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Brazil Science Without Borders

The Brazilian 1government’s new Science Without Borders Program will provide
scholarships to undergraduate students from Brazil 2for one year of study at colleges and
universities in the United States. Scholarships will be 3given primarily to students in the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Students in the program will return to
Brazil to complete their degrees.
Undergraduate students from Brazil may apply for the Science Without Borders
Program scholarship beginning August 31, 2011.
This program, administered by IIE, is part of the Brazilian government’s larger initiative
to 4grant 100,000 scholarships for the 5best students from Brazil to study abroad at the world’s
best universities.

“BRAZIL Science Without Borders”. Disponível em:

<>. Acesso em: 12 out. 2013.

1. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False).

About the Brazil Science Without Borders Program, it’s correct to say:

( ) In order to get a scholarship, students are required to take a hard placement test.
( ) Science is among the program’s top priorities.
( ) An advantage of this program is that students may graduate from college in the United
( ) One hundred thousand scholarships will be given to Brazilian students by this program.

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is

a) T – F – F – T
b) T – F – T – F
c) F – T – F – T
d) F – T – T – F
e) T – T – T – T



A primeira frase está errada, pois o texto não afirma que para conseguir uma bolsa, os
estudantes devem fazer um difícil teste de classificação.
A segunda frase está correta, pois a ciência está entre as prioridades do programa. O texto
afirma: “Scholarships will be given primarily to students in the Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields” (bolsas de estudo serão dadas primordialmente a
estudantes nas áreas de Ciências, Tecnologia e Matemática).
A terceira frase está errada, pois o texto não afirma que uma vantagem do programa é que os
alunos podem receber graduações de faculdades nos Estados Unidos.
A quarta frase está correta, pois afirma que cem mil bolsas de estudo serão dadas pelo
programa a estudantes brasileiros. O texto afirma: “This program, administered by IIE, is part of
the Brazilian government’s larger initiative to grant 100,000 scholarships for the best students
from Brazil to study abroad at the world’s best universities” (este programa, organizado pela IIE,
é parte da iniciativa mais abrangente do governo brasileiro de conceder 100.000 bolsas de
estudo para os melhores estudantes do Brasil para estudarem nas melhores universidades do

We can change the world

Michael Jackson

All for one and one for all is what we all should be.
But instead we go and fight each other.
Now, that wasn’t meant to be.
You know, the sun is there to light the day.
The night is lit by the moon.
If we don’t come together, my brother, it all can end very soon.
It’s your world now.
The future is plain to see.
Give love right now.
We need the harmony.
Some of us have a heart of stone and feel as cold as ice.
Love can make a change in you, take a wrong and make things right.
If you only knew how it was planned for life to really be,
You would join in, you won’t hesitate, you would help bring the harmony.

JACKSON, Michael. Disponível em: <

The-World-lyrics-Michael-Jackson/>. Acesso em: 12 out. 2013.

2. According to the author of these lyrics, the only way to change this world is
a) through love and affection.
b) by disregarding the future.
c) through the use of weapons.
d) by staying away from the enemy.
e) by forbidding the rich to help the poor.



A alternativa [A] está correta, pois afirma que o único modo de mudar o mundo é por meio do
amor e do afeto. O texto afirma: “Love can make a change in you, take a wrong and make
things right” (O amor pode provocar uma mudança em você, corrigir um erro e consertar as

3. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False).

This is an excerpt of one of Michael Jackson’s famous hits. It’s correct to say that the author of
the lyrics of this song

( ) is against any kind of war.

( ) emphasizes the importance of solidarity.
( ) realizes it’s worthless pursuing harmony.
( ) encourages people to make a better world.
According to the song, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
a) T – T – T – T
b) F – T – T – F
c) F – F – T – T
d) T – T – F – T
e) T – F – F – T



A primeira frase está correta, pois afirma que Michael Jackson é contra qualquer tipo de guerra.
O texto afirma: “All for one and one for all is what we all should be/ But instead we go and fight
each other/ Now, that wasn’t meant to be” (Um por todos e todos por um é o que deveríamos
ser / Mas ao invés disso nós continuamos a lutar uns contra os outros / Agora, isso não era pra
ser assim).
A segunda frase está correta, pois afirma que Michael Jackson enfatiza a importância da
solidariedade. O texto afirma: “All for one and one for all is what we all should be” (Um por
todos e todos por um é o que deveríamos ser).
A terceira frase está errada, pois o texto não afirma que Michael Jackson percebe que não vale
a pena buscar a harmonia.
A quarta frase está correta, pois afirma que Michael Jackson encoraja as pessoas a fazer um
mundo melhor. O texto afirma: “Love can make a change in you, take a wrong and make things
right” (O amor pode provocar uma mudança em você, corrigir um erro e consertar as coisas).



Healthy chocolate

Scientists from the University of Warwick in the UK have revealed a new method to cut
the amount of fat in chocolate in half while keeping all the taste.
Here’s the problem with chocolate — what makes it velvety and smooth in the mouth is
exactly what ends up elsewhere — fat. Low-fat versions disappoint because it’s difficult to
replace the tiny globules of fat with anything else that disperses within the chocolate and
maintains its texture.
The trick, it seems, is to use agar — a widely available jelling agent. Thoroughly
blended bits of it, the researchers say, act as tiny sponges that soak up any liquid — fruit juice,
plain water, even alcohol.
Stefan Bon, who led the research, said that the method opens up whole new markets
for chocolate, and that additives such as fruit juice could further increase chocolate’s health
credentials. He says: “It would both lower fat content and sugar content, so for people that just
have a craving and just want to down a bar of 200g, 20 you take half the amount of fat in, so it’s
But for the less health-conscious, students in the group have made a chocolate bar
containing four shots of vodka.

HEALTHY chocolate. Disponível em:

<>. Acesso em: 12 out.

4. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False).

The text has answers to the following questions:

( ) What makes chocolate smooth and soft?

( ) Where did Stefan Bon work before going to Warwick?
( ) How can chocolate be made healthier?
( ) Why does agar help to keep the chocolate texture?

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is

a) T – F – T – F
b) F – T – F – T
c) T – T – F – F
d) T – F – T – T
e) T – T – T – F



A pergunta “O que torna o chocolate suave e macio?” pode ser respondida pelo texto. Temos o
seguinte trecho: “what makes it velvety and smooth in the mouth is exactly what ends up
elsewhere – fat" (o que torna o chocolate aveludado e suave na boca é exatamente aquilo que
está presente em todos os lugares - a gordura).
A pergunta “Onde Stefan Bon trabalhou antes de ir para Warwick?” não pode ser respondida
com base no texto.
A pergunta “Como o chocolate pode se tornar mais saudável?” pode ser respondida pelo texto.
O texto coloca: “the method opens up whole new markets for chocolate, and that additives such
as fruit juice could further increase chocolate’s health credentials” (o método abre espaço para
mercados totalmente novos para o chocolate, e que aditivos tais como sucos de frutas
poderiam aumentar ainda mais as qualidades do chocolate ligadas à saúde).
A pergunta “Por que o agar ajuda a manter a textura do chocolate?” pode ser respondida pelo
texto. Temos o seguinte trecho: “Thoroughly blended bits of it, the researchers say, act as tiny
sponges that soak up any liquid — fruit juice, plain water, even alcohol” (pequenas quantidades
totalmente misturadas de agar, os pesquisadores dizem, agem como minúsculas esponjas que
absorvem qualquer líquido - sucos de fruta, água pura, até mesmo álcool).

5. The alternative that best summarizes the main idea of this text is
a) All the chocolate taste with only half the fat.
b) Not so tasty, but a much healthier chocolate.
c) All the chocolate texture without cutting its fat.
d) Healthy chocolate which keeps all its taste and fat.
e) Jelling agents that should be avoided so as to keep the chocolate taste.


A alternativa [A] está correta, pois afirma que a ideia principal do texto é: “todo o sabor do
chocolate com apenas metade da gordura”. O texto coloca: “Scientists from the University of
Warwick in the UK have revealed a new method to cut the amount of fat in chocolate in half
while keeping all the taste” (os cientistas da Universidade de Warwick no Reino Unido
revelaram um novo método para reduzir a quantidade de gordura no chocolate pela metade
mas mantendo todo o sabor).



6. Considering what the frog on the left says about the bugs, it’s correct to say that, now, it
a) regrets having eaten them.
b) feels weaker after eating them.
c) can feel the bad side effects of them.
d) jumps much higher and/or farther than it used to.
e) is surprised at how little the bugs have helped its jumping performance.



Tradução da frase da rã: “Sim, eu realmente tenho um poder de salto incrível. Mas, eu só como
insetos que melhoram a performance”. A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que a rã pula
muito mais alto/vai muito mais longe do que costumava.

7. “We need a new environmental consciousness on a global basis. To do this, we need to

educate people.”
Mikhail Gorbachev

(Disponível em Acesso em: 12.07.2011)

A opção que melhor apresenta a mensagem da citação de Mikhail Gorbachev é:

a) If a new environmental consciousness is possible, the global basis will appreciate it.
b) If we need a new environmental consciousness, we should do our educated tasks.
c) If we needed educated people, a new environmental consciousness would be gotten on a
global basis.
d) If we were educated people, a new environmental consciousness would be possible on a
global basis.
e) If there is a new environmental consciousness on a global basis, we will be educated people.



A citação de Gorbachev significa que ter pessoas educadas (informadas) é condição para uma
conscientização ambiental global.



Waste is generated continuously in every single way from 1our daily activities. Each activity will
generate different types of waste 2which will require their own separate 7or specialized

Solid waste 5can be defined as the 3useless 8and 4unwanted products in the solid state derived
from the daily activities and discarded by society. It is produced either by - product of production
processes or arise from the domestic or commercial sector when objects or materials are
discarded after use.

Solid waste is usually being said as the following terms:

• Garbage: the term given principally to food waste, 9but 6may include other degradable organic
• Rubbish: consists of combustible and non-combustible solid waste, excluding food wastes.
• Refuse: the collective term for solid wastes, includes both garbage and rubbish.
• Litter: odds and ends, bits of paper, discarded wrappings, bottles etc. Left lying around in
public places.

(Adapted from: Acesso em 12.07.2011)

8. De acordo com o texto, podemos afirmar que

a) há um conceito único para a palavra waste.
b) existem diversos conceitos divergentes para a palavra waste.
c) à expressão solid waste existem 04 diferentes termos associados.
d) o conceito de solid waste depende das atividades e descartes de cada sociedade.
e) os setores doméstico e comercial correspondem à principal definição de solid waste.


O texto nos fornece quatro denominações de lixo sólido (solid waste): garbage (lixo
alimentício), rubbish (combustíveis e não combustíveis), refuse (termo geral para lixo sólido) e
litter (pequenos objetos, pedaços de papel).


Solid Waste Disposal in U.S. 1990

This graphic shows that the vast majority of the waste in the United States is landfilled. Since
1990, the numbers of recycled and composted waste have increased significantly.

(Disponível em Acesso em:


9. A expressão nominal “Solid Waste Disposal in U.S. 1990”, presente no texto, tem a
seguinte estrutura:
a) Modificador + modificador + núcleo + pós-modificador.
b) Determinante + modificador + núcleo + pós-modificador.
c) Modificador + determinante + núcleo + pós-modificador.
d) Determinante + modificador + modificador + modificador + núcleo.
e) Determinante + modificador + núcleo + preposição + determinante + modificador + núcleo.



No sintagma nominal “solid waste disposal in U.S. 1990”, os adjetivos solid e waste modificam
o substantivo (núcleo) disposal. A preposição in, o substantivo U.S. e o numeral 1990 também
funcionam como modificadores e, por estarem depois do núcleo, recebem o nome de pós-
A questão foi classificada como regular porque cobra conhecimento pouco presente em
situações do cotidiano, restringindo-se ao âmbito da gramática pura.


How Exercise Can Calm Anxiety
In an eye-opening demonstration of nature’s ingenuity, researchers at an American
University recently discovered that exercise creates vibrant new brain cells — and then shuts
them down when they shouldn’t be in action.
For some time, scientists studying exercise have been puzzled by physical activity’s two
seemingly incompatible effects on the brain. On the one hand, exercise is known to prompt the
creation of new and very excitable brain cells. At the same time, exercise can induce an overall
pattern of calm in certain parts of the brain.
Most of us probably don’t realize that neurons are born with certain predispositions.
Some, often the younger ones, are by nature easily excited. They fire with almost any
provocation, which is laudable if you wish to speed thinking and memory formation. 1But that
feature is less desirable during times of everyday stress. If a stressor does not involve a life-or-
death decision and require immediate physical action, then having lots of excitable neurons
firing all at once can be counterproductive, inducing anxiety.
Studies in animals have shown that physical exercise creates excitable neurons in
abundance, especially in the hippocampus, a portion of the brain known to be involved in
thinking and emotional responses. But exercise also has been found to reduce anxiety in both
people and animals.
How can an activity simultaneously create ideal neurological conditions for anxiety and
leave practitioners with a deep-rooted calm, the Princeton researchers wondered?
So they gathered adult mice, injected them with a substance that marks newborn cells
in the brain, and for six weeks, allowed half of them to run at will on little wheels, 2while the
others sat quietly in their cages.
Afterward, the scientists determined each group’s baseline nervousness. 3Given access
to cages with open, well-lighted areas, as well as shadowy corners, the running mice were more
willing to cautiously explore and spend time in open areas, an indication that they were more
confident and less anxious than the sedentary animals.
The researchers also checked the brains of some of the runners and the sedentary
mice to determine how many and what varieties of new neurons they contained. As expected,
the runners’ brains teemed with many new, excitable neurons. The sedentary mice’s brains also
contained similar, volatile newborn cells, but not in such profusion.
The runners’ brains, however, also had a notable number of new neurons specifically
designed to release the neurotransmitter GABA, which inhibits brain activity, keeping other
neurons from firing easily. In effect, these are nanny neurons, designed to shush and quiet
activity in the brain.
In the runners’ brains, there were large new populations of these cells in a portion of the
hippocampus, the ventral region, associated with the processing of emotions. The rest of the
hippocampus, the dorsal region, is more involved with thinking and memory. What role these
nanny neurons were playing in the animals’ brains and subsequent behavior was not altogether
So the scientists next gently placed the remaining mice in ice-cold water for five
minutes. Mice do not enjoy cold water. 4They find immersion stressful and anxiety-inducing,
although it is not life-threatening. Then the scientists checked these animals’ brains. They were
looking for markers, known as immediate early genes, that indicate a neuron has recently fired.
They found them, in profusion. In both the physically fit and the sedentary mice, large
numbers of the excitable cells had fired in response to the cold bath. Emotionally, the animals
had become fired up by the stress. But with the runners, it didn’t last long. 5Their brains, unlike
those of the sedentary animals, showed evidence that the shushing neurons also had been
activated in large numbers, releasing GABA, calming the excitable neurons’ activity and
presumably keeping unnecessary anxiety at bay.
In effect, the runners’ brains had responded to the relatively minor stress of a cold bath
with a quick rush of worry and a concomitant, overarching calm.
What all of this suggests is that the hippocampus of runners is vastly different from that
of sedentary animals. Not only are there more excitatory neurons and more excitatory
synapses, but the inhibitory neurons are more likely to become activated, presumably to
dampen the excitatory neurons, in response to stress.
It’s important to note that this study examined long-term training responses. The
runners’ wheels had been locked for 24 hours before their cold bath, so they would gain no
acute calming effect from exercise. Instead, the difference in stress response between the
runners and the sedentary animals reflected fundamental remodeling of their brains.
Of course, as we all know, mice are not men or women. But other studies show that
physical exercise reduces anxiety in humans, which suggests that similar remodeling takes
place in the brains of people who work out. It won’t be a huge stretch to suggest that the
hippocampus of active people 6might be less susceptible to certain undesirable aspects of
stress than those of sedentary people.

By Gretchen Reynolds
Adapted from:
Retrieved on 03/07/2013

10. In “…while the others sat quietly in their cages.” (ref. 2), “others” replaces
a) other cells.
b) other scientists.
c) other wheels.
d) other corners.
e) other mice.



No artigo, há a descrição de um experimento no qual os cientistas criam condições diferentes

para dois grupos de camundongos (mice). Após uma explicação de como o primeiro grupo de
animais se comportou, a palavra “others” (outros) é usada como referência ao segundo grupo.
O texto coloca: “So they gathered adult mice, injected them with a substance that marks
newborn cells in the brain, and for six weeks, allowed half of them to run at will on little wheels,
while the others sat quietly in their cages” (então eles agruparam camundongos adultos,
injetando-os com uma substância que marca células recém-nascidas no cérebro, e por seis
semanas, permitiram que metade deles corressem o quanto quisessem em pequenas rodas,
enquanto os outros [camundongos] sentaram-se silenciosamente em suas jaulas).

11. Based on the text, mark the CORRECT statement:

a) Mice or humans, every mammal has identical brains.
b) The sedentary mice showed predisposition to obesity.
c) The sedentary mice’s brains showed a profusion of life-threatening cells.
d) Physical exercise increases anxiety in both people and animals.
e) Through their studies, scientists could relate anxiety to lack of exercises.



Para concluir, podemos dizer que os cientistas tentaram relacionar estados de ansiedade à
falta de exercícios na rotina de alguns indivíduos. Como o autor procurou relatar, os
camundongos que se exercitaram mais apresentaram um nível mais baixo de ansiedade
comparado aos camundongos sedentários, cujo nível de ansiedade foi mais alto. O texto
coloca: “But other studies show that physical exercise reduces anxiety in humans, which
suggests that similar remodeling takes place in the brains of people who work out” (mas outros
estudos mostram que os exercícios físicos reduzem a ansiedade em humanos, o que sugere
que um remodelamento similar ocorre nos cérebros de pessoas que se exercitam).
12. In paragraph 8, there is evidence that
a) the research results were inconclusive.
b) scientists expected both groups of mice to react similarly.
c) scientists confirmed their previous assumptions.
d) the experiment proved mice’s brains were identical.
e) scientists’ expectations could not be met



As evidências mostradas pelo estudo em questão acabaram por confirmar as suposições com
as quais os cientistas já trabalhavam desde o início do experimento: de que os cérebros dos
camundongos que fizeram exercícios físicos de corrida apresentavam um número maior de
neurônios novos e exercitáveis, enquanto o grupo de camundongos sedentários apresentava
um número menor dos mesmos neurônios. O texto coloca: “The researchers also checked the
brains of some of the runners and the sedentary mice to determine how many and what
varieties of new neurons they contained. As expected, the runners’ brains teemed with many
new, excitable neurons. The sedentary mice’s brains also contained similar, volatile newborn
cells, but not in such profusion” (os pesquisadores também verificaram os cérebros de alguns
dos camundongos corredores e dos sedentários para determinar quantos e quais variedades
de novos neurônios eles continham. Conforme esperado, os cérebros dos corredores estavam
cheios de neurônios novos e ativos. Os cérebros dos camundongos sedentários também
continham células recém-nascidas similares e voláteis, mas não em tamanha profusão).

13. In “Given access to cages (…) the sedentary animals.” (ref. 3), we learn that
a) active mice proved to be more adventurous and confident and less anxious.
b) active and sedentary mice presented similar behavior during the experiment.
c) scientists deduced that the variation of anxiety levels were insignificant among mice.
d) confined sedentary mice were attracted to well lit open air spaces.
e) sedentary mice were more confident and adventurous than active mice.



Como na questão anterior, neste parágrafo uma nova comparação é feita. Os cientistas
chegam à conclusão de que os camundongos que se exercitavam mais mostraram-se mais
confiantes e menos ansiosos do que os camundongos do outro grupo. O texto coloca: “Given
access to cages with open, well-lighted areas, as well as shadowy corners, the running mice
were more willing to cautiously explore and spend time in open areas, an indication that they
were more confident and less anxious than the sedentary animals” (tendo acesso a jaulas
áreas abertas e bem iluminadas, assim como cantos com sombras, os camundongos que
corriam estavam mais dispostos a explorar cuidadosamente e passar o tempo em áreas
abertas, uma indicação de que eles estavam mais confiantes e menos ansiosos do que os
animais sedentários).
14. In “But that feature”, in paragraph 3 (ref. 1) refers to
a) the characteristics presented by every brain cell during stress.
b) the predisposition presented by the brain to shut down neurons.
c) young individual’s neurological conditions after exercising.
d) the capability some neurons have to be quickly excited.
e) young individual’s quick response to provocation.



No contexto apresentado, no qual o autor descreve características de neurônios diversos, esta

expressão resgata uma característica específica, própria de neurônios que são facilmente
ativados e que nascem com certas predisposições. O texto coloca: “Most of us probably don’t
realize that neurons are born with certain predispositions. Some, often the younger ones, are by
nature easily excited. They fire with almost any provocation, which is laudable if you wish to
speed thinking and memory formation. But that feature...” (a maioria de nós provavelmente não
percebe que os neurônios nascem com certas predisposições. Alguns, frequentemente os mais
jovens, são naturalmente e facilmente ativados. Eles reagem com qualquer estímulo, o que é
louvável se você deseja acelerar o pensamento e a formação de memórias. Mas essa

15. In paragraph 2, the author argues that

a) both old and new brain cells create neurological conditions to social interaction.
b) exercises seem to have two different effects in the brain.
c) American scientists are bewildered by the human brain evolution.
d) creativity, anxiety and relaxation are triggered by the same neurons.
e) physical activity can damage two similar aspects of the brain.



De modo muito claro, no segundo parágrafo do texto, o autor afirma que tudo leva a crer que os
exercícios físicos parecem gerar dois efeitos opostos no cérebro. Se por um lado os exercícios
criam células cerebrais novas e bastante ativas, por outro, eles induzem a um padrão de
relaxamento e tranquilidade em outras partes do cérebro. O texto coloca: “For some time,
scientists studying exercise have been puzzled by physical activity’s two seemingly
incompatible effects on the brain. On the one hand, exercise is known to prompt the creation of
new and very excitable brain cells. At the same time, exercise can induce an overall pattern of
calm in certain parts of the brain” (Durante algum tempo, os cientistas que estudam os
exercícios físicos têm ficado intrigados sobre dois efeitos aparentemente incompatíveis
provocados pelos exercícios no cérebro. Por um lado, sabe-se que o exercício estimula a
criação de células cerebrais novas e muito excitáveis. Por outro lado, os exercícios podem
induzir um padrão geral de calma em certas partes do cérebro).

16. The main purpose of the text is

a) to suggest that exercising eases anxiety.
b) to prove that people and mice react the same way under stress.
c) to discuss human beings’ anxiety when in contact with mice.
d) to highlight anxiety symptoms in newborn mice.
e) to examine mice’s reactions to dark cages.



O texto traz diversos argumentos e evidências que sugerem que o exercício físico concorre
para um relaxamento físico e mental, propiciando alívio para a ansiedade. O próprio título “How
exercises can calm anxiety” (Como os exercícios podem acalmar a ansiedade) pode ser
considerado um primeiro indicador de que o texto tem por objetivo tratar de como os exercícios
podem aliviar a ansiedade. Há outras evidências no texto como, por exemplo, nos parágrafos
10 a 12 nos quais o autor comenta a experiência realizada e argumenta que os camundongos
que fizeram exercícios de corrida estavam em melhores condições físicas.
Resumo das questões selecionadas nesta atividade

Data de elaboração: 01/10/2014 às 01:18

Nome do arquivo: bahia

Q/Prova = número da questão na prova
Q/DB = número da questão no banco de dados do SuperPro®

Q/prova Q/DB Grau/Dif. Matéria Fonte Tipo

1.............130229.....Média.............Inglês.............Uneb/2014............................Múltipla escolha

2.............130234.....Baixa.............Inglês.............Uneb/2014............................Múltipla escolha

3.............130233.....Média.............Inglês.............Uneb/2014............................Múltipla escolha

4.............130236.....Baixa.............Inglês.............Uneb/2014............................Múltipla escolha

5.............130235.....Baixa.............Inglês.............Uneb/2014............................Múltipla escolha

6.............130237.....Baixa.............Inglês.............Uneb/2014............................Múltipla escolha

7.............113481.....Média.............Inglês.............G1 - ifba/2012......................Múltipla escolha

8.............113479.....Média.............Inglês.............G1 - ifba/2012......................Múltipla escolha

9.............113483.....Média.............Inglês.............G1 - ifba/2012......................Múltipla escolha

10...........133669.....Baixa.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

11...........133675.....Média.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

12...........133671.....Média.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

13...........133670.....Média.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

14...........133668.....Média.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

15...........133667.....Média.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

16...........133666.....Média.............Inglês.............Pucrj/2014............................Múltipla escolha

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