4 Revolving Nosepiece SZX-2RE 9-5 BX Stage Adapter Type 1 SZXSTAD1 - 9-6 BX Stage Adapter Type 2 SZX-STAD2 9-7 Stage Adapter Type 1 SZH-STAD1 oe SZX " 14 15 wv 18 19 19 20 24 22 24 26 or | Eyepiece ws GROSS wHsiox rior : x Nnsaoen / te. a0 reS vies + Tnoesiar obeenation : lube acre Wesson + Tilting binocular tube: sae Focusing assembly | + Coane os adjutant ‘oon Soro + Focus agtment knob saxo iWcrossape body "72K 200m microscope boxy 8242812 + 3 Toom microscope body S220 Objective ject Base~* | bor SEX2B12> For SDHIBOP sormnar SOS Sanda base: S2XSt SDePLALOASK —DrPLo7ex “Large base s2xsr. TORRONE “oRPLAROIK? “ansmites ight base TORPUPORNER “OFPLISK See SDFPLAPOL2XPF * OFPL2X3 SDEPLELIGXPF + SZKACHIX. + SDCAL2OK + The standard base (S2X-STI requies use of an optional aus pilar S2H POO) anc opxonal dio prevention collar (SDR The lange base (SZX-STL) comes wih te auxin pilar(SZH-P400) mounted as standard This enables the large base to be used ass. However, be SU to usé the Grop prevention collar SZXAI in combination ™ For other attachiments, ele to the product catalogue. ‘The diagram below shows how fo assemble the vatious modules. The numbers indicate the o-day of assembly + When assembiing the microscope, make sure that all parts are tree of dust and dit, and avoid scratching any parts or touching glass surfaces. Required tools Allen screwdriver ‘oroniged with the 200m) ——e—=t ‘microscope boo}) ‘Allen wrench (orouded wih the sian. ——} ard base) Do not use the Allen wrench for @ purpose ‘other than instaling the auxiiany pllac Fr mne ‘Allen wench is used for a paf other than that ‘desorbed above, he fore win which iis appied may break the par. Inemaciats Btachnent Zoom microscope body Focusing assemaiy 1. Using the Allen wrench provided withthe base. aogen the 2 clamping screws © on the pillar suppsn sleeve completely, 2 Holo the pita withthe while eubber cap a the top, and insert itinto the pillar suppor sleeve untht reaches the boston, .Using the provides Allen wrench. tighlen the 2 clamping screws @ securely, 1. Fist loosen the focusing assembly clamping knod @ completely, and while holding the focusing assembly with oth hands, insert the pillar © Into the mounting hole @ for below. (Fa. 4} + Insert slowly. Do not apply excessive force. 2 Lower the focusing assembly until stops, then tighten the focusing assembly clamping knob ®, Fo. 4) .A.To prevent the microscope trom tuming over, the focusing assembly ‘must be installed on the same side as the stage plate in the stand, as shown in the illustration marked "0" in Fig. 5, andits pet angle ‘must be limited to 30°. 1f the focusing assembly is placed on the ‘wrong side, the microscope will tum over “kif the clamping knob © ig tightened while the pillar @ is not com- pletely inserted into the mounting hole ®, the plate spring support ing the pllar wil deform and the pillar will not be able to penetrate inta the hole. (Fig. 4) ‘ | @ 1. Remove the cap © on the focusing assembiyby irsering thin biect dnt the nich 2 Using the provided Allen serewdlver, aosen the dovetail mount clamp- ing sow inside the cap on tne focusing assembly by rotating it by 2 or tums (counteriockse 8. Genty insert the dovetail aunt @ on the rear of the microscope body into the dovetail mounting port ® on the focusing assembly ++Dornot insert the mount at an angle or with excessive force, fr this ‘may cause maltuctions. 4.When the micioscope body has been inserted unt # stops, tighten the clamping screw using the Alen screwsner 5 Place te cap D i the orginal pasion ‘Mounting the Objective Mount tne objective @ on the objective mount thread © by rotating the objective in he direction ofthe aro Mounting the Axitary Objective SOCALZOX SZX-ZB12 oni) ‘When using the auxiliary objective (SZX-AL2OX), mount it onto the tp cithe OFPLAPOTXPF objective and tighten the clamoing screw while pushing it against he tp, See page 10) Remember thal the SZXAL20X cannot be used wih other ebjectves {Using tn len sewer ocen ne cbsehaton be mang sce © compo 2 Aligning te posioning sn othe iroscoge body tothe pasioing cyoove @ ea the cheenaon tbe inst he dovtal mount @ athe betom othe obsenaon tbe i the touring pot on he mice seope te0 4.Usig the Alen screwerver tighten the bdsevation tube clamping screw © {+The obserition tube can be mounted 180° rom the above pos! ton, but this postioning rakes observation ditt ands ot rec: commended, When the auxllay paris used. his postoning isi possible bectuse the eyepiece gets inte vn. 1 Remove he ence dus: caps © and lesen th eyenececlaping 2 Genty nat re coselines eee (OROSS WHSION Wiss not proto ne he WHSIOCH oe gh eyepiece Sleeve unl ope 3. Gently inser the eyepiece (WHS10%-H) into the left eyepiece sieeve until {-Tahten von eyepieoe carping serews ® @ Mounting (Removing) the Stage Plate Fa. 10) Place te siage pla vite black on back side inf the mouning hole nine tase To remove, press the slage plete atthe edge nearest to the pillar with yourfingenip, The opposite end will ge fom the base so tne stage plate can be picked up easy Insen the specimen holder @ into the 2 holes @.on the top suace othe base, Positioning the Microscope Loosen the focusing assembly clamoing knob , Sight pivoting the microscope body 10 the let and! right align the Genter ofthe objective vith the center of he stage plate @, then clamp the microsaope body wath the focusing assembly clamping knob, SZX LUgnt path sstector knob (SBeTRRO ons Zooming kno SEX2BIR: 07x to BK S2X 288, O8SK1O 7X Coarse focus acjustment knob Tension adustmant ring Diopter adjustment rng 6m" her meter Eyepiece clamping knob“ Aperture irs diaphragm rng (SZxZBR only Fin focus acute kno S2XFOF oni ‘Sroke 90 mm ‘Soke per tum: 15 men Coarse fous acustment knob ‘Soke: 80 rom Stoke per fum (SCFOF 96.8 mmm Observation magnifeation Stoke per tum (S2eFO} 212 Inatcator Shows the total magnification when he chistes Tk and oe ieee is ‘Dick ston ON-OFF serew Specimen holder Sa are ae ies Soar corer aaah anton a ght guide hole SZXOSPILG-OF mouniing ROIS Magnification inalcator ing the right zooming kneb, Focusing assembly 1g assembly clamping kre adapter screw hole \dimm Wweaded 2) Pillar clamping screws ‘Spare serow holes (Erm threaded holes x 4) {Used te mount manipulator et. sone lPage 4) (Page 51 (Page 8) 1. Check and tighten the connection of each component, especially the obsoruation tube. 2 Adjust the positon of the microscope body. 3 Adjust the tension ofthe coarse focus adjustment knob, 4 Prepare desired iluminaters. |. Pace a specimen on the stage. Page 8 2 Adjust interoupiiay cistance. Page 11) 3. Make diopter adjustment (Page 11) (The adjustment procedure is variable depending on whether @ CROSS eyepiece is used oF not) 4.Satthe zooming knod © to the lowest z4om magnifcaiion and bring the ‘mictoscope into focus by moist the coarse focus adjusiment knob ©. 4. Rotate the zooming knab @ to the desiec magnification and precisely focus the microscope on the specimen with the coarse focus adjust ment kao @ and fine focus adjustment knob @ the tne focus achust- ment kno is not erovided with the S2X-FO} @Vihen the SZX-ZB12 microscope body is used, the contrast of the ob- sewed image and the focal depth of the specimen can be adjusted wth the builtin apenure is diaphragm rng, ‘white side facng up.In case he specimen is white o ther bight colors, place the stage plat withthe black sige up to improve conta. When transmitted light Is used, use the transparent glass stage plate (SP-C) 1. Place the specimen on the approxirrate center ofthe slage plate Hold the specimen with the specimen holder as required 2 lluminete the specimen with an ikuminator selected according to the sspacimen under cosention ‘The tension of the coarse focus adjustment knob can be adjusted with the tension adjustment ring ®. Do not rotate the knobs on the left and right in opposite directions, for this wil damage the internal ‘mechanism. 1. Rotate the tension adjustment ring @ by insering the Allon screwaliner into the hole @ on the ring perioneny, Rotating the ring clockwise increases the tension of the coarse focus lagjustment knob, and seating countersiockwise decreases it tif the microscope body falls down by its own weight or the fecus obtained by fine focusing is lost immediately, the tension adjust- ment may be too light. In this c38e, rotate the ring clockwise to Increase the tension, iF the tension adjustment is too tight, delicate focusing will be Impossible and the knob may be damaged Particularly, never rotate the fine focus adjustment knob quickly while its tension is extremely tight, ‘@Wnen the click stop knob is selto ON, the cick ston function is engaged foreach magnification indcsted withthe zooming knob, When the knob {5 set to OFF, he 2n0m magnification can be vaied continuously and Finely neer the cick groove {2A click siop can be provided foreach ofthe 9 intemadiateincicaions of the zoorn mictosoape body, regardless ofthe SZX-2B12 or S229 1. To engage the cick stop function, tate the cick sop ON-OFF screw D fully clockwise nthe direction of the arow) using the Allen sersuetiver ‘The zooming inal then stops at every postion conesponding to the ‘magnification indicated on the observation magnlicaton incicator @ 2 Ta disengage the cick sep function, rotate the cick stop ONOF screw © fully dackwise (oy one tum ffom the ON postion in the diection opposite to the arto) using the Allen scrowetiver 09 not rotate too much, or the cover may be damaged. sve MT Specimen Fig. 19 SZ2X n Fa 8) ‘Ese oojecte cine han the 1 cbectve ie poidd wih an obsava tion maghisetion” dicator ring “This refers to the total magnification when the 10X eyepiece is used, ‘@vnen the revoking nosepiece (SZX-2RE) 's used, the total obsenation "magnifications wnen two objectives are switched can be reac diet by ‘mounting these rings on the let anc right zooming knobs. Holo the magnification indicator ing @ in an orientation allowing comect ‘magnifcation reading from the font of tne microscope, vicen the sing {and mount cnto the base ofthe let zooming knob @ 2 Rotate the magnifcation indicator ing gently untl It sos atthe speci: fed postion +A magnification indicator ring can also be mounted on the right ‘zooming knob in the same way as above, but this makes the total ‘observation magnification when the 1X objective is used unread- able. Gems This is 225K aus object or excuse use wth he OFPLAPOHXPF objective. tie fect for non-covered specimen observation when the ‘capi atiached 1o he tin ane far cbsewvation through a2 mmsthick water Cr glass layer when the cap is removed Fg. 17) ++ The recomended zoom magnifications for exhibiting high perform- ‘ance are the higher magnifications from 4X to 9X (ie. total magnif cations" of 100X to 225X) its not advisable to use magnifications lower than 4X. tne zoom magnification is lower than 2X, part of the image will be obscured. *2aam megocaten (x 0 9X Aas objec 290 x Eyeieoe 00 Removing the Cap Hola the rotary ring @ and rotate the fing ring @ in he diection of the arow to remove the c20.(F9. 18) Parfocal Comection Ring ‘@TTis ig Convenient when using a parfocal objective (PA) revolving nosepiece @ and the SOCAL2OX (Fig. 19) + Mach the provided pariocal conection ring @ to the DFPLAPOTXPF & by serewing i, hen atach the S2XAL2OX ®. Fig, 19) the S2X-2RE. 10 11 this aghustment hile ooking throug the eyepieces, hold the let and ight of the bine ocular assembly © and adjust the eyenieces by opening or closing themn for bingeular vision uni the lft and right felds of view coincide completely + Ensure that the eyepiece clamping knob © is tightened, ‘When not using the CROSS eyepiece {Rotate he oper adjustment ngs ol he eyepiece so natbomn sles ixicate 2 Pace an eesyo-obsene specimen on he stage pte 4 alate the zcoming nob oa low magnfcaven ans fous the sec men vsing the coarse and hte focus adjustment knobs 4. Rotate te zooming knob & 10 te highest magnfcaton and fecus he specinen vsing te coaree and fine fous aosment cos 5. Rotate the zooming knob @ tothe west mageiteation. then focus the specimen by rating tne le ané right citer adluaiment ings insteadot the coarse and ine lacus adjustment knobs, [ When using the CROSS eyepiece) “Look ita he CROSS eyeciec an fo0uS the cross ines by rlang he ciooter acjustent ings. 2. Face an easyto-obsene specimen onthe sage plate 5 Rotate tne zooming knob @ 1 low magniteston anc fcus the spec cme" looking into the CROES ayepiace a using the Coarse and fe tocus acustment kbs. 4 Rotate ine zosming knob @ tothe highest magnification an foes ne specimen Using the coarse ac ne eeu ecustment robs. 5 Rotten zooming knob © tote lowes magaiication. then focus the specimen by tating ony the clpteaclustmert ing ote non-CACSS. aide of te syeniece intead of he coase and fine focus adustment 9088 Note for memorize) the dineter readings ofthe itt and right eyepiece scales so that they can be duplicated quick in the next observation, SZX Use with eye shades in their normal folged-down pesiion. This will pe vent eyeglasses ftom being scratched by the eyeniece, Eton the folded eyeshaces ine drecbon of te ar Tis rakes coservaton easier by preventing the verse incidence ot rom be ‘ween the Byeniece and your eyes | Using the Eyepiece Micrometers ig. 23) A variety of eyepiece miceometens can be inserted int the WHSIOXH. TBKH/2OKH/OKH evepieces| Use 24 mm cia x 15mm hick ecrometer os, 4. Unscrew and reave the ing @ fom the botom of each eyepiece 2. Clean an eyepiece micrometer disk © to remove dust and cin. then glace the disk ino the ing @ go tate sce with rtcue @ faces Conner 43 Ataon the ng © withthe eyepiece micommie isk O ty gem seus ing it onto the eyepiece @. ® The WHS20X-H/30X-H eyepieces are designed to apply the follow- ing magnifications tothe focusing planes ofthe micrometers. ‘The WHS20%H and WHS9OXH have magnifications of 135% and 203% respectively, When using these for measurement, be Ste 10 perform magnification compensation. When the micrometers are engaged in thei lightpath, the Fight path Jength wi extend andthe diopter scale may deviate rom the normal indication However this does not pose any problem in actual obser vation. ‘when the eyepiece micrometers © ave not used, wrap them ina clean sheet of sot paper and soe, (G@ Litt Path Selection (SzxTRI0) Side the ight oath selector knob © to sel the desied lightpath, op | sean | nena Et or broavareyentces. 2 ncaver enlaces EO [80% tox protomicrogranny and TW absenaton Puled out Fig 24 ‘@Agjust the height anc tit ofthe obsewation tube tothe most comfortable viewing pasion. Holding the binocular assembly with both hands, raise or lower it to the \esied position, Do not attempt to force the binocular assembly past the upper or lower stop positions. Applying excessive force could destroy the mechanism, Fig 25, 13 ° (©Use 2 tinocular observation tube (S2X-TRIO)for taking photomicrographs Photomicroprarry-can be performed using the P10, PM.20 or PN.30 hotomicrographic system Procedures for operating the photorniccogredhic systems are described in their respective insinetion manuals. Only the procedures specific to his microscope are desorbed beiow. 1. Using tne Alen screwetver loosen the clamping serew on the inocu lartube's photo pon. 2 Align the index dot *» "® on the front of the thngculer tube with the index co! +" @ on the straight photo tube, then ingen the circular dove- tail mount ofthe straight photo tube into tne inocula tubes photo pon, 3 Tighten the clarmping screw ©. Use only 2 PE photo eyepiece for photomicrograph, Inset the ohote eyepiece @ with the desitec magnifcaton into the ehotornicragraphic system mount on the straight phate tube, Mounting the ‘graphic system, ‘+ The parfocal property between the straight photo tube and binocular assemblyis not guaranteed, ‘@4; low z00m magnifications which present great depths of focus, use of 2 ‘acusing magnifer(U-FN is recommended forlocusing accuracy . — 14 1. Zoom microscope body +S2X7B12 + SZXZBO * Total magnifcation witha 1X objective and 10Xeyepiece Letvight 200m magnifcation system Zoom ative system: Horizontal knob, Ciick stop ON-OFF switchable per zoom magnification Zoom catio. 128 07K to Zoom ratio: 9 (OBIX to 570 ‘Magnitcation indications” Magnification indications" 710, 128, 16,20, 25, 92 40,50,68.90 | 63.8 10,125, 16 20,25, 92 4050.57 ‘Objective mount: Threaded mount Buin apeture is diaphragm Use of AS unit SKS), 2 Focusing assembly + SZKFOF +820 SDCFOF SZeFO Focusing system: Rack & pinion roller guide| {with coarse focus aojusiment knob tension aojustment rng ‘Coarse focus adjustment knob only. Builtin counter balance ‘Coaxial coarse/fine focus acjustment robs. ‘Coarse focus acjustment knob stroke: 80 mm Course knob soke per tum: 368mm | Coarse knob stoke per tum: 212 mm Fine focus adjustment knob stoke: €0 mm Fine knob stoke par turn: 15 mm 3 Odsenation tube SDCTRIO S280 SzxTal + SDR inocula Binocular iting binocular me Tinouar __Titng binooula + S2xTB Tube inclination: 30° “Tube inclination: 5°10 45° Light path selection 2 steps (Bi 100%, 81 20%:Phoio _ 80%) Irterpupilary stance adjustment 8010 76 mm. Eyepiece clemong knob proved Eyepece; WHS series eyepiece “4 Standard base Pill height 270 mm. +SZxsT Base dimensions: 3000) x 260(0) x 301M) men Specimen holder atachabie. With stage adapter mounting holes. 5 Laige base Pilar height 400 ram. #S2xSTL Base dimensions: 400) x 350(0) x 214) mm, Specimen holder attachable \with stage adapter mounting holes. With crop prevention colar SXF 15 6 Objectives: WO: Working cistance PF Parfocal ens + auxiiay pila is required when S2XSTIS used S26282 Model wo Model wo DFPLALDaX 180 men OFPLOSK 198 men DAPLALD4Sx 198 mm* DFPLO7SX 119 ram DRRLRDSKPE [70mm DFPLAPOIX2 — |875 mm OPLAPOIXPF 74 mom SDACHIX 90 mm DFPLAPOLZXPF | 60 mm OFPLISK 53 mm DrpcRiexPr | 34mm OFPLXS 2A co SZKALZOX 107 roe ‘Teyeniece ometers can be insared [ & Operating environment * 24 mm dla, 1S mmhick eyepiece mi- WHSIOXH* 22 felds of view, dopter adjustment ring proved (CROSSWHSIOX: 22 felds of view, with cross lines, diopter adjustment ng provided. WHSIBRS” 16 felds of ven. dlopter adjustment ring provided. (CROSSWHSISX: 16 flelds of view. with crass lines, dlopter adjustment ring provided. WHS20XH" 125 feds of view, clopter adjustment ring provides. (CROSSWHS2OX: 125 fields o! view with cos ines oper aglustment ing provided. WHSGOXH" 7 flelds of ew. dlopter adlusiment ing provided. + Indoor use: s plttude: Max 2000 ‘Ambient temperature: 5° 10 40°C. (81°F fo 104°) + Maximum relative huricty 80% for lemperaiuies vb 10 31°C 188" lingety through 70% fat 34°C), 60% lat 37°C) to 0% fat 40°C) decreasing mszxzB12 OFPLALOSX 24X-27% | 1048-81 |315K-405K) 762-59 | 42x-54K | 495-48 | 63K-81x | 293-26 OFPLRLO4SX a15x-405x| 698-55 |473x-607x| 508-49 | 6ax-81x | 507-31 | 9mK-1215K | 222-17 orpuansxer — | asx-asx | 629-49 |e25x-075«| 457-36 | 7x-90x | 357-28 |105x- 195%} 200-16 DepLapoixer | 7x-90X | 314-24 |r05K- 195K) 229-18 | tax-r@0x | 179-14 | 21X-270K} 10-078 orpLaron2xer | gax-roax | 262-20 |126x- i6ax| 190-15 | taX-21X, 149-12 | 252x.s2HK) 83-085 OFPLALIGXOF six-t4ax | 20-15 [reax-21ex| 143-11 |2ax. 2aax) 112-087 | s36K-a32x | 625-049 SZCALZOK" (woow-225x| 22-098 fiscxi-aazsx] 15-071 |(20n0-460x) 125-056 |:s000-675K| 07-031 “This isthe auxlary objective to be mounted on the DEPLAPOIXPE and the magnifications shown afe the recommended figues. ms7x289 DFPLOSX 1gx-285«| 698-77 |47X-a28x 6ax-57x | 997-44 | 95x-855K | 222-25 DFPLOTEX ATK. 43x | 466-51 |71X-643x| 339-37 ]95K-AESK] 285-29 | 142K. 26x] 148-16 OFPLAPOIX2 63x-S7X | 349-39 |95K-a55x] 254-28 |126x- TH4x) 198-22 |189K-17HX] THI - SDOACHIX 6ax-s7% | 349-39 95x-a5sx| 254-28 |126x- 14x] 198-22 |1B9K-17IX) s11-12 DFPLISK 96K -855X 233-26 142x-r283x| 169-19 | 19X- 17x | 192-15 [aB4x.2665K) 74-082 DFPLXS 26x. 14x) 175-19 |1@9x-s71x) 127-14 |2sox-208x] 99.14 | 37Bx-34ox) 56-061 ) TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Under cecain conditions, performances otis unit may be adversely affectos by factors other than defects. a problem Ccocurs, please review the ‘allowing lst and take remedial action as needed. you cannot solve the problem afer checking the entire list, please contact your local Olympus representative for assistance. incomplete binccular vision. | Interpupiary cistence is rot conectly ac- | Adjust i conecty i justed Diopter adjustment is incomplete Complete diopter adjustment Le and agit eyepieces are nol matched. | Use a pair of matched eyepieces, 5 2 Field of view is cut of orilt= | Aperture is diaphragm is seeped down | Open the aperture ° rminaled uneven. excessively. Observation tube and intermediate at-| Mount mem concty. 4 tachment are not cowectly mounted. Light path selector knob is stopped mid- | Set comecty to the desired postion. 7 way SZXTRIO_ 3 Dust is visible in the fed af [ Dust on the specimen Remove dust i ven Dust on eyepiece. Remove dust i “4 Excessive image contrast. | Aperture is sloped down excessively | Open the aperture to proper dlameten ‘when tne built-in aperture iis diaphragra| 920 and S2XAS are used) Resolution problems Objective is not conectly mounied Mount it corecty untl t's stopped 4 + mage is not sharp. ee cS hcent oonvast ‘Dust on objective font lens Clean tens sutace ‘Dust on op oF lower lens of zoom micro- scope body. i Dust on waner or wer lens of zoom ob servation tube, 6 Specimen image blurs Diopter ring is not conectly adjusted. | Adjust it conecty. iw ‘when 200m magnification is ot in complete focus on specimen | Focus specimen coneciy at a high mag. ‘changed. nication. " '7 Coarse focus adjustment | Tension adjustment cing is too ight. | Loosen it property. knobs rotate with too much 8 resistance. 8 Zoom microscope body | Tension adjustment ing is to0 1oose. | Tighten it propery. drops or specimen goes out a of focus durng observation. 1. Using the Alen screwdriver provided with the SZX mictascope body remove the obsenation tube ©. 2 Mount the eyepoint adjuster @ to the place where tne ebsenation tube has been mounted, {9 Mount he obsewation tube femoved in step 1 above) onto the eyepoint adjuster This allows you to increase the eyepoint height by AD mm. Up 10 two eyepoint adjusters can be mounied proded that no other intermediate atachment is used, ‘Aperture iis claphvagm acfustment (ther ‘Observation tubs clamping serew © tsins eiture Iris Diaphragm bil an = 188) acusing he ape is phragm itis poss 0 inprove te conta fhe cbsened nage and noeese he decin focus 1 Sige ne aperture is aptvagm adusen! inet Siding ttowarl"O on ele opens the aperur and siding iowa “6! onthe rch closest Ajit wl ceseang an maye to check the efecto adustnent on cones ana deat of feces 4:00 not clese he aperture oo much for this may cause degradation in esohon andor cause ambient ight to be “When the micoscope is combined withthe SZXLLC coaxial vera uminat, minimizing the apenure may scare par ofthe cbsened fel of vi nhs case open the ape oan intemetsate postion “eMirimizng the aperture and seting zoom magnification high tends to make ambien ight insfilent : 20 ‘© The ausliay pila isto be used when observing a large Specimen oF when i is required to move the microscope body height using a low-magnifeation objective @ The drop prevention colar prevents he 200m microscope body fam Stopeing when installed ats high postion using the ‘aunilary pillar and the clamping knob on the focusing assembly is loosened carelessly This helps fo prevent accidental damage to the specimen or objective ‘The static load resistance of the SZXR is 7 kg at maximum. 4. Mounting ine auxiiay ilar “+ Remove the pillar form the standard base and replace the pillar with the ‘SZH-P4O0 or SZHP800 auxiiany Pilar (G08 page S for the mounting pro- code. 2 Mounting the drop prevention collar + Filthe drop prevention collar onto the aula plier © ‘@Postion the oblique ilurninatan unit” mounting groove ® on the font side of the crop prevention coltar@ and tighten the clamping knob ©. >The SGA focal lamination unit and SZXLGHI light guide can be mounted “+ When the specimen height is low or an objective with a short work ing distance is used, the drop prevention collar © does net have to bbe mounted if the working distance corresponding to the collar is ‘ot available. However, this reduces safety that is assured by using the SZX-R drop prevention collar ©, so be always sure to hold the ‘ecusing assembly when loosening the focusing assembly clamp- Ing knob, ‘AWnen moving the microscope body around the pillar, never loosen both the focusing assembly clamping knob ‘and drop prevention collar simultaneously. [Temove he misroscape body upward] + Loosen ihe damping kncb alte focusing assembly o be moved upward 2 Aline destes height tonto in oousing assem carncing knob secre 3 Loosen the cop neenon colar camping kot. 4. Pres ite crop prevention cola hy against the lower end of he focusing assemy and tighten he clamping kro securely. ‘To move the microscope body downward Fist loosen the drop prevention collar nen move the microscope body downer. +For the drop prevention collar fo exhibit its fll etfect, clamp the focusing assembly and drop prevention collar in Close contact bebween each other, without leaving any space. 21 . Hand guard file wrench for 3 screws) gittn tami cusmong “2 Nosepiece mount scene 143—6 mm tong 63) 4. Atiach the hand quard @ to the revoling noseplece © by tigntening the provided 2 clamping screws @ (M3 ~ 4 mm Jong) using the provided ‘Allen wrench tlor M3 serews). (Fig. 92) 2. Remove the coservaton lude and inlemediate attachment rom te 20am microscope body. .& Remove the 200m micrascope body and focusing assembly tom the pill and place them upside down on @ fat desk sutace ‘Place 2 soft sheet made of rubber or similar material on the desk surface. 4 Remove the objective from the 200m microscope body and remove the objective mount © by loosening the 3 clamping screws ® using the provided Allen wrench lor M3 screws), (Fig. 32) 22 GE canton 5,Place the nosepiece mount ® (with is objective mounts @ facing Upward) whore the objective has been by aligning the sorew holes. Using the Allen wrench (for MS screws), clamp the revolver mount wth the provided 3 clamping scews (M3 — 6 mm long) (Fg. 3) ‘As the screw holes may be hidden behind tne objective mounts ©, clamp the nosepiece mount while rotating it (Fig, 33) + Before installing the focusing assembly on the pila, adjust the coarse and fine focus adjustmert knobs 80 that the hand guard © does not protrude trom the lower end of the focusing assembly ® (Fig, 38) 6 instal the focusing assembly on the pillar and insiall the observation lube and intemediate attecherers witch has baen removed above in the cxiginal positon 7. AMtach two cjectives orto their respective objective mounis @ by screw ing. a. 33) 8.Allach ihe magnification indicator ring provided with he objectives on tte zooming knob (see page 10} Hold the chiectve and gently rotate it uni a click position where the bjactve to be used is engaged in the light oath ‘When transporting the microscope, do net hold it by the revaing nosepiece. ++ Be careful not to pinch yaur finger between the hand guard and the objective when rotating it +The partocal property when the objective is replaced is not completely guaranteed. 23 This adapters for instalation ef a USAG or USSAP rotary stage on the S2X standard base or a SZX senes ilumination ‘base. When the U-SAP rotary stage is used together wih the U-uP mechanical stage. XY directional movernent be- ‘comes possible which is convenient for faring during photomicrograchy. ‘Teccover the height ofthe stage adapler we recommend combination wth the SZ+-P400 auxiliary pilarlogether with the SZXA drop prevention colar Standard base S2XST 08x 10 2x ‘None + Transmitted tlumination base: SZXILLK + Acvanced iluminaton base SZXIL + Baghtieid/dertiels ransmited itumination base S2XAULD ‘The same restcions apply regardless of whether tie slage adapteris useq ‘oF not. Rafe to the S2X ilumination base’ instruction manual) Noto hal the Feld ilurrinated by the transmitted fight is limited desencing ‘on the diameter ofthe opening of the stage plate in use. + Darkials observation is not possible using the SZXLLD. + The illumination intensity may be reduced when a frosted fiter used. 24 Rotary stage Rotary sta Usa oe USRG. Clamping screws Allen screwstver (provided with the microscope e oy) BX stage adapter ype 1 i S2xSTADI ! {clamping serew saracing hole ‘Atching threaded hole Mounting the Polarizer S2

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