Fm-II 4th Sem

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PAPER NAME & CODE: Fluid Mechanics-II(1004007)


Note: Attempt all Questions. All Question Carry one Marks.

Q1.The highest efficiency is obtained with a channel of __________ section.

(A) circular
(B) square
(C) rectangular
(D) trapezoidal
Q2.A fluid having no viscosity is known as
(A) real fluid
(B) ideal fluid
(C) Newtonian fluid
(D) non-Newtonian fluid
Q3.Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is directly proportional to __________ of its
(A) diameter
(B) square of diameter
(C) cube of diameter
(D) fourth power of diameter
Q4.The mechanical efficiency of an impulse turbine is
(A) ratio of the actual power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by
the turbine
(B) ratio of the actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel
(C) ratio of the Work done on the wheel to the energy of the jet
(D) none of the above
Q5.The overshot water wheels are those in which the wheel runs entirely by the __________ of
(A) weight
(B) impulse
(C) Reaction
(D) None of these
Q6.In a Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades is generally between
(A) 2 to 4
(B) 4 to 8
(C) 8 to l6
(D) 16 to 24
Q7.If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective head
(H) is given by
(A) H = Hg/hf
(B) H = Hg x hf
(C) H = Hg + hf
(D) H = Hg - hf
Q8. Discharge of a centrifugal pump is
(A) directly proportional to diameter of its impeller
(B) inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller
(C) directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
(D) inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
Q9. The specific speed of a hydraulic turbine depends upon
(A) speed and power developed
(B) discharge and power developed
(C) speed and head of water
(D) speed, power developed and head of water
Q10.If the ratio of all the corresponding linear dimensions are equal, then the model and the
prototype are said to have
(A) geometric similarity
(B) kinematic similarity
(C) dynamic similarity
(D) none of these
Q11.The sub critical depth is the depth of flow at which
(A) The Froude number is less than unity
(B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The specific energy is minimum
(D) The unit discharge is minimum
Q12.The super critical depth is the depth of flow at which
(A) The Froude number is less than unity
(B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The specific energy is minimum
(D) The unit discharge is minimum
Q13In open channel the specific energy is
(A) The total energy per unit discharge
(B) The total energy measured above a horizontal datum
(C) The total energy measured with respect to the channel bottom which is taken as datum
(D) The kinetic energy plotted above the free surface
Q14.An open channel flow is one in which
(A) The solid boundary confining the flow are open at the top
(B) The liquid flowing in a closed conduit has a free surface
(C) A closed conduit is full of flowing liquid
(D) None of the above
Q15. The flow in open channel may be characterized as turbulent when
(A) Re<500
(B) Re>2000
(C) 500< Re<2000
(D) None of the above
Q16.The channel is critical when
(A) Fr<1
(B) Fr>1
(C) Fr=1
(D) Any of the above
Q17. Non steady flow may be caused by
(A) The change in width, depth, bed slope etc. of a channel
(B) An obstruction, constructed across a channel of uniform width
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Q18. The flow is said to be turbulent when reynolds no. is
(A) Less than 1000
(B) Equal to 2000
(C) Greater than 4000
(D) Between 1000 to 4000
Q19. The flow is said to be laminar when Reynolds no. is
(A) Less than 1000
(B) Equal to 2000
(C) Greater than 4000
(D) Between 1000 to 4000
Q20.The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f which is a direct measure of resistance to flow in pipes
depends on which of the following
(A) Relative roughness velocity and viscosity
(B) Relative roughness diameter and viscosity
(C) Roughness height, diameter and velocity
(D) Roughness height diameter velocity and kinetic viscosity
Q21The minimum velocity through a circular channel takes place when depth of flow is equal to
(A) normal depth
(B) critical depth
(C) alternate depth
(D) none of these
Q22. Kinematic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
(A) have identical velocities
(B) are equal in size and shape
(C) are identical in shape, but differ only in size
(D) have identical forces
Q23. A reciprocating pump is suitable for .
(A) less discharge and higher heads. B.
(B) High discharge and low heads.
(C) less discharge and less heads.
(D) high discharge and higher heads.
Q24. Dynamic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
(A) have identical velocities
(B) are equal in size and shape
(C) are identical in shape, but differ only in size
(D) none of the above
Q25.The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by
(A) installing the turbine below the tail race level
(B) using stainless steel runner of the turbine
(C) providing highly polished blades to the runner
(D) all of the above
Q26. In a mixed flow centrifugal pump, the flow through the impeller is
(A) a combination of radial and axial flows.
(B) axial flow
(C) either axial or radial flow
(D) radial flows.
Q27.A Pelton wheel is
(A) tangential flow impulse turbine
(B) inward flow impulse turbine
(C) outward flow impulse turbine
(D) inward flow reaction turbine
Q28. A hydraulic accumulator is a device used to store __________ energy which may be supplied
to a machine later on.
(A) strain
(B) pressure
(C) kinetic
(D) none of the above
Q29In an……………, the pressure of water both at entering and leaving the vanes, is atmospheric.
(A) impulse turbine
(B) reaction turbine
(C) any of the above
(D) none of the above
Q30Which of the following pump is successfully used for lifting water from deep wells?
(A) Centrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocating pump
(C) Jet pump
(D) Air lift pump
Q31The Thomson's turbine is __________ reaction turbine.
(A) an axial flow
(B) an inward flow
(C) an outward flow
(D) a mixed flow
Q32………….is the actual head of water against which a centrifugal pump has to work.
(A) Manometric head
(B) Pressure head
(C) Velocity head
(D) any of the above
Q33The specific speed of a centrifugal pump may be defined as the speed of an imaginary pump,
identical with the given pump, which will discharge ……..of water, while it is being raised through
a head of one metre.
(A) 1 liter
(B) 10 liter
(C) 100 liter
(D) 1000 liter
Q34 The jet ratio is defined as the ratio of the
(A) diameter of jet to the diameter of Pelton wheel
(B) velocity of jet to the velocity of Pelton wheel
(C) diameter of Pelton wheel to the diameter of jet
(D) velocity of Pelton wheel to the velocity of jet
Q35. The cavitation in a hydraulic machine is mainly due to
(A) low velocity
(B) high velocity
(C) low pressure
(D) high pressure

Note: Attempt Five Questions and at least one question from each Section. All Question
Carry Equal Marks.
Section -A

Q1. Explain the classification of Flow in Open channel in detail? Derive an Expression for most
economical Rectangular Channel section?

Q2.(A) Define the following terms:

a. Hydraulic Jump
b. Critical flow
c. Froude number
d. Non Uniform flow
e. Gradually varied Flow
f. Reynold Number

(B). Find the discharge through a Rectangular Channel of width 2m having bed slope of 4 in
8000. The depth of flow is 1.5 m and take Value of N= 0.012 using Manning’s formula.

Section -B

Q3.Explain Reynold’s Experiment with Suitable diagram and data with condition of flow used in
the Reynolds number determination?

Q4. Explain types of head loss used in pipes? Water is flowing through horizontal pipe of diameter
200 mm at velocity of 3 m/sec. A circular solid plate of diameter 150 mm is placed in pipe to
obstruct the flow. Find the loss of head due to obstruction if Cc= 0.62

Section -C

Q5. What is Turbine? Explain the Classification of Turbine with suitable Diagram? A turbine
develops 9000 kW when running at a speed of 140 RPM and under head of 30 m. Determine the
specific speed of turbine.

Q6 . Write short note on:

a. Cavitation
b. Specific speed
c. Governing of Turbines
d .Pelton wheel
e. Types of Flow
f. Water hammer
Section -D

Q7. What is pump? Explain different types of pump with suitable Diagram? Distinguish between
Reciprocating pump and Centrifugal pump.

Q8. What is Draft tube? Explain types of Draft tube? A hydraulic Jump forms at downstream end
of spillway carrying 17.93 m3/sec discharge of depth of water is 0.80 m. Determine the depth after
jump & energy loss.

Section -E

Q9. Explain the experiment of loss of Head due to friction in pipes? Find the loss of head due to
sudden enlargement of diameter 200 mm when diameter is 400 mm. The rate of flow of water is
0.25 m3/sec.

Q10. Derive an Expression For the length of Back water Curve Using Bernaulli’s Equation? Find
the velocity of flow and Rate of flow of water through a rectangular channel of 6m wide, 3 m deep.
Take Bed slope 1 in 2000. Take chezy constant C=55 using Chezy’s formula?
PAPER NAME & CODE: Fluid Mechanics-II(1004007)


Note: Attempt all Questions. All Question Carry one Marks.

Q1..A fluid having no viscosity is known as

(A) real fluid
(B) ideal fluid
(C) Newtonian fluid
(D) non-Newtonian fluid
Q2.The super critical depth is the depth of flow at which
(A) The Froude number is less than unity
(B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The specific energy is minimum
(D) The unit discharge is minimum
Q3.Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is directly proportional to __________ of its
(A) diameter
(B) square of diameter
(C) cube of diameter
(D) fourth power of diameter
Q4.The mechanical efficiency of an impulse turbine is
(A) ratio of the actual power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by
the turbine
(B) ratio of the actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel
(C) ratio of the Work done on the wheel to the energy of the jet
(D) none of the above
Q5.The overshot water wheels are those in which the wheel runs entirely by the __________ of
(A) weight
(B) impulse
(C) Reaction
(D) None of these
Q6.In a Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades is generally between
(A) 2 to 4
(B) 4 to 8
(C) 8 to l6
(D) 16 to 24
Q7.If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective head
(H) is given by
(A) H = Hg/hf
(B) H = Hg x hf
(C) H = Hg + hf
(D) H = Hg - hf
Q8. Discharge of a centrifugal pump is
(A) directly proportional to diameter of its impeller
(B) inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller
(C) directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
(D) inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
Q9. The specific speed of a hydraulic turbine depends upon
(A) speed and power developed
(B) discharge and power developed
(C) speed and head of water
(D) speed, power developed and head of water
Q10.If the ratio of all the corresponding linear dimensions are equal, then the model and the
prototype are said to have
(A) geometric similarity
(B) kinematic similarity
(C) dynamic similarity
(D) none of these
Q11.The sub critical depth is the depth of flow at which
(A) The Froude number is less than unity
(B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The specific energy is minimum
(D) The unit discharge is minimum
Q12.The highest efficiency is obtained with a channel of __________ section.
(A) circular
(B) square
(C) rectangular
(D) trapezoidal
Q13In open channel the specific energy is
(A) The total energy per unit discharge
(B) The total energy measured above a horizontal datum
(C) The total energy measured with respect to the channel bottom which is taken as datum
(D) The kinetic energy plotted above the free surface
Q14.An open channel flow is one in which
(A) The solid boundary confining the flow are open at the top
(B) The liquid flowing in a closed conduit has a free surface
(C) A closed conduit is full of flowing liquid
(D) None of the above
Q15. The flow in open channel may be characterized as turbulent when
(A) Re<500
(B) Re>2000
(C) 500< Re<2000
(D) None of the above
Q16.The channel is critical when
(A) Fr<1
(B) Fr>1
(C) Fr=1
(D) Any of the above
Q17. Non steady flow may be caused by
(A) The change in width, depth, bed slope etc. of a channel
(B) An obstruction, constructed across a channel of uniform width
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Q18. The flow is said to be turbulent when reynolds no. is
(A) Less than 1000
(B) Equal to 2000
(C) Greater than 4000
(D) Between 1000 to 4000
Q19. The flow is said to be laminar when Reynolds no. is
(A) Less than 1000
(B) Equal to 2000
(C) Greater than 4000
(D) Between 1000 to 4000

Q20.The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f which is a direct measure of resistance to flow in pipes
depends on which of the following
(A) Relative roughness velocity and viscosity
(B) Relative roughness diameter and viscosity
(C) Roughness height, diameter and velocity
(D) Roughness height diameter velocity and kinetic viscosity
Q21The minimum velocity through a circular channel takes place when depth of flow is equal to
(A) normal depth
(B) critical depth
(C) alternate depth
(D) none of these
Q22. Kinematic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
(A) have identical velocities
(B) are equal in size and shape
(C) are identical in shape, but differ only in size
(D) have identical forces
Q23. A reciprocating pump is suitable for .
(A) less discharge and higher heads. B.
(B) High discharge and low heads.
(C) less discharge and less heads.
(D) high discharge and higher heads.
Q24. Dynamic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
(A) have identical velocities
(B) are equal in size and shape
(C) are identical in shape, but differ only in size
(D) none of the above
Q25.The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by
(A) installing the turbine below the tail race level
(B) using stainless steel runner of the turbine
(C) providing highly polished blades to the runner
(D) all of the above
Q26. In a mixed flow centrifugal pump, the flow through the impeller is
(A) a combination of radial and axial flows.
(B) axial flow
(C) either axial or radial flow
(D) radial flows.
Q27.A Pelton wheel is
(A) tangential flow impulse turbine
(B) inward flow impulse turbine
(C) outward flow impulse turbine
(D) inward flow reaction turbine
Q28. A hydraulic accumulator is a device used to store __________ energy which may be supplied
to a machine later on.
(A) strain
(B) pressure
(C) kinetic
(D) none of the above
Q29In an……………, the pressure of water both at entering and leaving the vanes, is atmospheric.
(A) impulse turbine
(B) reaction turbine
(C) any of the above
(D) none of the above
Q30Which of the following pump is successfully used for lifting water from deep wells?
(A) Centrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocating pump
(C) Jet pump
(D) Air lift pump
Q31The Thomson's turbine is __________ reaction turbine.
(A) an axial flow
(B) an inward flow
(C) an outward flow
(D) a mixed flow
Q32………….is the actual head of water against which a centrifugal pump has to work.
(A) Manometric head
(B) Pressure head
(C) Velocity head
(D) any of the above
Q33The specific speed of a centrifugal pump may be defined as the speed of an imaginary pump,
identical with the given pump, which will discharge ……..of water, while it is being raised through
a head of one metre.
(A) 1 liter
(B) 10 liter
(C) 100 liter
(D) 1000 liter
Q34 The jet ratio is defined as the ratio of the
(A) diameter of jet to the diameter of Pelton wheel
(B) velocity of jet to the velocity of Pelton wheel
(C) diameter of Pelton wheel to the diameter of jet
(D) velocity of Pelton wheel to the velocity of jet
Q35. The cavitation in a hydraulic machine is mainly due to
(A) low velocity
(B) high velocity
(C) low pressure
(D) high pressure

Note: Attempt Five Questions and at least one question from each Section. All Question
Carry Equal Marks.
Section -A

Q1. Explain the classification of Flow in Open channel in detail? Derive an Expression for most
economical Rectangular Channel section?

Q2.(A) Define the following terms:

a. Hydraulic Jump
b. Super Critical flow
c. Froude number
d. Non Uniform flow
e. Gradually varied Flow
f. Reynold Number

(B). Find the discharge through a Rectangular Channel of width 2m having bed slope of 4 in
8000. The depth of flow is 1.5 m and take Value of N= 0.012 using Manning’s formula.

Section -B

Q3.Explain Reynold’s Experiment with Suitable diagram and data with condition of flow used in
the Reynolds number determination?

Q4. Explain types of head loss used in pipes? Water is flowing through horizontal pipe of diameter
200 mm at velocity of 3 m/sec. A circular solid plate of diameter 150 mm is placed in pipe to
obstruct the flow. Find the loss of head due to obstruction if Cc= 0.62

Section -C
Q5. What is Turbine? Explain the Classification of Turbine with suitable Diagram? A turbine
develops 9000 kW when running at a speed of 140 RPM and under head of 30 m. Determine the
specific speed of turbine.

Q6 . Write short note on:

a. Cavitation
b. specific speed
c. Governing of Turbines
d. Pelton wheel
e. Types of Flow
f. Water hammer
Section -D

Q7. What is pump? Explain different types of pump with suitable Diagram? Distinguish between
Reciprocating pump and Centrifugal pump.

Q8. What is Draft tube? Explain types of Draft tube? A hydraulic Jump forms at downstream end
of spillway carrying 17.93 m3/sec discharge of depth of water is 0.80 m. Determine the depth after
jump & energy loss.

Section -E

Q9. Derive an Expression For the length of Back water Curve Using Bernaulli’s Equation? Find
the velocity of flow and Rate of flow of water through a rectangular channel of 6m wide, 3 m deep.
Take Bed slope 1 in 2000. Take chezy constant C =55 using Chezy’s formula?

Q10. Explain the experiment of loss of Head due to friction in pipes? Find the loss of head due to
sudden enlargement of diameter 200 mm when diameter is 400 mm. The rate of flow of water is
0.25 m3/sec.
PAPER NAME & CODE: Fluid Mechanics-II(1004007)


Note: Attempt all Questions. All Question Carry one Marks.

Q1.The Thomson's turbine is __________ reaction turbine.

(A) an axial flow
(B) an inward flow
(C) an outward flow
(D) a mixed flow
Q2………….is the actual head of water against which a centrifugal pump has to work.
(A) Manometric head
(B) Pressure head
(C) Velocity head
(D) any of the above
Q3The specific speed of a centrifugal pump may be defined as the speed of an imaginary pump,
identical with the given pump, which will discharge ……..of water, while it is being raised
through a head of one metre.
(A) 1 liter
(B) 10 liter
(C) 100 liter
(D) 1000 liter
Q4 The jet ratio is defined as the ratio of the
(A) diameter of jet to the diameter of Pelton wheel
(B) velocity of jet to the velocity of Pelton wheel
(C) diameter of Pelton wheel to the diameter of jet
(D) velocity of Pelton wheel to the velocity of jet
Q5. The cavitation in a hydraulic machine is mainly due to
(A) low velocity
(B) high velocity
(C) low pressure
(D) high pressure
Q6.In a Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades is generally between
(A) 2 to 4
(B) 4 to 8
(C) 8 to l6
(D) 16 to 24
Q7.If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective
head (H) is given by
(A) H = Hg/hf
(B) H = Hg x hf
(C) H = Hg + hf
(D) H = Hg - hf
Q8. Discharge of a centrifugal pump is
(A) directly proportional to diameter of its impeller
(B) inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller
(C) directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
(D) inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
Q9. The specific speed of a hydraulic turbine depends upon
(A) speed and power developed
(B) discharge and power developed
(C) speed and head of water
(D) speed, power developed and head of water
Q10.If the ratio of all the corresponding linear dimensions are equal, then the model and the
prototype are said to have
(A) geometric similarity
(B) kinematic similarity
(C) dynamic similarity
(D) none of these
Q11.The sub critical depth is the depth of flow at which
(A) The Froude number is less than unity
(B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The specific energy is minimum
(D) The unit discharge is minimum
Q12.The highest efficiency is obtained with a channel of __________ section.
(A) circular
(B) square
(C) rectangular
(D) trapezoidal
Q13In open channel the specific energy is
(A) The total energy per unit discharge
(B) The total energy measured above a horizontal datum
(C) The total energy measured with respect to the channel bottom which is taken as datum
(D) The kinetic energy plotted above the free surface
Q14.An open channel flow is one in which
(A) The solid boundary confining the flow are open at the top
(B) The liquid flowing in a closed conduit has a free surface
(C) A closed conduit is full of flowing liquid
(D) None of the above
Q15. The flow in open channel may be characterized as turbulent when
(A) Re<500
(B) Re>2000
(C) 500< Re<2000
(D) None of the above
Q16.The channel is critical when
(A) Fr<1
(B) Fr>1
(C) Fr=1
(D) Any of the above
Q17. Non steady flow may be caused by
(A) The change in width, depth, bed slope etc. of a channel
(B) An obstruction, constructed across a channel of uniform width
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Q18. The flow is said to be turbulent when reynolds no. is
(A) Less than 1000
(B) Equal to 2000
(C) Greater than 4000
(D) Between 1000 to 4000
Q19. The flow is said to be laminar when Reynolds no. is
(A) Less than 1000
(B) Equal to 2000
(C) Greater than 4000
(D) Between 1000 to 4000
Q20.The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f which is a direct measure of resistance to flow in
pipes depends on which of the following
(A) Relative roughness velocity and viscosity
(B) Relative roughness diameter and viscosity
(C) Roughness height, diameter and velocity
(D) Roughness height diameter velocity and kinetic viscosity
Q21The minimum velocity through a circular channel takes place when depth of flow is equal to
(A) normal depth
(B) critical depth
(C) alternate depth
(D) none of these
Q22. Kinematic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
(A) have identical velocities
(B) are equal in size and shape
(C) are identical in shape, but differ only in size
(D) have identical forces
Q23. A reciprocating pump is suitable for .
(A) less discharge and higher heads. B.
(B) High discharge and low heads.
(C) less discharge and less heads.
(D) high discharge and higher heads.
Q24. Dynamic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
(A) have identical velocities
(B) are equal in size and shape
(C) are identical in shape, but differ only in size
(D) none of the above
Q25.The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by
(A) installing the turbine below the tail race level
(B) using stainless steel runner of the turbine
(C) providing highly polished blades to the runner
(D) all of the above
Q26. In a mixed flow centrifugal pump, the flow through the impeller is
(A) a combination of radial and axial flows.
(B) axial flow
(C) either axial or radial flow
(D) radial flows.
Q27.A Pelton wheel is
(A) tangential flow impulse turbine
(B) inward flow impulse turbine
(C) outward flow impulse turbine
(D) inward flow reaction turbine
Q28. A hydraulic accumulator is a device used to store __________ energy which may be
supplied to a machine later on.
(A) strain
(B) pressure
(C) kinetic
(D) none of the above
Q29In an……………, the pressure of water both at entering and leaving the vanes, is
(A) impulse turbine
(B) reaction turbine
(C) any of the above
(D) none of the above
Q30Which of the following pump is successfully used for lifting water from deep wells?
(A) Centrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocating pump
(C) Jet pump
(D) Air lift pump
Q31..A fluid having no viscosity is known as
(A) real fluid
(B) ideal fluid
(C) Newtonian fluid
(D) non-Newtonian fluid
Q32.The super critical depth is the depth of flow at which
(A) The Froude number is less than unity
(B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The specific energy is minimum
(D) The unit discharge is minimum
Q33.Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is directly proportional to __________ of its
(A) diameter
(B) square of diameter
(C) cube of diameter
(D) fourth power of diameter
Q34.The mechanical efficiency of an impulse turbine is
(A) ratio of the actual power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by
the turbine
(B) ratio of the actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel
(C) ratio of the Work done on the wheel to the energy of the jet
(D) none of the above
Q35.The overshot water wheels are those in which the wheel runs entirely by the __________ of
(A) weight
(B) impulse
(C) Reaction
(D) None of these

Note: Attempt Five Questions and at least one question from each Section. All Question
Carry Equal Marks.
Section -A

Q1. Explain the classification of Flow in Open channel in detail? Derive an Expression for most
economical Rectangular Channel section?

Q2.(A) Define the following terms:

a. Hydraulic Jump
b. Super Critical flow
c. Froude number
d. Non Uniform flow
e. Gradually varied Flow
f. Reynold Number

(B). Find the discharge through a Rectangular Channel of width 2m having bed slope of 4 in
8000. The depth of flow is 1.5 m and take Value of N= 0.014 using Manning’s formula.

Section -B

Q3.Explain Reynold’s Experiment with Suitable diagram and data with condition of flow used in
the Reynolds number determination?
Q4. Explain types of head loss used in pipes? Water is flowing through horizontal pipe of
diameter 200 mm at velocity of 3 m/sec. A circular solid plate of diameter 150 mm is placed in
pipe to obstruct the flow. Find the loss of head due to obstruction if Cc= 0.62

Section -C

Q5. What is Turbine? Explain the Classification of Turbine with suitable Diagram? A turbine
develops 9000 kW when running at a speed of 140 RPM and under head of 30 m. Determine the
specific speed of turbine.

Q6 . Write short note on:

a. Cavitation
b. specific speed
c. Governing of Turbines
d. Pelton wheel
e. Rotameter
f. Water hammer
Section -D

Q7. What is pump? Explain different types of pump with suitable Diagram? Distinguish between
Reciprocating pump and Centrifugal pump.

Q8. What is Draft tube? Explain types of Draft tube? A hydraulic Jump forms at downstream
end of spillway carrying 17.93 m3/sec discharge of depth of water is 0.80 m. Determine the depth
after jump & energy loss.

Section –E

Q9. Derive an Expression For the length of Back water Curve Using Bernaulli’s Equation? Find
the velocity of flow and Rate of flow of water through a rectangular channel of 6m wide, 3 m
deep. Take Bed slope 1 in 2000. Take chezy constant C =50 using Chezy’s formula?

Q10. Explain the experiment of loss of Head due to friction in pipes? Find the loss of head due
to sudden enlargement of diameter 200 mm when diameter is 400 mm. The rate of flow of water
is 0.20 m3/sec.

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