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Digital Downtime Logs 2020 Name— Allison Swann

D Texts: Snapchat: Twitter: IG: Youtube: Comp: TV/Netflix: Apps: Digital
Time/Week Music
(From Intro)
3hrs 1hrs 2hr s 10 hrs 3hrs 10 hrs 8 hrs 2hrs 3hrs 20 hrs

ACTUAL Texts: Snapchat: Twitter: IG: Youtube: Comp: TV/Netflix: Apps: Digital School
Time/Week Music Technology

Hours/ 6 hrs/51 28 hrs 16 19 hrs 34 4 hrs 23 19 hr 57

25 min 1hr min 22h 24 min 5 hr 44 min 2 hrs
Minutes min min min min min

Day and Digital School Other

Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix
Date Music Screen time Activities

Received: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: - san
151 2 min 0 min 2hr 15 min 35 min 4 hrs 3 hrs 1 min n/a kof
Sat Feb 8
- part

Topic/Focus-- Living in the Moment

This day I think is going to be unique to the rest of the week, because this was the last Sankofa performance, which means that from around 5:30-10:30 I really
wasn’t on my phone at all, and then afterwards I went to the Sankofa afterparty, so even after Sankofa was over my phone use was still pretty limited. During the
performance our phones were mostly put away and my close friends were all in the cast with me, so I didn’t need to text anyone. I think that if I was in a cast where I
didn’t have a lot of friends doing it, it would be harder for me to stay off my phone, even during a performance. I truly wish I had more days like this, when I wasn’t
worried about my phone or what was going on outside of what I was doing, but my attention span is so small that I really need to be completely preoccupied for me
to just forget about my phone like that. The reason I think why my screen time is so high is during school and at home is because I’m bored. If I’m not on my phone
using social media, I’m on my computer watching Netflix. I remember when I was younger, if I was bored I would read a book or go outside but now those activities
don’t interest me either. I think this week without technology is gonna be important for finding other activities to keep my interest that aren't technology based. It is
important to note that when I’m with friends and truly having fun, I would rather be with them , talking and having fun then worrying about anything else going on
online. I think that speaks to the fact that phones, and social media are really only for distraction and they are not equivalent to living in and enjoying the “real
world”. Even though this usage is pretty low for me, the numbers themselves still are not low, and still reflect a fairly high amount of technology use. After digital
downtimes, I would like to make this closer to my average instead of my lowest. I Want to not onl find the activity to resort to instead of Netflix or Instagram, but I
also want to make a greater effort to spend time with friends and family so I won’t want to be on my phone even when I have it back.

Day and Digital School Other

Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix
Date Music Screen time Activities

Received: Time: 6 min Time: 5 min Time: 3h 32 Time: 1 hr Time: 5 hrs Time: 5 hrs Time: 30 Time: n/a
Sun Feb 9 260 min 34 min 47 min min

Topic/Focus-- Procrastination
Reflection-- One of the biggest uses of social media, and widespread streaming platforms is for distraction. Sunday has always been my homework day, so I reserve
it, and usually the majority of my homework to do the whole day because I know that it will probably take me the whole day to do it. Why does it take me the whole
day to do assignments that should only take me a few hours at most? Because I am constantly doing other things while I’m working. In my head, I can multitask but
as consistently pointed out in your class and in my psychology class, the brain can’t actually effectively multitask, only quickly switch back and form between two
tasks. Even though I know this, I still choose to do my homework while watching netflix, listening to music, or using some other form of technology while I do my
homework. I would like to think that this makes it easier for me to get through larger projects because I can keep my attention on doing an assignment if I can take
other entertainment breaks while I do it. Increased phone usage decreases productivity, especially when doing homework, but I do think that it makes the process of
doing so much homework more enjoyable, and I usually only have one day to do it all because the rest of the weekend I am out and doing other things. Being busy is
also not the only reason, me being “busy” also means I chose to watch 5 movies on Saturday instead of getting a headstart on my homework so I didn’t have so much
to do on Sunday. This same type of thinking, putting technology over more important things makes me ride my adsi gsmnet up right to the deadline. Even though I
always get them done, I have so much less time to do if then I would have if I would have just put my phone down for awhile. I think this same mentality hurts a lot
students because we get the work done but in place of things like sleep or good mental health we get to watch a movie or spent half of our day on social media.

Day and Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix Digital School Other
Date Music Screen time Activities

Mon Feb 10 Received: Time: 4 Time: 47 Time: n/a Time: Time: 4 hrs Time: Time: 2 hrs Time:
375 min seconds 44 min 26 min 5 hrs 1hr 30 min

Topic/Focus-- Over stimulation through social Media

Reflection-- Today, our class lesson about overstimulation and the bombardment of media on students came to life when there was a school shooting threat through
social media, that caused me to have a long lasting panic attack and go home. The night before, when the threat was posted, I saw it on the posted account before it
was deleted or posted. It wasn’t just the threat that triggered my anxiety, it is the fact that I couldn't get away from it. Everywhere I turned on social media, some else
was posting about it whether it was jokes or serious content twas posts on posts on posts that were talking about it. That's why there was no time for Instagram,
because deleted tin and attempt to keep myself from being triggered again. But, I think that the same lesson of the dangers of being exposed to excess amounts of
information applies with talking and being in the ''real world '' as well. I thought that by deleting social media, I would be completely sheltered from talking about the
threat, but in every single class I went to, it was constantly being talked about as well. Although, I know that deleted Instagram probably helped be not as triggered
as I could have been, it didn’t protect me from being exposed to everyone around me that still had social media, and was still being fed off of it. That’s one of the
things that I think will be challenging during digital downtime because even though I won’t have my phone or social media, everyone around me, not in my CAP
classes, will. So, regardless of if I’m disconnected, I will still be exposed to other similar effects simply by interacting with students my age around me. Then, there
also the aspect of the threat, that is it wouldn’t have been possible for that threat to be made, without social media. Never before has it been possible for someone to
anonymously make a school shooting threat and post it on school media, and within minutes have the whole school know about it, the principle, and the police. It is
both a blessing and a curse, because without social media, students might not have had the access to directly send the principles and alarming post, and get and
answering in minutes. It has created a way to quickly solve problems, but problems that would not have existed without social media in the first place.

Day and Digital School Other

Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix
Date Music Screen time Activities

Received: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: had to cheer
350 5 min 26 min 5 hrs 17 min 1 hr 33 min 6 hr 5 min 2 hrs 1 hr 4 hrs 23 min at double
Tues Feb 11

Topic/Focus-- Technology and Being a Student Athlete

Reflection-- Cheer, especially during basketball season can be incredibly time consuming and drawing. This plays a big role specifically during these last two weeks
because it is when doubleheaders started. Double headers mean that from 5pm- around 10pm I don’t have any time to do anything except cheer. Having games this
song is especially detrimental on weekdays like this Tuesday because I have a lot of work to be doing already, and as highlighted in my other logs, it's pretty difficult
to do work without other technological distractions. And, especially during doubleheader season, since we have to meet earlier, I tend to stay at school in the time
between school and our meeting time for cheer because it's usually only a couple of hours and not really worth going home. This means that I usually do my
homework from the time school ends until we have to meet from cheer and then after 10 pm. In my opinion, I work best during the late/early hours of the
night/morning. And even if I didn’t, that's when I have restored to doing most of y homework because as much as I would like to say I work diligently for the two
hours before the game, not only do I have to combat that with the friends I’m hanging out with before the game, but also we get way too much homework for me to
be done in two hours. So regardless of how much I get done at school I always have some that still needs to be done at 10:30, 11:00 at night. Overextending myself
like this is also probably why I turn a lot of my homework late, because if I truly believe that the quality is bad enough for me to get a bad grade regardless, I’ll take
the 10% deduction for late grades, if it means my work is better. But then the question becomes, should I stop doing something I love doing for better grades?
Because I really do love cheering and being a cheerleader, and as a voted captain for next year, I don’t want to already be skipping games and practices even if I have
lots of homework to do. And this isn’t just something that happens during basketball season, because I am a year round varsity athlete. If I’m not doing cheer, I’m
doing gymnastics or track so this late night schendel is not really something that changes.

Day and Digital School Other

Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix
Date Music Screen time Activities

Wed Feb 12 Received: Time: 3 Time: 10 Time: 4 h Time: 1 hr Time: 4 hrs Time: 2 hrs Time: 20 Time: cheerleading
222 min min 25 min 15 min 36 min 18 min min 4 hrs 56 min practice

Topic/Focus-- Overextending Myself: A Deep Dive into My Sleep Schedule

Reflection-- The majority of this data for the whole week, while its accurate until 12 am, I rarely ever go to sleep before 12 am. Which means that basically all of
this data per day that I’m awake is wrong. But, then there have also been days this week when I actually haven't slept at all so this was probably the best way to do it.
On days when I don’t have games, and I only have practice, as soona s I get home I crash. I’m pretty much completely exhausted so I take a nap before I worry about
doing homework or anything like that. But, since I get home between 6:30 and 7:00 I don’t wake up until around 9ish. And then at this point I have to go eat dinner
and get stuff ready for the next day and do all of my homework. And even if I finish my homework early, I’m not tired enough to go to sleep at a regular time since I
took an ano, so I stay up anyway. Then on top of that, I’m always using some type of technology before I go to sleep too, which makes it harder for me to sleep.
High use of technology also increased nighttime anxiety which also keeps me up. So, I would say that my normal sleep time is around 2-3 am and I wake up between
6 and 6:30 am. Usually I’m running on 3-4 hours of sleep which is pretty much mporrosbble without caffine. Most days, I drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning, and
if I get less and 3 hours of sleep I also drink a 5-hr energy. Is this unhealthy and will it probably lead to health problems in the future? Yes. Will I keep doing it in
and attempt to stay awake and get good-ish grades? Also yes. If I have to run on 5-hr energy for a week but I get a 4.0, I’ll do it. That's basically what I did last
quarter with exceptions. DUring the weekend I sleep a lot, except for Sundays because if I start my homework late, I stay up late to finish it. So even if my sleep
schedule is back to regular on saturday, I’ll still start off the week sleep deprived on Monday. A combination of my sleep schedule, caffeine intake, and technology
use has been pretty detrimental, but hopefully after this school year I can fix it.

Day and Digital School Other

Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix
Date Music Screen time Activities

Thurs Feb Received: Time: 2 min Time: 3 min Time: 3hrs Time: 46 Time: 5 hr Time: 2 hr Time: Time: cheerleading
13 289 23 min min 12 min 38 min 15 min 5 hrs practice
Day and Digital School Other
Texts Snapchat Twitter Instagram Youtube Computer TV/Netflix
Date Music Screen time Activities

Received: Time: 5 Time: 5 Time: 3h Time: 47 Time: 3 hrs Time: 5 hrs Time: 12 Time: had to cheer
249 min min 11 min min min 5 hrs at double
Fri Feb 14

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